Magic Notes

Chapter 326: Nether (64)


"It sounds like you have to go, Dara," I said.

"I'm here!" she yelled like a truck driver. That girl can use her diaphragm.

"She's dead?" he replied.

"No, she is not dead," Dara roared.

"I told you she was not dead," Dave.

"No, you don't," Dara.

"Maybe you should go," I said.

"Yes," she jumped from the ground. "I think you are right."

She grinned at me.

I also smiled back.

"Dara!" It's Dave again.

"I am coming!"

Dara walked halfway and half jogged back to Dafu. Her room sags, only supported by a camisole. She lifted them up with both hands, hurriedly a little faster. Dave is waiting.

Dear, Dara, go buy a bra, I think.

I feel dizzy and dizzy, as if I was spinning, holding my breath at the same time.

The clouds flew by, and the breeze was blowing in my face.

I want to lie here, but I drag myself off the ground. I checked myself as much as possible. Nothing new seems to be damaged, and the parts I can't see feel worse.

I dragged my tired body back to the Buick, listed on the right, and corrected it from time to time.

A rinsing bag folds off the hood decoration on the Buick.

Damn it.

I'm willing to bet with the criminal's name, whose name starts with d.

Before leaving Salem, I drove back to the small gas station across the street. The big black clerk has been replaced by a white girl with curly hair. She looks like she is about forty years old, wearing a mask with cheap makeup, but maybe only nineteen.

I spent the last bit of money in my bank account on a one-time prepaid mobile phone.

I feel lonely, far away from everyone. I think at any time, I can throw the earth out. Maybe talking to someone makes me feel down to earth, bound by the ground, bound by gravity. I am willing to do anything to calm my fear, my atoms will stop connecting at any time, and some of my things may dissolve into nothingness.

I called Nick again in the car. It's voice mail again. I guess part of Abi Neely's luster has disappeared. I can't blame him.

Next, I called the person I knew who would answer the phone anyway.

I called Jason.

"Hey! Miss Bliss, how are you? I'll go over and take a look after closing the door. How about chocolate brownies and iced mocha? It will cure you."

"Chocolate is the best panacea. It sounds good, but I'm not here."

"What are you? Not there? Panacea, isn't it the original continent. Before they all fall apart?" I could hear him putting his chair on the table. "Where are you?"

"What you think is that I'm in Salem and I'll be back right now, but I'm so tired, I'm afraid I'm going to fall asleep. Can you talk to me when I drive back?"

"Why on earth are you in Salem? You should sleep or go out to play or do boring things instead of driving anywhere. Can you drive?"

"I'm fine. It's just too tired. I think all this will catch up to me."

"You didn't answer. What does Salem have?"

"An old friend in the hospital. He had a car accident on a motorcycle."

"Wow. It's not good. Is your friend okay?"

""do not know. coma. "

"It's rough," he said.

"Tell me some good news. I need to hear some good news. Tell me a story about Jason," I said.

"Dancing, monkey, dancing, huh?" He smiled. "I'm not good at live. I'm at my best now."

On the way back to Portland, he chatted with me for a while before he remembered what to talk about.

Once back in Portland, I never stayed at home. I went directly to see Schoff. He waited for me outside the building. He has a way of waiting that makes him look like he is waiting. He is wearing sunglasses, a T-shirt, and jeans, with his hands on the sidewalk beside him. If I had only one word to describe him at the time, it would be stillness. The world moved around him, leaving a trace of atmosphere where he stood. Observing him makes me feel that I can see the rotation of the earth.

He walked to the car, smiling and leaning against the open window next to the passenger seat.

"Good evening, Abigail," he said.

"Shall I drive?" I asked.

"I guess you prefer this form of transfer instead of the method I usually use. Considering that your hand is fractured, it may be difficult to hold on. This -" he said, pointing to Buick. "Yes, and quite adequate, I'm sure."

He opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. He fastened his seat belt.

"So you won't be stopped," he blinked.

"How do you usually acquire property?" I am curious. What would an ancient creature use today to get from here to there? I can't even risk guessing.

motorcycle. what do you think?"

"I don't know, maybe it's something ancient and mysterious," I said.

