Magic Notes

Chapter 339: There are many doubts (10)


He closed the window, picked her up, and carried her to his wife.

"Not a bed," she murmured, "I'm covered in paint all over."

"Too dry," he said. He put her in the ** and covered her with a red quilt. He tucked it around her body like his mother did when he was a child. "sorry."

"I should ask first," she tried to wake up, but she was too sleepy.

"No," he said softly, "I have no reason to expect you to know."

"Is it so important?" she said.

He sighed, "Maybe, but if it's really important, I'll remember it."

"I hope so," she said. "Next time, write it in a notebook or something. Not that wall."

"Haha," he said. "Keep going. We'll talk about it when you wake up."

The next few weeks passed peacefully. Bruce's laboratory hummed. Sarah is very busy. She was at Teacher Chen's house when she was not in class.

Mr. Chen not only allowed her to enter the treatment room, but after so many months, he decided to teach Sarah his practice carefully. In the past few weeks, she has learned more at the Chen family than in the last year of school.

Mr. Chen is rigorous in teaching. He explained every movement. He kept asking her about the location of herbs and acupuncture, about the conditions and methods of treatment. For some people, this may prove too much, and Chen hopes Sarah will absorb and keep everything he told her. If Sarah answered a question incorrectly, he would cluck again and groan again. He rolled his eyes and pretended to faint. If Sara did something wrong, even if it was not completely correct, or he would pat her hand - it was worse than groaning, fainting, and fearful expressions. .

Thankfully, Sarah is an excellent student and learns quickly. **Relying less and less on his theatrical performances every day.

Three weeks passed before Sarah returned to the bookstore.

That night, Chen told Sarah that he had a plan and closed the door very early. Although it was fifteen minutes earlier, it was still early. He looked around the room secretly, first looked at this side, then looked at the other side, and finally said he had a date.

Sarah burst out laughing. She covered her mouth with her hand and smiled endlessly. Mr. Chen stared at her for a while, then sighed, shrugged his shoulders, and giggled.

"Really, Sarah, that's not a very lady or Chinese." He shook his bushy eyebrows. He must look forward to coming tonight very much.

Good job, Dr. Chen, this is what you deserve

"I don't know if it should be," Chen Qian said humbly. He giggled.

"Where are you taking her?"

"Movies," Chen said.

"have fun."

Chen blushed. ""Now, let's go! Hush! I don't want to be late. "

Sarah packed her luggage and Chen rushed out of the building. He locked himself up and handed Sarah the hat he wore before going in and out every day and hurriedly boarding the car.

Sarah was standing on the sidewalk. Bruce had told her he was going to be late. She wants to go to the bookstore, but she doesn't even allow herself to consider going. She took the bookstore away from her as a punishment for her embarrassing behavior.

She hesitated. After all, this is her bookstore. She has discovered this bookstore in the first week since they moved here, and she goes to it at least three times a week. That is one of her favorite places in the world. She felt that she had been punished long enough, how likely was it that she would meet Adam Beaumont again. Minimal. Seattle used to be a sprawling city. As far as she knew, Adam had lost herself and was absorbed by the crowd. It was just another face in the crowd, and she would never see him again.

She tightened her belt, straightened her spine, and pulled her shoulders back. Anyway, if she saw Adam Beaumont, or if she never saw him again, she knew who she was at the core. She will not allow herself to be abandoned again. She will treat herself in a way that she can be proud of.

Obviously, the opportunity is not good for her. Adam was sitting at a table with books spread around him. He fiddled with his hair with his hands. Hair is puffy**. During this time, Sarah found Adam, cheered herself up, and then walked to an empty table. She noticed a girl reading the economics section carefully behind Adam, walking back and forth, and glanced at him secretly, hoping He raised his head.

Sarah sighed.

She was sitting at another empty table, which was right in Adam's line of sight, as long as he didn't look at it. He seemed to be engrossed in reading the book he was reading. He scribbled a ballpoint pen and a highlighter in the same hand on a notepad. His head is supported with the other arm, and his forehead rests on his non-writing hand.

Sarah bit her lip. The economics girl turned around again. Adam has no indication that he has met Sarah.

Sarah stood up and took off her coat. She hung it on the back of the chair. She smoothed her clothes. She cleared her throat and walked to Adam's table.

He did not look up.

Adam she said.

