Magic Notes

Chapter 369: Doubtful (40)


"God bless!" Toro cursed. In an instant, he pulled out the shiny nail file, nailed it to the handle of Jin Sè, and plunged it deep into Bruce's thigh.

Bruce yelled, but not because of a pain in his leg. Toro can stab him a hundred times, a thousand times. If Toro has not done so, he can plan for the worst.

He wept for Sarah.

For his parents.

For Dr. Harvey.

For himself.

Because you are so stupid, the smartest, stupid shit in the universe.

Nick and I were standing on the side of the road.

"Do you think insurance covers these?" Nick said.

We stood there watching the ambulance drive away. When we huddled together to fight for Modafinil, the driver stopped the carriage screaming and asked us to get out of the ambulance before she called Jǐngcha. She ordered the male paramedic to close his damn mouth. She was taking him to the hospital for stitches because his eyebrows were cut. Did he know he was bleeding in the back seat of the ambulance? Does he know who will clean it? He is such a fool.

"It's like I have insurance," I said.

The male medical staff honestly found the wound on his eyebrow. When the driver turned sharply to the left, we ran into him, his forehead hit the side of the ambulance, and his forehead split angrily. His blood poured down like a waterfall.

For his sake, I hope it's not as bad as it looks. The miracle of miracles, I walked out unscathed. Nick is not so lucky. Before the driver had time to open the car door, the male paramedic had put him in our fight. His cheek was bruised where the paramedic's fist touched him.

Nick and I looked at each other and I smiled. Sometimes in very uncomfortable situations, I laugh. I just can't help it. I am an idiot.

"What's so funny?" he said. We are on the way back to Dan Manos and Nick's car, thank goodness they are only a few miles away from us.

"It feels like a dream, or worse, some people made a movie about a car accident, and I was stuck in it. If I let the bus go below 50 miles per hour, I will explode."

Nick said nothing. He reached into his hair and chewed on his lips.

"Bang," I said, looking for some kind of reaction, any reaction, but he didn't respond.

We walked another way. The night is warm and wet, but thank God there is a breeze. I'm tired, but I can hardly tell the adoption of Modafinil to take effect.

"I think I will die tonight or tomorrow," I said. Just talk about it.

The silence has lasted for a long time. I could see that something was working in Nick's mind, but he didn't give up. I also feel a lot of pressure, and what he is trying to say will probably knock me to the ground.

"What?" This caught his attention. He stopped suddenly and turned to me, but I continued to move forward, leaving him behind me.

"Can you take me to Salem?" I asked over my shoulder.

"Well, do the important thing first. Why do you think you are going to die? Why are we going to Salem? If I send you all the way to Salem, will you still die?" He jumped a few steps with long legs Wucai caught up with me.

"What did Mama Tomato say to Little Tomato? Ketchup." I asked and answered, then shrugged. "You won't believe me."

"Talk about it," he said.

"You don't have to take me," I said, "but whether you take me or not, I will go."

Nick grabbed my shoulder, the shoulder without the plaster cast, and he turned around and pulled me to his side. We stood almost face to face, as close as before, as if there was only one camera in a nostalgic movie, and we had to take both actors into the lens. We got close to each other-he did just that.

He leaned in, eyes wide open, brown and oily. At the last moment, he tilted his head to the right and kissed me. He smiled while kissing me, and then kissed me again.

Before my common sense stopped me, I kissed him back. He put an arm around my waist.

"I believe what you tell me. No matter how bad it is. Let me be your true son."

I opened my eyes because I let them get closer and I breathed in him. He smells very clean.

What he said was the truth. I can see in his chin and eyes that he is about to jump on my crazy train. I will be cursed, but I plan to let him do it.

"They will unplug Ben. My instinct tells me that I must stop them. If I don't do something very, very bad, I will happen."

"Okay. We are already on the road."

"Does your face hurt?" I asked. The bruises on his face looked hot and swollen.

Nick stroked his injured cheekbone with his fingertips and said, "Of course not."

He grabbed my hand, held it tightly, and waved it like I saw the children do.

I laughed again, because if I didn't laugh, I would cry.

"Let's go," he said, and then we went.

