Magic Notes

Chapter 357: There are many doubts (28)


"I know my mother," Mars said. He felt a little bit to cry, but he didn't, "and you are not her either."

Shirley frowned, "Little sister, maybe you should teach him how to be polite."

April put her arms around Mars's shoulders. Mars never saw an expression on April's face at that moment. disappointment. it's a pity. anger. Her face was a mess. All point to Shelley.

April and Mars are about the same height when they are standing, they are very thin, with sharp elbows and knees. Mars may be an inch taller than the earth.

Without saying a word with Xueli, April pulled Mars back from the door and closed the door on Xueli's face. She opened the latch.

Mars had seen the same expression on another occasion, after he was expelled from the university, he was locked up in a prison and charged with personal assault. This time, although his gaze is aimed at him.

Mars stopped halfway, adjusted the camera, and cleared his throat. Then clean up again before continuing ー

When I graduated from high school, she was very proud of me. I am the student representative of the class. Unbelievable, but she said she believed it from the beginning. I went to university on a partial scholarship. This doesn't pay all the expenses, so in addition to her full-time job as a school librarian, she also works part-time on a grocery store shelf at night. She doubled the number of pianos taught to children. She basically has three jobs. She said she likes it. This keeps her busy. Because I'm not by her side, she doesn't know what to do. I know why she did it. I told her that I want a loan. Others did this, but she said she didn't want me to be unable to repay the student loan after graduation. She wants me to have a fresh start, and she likes to keep herself busy.

I majored in digital media and minored in writing.

This is difficult. It's much harder than I thought. I feel a bit like being thrown into a pack of wolves.

I am here-Matthias comes from a small town in Maine. Representative of the graduates of our class. Although the scholarship is only part of it, it is one of the most prestigious universities in the country, and I am struggling, overwhelmed, and about to be eliminated.

I feel like a loser.

I am a loser.

I don't call home anymore because I don't know what to say. It is difficult to keep the conversation relaxed. I think I'm lying.

So I don't call anymore. Not answering the phone.

I want to give up, but I don't. I tempered myself. I spend all my time in the library. I work hard, and when this is not enough, I work harder. I may have many shortcomings, but I never give up halfway.

Do you get it. The fish on Mars left the water. Mars used to be big fish in a small pond now tiny, tiny fish in the ocean.

You understand, right

Fast forward to the event in question. The shame of Mars Matthias. The skeleton in my closet. The great dismissal of Mars Matthias started with an article and ended with me in handcuffs behind a Jǐng car.

This article is prepared for my writing and rhetoric class. This is about the health care of pregnant women and drug use for babies. This is a topic that I am very concerned about.

I devoted all my efforts to this piece of paper. I did research. I extracted it from my personal experience. I interviewed other people affected. If I really say that, this article is really great. A victory.

The professor of this class—we call him John Smith—is a utter annoyance. Always a grade bastard. He didn't like me from the beginning, and the feeling was mutual. He is a notorious ruthless guy, and he is the kind of bastard who is proud of such a reputation. In fact, he seems to be trying to get rid of the reputation of the previous year every year.

I handed in the article. I am very proud. If this is not a job, then I don't know what a job is.

The day he handed in the documents, he handed in everyone except me. Instead, he said to me, "Look for me after class, Matthias."

get out of class has ended. Everyone is gone. I hesitated.

He pointed at me, frowned, and greeted me to come to the front of the classroom.

I walked over.

He dropped the file on the table in front of me.

He turned on the laptop and turned on the power. He didn't even look at me when he did this. We listened to the computer turning on. He still said nothing.

The computer is coming. He typed and clicked, and I stood there waiting. He didn't even look at me. Finally, he turned to me.

He pointed to my paper.

"You want to explain this," he said.

"What?" I said.

"You only have one chance to explain. Give me a chance to pity you. One chance. Here, I'm here to start for you-Oh, sorry Professor S, my mother never had time to teach me the distinction between food stamps and benefits Right or wrong. Now it's your turn. Oops, Professor S ーー

He raised his hand and invited me to continue.

I never wanted to hit someone like that at that moment.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I said.

He snorted.

