Magic Notes

Chapter 360: Doubtful (31)


Bruce was stunned, stunned.

Adam realized that he had just hit Bruce, and he looked at Bruce's completely surprised face.

"Damn!" Adam cursed in a low voice.

Adam looked back. Fortunately, he closed the door of Toro's room. Toro did not see or hear.

"Sorry, buddy," Adam said. He patted Bruce on the shoulder-it was the shoulder he hit-and rushed along the corridor, knocking Bruce completely frozen, startled.

Bruce looked at Toro's closed door, then walked down the hall and looked at Adam who was running away. His business with Toro has to wait. He went hunting down that bastard, fucking Beaumont.

Adam ran as fast as he could, but Bruce ran faster, increasing with each step, thus shortening the distance. They flew over a row of elevators, and the employees at Denman Noos staggered in and out of fear, passing through the gazebo in the lobby. The two ran silently, neither wanting to attract the attention of others, nor to the attention of Toro or Paul and his security servants.

When Bruce threw Adam from behind on the stairwell on the other side of the corridor, he was almost at the stairwell. They all slid into the door of the stairwell. Bruce was on top and managed to stand firm first. He pulled Adam from the floor and threw him on the door with a slam. Hard. Bruce was dissatisfied that Adam's head hit the door hard behind him. He grabbed Adam's beautiful face and hit the metal door hard again. try harder. Again. It's more difficult.

"Are you one of them?" Bruce asked.

Adam's bell rang, and he blinked. He saw two Bruce, no matter how many times he blinked, they didn't merge into one.

"Are you saying I am the devil?"

"You are one of them, right?"

"A demon? No," Adam said.

"What do they handle with you? How do they control you?"

"Are you saying that I am a soulless drone like you? No. I don't want to disappoint you. I just work for them, I have my soul," Adam put his hands behind his head. "Jealous?" He pulled his hand out. His blood covered his hands like gloves. "Damn, I think you broke my head. You should be jealous because I have two things you don't have. My soul and the memory of Sarah's last words. Do you remember Sarah? I do."

"You son of a bitch."

"I can tell you what she said. Do you want to know? Do you want me to tell you?" Adam sneered his handsome face. His voice was vague.

"No," Bruce gritted his teeth. "I don't want to hear any word she says from your mouth. I just want to choke you to death. It's here."

"You won't kill me," Adam rebuked.

"You work for them? For Toro?" Bruce asked.

"Family business. We specialize in dirty work, wet work, all kinds of work." Adam tried to shrug, but he could only shrug. The other person will not shrug. "Since Uncle Tyler unfortunately died and was shot dead in his apartment with our dear Sarah, I have been in charge here. Do you know what I miss most about Sarah? The smell of her. What do you miss?"

"Stop talking about Sarah! What did you do for him? Just now. Why are you here? What kind of work is this?"

"Don't you want to know?"

"answer me."

"You should be fucking smart. What do you think?"

"I think I'm going to end you." Bruce put his forearm against Adam's neck.

"You wouldn't do that. The great Bruce Denman?"

"I am not great, nothing makes me more happy than squeezing your eyes out."

"They won't let you kill me," Adam said. He was convinced.

Bruce laughed. "Want to bet? Do you want to play a game and see who is more important to them? You or me? I want to play, are you willing?"

For the first time, Adam's eyes were full of fear. He looked down the corridor.

"There are people around. Someone will see you," his voice was hoarse.

Bruce began to slowly increase the pressure on Adam's neck. "Then what?" he said. "You don't think they will clean up your mess before you fall to the ground. Naivety is not for you, Beaumont."

Adam made a face. Bruce pressed harder.

"Someone will see it. The people next to the elevator. Witnesses. They will also clean it up. Would you like that?"

"Now, you are betting on my people. How much do you think I have left? Some? Are there? Part of me thinks that the satisfaction of killing you can be worth any collateral damage. "If you kill me, You won’t know the truth. "

"What's the truth?"

"The truth about Sarah. What they don't want you to know is," his voice whispered hoarsely.

Bruce paused. "tell me."

"No, you have to let me go first."

"I can guarantee what you will tell me?"

