Magic Notes

Chapter 358: Doubtful (29)


"Doctor Harvey was pushed down the stairs. I have incontrovertible evidence that he was murdered. I also have an eyewitness."

"Is that right?"

"Yes. I will ask my assistant to fax you the true scan of the witness. This proves that he saw a person coming up from behind Dr. Harvey and pushing him down the stairs."

"Yes, please fax it over."

"I believe that you will solve this problem with the necessary caution, diligence and promptness."

"Of course. I will investigate this immediately."

"Captain Butterfield, this is very important to me. I intend to put as much energy as possible on this. Do you know what I mean?"

"Yes, of course, Mr. Danman. I am waiting for your fax. The Jǐng inspection department in this city is always at your service."

Bruce hung up.

He scanned Matthias's head again.

Unlike later machines, Zola was not designed to mine information. After securing a meeting with Mars, Bruce upgraded her functions. Zola is a DúLì unit, and the data she collects will not be automatically uploaded to the database, which means that Toro and his people did not monitor her. She is the only machine that DúLì runs.

Zola confirmed Bruce's guess that Mars was an eyewitness. Mars saw the person pushing Dr. Harvey away. He watched the man kneeling at the bottom of the stairs, confirmed that Dr. Harvey was dead, then opened Harvey's briefcase and took some things from it.

Mars witnessed all this.

Bruce personally faxed the scanned copy to Captain Butterfield. Bruce's fax machine is in Wendy's office.

Wendy looked out from the table. She curled up her hair, restless. First of all, she forgot to schedule the meeting with Mars Matthias on Mr. Deman’s schedule, which forced him to wait for an hour. Now, he is faxing his own documents. She offered to fax the report to him. twice. But he said he wanted to come by himself. He wants to make sure it gets there.

He cleared the memory of the fax machine after he finished.

He needs to put the original Nuskan in a safe place, and the safest place is the basement of Amanda Church. In the Holy Land and state of the art technology, the biometric safe is as safe as anything Bruce can do. It can only be this way.

He told Wendy that he was going to have dinner with Amanda. He didn't want to be disturbed anyway. Everything can wait until tomorrow.

"Yes, Mr. Denman," Wendy said.

Wendy was not malicious. She was arrested for shoplifting. The truth of the matter is that her boyfriend Kevin secretly stuffed the stolen cell phone into her wallet, and she didn't notice it. He has a criminal record. She is a good girl and never does anything wrong. The court will treat her leniently. In other words, Kevin has persuaded her when she was caught. She loves him, so she admits it. for him. When another company bought the company she worked for, she was fired. Because of shoplifting records on her record, it was difficult for her to find a job, so she struggled to survive. Her car was taken back. She eats ramen every day and every meal so that she can use unemployment benefits to pay her rent. Kevin and her unemployment benefits ran out on the same day.

She is very happy to have this job. This is a good job. No, a great job. She is Bruce Deman's personal assistant. She drove a brand-new car and lived in an apartment twice as big and twice as beautiful as her original apartment. When Kevin came back to ask for her forgiveness, she slammed her front door twice with satisfaction. She decided that she would never give up herself because of a man, she would let herself compromise. Never again.

Bruce knew she was very grateful, but he didn't know because she had already told him. Wendy is a serious worker and pays great attention to privacy. Bruce knew everything about everyone who worked for him. All Denmanos employees have undergone a Denmanos pre-employment personality test-this is just one of the many excellent products Denmanos provides to the corporate world. Knowing the men and women who run your company is the slogan of this very good product.

It is important to choose people who are grateful. Gratitude breeds loyalty.

Plus Wendy is beautiful, which is very helpful.

Beauty is almost as important as loyalty.

Bruce parked his car in the basement of the building, where there was air conditioning and security surveillance. The leather in the driver's seat across his dress shirt makes me feel cool, especially in such hot weather. The windows of his low-key sports car were stained black, which was deeper than the legally permitted color. This is essential for privacy and being a good boy like Bruce Danman.

