Magic Notes

Chapter 366: Doubtful (37)


"Being a teacher is a noble profession," Sara said.

Adam nodded as if he had heard it before, but didn't quite believe it, "I heard my father said that this is a poor profession. The great John Beaumont doesn't like poor children as heirs."

"Too bad for him," Sarah said.

"Yes," Adam said. He smiled appreciatively. "Most people can't imagine giving up such a life. I can see that you are not the majority."

He took Sara to the empty bedroom, "You can live here. There is a bathroom nearby. Towels and other things are in the cupboard. My room is at the end of the corridor. Call me if you need anything." He Checked his watch. "I have class tomorrow morning. I don't want to be rude, but do you mind if I go to bed? I am a bear without beauty sleep."

"Of course," she said. "Thank you again for your hospitality."

"Be at your service anytime," he said. He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it. Sarah could feel the electric current when he touched through her coat. As soon as he got close, her heart pounded. She could smell his soap and it smelled very good. What brand is it? What does his skin smell like? His neck? Her eyes focused on the curve where his chin meets his neck. Can she see his pulse? She can almost feel it. That's where she wants to kiss. Right there.

She shouldn't think so. What's up with her?

She froze, unable to move, for fear that she would do something. Part of her wanted to run, and ran straight out of there, all the way home. At that moment, her significant other just wanted to be kissed by Adam, the stranger with brown hair and blue eyes.

She wanted to touch him. She couldn't wait to touch his muscular forearms with her hands, press herself on him, and put her arms around his neck.

She stuffed her hands into her jacket pockets. She tried to stop eye contact, but she couldn't make her eyes look away.

His eyes are so blue.

If he kissed her, she wondered, would he hold her face like in the movie?

"Okay," he said softly after a while. He licked his lips. Did he lean forward? Is she leaning over? Sarah stopped leaning forward at the last minute. She straightened her spine, and it took a lot of effort before she stopped making eye contact and looked on the floor.

"Good night, Sarah. See you tomorrow morning," he said.

He waited for her to say good night, but she didn't. Her heart was beating. She didn't believe what she would say.

He lowered his hand from her shoulder. The tension eased immediately. Sarah took a deep breath. Relief poured into her like cold water, filling her body, soothing the flames in her belly and skin.

She watched him walk down the corridor, to a room at the end.

She leaned against the door, shaking all over. The reality of what she might do left an uncomfortable impression in her stomach. Her failure to do so is not a comfort to her. She is already engaged. She loves Bruce-Bruce is her life.

Poor Bruce, at home, sick or worse, what would he think if he saw the interaction between her and this man she barely knew? She feels very small.

If Adam tries to kiss her, will she stop him?

She knows the answer.

She felt as if she was going to throw up.

She is the worst kind of person.

She exhausted all her strength to not reach the end of the corridor. Go to his room. Adam. He waited for her. Adam.

She lay on the top of the guest bed, even too lazy to get under the quilt. She curled up sideways. She wanted to cry, but she didn't allow it. She does not deserve such comfort. She finally fell asleep intermittently. I don't know what Adam looked like when he slept. Does he sleep on his side or on his back? Maybe his stomach.


The morning sun shone Sara again. Although ashamed, she was still calm and still in love with Bruce Denman.

She heard Adam walking around outside the room. She got out of bed and smoothed the wrinkles left on her body. She slipped and fell on her shoes. The only thing she took off before climbing onto the bed.

She took a deep breath and opened the bedroom door.

Adam was in the kitchen, eating oatmeal and eggs, and the textbook opened in front of him. He took a shower and put on his clothes. His hair is still wet.

"Hey," he said with a smile, "Would you like breakfast?"

"No," Sarah said. "I have to go. Thank you for letting me live here. You are my savior."

Adam frowned. "You don't have to rush out so quickly."

"Really, I have to go." Sarah stepped onto the elevator and pressed the call button. Several times.

"Wait a minute. I'll give you a ride." He pushed the bowl away and stood up.

"No," Sarah said. "My fiance is coming to see me"

"Oh," he sat back and pulled his bowl back. "All right."

"Thank you again," she said. The elevator doors opened suddenly. Sarah walked in, and when the door closed, she turned to face it.