Mingfu paced back and forth. The basement of the bar is beginning to resemble a cell. The great people of Baku are nervous, and he feels that he is about to collapse. The brothers are not in a hurry, and Toyuo is not the kind of person who sits and plays with his fingers. Obviously, Arthur with boring brown hair and straight nose must be a sitting idle. The boy watched TV intently. Mingfu hasn't seen him move in the past two hours. He calmed down completely, did not feel Qiufu's nervousness increasing, and did not show concern.

"I can't wait long here. My patience is exhausted," Toyuo said loudly. Arthur didn't answer, didn't even look at him.

"What's your dog's name? She is very beautiful," Toyuo asked. The sleeping dog opened his eyes and looked at Akio. She shook her huge trunk tail. Even though there was obviously no one else in the room, Arthur looked taken aback, as if surprised that Toyuo was talking to him.

"Enid," Arthur said.

He had to make his voice clear several times before he could say his name without nervousness. Toyoda is somewhat proud of the young man's nervous reaction. Here, he believes that this person ignored him, and that ignorance is obviously a defense mechanism. He was convinced that no human or animal could ignore him so completely.

"What kind of dog is she?" Ming Fu asked again. He has never encountered a dog like her in many years.

The dog yawned at the man's feet. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth. She smacked her lips, licked her nose, and then leaned her head on her paw.

Arthur rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"She is beautiful," Akio said, and Arthur nodded.

"Arthur," Toyuo said, sitting down, leaning his elbows on the table. Arthur jumped up again. "I must leave here. I can't bear to sit here and do nothing. I must do something."

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Arthur asked.

Akio slammed the table with his fist, and Arthur screamed. Akio's face softened, showing a slight smile. "I have no choice. I think I may know someone, and he may be able to give me the answer."

"You don't want to go back to that Bruce Danman, do you?" Arthur asked.

"No. I'd better stay away from Deman before the monkeys complete the task."


"Yes," Akio said. "Monkeys. Brothers." He spread his hands and pointed out the other four chairs around the table where the brothers had sat. Arthur looked at him blankly.

"Where are those people?"

Qiufu sighed angrily. "Yes. Smart monkeys-don't listen, don't see, say no, don't do evil. They vouch for you, but you don't know who they are

In the middle world or other worlds, who doesn't know the wise monkey? They are great coordinators and balancers, moving silently around the world, skilled. Pure human eyes will never know where they are, so they are skilled in their exercises. No animal does not know these monkeys. When they clean up a scene, it stays clean. This is not the first time the brothers have solved a problem for Akio Toyoda, but it is certainly the most complicated one. As long as there are beasts like Lucius Toro involved, things will become extremely tricky.

Arthur smiled gently. "Oh yes," he said, "Of course. What am I thinking? Monkey."

"How long have you known these two brothers?" Ming Fu asked.

"Let's go back, go back," Arthur said, and then turned back to watch TV. "I always dominate the TV. Do you have anything you want to watch?" He slid the remote control across the table. Although he is already an adult, in his opinion, a decent child makes adults feel happy.

Qiufu's eyebrows drooped, he sniffed the air, but he didn't smell any bad smell about this young man. He smelled honesty and humanity, and of course the smell of dogs.

"No, thank you." Toyuo said as he slid the remote control over the table. "See what you want."

"Great," Arthur said, and he started to click on the TV channel. "I'm hungry. I don't know when we will eat."

He stopped during the replay of "Perry Mason." "I like this show. I have seen them all."

Qiufu took another breath. Something was wrong with Arthur, but he still didn't smell anything.

"Why are you in the city, Arthur?"

"Enid has a date."

Qiufu stood up and lowered his head slightly, "Well, young Arthur. I think it is a pleasure to know you and watch TV with you, but I must go. Please tell the brothers and wait for them to come back. , I will keep in touch with them and thank them for their hard work."

"Uh, all right. Of course," Arthur said.

Enid roared in a low voice. Akio knelt down, patted her big head, and then left the room.

In the basement of the bar, the sun rose. He blinked and walked into the morning. He walks, it's not that bad, and he doesn't wear shoes. What's bad is that he might make his barefoot walk more noticeable. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)