Magic Notes

Chapter 343: Doubtful (14)


He didn't answer Bruce's question loudly, but Bruce could see the pity on the man's face. He could see in Dotty's eyes what he didn't want to say, what Bruce didn't want to listen to. Glancing around in the room, Jǐng inspectors walked slowly and deliberately in the early morning, speaking in a low voice. They all know. The TV in the background was tuned to the news channel. Someone paused the story. Out of respect for him? Maybe. The whole world knows it. This is what it feels like when you find your wife sleeping with another man-shame on ice water. He struggled to breathe. He wants to be angry, wants to break things. He wanted to scream at her, he wanted to scold her badly, he wanted to punish her, he wanted her to accept this shame from him. Hurt her back.

But she won't be hurt anymore, will she

She is dead.

He imagined his body collapsing downward.

He hopes he can disappear. Spin the earth. Never exist.

At that time, two plainclothes Jǐng detectives were taking the disheveled Adam out of the interrogation room. Adam was wearing jeans and a blood-stained undershirt. His hands and arms were covered with blood, it looked like he was trying to wipe it off, but finally gave up and let it dry out in the stripes on the forearm. There was a look of shock and sadness on his face, and he often blinked. I think I need to hold back tears.

"Is that him? Is this the person with her?" Bruce asked.

"His name is Adam Beaumont," Doughty said.

Several female officials raised their heads and watched Adam being escorted through the room. He looks so good-looking, even when he is sad, when he is covered in blood, he can attract the attention and appreciation of others.

Bruce clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He felt that his tooth might be broken. Anger surged in his veins, burning him from the inside out.

"Now, Mr. Denman, I understand how you feel, really, but you need to stay calm."

Bruce shook off Dotty Jǐng's hand, jumped off the chair, and stopped Adam from leaving. Doughty got up from his chair and followed closely behind Bruce. The two detectives on both sides of Adam suddenly became aware of Jǐng, as did the other Jǐng detectives in the room.

All eyes are on these two people. If Bruce was in a parking lot, in an alley, anywhere, as long as he was not in this area, follow Adam, each of them might turn a blind eye. Of course, they got it. They understand. After all, they are husband and wife. But not here. If Bruce dared to touch Adam's hair here, he would be punished in the letter.

The tension is getting stronger and stronger. They are all standing there, waiting. Each of them is thinking, don't do it, don't do it.

Bruce fiddled with his hands. He struggled, but still tried to stay calm.

"What are you to her?" Bruce said.

Tears filled Adams' eyes.

He snorted bravely, he couldn't believe the guts of this bastard.

"I'm sorry. She wants to tell you, Bruce."

"tell me what?"

"We are in love," Adam said, putting his blood-stained arms around his waist, "I love her. She will leave you for me. We will be happy."

Jefferson was Jǐngcha on Adam's left and the closest to Bruce. He stepped forward and put his hand on Bruce's shoulder. He didn't put it on him roughly, but he held it tightly just in case.

"Take him out," Jefferson ordered Dowty. Doughty did, and she grabbed Adam's left side and led him out.

"I want to see her," Bruce said. His voice trembled. His hands trembled. His legs trembled. He kept shaking to the floor.

"Of course, buddy. We deeply mourn.". "It's terrible. It's terrible along the way."

Sarah's body was lying on a metal table, lifeless and cold.

There are her personal belongings next to the table. evidence.

Bruce noticed a blood-stained pink pyjama neatly folded. He had never seen it before. Next to Sarah's phone, her wedding ring, and the clothes she wore yesterday.

He looked back at her face.

Not her, but it is indeed her.

This is real.

She is dead.

He couldn't believe it now.

His eyes were burned by the image of her lifeless face. When he closed his eyes, he could still see her last image, always burned in the corner of his mind. He knew he would never forget.

He turned around, vomited violently and turned into a metal trash can. He kept panting heavily until his stomach was empty and he took a few more breaths.

Detective Dowty stood beside him, swinging up and down from one foot to the other. He has been off work for a long time, but he does not want to go home.

"I'll take you home, Mr. Denman."

Bruce still leaned over the trash can and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"I do not want to go home."

"Where do you want to go? I'll take you there."

"I want to go back to yesterday."

"Come on," said Doughty. "follow me."

Bruce followed him. He walked out of the coroner's office along Doddy's back and onto the street. He followed Doughty down the block and into a dimly lit bar.

He followed Doughty to a bar stool and sat next to it.

"What do you want?"

Bruce shook his head. He doesn't want anything.

"Two burgers, Larry, two beers."

"There is also pure whiskey," Bruce said.

Larry behind the bar nodded. He didn't say anything, but he reached behind the counter, took out a bottle of whiskey, and placed it and two glasses in front of Dowty.

Doughty fell. Bruce shouted.

"Do you have a family?"

Bruce shook his head. He swallowed a big mouthful. The whiskey was so strong that he couldn't swallow the breath. He has no relatives anymore. Sarah is his only relative. No one stayed.

They ate silently. More specifically, Dodi eats and Bruce drinks. After Doughty finished his meal, he again offered to take Bruce somewhere, but Bruce refused.

With his mobile phone on his back, Duo Ti handed over his business card. His son has a basketball game and he is going to be late. If he missed it again, Lisa would teach him severely.

"Call me if you have anything," he said to Bruce.

Dowty handed Larry a fifty-dollar bill and asked him to call a taxi when Bruce was about to go home.

"No problem, Mike," he said. "Is he okay?"

"Have you heard of what happened in Belltown this morning?"


"His wife."

"Ah." Larry nodded solemnly. "I will pay attention to him. No problem."

