Magic Notes

Chapter 330: There are many doubts (1)


It sounds scary, he will typically answer, love you, beautiful girl. see you tonight.

Today he is taking her to lunch. Maybe it's Thai food. This is not important. He just wanted to be with her. Today, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar dilemma. Unfamiliar emotions. uncomfortable. Sarah has a way to smooth his nasty feathers. She doesn't even need to say or do anything. Just being Sarah is enough to comfort him and correct his mistakes.

Dr. Chen is a Chinese medicine practitioner who works in Chinese medicine. Sarah studied at the local Natural Medicine University and interned in Dr. Chen's office several times a week.

Chen's store is narrow, located in a similar store in a block. Walking through the front door is like being transported to a completely different world. The air is full of different flavors, rich and sacred.

Sarah was standing on the ladder behind the wooden counter. She reached for a jar, which was placed on the top shelf of the row of shelves, and the entire back wall was covered by that shelf. Herb jars and other interesting green and brown things, books and figurines cover every inch of the space.

Bruce looked at her, hands in his pockets. She turned over the jars one by one, trying to see Chen's handwritten label clearly. She frowned. There was a serious expression on her face. When her hand finally fell on the thing she was looking for, her face softened and she climbed down from the ladder, holding a bottle of green powder in her hand.

"Oh," she was taken aback when she saw Bruce. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry," Bruce said, although he wasn't. "Just looking at you. You did a good job." He shook his eyebrows.

"Ha!" she said, trying not to laugh, but her dimples were still exposed. "What are you doing here?" She used an ancient bronze scale to measure the powder into a small bag. "everything fine?"

"I want to take you out for lunch," he said.

"Really?" Sarah couldn't remember when they last went to lunch.

"Really?" he said.

"Okay," she slowly assessed Bruce, like a mother looking at her child after falling off the horizontal bar on a school court, checking to make sure everything is normal. "Can we afford it?" she whispered.

"Of course," Bruce said, although they couldn't.

Sarah looked down the long counter, which led to the corridor, Chen's office and the treatment room. "Dr. Chen's performance is particularly outstanding. I am only 10% Chinese today," she whispered.

On the first day Sarah came to work, Chen rejected her, "You have no Chinese ancestry," he shouted. "Go out! Don't come back until you become one percent Chinese."

She left angrily. She strives for this internship opportunity, everyone wants to train with Dr. Chen. Chen Zhen himself even chose her. He must know that she is not Chinese. She does not need to be Chinese to practice Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

She went home angrily all the way.

"What's your plan?" Bruce invited her to have tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. He stayed up all night, Sarah was waiting for him. She sat cross-legged, holding a large cup of soup in one hand and a piece of grilled triangular cheese in the other, and wrapped their old leather sofa with a blanket.

she says. "It's too late to find another internship now. I don't know what to do."

"I know what you are going to do," Bruce said. "You are going back."

""what? impossible. "She shook her head excitedly.

"Go back," he said while eating a sandwich.

"He is a bastard, Bruce."

"Yes, he is, but you can deal with a bastard. Can you handle me?"

She went back.

She walked straight into Dr. Chen's office. Her hair is twisted into a bun. Her spine is straight.

"What do you want me to do first?" She asked him.

He looked up from the desk. He didn't try to hide the anger on his face. "I told you to go away."

"Yes," she said. "But I'm back. What do you want me to do first?"

He glared at her.

She stared at him.

"Ah," he said for a long time, neither of them interrupted their eyes. "I see that you are now one percent Chinese. You can clean up the treatment room from top to bottom. Hurry up, Mrs. O'Connor's appointment will begin 30 minutes later."

"Ten percent of Chinese people? How did this happen?" Bruce asked. "Yesterday, you were still 34% Chinese."

"He said I can't concentrate." She tied the green powder in the small bag, put it aside, and started measuring the other.

"It's not like you," Bruce said. "what have you done?"

"I did nothing," she said briefly. "He's just in a bad mood."

"Oh," Bruce said. Sarah kept looking at the corridor. Bruce had to walk down the corridor to see what was distracting her, but there was nothing.

"He said that if I can't concentrate, no one will take me as an authority on anything," she was eating the third bag.

"He makes sense," Bruce said.

Sara looked up from her bag and scale, holding a small metal shovel in her hand. She gave Bruce a stern look.