"There is no guarantee," Adam said. "A man like me won't give anything, but you have to decide if it's worth it. You let me go and I will call you when I arrive safely. It's suffocating. Distance and tell you what happened and why it happened. Poor Sarah. You want to know. Trust me."

Bruce released Adam. Adam fell to the ground.

Bruce shook his hand and let it go.

"You call me. You can leave before midnight tonight," Bruce said. "Otherwise I will find you and complete my unfinished business. I will in the next six hours, or until you call me, think about the most terrible and painful thing I can do to you."

"For the sake of my face," Adam rubbed his throat and smiled brightly at Bruce.

The blood ran down from a river behind Adam's neck. Adam's shirt collar and yoke were soaked in bright red, and spread out. The wounds on the head are often bloody, especially Adam’s, but no amount of blood is enough to give Bruce a little bit of satisfaction. Unless it's all.

Bruce pushed open the door of the stairwell, leaving Adam sitting in the corridor against the wall. He ran down three flights of stairs to the underground parking lot, walking two flights of stairs at a time.

When he reached the basement, he saw his car door wide open. He slowed down and walked around the car. The glove box he locked was also opened, and the Manila envelope containing the Mars Truth Scanner was gone.

Opened car doors, opened glove box, everything, this is a message.

Toro knew everything. Toro wanted Bruce to know that he knew everything. Otherwise he will close the glove box and the door.

Bruce is really a fool, thinking he is cunning enough to fool him.

He looked up at the surveillance camera, the one facing his parking spot. He maintained a calm and neutral expression. Although deep inside, he was screaming. He was so angry that he smoked.

That son of a bitch!

His parents killed him.

Dr. Harvey was killed.

Where is Sarah

Even without Adam's confirmation, he knew that Toro was responsible for her death.


These people didn't do anything to bear what happened to them, they just loved him and cared for him.

Bruce opened his shirt sleeves and buttoned cuffs.

He put the shirt that he had taken off during the hunt into his pants again, and then fought with Adam.

He reached into the car, closed the glove box, and then closed the passenger door.

He calmly and slowly walked around the back of the car and stepped into the driver's seat.

He backed up smoothly and drove slowly from the basement to the sun.

He drove the car calmly.

Follow the plan. Follow the plan. He told himself over and over again. This is his mantra. He will not be under their control forever, at least not in this life, not while he has a life.

Follow the plan.

Bruce wasn't surprised when midnight came but didn't receive a call from Adam Beaumont.

Yesterday, Mars Matias was found missing in a hotel room in Portland. Anyone who knows his whereabouts should call 911.

Fans of Mars Matthias's news blog "Matthias Manifesto", who claims to be Mars, have posted a $50,000 bounty to those who provide information on the whereabouts of Mr. Matthias.

"What do you think other than cutting her stomach? Is there any way to help her?" Toyoda said.

"Yeah," Bruce said. "First of all, we are getting ahead. Maybe, not what we think. After all, the simplest answer is usually the correct answer. Don't go to zebras. Maybe it's just a sleep disorder, or it's a kind of health. obstacle."

"No," Toyuo said. He crossed his arms and shook his head. "Neither."

"We should explore this issue scientifically."

"You are right," Toyohio lowered his head and said.

I sit on the chair, my eyes see from one side to the other. They talk about me as if I am not in the room.

"Let's have a dream study. I have a portable device in the basement that can monitor her brain waves and function while she is dreaming."

Bruce stood up.

"Shall we follow?" Ming Fu asked.

"No," Bruce said, and laughed himself. "The basement is my territory. I'm afraid we can't receive visitors."

I was fidgeting and biting my nails.

"He was just joking about cutting my head, right?"

"Do you think it is funny?" Ming Fu asked.


"Then this may not be a joke."

"This is not a good thing," I said.

"I'm sorry," Toyuo said. "That may not be a joke," he modified.

When Bruce Deman returned from the basement, he was carrying a large black suitcase. He asked me to lie on the leather sofa, and I did. He opened the suitcase on the floor next to the sofa. I thought there was a machine inside, a machine that monitors dreams.

He unplugged the wire and connected the knots to my forehead and temple.

He picked up his laptop from the long table and put the machine on it.

"Okay, start slowing your breathing," he said. "Relax." (to be continued) (end of this chapter)