Magic Notes

Chapter 365: Doubtful (36)


"This is the last Jǐng complaint, Danman."

"I'm a doctor!" Danman roared. "what do you?"

Akio grabbed Abby's leg and dragged her to the corner of the room. He stood between her and Danman.

"You know what I am," Toyuo said. "The better question is, what are you?"

Denman was still lying on his back on the floor. His face was flushed and his head was sweating profusely. His shirt was torn, and the back of his head throbbed with the impact of falling back. He clenched his fists and jumped up from behind like a ninja, landing on his feet lightly and agilely. His knees bend. He became nervous, ready to take the next step.

"Keep your man xìng," Toyohio said.

Danman blinked and looked down at his clenched fist. His face dropped.

"Take a step back and cover your head. There is no time." Akio said, and then yelled angrily ー one second before it was a person, the next second he turned into a beast.

Danman opened his eyes wide. Mingfu is very outstanding. The biggest beast Danman has ever seen. Its huge lion face and huge claws.

Denman tried to look away, but he couldn't do it. He was fascinated.

Toyohiro turned his huge lion head and roared at Danman's face. His breathing was hot, and the sound from his huge throat shook Deman's heart. He will think that he is far away from anything that might scare him. Had he not experienced the worst? Did he not plan for the worst? Every nerve in his body tells him to run fast, but he can't let his feet move. Therefore, he cannot let any part of his body move.

Akio stretched out his huge paw and beat him away.

Abi sank deeper and deeper, being pulled by her ankle. Where is the bottom? She couldn't move, she knew that her hot lungs could no longer support it. She tried her last bit of strength before she could not breathe in, but her body was no longer under her control. When the water poured into her crushed lungs, she shuddered and choked. Water burns like fire.

One hand grabbed her from above. The first is her hair, it grabs until it grabs her chin, still holding her hand until her upper arm. She was dragged out of the lake, drowned, motionless.

Just before the darkness swallowed her, she saw the face above her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You are right. We are dreaming. No. Please don't die."

Abby said angrily. Ben pushed her aside, she vomited and coughed up water - every drop of water in her body came out. She began to cry involuntarily, and Ben held her until she coughed and retched.

""sorry. I'm sorry," he repeated it over and over, shaking her back and forth in his arms. "I wish you were dead. When I saw you jump into the lake. I was very angry at the time. I wish you drowned. I thought it would be good for you, but then I remembered that it was not like this. I kissed you all night on the dock. This never happened. "

He grabbed her hard, and she cried harder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Abby, I'm the bad guy. I'm the bad guy in all of this. Why can't I treat you like you deserve it? I know. I always knew I should do better than you. I'm sorry. .Please forgive me."

It took a while for Abby to calm down. She held Ben tightly. He did not complain. He hugged her, looked into the distance, looked at their friends in the house, smiled, and played some games such as darts and table tennis. There is no indication that they heard what was happening only a few hundred feet, and they were doing it.

"I want to wake up," he said, pulling the hair away from her face.

Abby nodded.

"They were talking yesterday," he said. "About removing the life support system. I can hear them."

"What?" Abby's voice was hoarse, speaking very quietly.

"They said there was no brain activity. They said I was brain dead"

"No." Abby roared. "No, they can't do that. I won't let them succeed."

Ben closed his eyes and sighed. Water ran down his forehead from his hair, mixing with his tears.

"I won't let them succeed!" Abby said.

He leaned down, kissed her gently on the forehead, and then buried his face in the curve between her neck and shoulders.

"When I count to three, you wake up," he said. "One. Two."

I woke up and lay on the cold floor, wearing a double-layer medical suit. Two medical staff knelt beside me and touched my body with their hands to check for fractures. The female paramedic asked me to connect some kind of monitoring equipment. She saw me open my eyes.

"She woke up," she said to the male paramedic sitting at my feet. "Do you know where you are, dear?" she asked me.

I blinked, coughed a few times, and shook my head. I looked around the large functional magnetic resonance imager in the room. Passing through the room, three other medical staff crowded around a male corpse. I can only see his legs, but his legs are wearing suit pants.

I rubbed my face and didn't realize that there was a plaster cast on my arm, until the plaster hit my nose and made a heavy noise. My broken nose suddenly ache. My injured arm was also injured.

"Don't be nervous, ma'am," the male paramedic said. He has walked in front of me.

