Magic Notes

Chapter 340: There are many doubts (11)


It's not fair to say that.

Since Dr. Conway, a respected psychotherapist, Bruce has left his nightmare to himself.

He declared that he was cured.

Doctor Conway is damned.

The bottom line is that as long as Bruce continues to feel this way, Akio Toyoda can say whatever he wants to say and do whatever he wants to do. Toyoda can call the nightmare them, them, him, or-really anything. He can talk about how they came out to arrest him-it doesn't matter. Bruce let him use his expertise. He didn't care at all. No matter what Akio Toyoda did, it worked. This is the most important.

There are no nightmares. Refreshing. Every night, his thoughts buzzed in the cylinders, full of reliable sleep that lasted eight hours. His body feels very strong. He felt as if there was nothing he couldn't do. He felt unprecedented vitality.

Imagine what he can do now, because he is not helpless because of nightmares and insomnia.

He felt that he was unattainable.

He smiled all the way home. He couldn't control himself.

Bruce heard the door closing. A few seconds later, Sara's key unlocked the front door.

She walked in, ruddy with the cold.

"Someone drove you home?"

"Yes," she said.

"His name is Adam."

"Adam? If you need a ride, you should call me. I will pick you up."

"I thought this was the night of dreams. I don't want to disturb you."

"So, tell me about this Adam?" He didn't hide his anger.

""have nothing to say. Obtained a master's degree from the University of Michigan. He studied a lot at Beacon Books. We are friends," she shrugged.

"I don't know what it's like to ride in a strange man's car," he said, although his tone clearly expressed his feelings.

"Okay," she said, kissing his cheek on her tiptoes. "Strangers don't hitchhiker anymore. However, I do know him."

"Solemnly declare, I don't know."

"I said all right. My goodness."

"Are you hungry?"

"I can eat," she said.

"Great, I bought sushi."

There was joy on Sarah's face. Sushi used to be an annual treat, usually for her raw meal.

"Who loves you, baby?" Bruce said with a wicked smile. He opened the brown and green bags from their favorite sushi restaurant and handed her a pair of chopsticks.

They sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the portable heater, eating sushi in the takeaway box.

"Have I told you how much I like your new job?" Sarah said.

"Yes, there is nothing better than this. Is it?"

Bruce was in the laboratory early the next morning. Futuna snorted in a low voice while setting up today's work. He likes to arrive before his laboratory technicians.

A technician in a laboratory, Stacey chattered about what she did the night before and why she was so tired. If it wasn't for one thing, it's another thing - her cat kept her awake, her boyfriend was snoring, and she just didn't want to turn on the TV. If she doesn't object to drinking coffee by herself, of course it is for moral and physical reasons. She cited two examples, one is the deforestation of tropical rain forests, and the other is a potential carcinogen. Instead, she took a sip of decaffeinated green tea and regretted that the tea did not bring her any benefits. Every. rì period. It kept squeaking, like a little mouse, rat-like hair, rat-like face, rat-like voice.

As another laboratory technician, Ivan doesn't speak much, but when he speaks, there is no doubt that he exposes himself as a complete idiot. He is self-conscious enough to realize that he is actually a clumsy idiot, which is why he stays silent most of the time. For this, Bruce is grateful. If Bruce can fuse them together, he might have a fairly good laboratory technician--perhaps. Although Stacey chattered, at least she was smart and capable.

"Oh, Fortuna," said a voice behind him, "really?"

Bruce had heard the sound of footsteps hitting the linoleum floor, so he was not surprised by the interruption, but he did not recognize the sound. It's female, but it's definitely not the helium squeak in Stacey's voice.

Bruce looked back. A petite black-haired beauty was standing there with a briefcase in her hand. She wore a deep suit, well-tailored, and undoubtedly very expensive, with a suit and leather shoes and a happy smile on her face. She looked familiar, but Bruce couldn't recognize who she was.

"Good ears," Bruce said.

"The composer is Carl Orff, a very complex character. It is one of the most widely known classical music works and has appeared in hundreds of films and TV shows. This is an article based on the Priestess of Brana Twelve poems, a compilation of poems from the 11th and 1st centuries

"Want to impress me with your wisdom?" Bruce said.

"Is it useful?" she said.

Bruce shrugged.

The woman's smile disappeared for a while, and then expanded again. She is very beautiful and is not used to other people's indifference to her, no matter what.

"We met once before," she said.

"Call up my memory"

"That was in your former laboratory. I left my business card."

"Ah." Bruce thought she was the saleswoman who passed by on the day Carl gave the notice. "There is no hospitality work in this laboratory. Security should not allow you to enter."

The woman licked her lips and smiled again. She looks nervous. Bruce panicked her.

"My boss is in the city, and he sent me as a messenger. He wants to talk to you about funding your research."

"Tell him that my research is currently funded. Therefore, you illegally invaded this state-of-the-art laboratory."

"No," she said. "Your other research."

"Not interested," Bruce said.

"But you didn't hear the details."

"I'm not interested in details. I have made a promise to this laboratory. I don't need any form of funding. Please convey my apology to your boss."

"It doesn't hurt to hear him finish. He wants to invite you out for dinner."

"I have work to do, miss?"

"Ms. Blakely, please tell your boss that I am not interested. However, since I threw the card you sent last time into the recycle bin, I will accept your other card and make a solemn promise. If I need funds, your boss will be the first on my list."

"Of course," she said.

