Magic Notes

Chapter 350: Doubtful (21)


Marianne cleared her throat. "That's Ender," she said.

"You look very happy in this one," Akio said.

"This is an amazing trip," she said. "I have always wanted to go to Egypt. Have you been there?"

She handed him a glass of plastic water, and the perfect moon-shaped ice cubes were floating, clanking each other against the sides of the glass. She raised her hand, palm up, once Toyuo took the cup from it, and waited for him to put the picture on it. Mingfu asked her to hold her hand.

"Tell me about Ande," he looked down at the photo in his hand, then looked up at her.

She sighed and put her hand next to her.

"He is my good friend. We like the same things," she said. She drank some water and was silent for a while, then added: "He is the most amazing man I have ever met."

Toyoda handed her the photo and watched her put it in the drawer on the other side of the room. She looked at it for a while, then put it face down in the drawer and closed the drawer gently.

She led Ming Fu to her bedroom. The furniture is large, wooden, and covered with an astonishing number of small, fluffy, very non-serious pillows. Toyoda didn't know what he was looking forward to, but it was not what he was looking forward to. He himself chuckled softly.

Akio ordered Marian to lie down. She said stiffly. If anyone can look awkwardly lying on their own sex, it must be Marianne.

"Relax," Akio said.

Marianne closed her eyes tightly.

"Pretend that I am not here. Relax all the muscles of the body, starting from the feet, move upwards, tighten and relax the muscles."

Akio stood a few feet away from her with his back to her. He moved slowly and consciously through Tai Chi movements. He draws energy towards him. The universe opened its doors to him, and he began to shine, as if the sun was shining on him. The light radiated from his heart. He is a sun, and the universe has released its energy to him and filled him.

He listened to Marianne's breathing gradually relaxing and deepening. The sleeping Marianne was a beautiful woman, her skin was young and glowing, and her blonde hair glowed along the pillow. He could see what attracted Ender, like an angel when she was awake and when she was asleep.

Once he was sure that she was asleep, he let his true book surface. The cat's sky protrudes outward from his center and stretches out. He felt warm from inside because he allowed the cat to push farther and farther, farther and farther. He raised his hands, spread his fingers, stretched out, and gave in. This change is both gentle and powerful. After finishing the race, he bowed his strong horse. He rubbed the tiger's arm with his paw, then rubbed his nose against his mane and rubbed his arm. He yawned and opened his mouth wide, his pink tongue curled. He extended this time as much as possible. He hoped it would last, but too soon, it was over. He stood there burly on all fours, his breath puffing out of his nose, and the heart of his horse was pounding. He is half a tiger, half a lion, and half a horse, all from Baku.

Following a huge leap, the Baku people concentrated all their energy on the sleeping Marianne and entered the center of her dream. Everyone's dream center is different. Marie Ann Mossbaum's hair was black, magnificent, and cold.

Everyone creates their own dreams, or dreams that surround everyone. Akio Toyoda has appeared in many intricate, huge and beautiful works, which is enough to stop him and respect the unpredictable side of people. It was here that he saw a man or a woman, who was their core. Their happiness is embodied in the flowers and sunshine, their hope is embodied in the trees and stars, and their faces are so rich that nothing in the world can compare with them, and their fear is in the uneven peaks. And the cliff became nothingness.

When Marianne started to dream, the situation changed.

Akio walked down the stone floor of the magnificent palace Marian dreamed of. The palace began to shrink and diverge, forming the old house Marian described earlier. The walls were closed tightly, and the ceiling dropped above his head.

Mingfu found himself in a small corridor. If he were the kind of beast that felt claustrophobic, he would definitely be in this place.

The marble floor became soft, and blood red oozes from the ground, turning into bloody paw prints with Qiufu's every step. The blood red spread all the way to the floor.

"Marian?" He called.

He used a man's voice so as not to disturb her. He continued to call her down the hall. The narrow hall is lined with small doors and some high doors. Toyoda opened the door and looked in. The room is empty, and the wallpaper has faded and peeled off. The faint sunlight shined through the dusty window. These rooms are not exactly the same, although they are all empty. The wallpaper in each room is different, the shape of the window is also different, and sometimes the window glass will shatter.

The blood-red red carpet was the same from beginning to end, the creaking sound became louder, thicker, and clearer, just like when Ming Fu was walking. At the end of the corridor, he turned around a winding staircase, the one that Marianne had fallen off in her last dream.