"Hey," he said softly, coming closer, in a low voice, "you are good at this. No, great. You are too powerful. ** is part of the strict love camp. You know. "She nodded. "You will soon recover to 34% Chinese."

She looked into his eyes. "I'm just worried," she said.

"worry about what?"


"You don't have to worry about me," Bruce said.

"Bruce, the pressure is too great. Things are not good. A nightmare?"

"I didn't have nightmares last night," he said.

"Maybe not last night, but the situation is getting worse. Isn't it?"

"You don't have to worry about me," he said again.

Sarah looked quietly into the aisle. During the time they were talking, how many times did she look at the corridor? twenty

Bruce continued, and looked down the corridor again. He couldn't help it. The hall was empty one minute before, and Chen appeared the next minute. "His neck needs a bell," Sarah said to him half-jokingly when Bruce and Sarah were alone later. That person can go anywhere sneakily. There was no sound from his footsteps. There was no rustling in his clothes. He is silent. He was all over, except for his loud voice, "Sara," he shouted. "Are you ready for Dr. Chen's advanced emotional fatigue powder? How about Dr. Chen's "Relax Breathing Tea"? Mrs. Felger will come anytime-Bruce!" Dr. Chen said loudly in the middle of the speech. He smiled happily. "How are you? It's been a long time." The little man walked up to Bruce, shook his hand, and smiled.

"I'm fine, Doctor Chen," Bruce said.

"Are you sure?" He looked at Bruce. "You don't look good."

Sarah shook her head impatiently. Apart from her, Miss Chen is the most friendly, sincere, and enthusiastic person. In her life, she met many people who didn't like her. She would not naively think that everyone would. Normally, if a person doesn't like her, he is a jealous, mean, negative person and doesn't like anyone. In Sarah's life, she had never met a person who liked everyone except her. She can convince anyone. Anyone except Dr. Chen, she has done everything she can think of. Dr. Chen remained unmoved.

"Doctor Chen, Bruce has come to invite me to lunch," Sarah said.

"Yes, yes," ** said to Sarah contemptuously. He waved to her shhh! "Bruce," his voice lit up again. "You must come and sit with me and wait for Sarah to complete Mrs. Felger's orders. I have to talk to you. This is very important."

Bruce looked at Sarah. She shrugged, "I'll be fine soon."

"Come on. Come on. I have something for you," he led Bruce to his office in the hall. Dr. Chen sat behind the desk, and Bruce moved the chair across from him. Ms. Chen wrinkled her face worriedly, "Sara told me you have been having nightmares."

Bruce sighed. Sarah knew that he valued his privacy. She shouldn't talk about his nightmare with others. Even Chen.

"Maybe, I can help?" Chen shrugged and shrugged slightly.

"I doubt it. No one can help me. I had it since I was a child. I have seen all kinds of doctors. Even the god analyst.". "But in the end, I accepted it. I learned to live with them."

"Have you tried acupuncture?"

"Yes," Bruce said. "Like I said, I tried everything."

"Okay. Okay. I'm not trying to force you, nor do I want to inquire about you." Chen's favorite thing is pushing, and his second favorite is spying. "If you can," he lowered his head slightly. "I want you to meet a very close friend of mine who happens to be an expert in this field."

"Doctor Chen," Bruce said. "I am grateful, but I am not interested. I have my own way of dealing with it."

"Okay. Okay. I won't force you. It's just that he will come this afternoon, and you suddenly show up today. I think this is destined. It is destined.".

"Thank you, but no need."

"You are very welcome, Bruce," Ms. Chen rubbed his clean-shaven chin, "I didn't want to inquire about anything, but Sara was too upset recently, worried about you and your health-Sara was not upset. The best condition is when you are **." Chen interrupted.

Bruce lowered his head. "Okay. I will see him."

"Excellent! Very good. He will be here at two o'clock. See you then." Before Bruce changed his mind, Chen stood up and pushed him into the hall where Sara was waiting for him. When Sarah and Bruce left, he sang: "Enjoy your lunch." "It's nice to see you again, Bruce!" His voice rang cheerfully, and then shuddered. "Sarah, you have a lot of work to do this afternoon, talk and not cook."

In the restaurant, Bruce and Sarah are drinking soup, and Sarah seems to be worried. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)