"Huh?" he replied. He rubbed his eyes and fiddled with his shaggy hair with his fingers. He looked at Sarah's eyes, and she faced the attraction brought by Adam Blue's eyes firmly, but the attraction did not come.

"I want to apologize for being rude to you," she said.

"Oh. Of course. I accept your apology." His eyes looked tired.

"Really?" she said.

"Really. It's not a thing, Sarah," he returned to his book.

Sarah returned to her table. The economics girl frowned and looked at her. Sarah also laughed. She feels very relaxed. It's lighter than it was a few weeks ago. She completed her homework in record time, and in return, she allowed herself to choose another book from the recommended novel desk.

She bought coffee in the small cafe of the bookstore.

She put a cup on Adam's desk next to his textbook.

"You look like you need a cup," she said.

"Oh, you don't know how bad it is." He took a sip from the glass. He leaned back in the chair. "Do you feel busy **?"

"Of course. Every day."

"I find it hard to believe," he said. "You seem to have everything."

"The facade," Sarah said.

Adam absent-mindedly danced his pen with his hand. He talked endlessly about the problems in his normal life-some pretentious bastard teachers, his father's disappointment, he was not sure he was doing the right thing, maybe he should join the family business eventually.

Sarah listened, nodded, and made suggestions where appropriate. Very normal. Just like a friend.

"Okay," Akio said. "No matter what it is, it is the most sneaky person I have ever encountered. This illustrates some problems."

"Then there is no trace?" Bruce said. He sat up, opened the cuffs of his tuxedo shirt and buttoned it up. He slipped his feet into his shoes and put on the laces.

Ming Fu sits in a rocking chair, opposite a small bed in Dr. Chen's office. He rolled absently, a little bit here and a little bit over there, lost in thought.

"It smells very familiar," Schof said. "I caught its trail, but it disappeared as soon as I got there. You said you don't have nightmares anymore?"

"No, because we only go once a week."

Toyoda turned his body and thought: "Usually, we will interrupt the treatment, or at least extend the treatment time, but there are things that make me feel wrong. I can feel it in my teeth."

"I leave it to you, because devouring nightmares is not my specialty."

"Your brain is unique," Schoff said.

Bruce rubbed his hair in annoyance. "tell me the story."

"Do you find it awkward to get along with other people? When you can see much more than them?"

"This is my life all along. I don't know the difference."

"What does Og dream get from you," Toyuo said.

"What do you think they want?"

"You should know better than me"

Bruce took a deep breath, "Let me think about it."

Toyoda said: "Until next week."

Bruce stood up and stretched. He walked into the night, feeling completely rested and relaxed. He will happily pay Toyuo no matter what he charges to feel like this continues.

Most of his life, especially his childhood, was haunted by nightmares, and he felt anxious at the thought of going to bed at night. Dr. Harvey and Mrs. Harvey blamed the depressive anxiety caused by the death of his parents. They placed so much hope on him at such a young age, and put so much pressure on a little boy. He was educated, worked, and worked with adult men and women every day. He speaks like an adult; he knows more complex ideas than most of his educated peers. It is easy to forget that he is just a child.

When night fell, it was the boy that Dr. Harvey and Mrs. Harvey saw, not the small one he pretended to be. Insomnia, anxiety, worry.

The curse of genius, they will whisper quietly, like who belongs to this or that night, stumbled up from the ** to comfort the crying Bruce.

They will say that it is another nightmare. The cross he carried.

Poor boy, it's your turn.

They are all carrying the cross - Bruce is a smart little boy. He and the other two people carry the mission of the cross, nurturing and protecting him, so that he can thrive and change the world.

When Bruce was fifteen years old, a nightmare awakened him, and he was able to deal with it by himself. They didn't surprise him anymore. While staring at the ceiling, he worked out the equations in his head, carefully not crying, or waking up the doctor or his wife. When he was fifteen years old, he understood the importance of self-reliance and the power of shame and embarrassment. It was not that Dr. Harvey or Mrs. Harvey gave him any instructions that made him embarrassed or ashamed of these nightmares. Not that a series of doctors gave him any hint that he should be ashamed--except for one, Dr. Conway. "Is it fair to say that this is a tool you rely on for attention? Come on, Bruce, you can tell me. We can find a way to meet your need to get attention, with another less disturbing Way, to be fair, isn’t it?" (to be continued) (end of this chapter)