Magic Notes

Chapter 345: There are many doubts (16)


Marianne Mossbaum wrinkled deeper, but she continued, "So I walked down these stairs. The carpet was thick and thick at first, but it almost sucked me in in the next step. It would crush me. , Squash me and suck me in. I struggle to pull my feet out every step I take, but I can’t do it. Someone is chasing me. A man. I think he is a huge, vicious person. He Treat me badly. He wanted to do despicable things to me. He was awakened because I was pregnant. His thoughts were dirty and I could feel his thoughts pushing my thoughts - pushing mine Will. I can feel all the dirty, despicable, and inhuman things he wants to do to me. I can finally pull a leg out of the carpet sucking. My heart is pounding. I want to run, but I can’t. I pulled my other leg out and staggered forward. I lost my balance and stumbled down the stairs. They never ended. Although the carpet was soft and crunchy before, it suddenly became very Hard, I became very fragile, I kept rolling. I just hit the edge of the steps, and I shattered into a million tiny pieces. Like a porcelain doll. My appearance and heart were painted red. Like blood. Like a carpet. I didn’t break anything. Just a pile of broken pieces, and lying in the middle of my pile of pieces was the baby. No injuries, no injuries, eyes closed, curled up into a small ball, Clenched small fists with both hands, stained with my blood, covered with dust on my broken body. I was screaming. screaming. screaming. Then I woke up."

Mingfu leaned forward. His elbows are on his knees. He clasped his hands tightly.

"It sounds very painful," he said.


"Are you happy for the child you are pregnant with?" Mingfu asked.

"What do you mean?" she asked. "Seriously, what's the problem?"

"An important question," he said.

"Knowing this, how can it help you save me from these merciless nightmares?"

"Marian, do you know many dream eaters?"


"Yes?" he continued

"No," she said.

"When you are defending a client, they will keep asking you one question after another, or conceal something important from you when you probably just want to help them. Will this make you bored and stop thinking about it? Help them further?"

She squinted at him, raised her chin and looked to the right. She smoothed the shirt, pulled it down and put it on her thick chest, "I am not unhappy with this child. There is no doubt that I feel inconvenient for this. I am a professional woman, in my life. There is no room for a baby."

"Can you make room?" he asked.

Her eyes narrowed even more. If she narrowed her eyes again, her eyes would be closed completely.

"Look at me. My face is swollen. I weighed fifty pounds. My feet can't fit in one of my own shoes. I bought a pair of new shoes yesterday. My feet have grown two sizes. Look. Look at the father of this child. He is still the tall and strong man he has always been. He is still staring at him obsessively by women. He can crawl in and out easily. He doesn't often fall or forget things. I only have plastic plates now. I smashed all my fragile plates, bowls and glasses to pieces. People would not treat him as a delicate flower and walk around him gracefully. Ever since Since I was pregnant, no man has ever looked at me. They look down on me and my surroundings, but never look at me. Is this fair? Why must women be indifferent to all this? For me, everything has changed. , Everything has changed, for him, nothing has changed. No matter from which point of view, he is himself, and I am just a joke. I am the laughingstock of a huge cosmic joke, and now I have a huge Cosmic joke."

"Life is a blessing. As a female xìng, a new life is being bred in my heart-some people may find this exciting."

"Or parasites. Do you know that it comes first? Nutrients, food, whatever. It takes it first, and I take the rest. If there is any. I should get used to it, Because this is my future. Always second. Never. Not anymore. Never again."

"Then why did you decide to keep this child?"

"Politically speaking, it is not wise to terminate the contract. Being a single mother is bad enough, but I have been forgiven because I am in my forties. People know that for a woman my age, The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come, no one can understand.". ""Are you satisfied now? Have I told you enough? Can I help me appropriately?"

"Is the child a boy or a girl?"

"I choose not to understand," she said. "In any case, it doesn't matter."

"Now?" she continued. "Can you help me?"

"Yes." he said. Ander, the man who once owed Akio Toyoda, will have to consider repaying his debt in full. It's all paid, and then there are some more. "I will be back tonight."

