Magic Notes

Chapter 342: There are many doubts (13)


"Toro sent you?"

"Of course," she said.

"This is close to tracking. How do you know I will be here?"

Ramona shrugged her delicate shoulders. She wore a black trench coat tied around her waist. She looked bored and tired.

"Please tell me you will consider it so that I can pass the news to Mr. Toro."

"I told him that if he could give me a list of investors, I would consider it, but that is too much. Follow me to the grocery store? The answer is definitely no. You tell him."

Ramona shrugged again. "He asked me to tell you that if you say no, you will regret it."

"Are you threatening me, Ms. Blakely?"

"Do you feel threatened?"

Bruce looked her up and down. She tilted her head docilely and put her hands in her pockets.


"She likes organic village brand mushroom sauce."


Ramona Blakely narrowed her eyes. "Your wife, Sarah, likes organic mushroom sauce the most. At least she bought this for the first three times."

"How did you know?"

"How are you now?" she said. "Do you feel threatened now?"

"Fuck away from me," he leaned against her. "Stay away from my wife."

"I don't like you," Ramona said, "I don't care if you decide to work for Toro, but he cares. He cares a lot about you, he only considers your best interests. The last chance, do you join or quit? "

Bruce picked up the sauce jar designated by Ramona. He slowly took it in his hand and turned it around for a while, letting himself sort out his thoughts.

"This is a misunderstanding," Bruce said at last.

"Great, I'm relieved to hear this," Ramona said. "Mr. Toro will be very happy."

"Misunderstanding," Bruce continued. He took a step closer to Ramona and said mildly and angrily, "Someone somewhere has left you and your boss with the impression that I can be bullied or forced."

He dropped a jar of spaghetti sauce. Ramona Blakely took the jar with both hands from her pocket in time. It fell heavily into her hands.

"Let your boss go to hell."

"I will convey it, Mr. Denman."

Ramona Blakely said nothing else. She put a jar of spaghetti sauce in the shopping basket that Bruce was carrying. Then she turned and strode away.

Mingfu climbed down from the roof of the brick house, the same way he climbed up. The fire escape creaked constantly because of his weight. Several parts of the metal ladder are moving away from the brick wall of the building and need some attention.

When the last step of the ladder was halfway down, Toyoo gently jumped to the ground.

He looked up and down the empty streets, but couldn't see or feel anyone. The hairs on his arms and the back of his neck stood up. It has been a long time since he feels this kind of restlessness. Something is wrong.

He staggered along the street, fraying the soles of his shoes, and kicking a loose sidewalk in front of him.

He wanted to call the monkey again. If something big happens to this city, they will know. They always knew. This is their job.

The clouds are low and thick, and the air is filled with ozone and other odors.

Fog began to form on the sidewalk, and Toyuo could see his breathing in the cold. He turned the corner, and just then, he heard footsteps behind him. One, two, three pairs.

He sighed deeply.

Unlike before, he could smell nothing but night, now he could clearly smell the chaser. He smelled sweat, unclean corpses, and killing. The people behind him were eager to fight.

He could hear their rapid breathing and strong heartbeat. One heart, two hearts, three hearts.

Akio's arms and legs suddenly felt heavy. No matter who framed these three people, they have caused serious harm to them. The three humans are not Akio's opponents. This is not even a fair fight. He felt sorry for these people. The last thing Akio Toyoda wanted to do was to fight them.

Resigned to his fate, he continued to drag his feet, waiting for their action, hoping that they would not take action.

Chen locked the door of his small clinic. He fumbled for the key in his hand, and the key fell to the ground. The night was heavy and dark.

Chen knelt down to take the key. Without looking up, he knew that someone had moved in and was standing on top of him now. He pulled the key from the sidewalk, bounced it gently, and gently returned it to his feet.

He didn't expect to see Adam, but he hid his surprise under the frown.

"We are closed," he said.

"I'm here for Sarah," Adam said. "She asked me to see her here. We are going out to eat."

"she left."

"Oh?" Adam said, "Maybe she forgot. Do you know where she went?"

"Even if I know, I won't tell you," Chen said.

Adam spread his hands in a sad posture. "Please," he said, "I may be mistaken. Maybe she wants me to see her somewhere other than here. Maybe she is sitting somewhere waiting for me."

"If Sara is smart enough, she won't meet you anywhere, and never will."

"Okay, okay," Adam said. "I gave up. At least I tried. If you see her, you can tell her that I have been...or...or something."

Chen snorted. He watched Adam walk away, then turned around and locked the door.

When Bruce arrived home, Sarah was not at home and he was disappointed. At least, he hopes to get the honor of going home early. She left a note saying that she was studying at Lucy's house. Again.

Bruce put a bag of groceries on the counter and opened a bottle of wine. He poured himself a glass, a large glass, and then sat down on the sofa. He turned on the TV, browsed various channels, and finally saw a BBC short drama about a British aristocratic family on the brink of World War I.

He dozed off on the sofa, his head went up and down, and then he woke up for a while. The flickering red wine smell made him wonder when it was now and where Sarah was, but he never fully woke up. When the ugliness of the war came to the house of the royal family and their servants, he lay sideways on the couch for a while. He pulled up the hand Sarah liked to cover the frayed area behind the sofa on his shoulders, and then went into a deep sleep state.

As soon as he woke up, he knocked on the front door first, then there was a louder knock on the door, and then another bang. He sat up, his body aching and stiff. This sofa is not suitable for sleeping. With heavy steps, he walked through the living room to the front door. He opened the door and saw two Jǐngcha in uniforms, their faces sinking.