"Be at your service anytime," he said.

He stared at her. He looks confused, ok

Like he knew what he did wrong, but he didn't know what it was.

The door closed.

At the mirror-like elevator door, Sara's reflection stared back at her.

You suck, it said to her.

"I know," Sarah said loudly. She sighed. "Trust me. I know."

Sarah took the bus back to the apartment. She wanted to make a call, but her cell phone ran out. fair enough. She didn't want to give anyone a chance to let her go. Whether she wants to go home or not, she has to go home. What she needs most now is to go home. She needs to get close to Bruce. She has flown out of his orbit, and she feels uncomfortable and sad. She wants her body to be as close to his body as possible.

She opened the door and walked into the living room. The furniture has been sorted out, and bad things like televisions have been removed. Their living room looked sparser than usual, but Sarah looked warmer. The wall is still full of words. She didn't care at all.

Bruce heard the sound of her key turning in the door lock, and he was waiting for her in the living room before she stepped into the threshold. He put her in his arms and kissed her on the forehead, cheeks and lips. She also kissed him back. Go all out.

"I have been worried about you," he said. "Where have you been? Where did you live last night?"

"At Lucy's house," Sarah said. "in school."

"I'm sorry," he said.

She shook her head and shook his apology away.

"You look tired," he said.

"I slept on the floor. I didn't sleep much," Sarah said. "On the other hand, you look good. You look well rested."

"I am as surprised as you are. It seems that Toyuo still knows what he is doing. Once he did what he was supposed to do and I slept well. Not only did I not have a nightmare, but I also had a good dream. "

"What is it about?" Sarah asked. She unzipped her new coat, hung it on the hook by the door, then sat on the sofa and took off her boots. "Unlock the mysteries of the universe?"

"I dreamed of you," he said. "I think we should take Harvey's money and get married. Just the two of us. We are going to Hawaii. Get married on the beach."

Sarah's heart sank suddenly, "What about your new job? Will you not go to work next week?"

"I called Hawthorne and delayed work for a week. A week was nothing to him. He was very excited because he had me. He lost his mind. He was scared that I would call and tell him I Will reconsider. He breathed a sigh of relief. He told me that if I wanted to, I could spend more time."

""there's only us? elopement? What about my family?"

"We will also let them fly over. If this is what you want. Anything will do. Anything you want. Just say, yes. Say you are willing to marry me this week."

"Yes!" she said. She stood up and hugged him. "Yes. Yes. Yes."

"You are the best person I have ever met," Bruce said into her hair. He picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

She kissed him.

She lied to him twice last month. This may not affect others, but it will affect her. She never lied to anyone. Not to mention Bruce. The half-life of lies buzzed in her mind. She closed her eyes tightly and kissed Bruce deeply.

"Do you feel it?" he said to her lips. "We are on the edge of a cliff. Our lives are about to change. The sky is the limit, my girl."

"What do you think?" Clive Hawthorne asked.

"Impressive," Bruce said. This laboratory is designated in accordance with Bruce's detailed specifications.

"If you think something is missing, please let me know. We hope this joint effort will work in the right way." The gray-haired man jumped from one foot to the other. Clive Hawthorne has small feet and a round belly. His shirt with checkered buttons covered his trousers and tucked them tightly. He has high expectations of that shirt.

That morning, Clive flew over from the headquarters of Bristol and Lumen. When he saw this most advanced laboratory, he couldn't wait to see Bruce's face. Just like parents who spend Christmas, he wants to immerse his children in excitement and happiness, because his children are rolling in the wrapping paper and don't know what to play first.

If Bruce is impressed by this, Clive can't say for sure. He felt it necessary to point out every part of this state-of-the-art equipment. To be honest, he thought his multi-million dollar investment would bring more excitement. He knew Bruce might be cold, but please.

"I have brought in two of the best laboratory technicians. The top students in the class. Those two."

"I am very grateful," Bruce said. "In the future, I want to hire my own employees."

"Of course," Clive said. "I want you to have a good start."

Clive opened a huge wooden door, waved his arms and said, "This is your office."

This office is better than Clive's own.

"Thank you," Bruce said.