She changed her strategy. Slowly, she took out a business card from the jacket pocket of the suit-the focus is on the chest, rotated the business card on her fingers a few times, and then handed it to him. She bit her lip and looked at Bruce blankly. She even blinked. Bruce didn't realize that women would do this except in movies.

"My boss will be disappointed with me," she said angrily, "I promise him, I can promise to meet you."

Bruce said: "It's better to tell your boss about this news." A smile slowly appeared on his face. He has to admit that he enjoys it all. Will Ramona Blakely try to persuade him with any other typical female coercive means

Instead, Ramona cleared her throat and adjusted her suit jacket. She felt categorically rejected, and she did not like being categorically rejected.

She stroked her hair and raised her eyebrows.

"Good luck to you, too," she said sternly. "You may need it more than I do"

Bruce threw an imaginary hat at her.

She frowned and left.

"This is where you work?" Adam said.

At Beacon Books last night, he told Sarah of his headache and sorrow. His master's course undoubtedly brought him pressure. Sarah persuaded him to go to Teacher Chen.

"I don't know," Adam said reluctantly, "if I believe in acupuncture."

"Chen Yuhui is the best. He really is. I don't say this because I work for him.".

Obviously, Sarah has always been very convincing. The next day, Adam appeared, and the bell on the door jingled, announcing his arrival. Sarah was very happy to see him. She ran across the counter and hugged him.

"I don't know if we have a place for you today," she said, "but let me read the book. We may have a place tomorrow."

When Adam was wandering at the reception, she flipped through the dating manual, admiring Chinese decorations and decorations, and then turned his attention to the shelf of herbs and books.

"We are fully booked all week," Sarah said. She raised her head. "He usually cancels the appointment once or twice. If he comes back, I can call you."

"And you?"

"How about you asking me? Are you about to graduate?"

"I can't," Sarah said.


"This is not appropriate. Chen will have to supervise."

"It doesn't have to be here," he said, "I don't want to cause you trouble."

"No. I can't do it."

"I believe in you," Adam said.

"What is this?" Chen said. He pushed open the front door. He took off his fedora and measured Adam and Sarah. Adam leaned on one side of the counter, Sarah leaned on the other side. "Mr. Chen, this is my friend Adam. He is here to make an appointment."

"I understand," Chen said. He looked at Adam without the usual smile on his face, nor the kind manner he had with all the patients.

"We haven't had any news for a week," Sarah added. She hoped that Chen Hui would be willing to squeeze him in.

"It's a pity," Chen said. "You came all the way. You should make a call next time. We are happy to accept phone appointments."

"I will," Adam said to Chen.

"Sarah, please store these herbs." He put the greased paper bag he carried on the counter.

"Of course," Sarah said. She opened the brown paper bag and looked in.

"So, are you Sara's friend?" Chen asked Adam.


"Are you going to the same school?"


"How did you meet?" Chen asked. Sarah had two chances. She stopped taking things out of her bag and looked up at Chen. She has never seen Chen treat potential customers in this way. It was as if he was torturing Adam. It's impossible, isn't it

Adam didn't seem to notice Chen Guangcheng's rudeness.

"We met in a bookstore. Sarah kindly made friends with me. I'm new here."

"How long have you known her?"

Now Sarah knew she was not thinking about it.

"A few months," Adam said. His eyes moved from Chen to Sarah, with a confused expression on his face. He gave Sarah a sentence I'm sorry you have to work for this guy.

"Go back to work, Sarah, those herbs won't make their own list."

Sarah realized for the first time that when Chen was provoked, he looked like a little bulldog.

"Okay, I should go," Adam said.

"Call next time," Chen said. "Save yourself the trouble of coming down."

"Do you know that boy?" Chen said to Sarah after Adam left.

"He is my friend," Sarah said.

"That boy is a trouble."

""How can you say that? You don't know him at all?"

Chen Min snorted, "Does Bruce know?"

"What does Bruce know? I have a friend named Adam? Yes, in fact, he knows."

"Does Bruce know he is so handsome?" Chen said that he looked good like a boil or a heinous rash.

"What does it matter?"

"This is very important. Oh. This is very important. You listen to Teacher Chen. This is very important."

Bruce disbanded his minions that day and conducted a final inspection in the laboratory. He likes to make sure everything is neat and clean and ready to start working as soon as they arrive in the morning.

Someone knocked on the door of the laboratory.

Bruce opened the door and saw a serious man. He is as tall as Bruce, wearing a perfect suit and tie. His hair was shaved cleanly. The man looked at his watch. The watch alone must be as expensive as most people's cars, about four times that of Bruce's.

"I'm glad I found you," the man said. He estimated the time, then pulled down the sleeve of his shirt to cover the watch. He unknowingly smoothed the beautiful suit with his hands.

"Can I help you?" Bruce said.

The man grinned.

"Of course I hope so," he held out his hand. "Lucius Toro, you are Bruce Denman. I am glad to finally see you."

Bruce shook the man's hand.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Toro?"

"If you can spare five minutes, I will always be grateful."

"I can do it," Bruce said, keeping the door open, inviting the man into the lab, and taking him to the office.

"Please call me Lucius," the man said. "I have asked my employee Ramona Blakely to meet with you on several occasions to ensure face-to-face communication. I understand now that you are the kind of person who likes straightforward, man-to-man." Lucius Toro sit on the chair. "The big guy doesn't have time to deal with the middleman, am I right? I'm sorry I didn't come in person earlier."

Bruce said nothing. He was sitting across from Lucius Toro, behind his desk, in his three-thousand dollar chair. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)