He knows very well that his life will change forever at this moment.

He exhaled.

His heart burst in his chest.

A rush of sound filled his ears.

He doesn't know where to put his hands-should he cover his heart with his hands or cover his ears? They hang weakly beside him, useless.

"Sarah?" he said. He had only a little breath left, and he could barely tell her name. Somehow, he suddenly forgot how to breathe.

The thinner of the two nodded.

"You should put on your shoes and coat, Mr. Danman, come with us."

Akio had walked for several hours, and the men never approached again. They never acted. At a certain moment, their footsteps disappeared into the night, and the night disappeared into the dawn. Akio walked home staggeringly.

He was in trouble. His skin is itchy from a hunch. The worst part is that he doesn't know why. He opened the warehouse door and looked back one last time before going in. He tried to get rid of the feeling of being watched, but the feeling did not waver.

He locked the door at random, walked through the dim corridor, and came to his bedroom. The morning light passed faintly through the skylight.

The shadow moved on the skylight, as if dark clouds cast shè in the flickering darkness. When Mingfu looked up, the sky was still covered by the heavy clouds of last night, the kind of clouds that are not moving or casting shadows.

Toyoda turned on the small TV in the bedroom. Regardless of his views on television, keeping abreast of news and current affairs is vital to him. The voice is monotonous and boring.

What he needs most now is a shower. He kicked off his shoes, put his shirt on his head, unbuttoned his jeans... and froze. He turned his head to the TV and turned up the volume.

"... A horrible sight near Belltown in downtown Seattle this morning." Just after one o'clock in the morning, Jǐng Cha was called to the scene of a double murder case. The victims of this gruesome crime are the famous financier Taylor Beaumont and a young woman. Her identity has been confirmed as Sarah Denman. The specific details are not yet certain, but an anonymous person told us that when Taylor Beaumont came home late from a business trip last night, an unidentified assailant attacked and killed him. Beaumont's nephew subdued the attacker, but before that, the young woman was captured on the spot during the exchange of fire. Tyler Beaumont died on the spot from a gunshot wound. The young woman named Sarah Denman was taken to the Charity Hospital by ambulance and was pronounced dead when she arrived at the hospital. We will bring you more details when we get it... "

Akio stood motionless. His mind was confused.

He didn't expect this to happen.

How could he be so ignorant

Bruce is finally here.

In Akio Toyoda's rìzi, he had never seen such a large-scale, in-depth, and ferocious action. Bruce didn't even know who or what he was dealing with. Toyoda thinks it is better not to tell him. Bruce wouldn't believe him anyway. There is no doubt that he will send Akio Toyoda away, so that Akio Toyoda will not be able to monitor the situation.

But this is still not an excuse. Mingfu should have told him. He has an obligation to tell him. Bruce needs to know. Everything is at stake.

Ming Fu didn't wear shoes, his upper body was naked, and he ran fast. He ran out of his bedroom, across the hall, and quickly across the hall.

He must get to Bruce as soon as possible.

Hurry up.

He darted out through the front door. step. Two steps. At that moment, they suddenly attacked him.

This is a trap. He was surrounded.

Some people jumped off the roof, some walked around the corner, and some people ran over from the street. a lot of. Humans and demons.

Human with stick and baseball bat. Some people carry tire levers. There is nothing but fire in the eyes and fists of the demons.

This is not the case. This is not the case.

They broke every rule in the script. These things are in order. Akio fights in his dream, not in broad daylight, not in broad daylight, and never in this way.

Akio turned around, crouched, preparing to walk towards any of them who was about to make the first move.

How long will the devil last in the morning sun? These are real little demons. They are strong, but they have almost no power to protect themselves from the light. They sacrificed everything just to keep a Baku away from Bruce Deman.

How long will they last

It didn't take long. It's not long at all.

But Akio Toyoda knew that it was long enough. He couldn't get to Bruce in time.

"Who sent you?" Akio demanded.

"Don't you know?" said a human. He laughed, and spit out a huge snot-filled warhead on the sidewalk. "They tell us you are smart."

"Who is your master?" Ming Fu said.

"The prince personally ordered us," said the human. He seems to be taking drugs, and he may be unconscious anytime, anywhere. He hobbled forward one foot after another, and he was one of the people with a tire lever.

Bruce sat on a chair, which was at right angles to the detective's table.

Detective Dowty spent a long night. His hair is horrible, and his chin is covered with stubble. He brought Bruce a cup of coffee, which was thick and heavy and smelled like bad breath.

"I don't understand. Is it really my wife? Is it really Sara? Are you sure?"

"We are sure," Doughty said.

Bruce didn't believe him. He didn't believe it until he saw it with his own eyes.

"What is she doing there?"

Doughty shook his head. Delivering bad news is terrible. Using his words to change people's lives made him feel that he was an accomplice and guilty. This is part of the job, which cost him and weakens him little by little. He hasn't learned how to keep a distance, keep an arm's length away. This man just discovered that his wife was not only brutally murdered, but also unfaithful. What should he say to him

When Doughty found out that his wife, Lisa, was cheating on him, it ruined him. His partner told him that he was too weak and he had to beat up God and sleep with a stranger in order to avenge her, but he couldn't do it. If tenderness means falling in love with your wife, then he is tender. In the long run, it is better to forgive and maintain family reunion than to retaliate against her for the short-term satisfaction. Isn't it

He didn't answer Bruce's question loudly, but Bruce could see the pity on the man's face. He could see in Dotty's eyes what he didn't want to say, what Bruce didn't want to listen to. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)