Magic Notes

Chapter 344: Doubtful (15)


Bruce felt more like himself, but moved slowly, like moving forward in the mud, thinking in the mud, and reacting in the mud.

Toro took out a stack of paper and placed it face down on the bar. Next to the pile of paper, he put a piece of white paper, also face down.

"what are these?"

"This -" Toro said, pointing to the piece of paper. It’s the missing link, the key point, what you’ve been looking for

"I do not understand."


"What's the answer?"

"With this," Toro put his hand gently on a piece of paper, "Your science will work. The machine will work perfectly, and your whole life will change. You, Bruce Denman, will become the world The most influential person in the world."

Bruce wanted to turn it over, but he didn't. As a deterrent, Dole's hand still rested gently on a piece of paper.

"Where did you get it?" Who might have this knowledge? Bruce is confident that if he doesn't know, no one on earth knows, and no one can know.

"It doesn't matter where it is now. The important thing is that I own it. I am the only one who knows. As long as I own it, you will never know."

Bruce's heart rate is recovering slowly. "I will figure it out," he said vaguely.

"No, you won't," Toro said.

"You don't know me," Bruce said. "If I can figure out a way, I can do it."

"No matter how hard you try, you will never do it. You can only know through me."

Bruce said nothing.

"Tingle, isn't it? That kind of longing, that kind of curiosity, it bites. It has teeth. I can see from your look that you are eager to get it. The facts you don't know, and the things right in front of you Information is devouring you alive."

Toro is right. Bruce wants to know. He must know.

"What do you want?" Bruce said. A person like Toro will not become a person like Toro unless he succeeds in attaching conditions to each negotiation.


Bruce squinted, "Be more specific."

Toro pulled his hand from a piece of paper and placed it heavily on the stack of paper next to it. A stack of documents is cleverly combined with a huge paper clip. The paper clip gleamed in the dim light.

"First, I want to tell you what we are going to provide. You will work for us. We will generously compensate you. You will ask for nothing. Fame. Fortune magazine. Recognition. You will be recorded in history. All like you. People desperately and secretly desire and deserve the things. Everyone will know your name. We will always be committed to protecting your heritage. What we want from you is to make you all those things. Dedicated as we do To your inheritance. Only work for us. As collateral, we ask you to sign and give up your eternal soul."

Bruce smiled.

He almost fell in slow motion, but he awkwardly held the crossbar with his hands and was able to stabilize his body.

"Oh my God, this is a dream," he laughed so much that tears came from the corners of his eyes.

"I told you yes," Toro said. He watched Bruce laugh all the time, just a little bit funny.

"It all looks so serious and real. It's not like the dreams I had before. My soul? Of course, it doesn't matter. Take it. I don't believe in souls."

"Wait," Toro said, raising a cautious hand. "This business needs to be serious. Whether you believe in the existence of souls or not, I cannot accept the souls you laughed at. These things are in order."

Bruce continued to laugh.

"Once you regain your composure, we will begin to act." Toro's expression became severe.

Bruce laughed harder, leaning forward and backward. He wiped his eyes and sighed.

"So who are you?" Bruce asked. "Devil?"

"A devil," Toro said.

"more than one?"


"So, who are you?"

"I have many names. It is almost impossible for me to choose one. It is worth mentioning that I am the worst of them and should not be teased in any way."

"Satan?" Bruce whispered again in a hoarse voice, almost laughing.

"if you are willing to."


"Yes. Let us refocus our attention on the matter at hand. This contract was once signed to give your soul to my guardian. This is a binding and unbreakable contract. In exchange, I am ready to provide you with great wealth, prestige, fame, etc. You understand what I mean. The specific circumstances are detailed in the contract. The most important thing is that I have provided you with knowledge, which is the knowledge you have been looking for for a long time. ." He pointed to the piece of paper again. "I am a person who keeps my promise. Don't worry, I am bound by the agreement just like you."

Bruce shook his head. "I told you that I don't believe in souls."

"You can believe them or not." Toro shrugged.

"I should say or I'll wake up, right?"

Toro said nothing.

Bruce looked at the paper. He eagerly wanted to turn it over. He needs to know.

"If there is a soul, does that mean there is a God?"

Toro said nothing again.

Bruce slapped himself. He could hardly feel it. Feeling numb, numb. He slapped him hard. He pinched himself.