"Call me for whatever reason," Doughty said. "I owe you personal love."

"No, never. You are always nice to me, Mike."

Doughty put his arms into his coat and patted Bruce on the back before leaving the bar.

Doughty hesitated at the door, then looked back. It doesn't feel right to leave him.

He thought about what he would say to Lisa and how indifferent she would be, which would make him think less of her. If possible, Mike knows that the best way is to put Lisa in an environment in which she does not have to make unselfish choices for the benefit of others-in this environment, she It is easy to choose to do the best. Lisa is not someone who can handle this situation.

Lucius Toro was sitting in the cubicle by the door. He watched the detective leave. He stood up, flattened his pants, adjusted his tie, and then yanked the end of the sleeve of that expensive suit.

He ordered meat bread but didn't eat it, so he threw twenty meat pie on the table.

The end game begins.

Lucius Toro took action.

Bruce finished his whiskey and raised his head. Lucius Toro sat on the bar stool next to him. The stool from Doughty is still so warm, and Toro finds the warmth disgusting. He suppressed the urge to find another stool.

"I called the laboratory and pursued you with my last effort. Your technician Stacey told me what happened. I extend my deepest and most sincere sympathy to you."

"Go away," Bruce said. "I want to be alone."

"Of course. I apologize," Toro said. He pretended to stand up, but he didn't. "Before I go, I invite you to have a drink. This is the only thing I can do."

"I had a drink."

"The bartender," Toro said to Larry. "The most expensive bottle of Scotch, the best. I want a glass and my friend wants a glass."

"Yes, sir," Larry said.

"How do you know I am here? Did you send someone to follow me?"

"Ah, yes, Ramona told me about her association with you. It's too unfortunate. Once you join, as long as you say a word, she will go. You will never see her or hear her again. News."

Larry displayed a bottle of Highland Park Single Malt Scotch Whisky. Toro nodded in agreement. He opened the wallet, grabbed a card from it with two fingers, and placed it on the bar. Larry put down two spotless tulip whiskey glasses.

"I'll do it," Toro said.

Larry nodded. He put the bottle on the counter, slid Toro's card across the counter, and placed it in his palm. He turned his back to the two men, and immediately walked to the other side of the bar, and went to the cash register to swipe the bull's card. It was an expensive bottle of whiskey, and it was his only bottle. Let's face it, this is mainly for showing off. No one has ever asked for it, but seeing it displayed on the top floor provides a smog low-key testimony, and Larry runs an upscale establishment.

Bruce lowered his head. It feels so heavy. He closed his eyes and imagined it falling from his neck with a bang - the first bang when it hit the counter, and the second bang when it hit the floor.

"My wife is dead," he said. These words are like he wants to attack someone, anyone's weapon, but they will only hurt him.

"Try this," Toro said, "this is one of the best in the world."

Bruce took the cup and took a sip. Scotch whisky is strong and mellow. If you change the environment, he might be grateful.

He swirled the amber sè** in the glass. Two fingers were placed on the pole, and he condensed into a circle on the shiny face of the pole.

"If only you knew what was thinking in her head," Toro said after a long silence, sipping Brucely.

"What?" Bruce said.

""You—all men. If only you had known it, and unlike others, you would have known it. "

Bruce shook his head. He thinks he should be angry, this guy is really crazy. Cruel and ruthless. Not sensitive. cruel. Sprinkle salt on the wound. He should be angry, but he didn't. He feels tired. He shook his heavy head.

"You mean to connect her to the machine?"


Bruce shook his head again, shaking Toro's words away. "It doesn't work, at least it's unreliable. Besides, I would never do this to her."

"Why not? Compared to what she did to you, it seems like a small thing."

"No. This is wrong."

"Will it?" Toro said. ""Really? I think this is right, not wrong. "

Bruce lays his hands flat on the bar, fingers spread out. He looked at his hands, long, powerful fingers. He crumpled them into a fist, and then laid them flat on the ground.

"It doesn't matter. This question has no practical meaning. Like I said, this machine doesn't work reliably. I missed something, some important clips, to make it work all the time instead of only once at a time. I almost got it It was successful, at least I thought I was successful... But... "

"I can help you," Toro said.

""Really? Come to work for you?"


"It won't happen," Bruce took another sip.

"This is where you are wrong. By the end of this conversation, I bet you will change your mind."

"Keep on dreaming," Bruce said.

"No, go on dreaming," Toro said.

Bruce suddenly felt relieved, as if he might be lifted from a high stool. He felt relieved, his hands laid flat like pancakes, and he began to float from the bar.

"What's wrong with me?" Bruce asked. He put down his hands with all his strength and leaned against the railing, and despite his best efforts, they floated. He forced them down again.

"You are dreaming," Toro said.

"Impossible," Bruce said.


"what did you do to me?"

"I drugged your Scotch. Remember I told you about the other benefits of the consortium? Well, you are tasting one of them. This is a combination of paralytic and psychedelic to enhance lucid dreaming. Effect."

"Why are you doing this to me?" Bruce's gaze turned back in front of him. He could barely make out Toro's face. He felt helpless, scared, and he thought he might cry.

"That feeling. The moment you think you might cry will pass. Breathe slowly."

"Where am I?"

"You are in the bar where Dowty Jǐng took you to. Your head is on the bar. You look drunk and unconscious. Larry asked if I should call a taxi for you, but I refused. I told He and I will take you home, and I gave him a generous, very generous tip. Coupled with the fifty dollars that Dowty gave him and the sale of the bottle of Scotch, Larry made a fortune tonight . He wants to take his wife out for dinner. If he plays the right cards, he is likely to be lucky." (to be continued) (end of this chapter)