"I don't know who you think I am," he said. "I understand that staying here is a challenge. As a quota child, it is fair to say that you live longer than many other quota children. This is the last chance."

"I don't know what you are talking about," I said. "This is a good paper."

"This is an amazing article. An excellent paper, especially when Watkins first wrote it three years ago."

He turned the laptop to me.

I leaned over to read the text on the screen. He set up a website. My article is not bad at all. Not a word bad.

"I don't understand," I said. "I wrote it. I didn't copy it."

Professor Smith shook his head. "Thank you for participating, Matthias," he said. "This university is for Jīngying. It's time to check the bus timetable. I believe the next bus to any place will open soon."

I can not believe it. I have been reading that article written by Watkins Diller on the computer. The one exactly like me.

"Have you not seen it before?" He threw the computer on my face.

"I didn't plagiarize. I swear. I don't know what happened. Please believe me."

"I'm a busy man," he said. "I don't have time to waste on previous students. You can have this conversation with the dean."

"Let's go," he said, and then made a hissing motion with his hands.

I have never thought of hitting people unconsciously in my life. I saw the red sè. real. I saw the red sè.

I really want to strangle him.


I do not have.

I left.

As soon as I left the building.

Two guys, one of them holding a baseball bat, attacked me.

For no reason at all.

They beat me unconscious.

I thought they were going to kill me.

Somehow, I still don't know how to do it, I can get the baseball bat from the little guy with the baseball bat. I shot him with a gun. I hit him on the head.

Knocked him out.

Make him unconscious.

Almost killed him.

Jǐngcha arrested me for attacking others.

Witnesses said I attacked them.

Since then, I have lived under the shadow of Yin that day every day.

I was born with the shame and disappointment of my mother.

Every day since then.

I finally got rid of it.

Finally ZìYóu.

The print in my hand confirms my statement.

I did not plagiarize.

I did not attack those boys. They attacked me.

The dark clouds disappeared.

The sky is blue.

Mars Matias was free from his prison, from his shame.

A robot named Zola and a man named Bruce Denman released me. He released hundreds of people. He prevented countless people from being wrongly convicted.

I was not born for revenge. I have been educated since I was a child to have compassion and understanding, but I can only say ーoh, damn ーー

Fuck you, Professor Richard Bauer and Dean Milton Anderson!

Street thugs used baseball bats William Big, Willie Bishop and Makeny Castro, fuck you too!

Last but not least, tell Watkins who you are to die.

I am the man on the street.

Finally rehabilitated.

Etc., etc

Someone is at the door.

Mars will be back soon.

When I do, we have to celebrate, my Mars!

Mars reached forward and paused the video stream.

The video on his laptop crashed. The last picture is Mars’s outstretched arm, probably with his fingers on the keyboard, his head half turned towards the door of the hotel room.

Bruce Deman was sitting at his desk, waiting for Wendy to connect him to the phone of the director of the Cambridge Jǐng Investigation Bureau.

Only ten minutes ago, he had brought Marsmatia out of the Antwater Building.

"I'm honored, Mars. I look forward to reading your article," Bruce said.

Mars smiled and shook hands with Bruce, "Thank you again."

Now Bruce is waiting. He could hear Wendy calling in the neighboring office. He opened the table and unfolded the last five pages scanned by Mars Matthias. He leveled the pages of the book with his hands.

Wendy's voice came from the intercom, "Cobern Butterfield called, Mr. Denman."

"Come here, Wendy."

"Yes, sir."

Bruce waited for the ticking sound. He could hear the breathing on the other end of the phone.

I’m Bruce Danman, Captain Butterfield

"What can I do for you, Mr. Denman?" Colburn's voice was low. It sounds tired or very organic. He spoke slowly and carefully. Bruce Deman doesn't call every day. In fact, Bruce Denman doesn't call every day.

"Captain, I am calling to inquire about the death of Dr. James Harvey."

"James Harvey? That was a long time ago. What's wrong?"

"I have evidence that Dr. Harvey was murdered."

"Now, Mr. Denman, we looked into it. It was a fall. I'm sorry. Mr. Harvey is old. He fell. This happens from time to time." (To be continued) (End of this chapter)