"How should I wake up?"

"You have to wait for the effect of the medicine to pass."

"Then i woke up?"


Bruce looked at the paper again. Toro chopped off his hand.

Toro said: "Moving ** is equivalent to signing a contract.". "You know. I won't open any loopholes. Although you may be affected by my special drug effects, you have completely mastered your mental abilities, but you don't understand your physical abilities."

Bruce forced himself to look away. It is difficult for him to focus on other things in the bar. Everything else seemed to be swaying underwater. Not a piece of paper, nor a bull. Both of them were clear and sharp enough to cut him in half.

"Don't you want to know what it says?" Toro took a sip of whiskey.

Yes. Bruce wants to know. More important than anything. He wants to know.

He didn't know how long he could hold on. His hands are sweating. His heart beat violently in his chest. He wanted to know very much.

He reached for the newspaper. He paused, holding his hands in the air.

"What if you knew what she was thinking? What if you saw her inner world? You could have avoided this unbearable pain."

"She will still die." Bruce put his hand heavily an inch from the note.

"Maybe not," Toro said. "Maybe you could have confronted her head-on before she made a mistake for the first time. It was just a thought and a thought to cheat you at that time. Maybe you can know how lonely she is, waiting for you in that small apartment night after night. . If you know how sad she is, how much she misses you, how much she needs your comfort and assurance, you will definitely do something."

"She is lonely. I know." Bruce said. "I assure her that this new job will get better. But that is not the case. Is she sad?"

"Satisfied women rarely cheat."

"I want to wake up," Bruce said.

"Then we will wait," Toro said.

Before Bruce could stop, he turned the paper over.

A full week before Abby fell ill, we were almost back to the present. On August 8th, Abby had activities on an ordinary Thursday, baking in the morning and taking baby pictures in the park in the afternoon. She would eat a salad for dinner, and then fell exhausted into her body. Her life is small and well thought out. She hardly knew that if everything went as usual, she would die in less than two weeks.

Toyoda doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do, including helping anyone he doesn't want to help. He is here to pay the debt. Of all the offensive things, debts top the list. If you think about it, that's almost all.

Over time, in order to maintain his DúLìxìng, Toyoda has achieved the most important point. He doesn't belong to anyone, he only obeys himself.

It is correct to say that Toyota likes humans; it is more correct that Toyota likes humans. He found that many of them are attractive, humorous, and their company is not very troublesome, and it is better to be alone in many cases.

He is very patient with them. most of the time. The important thing is that he must be patient. Always.

Mary Ann Mossbaum, despite Akio's best efforts, kept trying every bit of his patience, but she was not funny at all. Her company was not pleasant at all, Toyuo thought, if he could use her company to exchange a hundred years of loneliness, at this moment, he might be alone.

She is a tall woman, with long golden hair pulled tightly back from her forehead, and a serious bun at the back of her neck. Her cheekbones are high, her eyes are blue, bloodless, like ice. She sat upright on the leather sofa, staring at Akira with cold eyes. Her lips were pale and tight, and she spoke carefully, using only the sharpest and most rigorous words. She prefers needles and needles, and she chose to talk. From the furnishings of the home to her mediocre gaze, to her choice of career, she is a cold, indifferent and true person.

Akatsuki hated her all at once.

To make matters worse, the words from her mouth were harsh. Nonsense.

Mingfu sat comfortably, one leg stretched forward. His hand is on his thigh. He knew his comfortable posture would annoy her, and he was happy to help. He yawned to emphasize. She squinted at him, but didn't stop talking. Her lips moved and moved, moved and moved. Mingfu watched them move.

"Then I will run," she said. "I ran down the stairs. The carpet is red. Did I tell you that the carpet is red? Red as blood. Depressed red."

"Yes, you mentioned the red carpet."

"Does it matter if the carpet is red?" she asked. "Of course there are malicious hints. It's really depressing. Did I mention that it's depressing?"

"Unbearable," repeated Toyoda Akio.

"Are you listening?" she asked.

"Yes, of course."

""Then do you understand? Because I don’t have much time to do this, I don’t want to repeat it. "

Toyoda was silent for a while. He looked at her coldly until she moved her body uncomfortably.

"Please continue," he said, yawning again. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)