Melody was waiting for Nick at the airport. She was standing outside the car, holding a sign that said, Nick Erickson, across her pregnant belly.

Melody, Melody. She is as beautiful as her name. She has sunny hair and blue eyes. She is petite. Nick often joked with her that if she was cuter or smaller, he would pick her up and put her in his pocket.

"Oh, you," she would say.

"Or you can just jump in," he would say, and then stretch out his pocket when receiving the invitation, her blonde hair will be flushed to toes. Of course, that was before she and Frankie started dating, when she was just an idea that had not yet formed in their minds.

He and Frankie are brothers-identical twin brothers. They are very close, like twin brothers, best friends and competitors in all aspects of life. Growing up, they fought for everything. Toys, clothes, who is smarter, who is more interesting than who, who is better than who is. Who ate the biggest pancake at breakfast? Who lost the first tooth? Who learns to ride a bicycle first? Who has better grades in school? Even if it's only a fraction of an inch, who is taller? They are constantly seeking positions, always taking care to ensure that the other side will never get the unscrupulous advantage.

Their mother wrote every boy's name on everything, right up to their sex. She always strives to be fair, she has worked hard to be fair, her children are like this, she arm herself with a black permanent marker, she divides their lives in the only fair and possible way, right Every boy is like this, no matter what. Even though one of the boys was not particularly interested in this thing, she still bought two. Two surfboards Nick and Frank. Two yo-yos-Nick and Frank. Two harmonicas--even though Frank didn't care about harmonicas at all, she bought two of them. There are two things, except of course, Melody. There is only one singer, and the singer is Frank.

"The gesture is good," Nick said to Melody.

"I think you will like it," she said. "The sparkling rainbow feels good, don't you think?"

Melody came to pick him up alone. Obviously, Frankie is cleaning up the mess in the office so that he can spend a few days on vacation with Nick, and his mother is helping Aunt Luo prepare for the welcome home party.

"Come here," Nick said, giving her a big hug.

"Oh, Nicole, I'm too fat, look at me," Melody said, and Nick gave her a hug and squeezed the air out.

"Mel, you have never been so beautiful. You are the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen. Except for these cargo shorts, the pockets are really really big."

She laughed, then her laughter turned into tears, and then Nick felt like a fool.

"Sorry, Mel. I'm just kidding."

"Haha, I'm in a mess, Nicole. I cry for anything. I cried after seeing a toilet paper ad this morning. I should be sorry." She wiped her eyes with her sunglasses. "I'm glad you are back," she said.

"I'm very happy to go home too, sister."

Hawaii is a beautiful home. His whole family wanted to know why he lived in Oregon if he could live in Hawaii, but Nick did not have a good answer. He has never asked himself this question, so this question has never been answered. He once told his mother that he could not live on Maui because she had already written Frankie's name on it.

His mother smiled sadly when she heard this, tears filled her eyes, "It is so important to me that you and Frankie can come here. This will mean the whole world, Nico."

Nick felt like a fool.

Mel drove the car, and they swiftly crossed the pineapple field and walked towards home. Nick looked out the window. He remembered the last time he went home to visit the old man. He also brought Abby. They drove along the same road together. The pineapple fields stretched out to each side, row after row, and the arrogant little bastards poked their heads out of the ground.

"Is that a pineapple?" Abby was amazed. "I thought they grew on trees. It's funny. They were dug out from the ground."

She came with him to participate in a surfing photography competition. He knew that she had saved money for several months in order to buy tickets and save money. He offered to pay, but she flatly refused. She ordered the cheapest things in every restaurant he took her to.

"Let me come?" He would say "I treat you" and he smiled. She also smiled at me. He likes this, anyway, as long as he smiles, she will smile. She looked serious most of the time, so he always forced a smile. This is a good deal. As his mother said, Abby's smile was as bright as everything outside. His mother also used this phrase to mean her own back when she was eating another macaroon. In that case, it was not the case. His mother was as slim as a girl, but when it came to Abby's smile, it was as wide as all the outside world fits. very good. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)