Bruce drove to Amanda's house. He knew that Amanda would not be there when he arrived. She likes to keep herself busy. She really needs to make herself feel less like a housed woman, which means that she is. She volunteers to serve the community most of the time, doing useful things. Among others, she attends classes to keep her thinking sharp. Bruce worked late at night, that is, most nights, she spent in the gym with her personal trainer.

Her personal trainer is named Justin. He is muscular and handsome, just the kind of impeccable, sharp-cut, handsome person who might expect him to charge high fees.

In a training session, Justin didn't wear a shirt. Larson is Amanda's personal bodyguard and is employed by Bruce. Larson reported to Bruce all of Amanda's ins and outs-she had talked with Bruce, what she had done, and even what she had eaten. Bruce didn't care about it.

"She hardly ate anything today, just a salad," Larson said. "Not healthy."

"She is a big girl," Bruce would say.

For Bruce, Amanda felt that she had to stay slim and beautiful. She felt that she had nothing to offer. She belittles herself every day, thinking that a man like Bruce should live with her, whether it is physically or spiritually, such a woman is very hard.

Bruce had many girlfriends before Amanda and his wife died. Amanda felt the pressure. She loves him, but a man like Bruce gets bored easily, and she knows he can get any woman he wants.

Bruce likes Amanda. He admired her kindness, honesty and loyalty. He knew without doubt that Amanda was sincere to him.

He hooked up with all the other girlfriends. All of these fail for one reason or another. Most people use him to gain money and status. Some people were entrusted to Toro and were sent to pursue him and watch him, while others were weak-willed and weak-willed. They may like him now, but the time is ripe for Toro to step in and persuade them.

A few people refuse to connect with Ruola, of course, this is their privilege. Bruce never tried to persuade others. He made the initial request, and if they refused, he would let Paul's people drive them home. immediately. No matter how interested he was in them, no matter how attractive they were to him, they were gone. Bruce can't make such a mistake.

Amanda is different from them. She is pure, sweet, honest, and loyal. When she said she loved him, she was serious. She really did. She is also very beautiful, and to Bruce, beauty is almost as important as loyalty.

Amanda's coach Justin interrupted the conversation that day, and he picked up the discarded t-shirt.

"Put it on," he said.

"What?" Justin said.

"Put it on," Larson said, pushing the shirt he held with his big, clumsy hand into Justin's chest.

Justin picked up his shirt and put it on. He could tell from Larson's eyes that his chiseled jaw was either punched or beaten.

Amanda felt very ashamed.

"You should look at the look in Justin's eyes. If you understand what I mean, sir," Larson complained to Bruce.

Leave Larson alone.

"But, sir—"

Bruce looked away from his white board full of equations.

Leave Larson alone

Amanda is a good girl. Bruce knew she would never deceive him, but he still checked Justin. He can't be too cautious. Although not through Larson but he did it himself.

Larson also reported to Paul.

Paul reports to Toro.

Toro also fell in love with Justin. Bruce knew it because he saw this query in the database.

Toro knew that Bruce knew, because he saw Bruce's question of him.

The prom is still going on.

Half a mile from Amanda's Bar, a man rushed to Bruce's car.

Bruce slammed on the brakes. The tires screamed harshly, and the car came to a halt with smoke. Bruce was thrown forward onto the seat, then fell back onto the seat, and the seat belt was pierced into his chest.

Any other car that is not responsive-it is replaced with new tires and equipped with brand new brakes-it is impossible to brake in time. That man is undoubtedly dead, all over the street. On the contrary, Bruce's car stopped in time. The bumper pressed on the man's calf. The man's hands pushed the hood shyly, as if he could stop the car from running over him with absolute brute force. Realizing that he was not dead, it hit him hard. He is leaning at the waist. His arms were shaking violently. He couldn't breathe.

Bruce jumped out of the car and swooped at the man.

"What happened to you?"

"I'm sorry." I'm sorry, Mr. Danman," the man said. He leaned on the car, breathing for a breath, and calmed down. "I need to talk to you, they won't let me into your office, they are watching your girlfriend Your residence and your apartment. I don't know what else to do?" This man is wearing brown work jeans and a plaid shirt. Bruce can see the mottled scalp through the sparse gray hair. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)