"Do you know your name?"

I shook my head and said no.

A red-haired man wearing a surgical gown stood at the door talking to Jǐngcha.

"He was almost this tall at the time," he said with his hands a few inches higher than his head. "He is Asian. Definitely Asian. Pointed black hair. His eyes are yellow and green. I think it's weird, do you know?"

"Are there any obvious traces?" an officer asked him, without looking up from the notes he jotted down in his notebook.

"Tattoos. Both his arms are tattooed with tiger stripes," said the red-haired man.

"Name?" Officer Jǐng asked.

"I don't remember. Is he okay?" He looked at the suit legs and the medical staff.

The officer also looked up and shrugged.

The medical staff is wearing a neck brace on him. This person looks familiar.

"I know him," I said to the male paramedic, pointing to his thigh.

"Of course you know. Who isn't? That's Bruce Denman. More importantly, do you know yourself?"

I looked up at the ceiling.

I have no idea. I won't in my life.

"Friend, you are really exhausted." He said. "Your arm is broken and there are bruises on your face. The lump on your head is the size of a tennis ball. Not everything from today. It seems that you are not doing well recently. Are you having any trouble?" He approached me , Asked in a low voice.

"I don't know," I said, even though I wanted to say yes. "I don't even know my name. I have a headache."

"Tie such a knot," the woman said. "This is not surprising."

An officer came out of the crowd, gathered around the red-haired man, and walked to where I was lying. He picked up a torn t-shirt and a pair of torn jeans. "Look at this, Hal." Officer Jǐng said. Hold the t-shirt in one hand and the jeans in the other. Hal looked up from his notebook. "Are these criminal clothes?" he asked the red-haired man.

The red-haired man's eyes widened. "Gosh," he nodded. "Yes, that's the clothes he wears."

"What do you think he is wearing now?" said the man with the broken clothes. "I've never seen anything like this, Hal."

"Stay here, novice, you can't get half of the shit you see in your head. People are all bastards," Hal said.

Hal talked to the third Jǐngcha. I haven't seen him move. "Go talk to the security guard. Get the surveillance video as soon as possible. We need to take a good look at the Tiger badge." The third Jǐngcha walked towards the door. "I hope you come to the Jǐng police station." Hal said to the red-haired man. "We need your official testimony."

Hal turned to everyone in the room and said, "Everyone, this is a high-profile case. Any information leaked to the media, I will know that one of you leaked. I promise to find you and let you The miserable life is going to be miserable. Do you understand?" He pointed one by one with his pen.

The officer and medical staff nodded. A gurney pushed in and Bruce Deman was lifted onto it. They brought him out of the room in a cháo specially prepared for the rich, celebrities and children.

"Do you know her name?" Hal asked the redhead and pointed his ballpoint pen at me.

"Her name is Abby," the man said. "Her things are here. I'll get them for you." He left the room. When he was away, Hal tapped on his notebook, and the young officer looked around, presumably to find more evidence.

The red-haired man came back, carrying a pair of folded trousers, a vest and a pair of boots. Hal took out my wallet from his pants pocket. "Abigail Neely," he said. He took out his phone and began to look through it. He was so calm, he didn't even flinch when it rang in his hands. He read the caller ID number aloud, "You know?"

I shook my head, no.

He picked it up when the third ring rang, "Hello, this is Abby's phone." When the other party spoke, he paused. "I'm Jǐng Officer Hal McCarrie," he paused again and continued, "There was an accident in North, Denmark, and Abigail was also involved. Who are you her? Relatives? "A short pause. "Boyfriend?" He raised his eyebrows and looked straight at me.

I shrugged, I don't know.

"I tell you, boyfriend Nick, we are going to take her to the hospital. You can find her there," he said. He gave the clothes, cell phone and wallet to the female nursing staff.

I was sitting with my back against the wall. After making sure that I had no new fractures, they finally let me sit up. I carried an ice pack with a good hand and sat there with my eyes closed. They will let me wear pants. They are so nice.

I am dizzy.

"Do you remember anything now?" the male paramedic asked. He squatted down next to me. Because Danman is in urgent need of medical care, he is a priority. Danmanos hired their own paramedical staff, but they only had an ambulance. Because I am neither an important person nor Bruce Denman, we sit there waiting for another ambulance to come, or wait for the ambulance to come back.

"I remember I was drowning." (to be continued) (end of this chapter)