Toyoda called again. Marianne still wasn't found.

At the very bottom of the stairs, there is a foyer and the last door leading to the right. Akio went down the stairs and pushed open the door.

This room is different from other rooms. It is very clean and the wallpaper is very fresh. A row of neatly-looking fire trucks walked around the wall with blue and green stripes painstakingly, and the windows of the cars were shiny and clean. The warm sunlight poured on the large sheets of the room, almost solid, as if Toyoda could reach out and touch them.

Looking out the window, Marie Ann Mossbaum stood there. She was wearing a white dress, her golden hair gleaming, and she was illuminated more like a halo by the sun. She gave the impression of a warrior queen. In her arms, she was holding a baby wrapped in blue, without making any sound.

Feng Zi Mingfu came over and looked at the child to make sure that the child was still alive. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the baby breathe gently. He smelled him deeply, he liked the smell of babies, and this smelled of Ender. This is Ender's boy. He can feel Ander's pride in the sun.

"Is he here?" Marianne asked.

"I can't feel him yet," Toyuo said. "We will wait. He will be here soon. This time he can handle it easily. In this dream you are not pregnant. He doesn't need to chase you, tear you to pieces, or find other ways to take the child away. He takes the child away. Put it in your arms so that he can take him away. He probably wants you to give him to him, right?"

"I will never," she said.

"You might be surprised," Toyuo said.

They waited together in the sun, Mingfu by the door and Marian by the window. After a while, they heard the crisp sound of footsteps, and a man strode across the corridor upstairs, exactly the same as when Toyoo came over. The footsteps stopped briefly on the top of the stairs, and then came down quickly. The blood-red red carpet did not diminish the sound of that person's arrival.

"He is here," she whispered. She suddenly became frightened and wanted to run away.

"Keep calm," Toyuo said, and then he walked across the room, standing between her and the door. Marianne pressed him tightly. Mingfu could feel her trembling. The baby keeps quiet.

The footsteps stopped outside the door again before entering. Zhaofu is full of expectation. His hair stood upright, as if an electric current was flowing through it. This is his purpose. That game.

Walk into the room ー Ande.

"I am here, my queen," Ander announced. He stood tall, with a large body, and wore a set of stylish clothes. The gold thread and the silver thread were spun one after another. His face is well-defined, brown, and his hands stretched out, ready to hug Marianne. "I'm here for you and my prince," he said.

"Ender? It's you!" Marianne said. She was relieved. "It's a boy," she said.

"I'm proud of you, Marian. You are strong. I know that my love for you is not misplaced, and Akio Toyoda, my good friend. You have been by my side. I declare that you owe me a debt It’s all paid off. I’m your loyal soul. Thank you for protecting the person I care about most. I give my prince from heaven, and he will reign by my side. I’m happy. I feel humble, "Ann De stretched his head to Akio to express his gratitude.

"Now, Marianne comes to the beast and asks me to hug my child," he said.

Marianne is from near Minfu. She held the baby in her hands. The baby's eyes opened. Ender stretched out her hands and Marianne held the child in her arms.

Akio jumped past Marian. He waved his huge tiger paw and hit Ender's face fiercely. Ender flew across the room and hit the far wall.

"What are you doing?" Marianne screamed.

"My good friend," said Ender, wiping his cheek with the sleeve of his beautiful dress. "Please don't forget yourself. Your task has been completed." Four lines of blood appeared on Ander's face. He leaned back against the wall in an elegant posture. Ender stood up and stood up slowly. "I order you to retreat, Baku." He stretched out his hand, and the walls of the house began to tremble and the windows rattled. "Don't test me."

Akio roared, it was a primitive roar, so loud that the baby was startled and began to cry. Marian jumped up and stepped back from Toyuo. Ender did not flinch.

"You fool," Ender said. In an instant, his face changed from calm to hatred. Toyoda found it good not to blink in this situation, so he did not miss this transition.

""I believe you. The Ander you play is flawless," said the Baku.

Ender hesitated for a while, but soon recovered his composure.

"Give me the child, Marianne. I can see that I am too stupid to entrust such a precious thing to this beast."

Marianne turned his gaze from Ender to Minfu. She took a step forward.

"Marian," Mingfu said. "Don't listen. This person is not your Ender. I am someone you can trust. Ender sent me to protect you."

"A mistake. Obviously," Ender said. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)