"I prefer motorcycles. Ancient and mysterious methods are hardly so fast, and they often cause more trouble than their value." I have briefed the doctor about your situation, and he would love to see you. "

"Okay," I said, suddenly feeling nervous. "Last night, you said he was one of your customers. So, how can you become your customer?" I asked.

"You tell me," he said. "Somehow, you did it."

"They suffered a terrible car accident and almost died, but they were told in the hospital that they thought they were safe and that if they could not escape, they would die at any time." Oh, by the way, is there someone here who can help you solve the problem?"

"It doesn't take much to say, yes," Toyuo said. "I only run a recommendation business. I don't need to advertise. I am pursued by the strongest and brightest people."

"Only strong and smart people?" I asked.

"Almost all powerful men and talented men, I use the word "man", including your entire race, including women, lest you point it out. I am an equal opportunity dream devourer. Powerful and smart The nightmare that suffers the most, and the new mother. The nightmare will appear wherever the fear of loss is greatest."

""Then you eat them? I mean nightmares. "

"Yes, in turn, I feed on nightmares."

"It's like a food chain," I said.

"It's like a food chain. Of course, I am number one.". "Fear, despair, nightmares, all predators are skilled, cunning, admirable enemy, devil, evil, smart, but I am invincible. I can overcome the devil, the evil, and the cleverness. , Is better than anything. The legend of Baku is enduring. I have withstood the test of time, and even she bends down beside me."

"It sounds like you are a good friend to be with," I said.

"I'm not anyone's friend, Abby, would you be friends with polar bears? You missed our turn," he said.

"Maybe we should drive alone," I said. "I'm usually not used to letting polar bears ride anywhere, especially those who give bad directions."

Toyoda laughed.

I turned around illegally with one hand, and then turned to the path he indicated. Mingfu instructed me to stop in front of a small church with a small white spire.



"He lives here?"

"For the traditional gods, it is no longer a religious site. This doctor has a profound scientific knowledge, and he has avoided all formal religious beliefs," he shrugged and shook his head. "You and I know that science itself is a religion, and its followers may be more enthusiastic and enthusiastic than Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc."

I know this? I nodded.

"Well, then does this famous and talented doctor have a name?" I asked.

"Bruce Dunman," Ming Fu said.

""what? Bruce Deman? Bruce Deman of Danmanos?"

"it's him."

"Impossible! Bruce Denman, really?"

"Yes, really. Do you know him?"

"Everyone knows him," I looked at the white chapel again, this time it was love at first sight. "Wow."

Akio snorted. "Be normal. He's just an ordinary person."

"Of course. It's just one of the richest and most influential people in the world. The founder of Dunmanos, the eternal Person of the Year, and the winner of the Peace Prize. He is really a big man."

"I'm really a big man, and you won't be speechless in front of me."

I sat for a while. My heart is pounding. My hands are sweating.

"Are you going with me?" Ming Fu asked. He opened the car door and stretched a leg out of the car.

I pulled the key out of the ignition, but still did not leave.

"Don't embarrass yourself," Toyuo said.

I glared at him and opened the car door.

He said: "Before we get off the plane, if I don't point out that the hospital is unsafe, then I am negligent.".

"Sorry. I don't understand," I said. I turned to look at him.

"You said you think you are safe in the hospital. They are not safe."

"Obviously," I said.

""And one more thing. Have you heard the phrase "safe as a house"


"This sentence is useless. There is no doubt that when his companion felt safe behind their two-inch-thick wooden door and wall made of wood and glass, he tried to plunder them. In general. , The house may be the most insecure place. Human beings are fragile in terms of god and body, and whether it is safe anywhere is a miracle. Don’t let me start. "Before I got off the car, he had already walked half the distance. NS. I hurried over. "There is one last thing—" he turned to face me, but before he could say anything, the double door leading to the little white church opened.

Bruce walked into the warm yellow light provided by the gorgeous lamp in front of the church. "My friend, please come in."

"Bruce," Qiu Fu tilted his head slightly, restrained and restrained, turning his head partially, but not completely. Then Akio put his hand on my back and led me down, up three steps, and stood in front of Bruce. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)