Magic Notes

Chapter 370: Doubtful (41)


He walked to the light rail station, a few blocks from the bar, standing among the morning crowd. No one paid attention to him. They use loud speakers to speak, book rooms, run newspapers, and deliberately avoid eye contact with other travelers.

Qiu Fu is the only one who has nothing to pour into his empty time, and the only one without shoes. Under normal circumstances, Akio Toyoda would shook his head at the bubble that humans created and existed in it, but today he is grateful. He sat on the guardrail, breathing deeply, closing his eyes. Before he could hear or see the train, he could feel the energy of the train oppressing him. He didn't pay for the ticket because he didn't have any money with him, but it didn't help, so when the thought came to his mind, he let it go out.

As soon as the train stopped, he joined a small group of passengers and pushed himself onto the train from the platform. He found a seat near the security gate. The door slammed shut, and a well-trained man walked down the track.

Toyoda has only been to a place he can remember once, but he knows the way. He is not the kind of person who casually asks for help, but he feels he has no choice. He has promised Abby Gale, and if he doesn't promise, he will be nothing. There really is nothing. He is a beast, manifested in the need for people. If they don't need him because they don't trust him, it's hard to say how long he will live.

People get in and out of the car, push strollers, ride bicycles, carry school bags, and carry messenger bags. Several stops on the road are blurred. None of them cared about Toyoda. If he didn't know that this work was as complicated as any work he had done, he would think that the monkeys had completed their task. It's impossible for the monkeys to succeed so quickly.

There were two more stations and a traffic Jǐngcha carrying a large influx of passengers on the bus. Akio noticed him immediately. He is the only person in the entire car who keeps a jealous look, looks around, and scans people's faces when walking through the aisle. He came in through the door next to where Minfu was sitting. Fortunately, he walked through the aisle with his back facing Minfu. He was carrying a metal clipboard with Toyoo's photo on it. Akio stood there, and just as the door slid shut, he slipped in through the back door.

Traffic Jǐngcha turned around and felt an irregular movement. He saw Toyuo from the doors and windows that were closed now. The train pulled out of the station slowly. Jiao Jǐng stared at Ming Fu. He picked up the radio and talked to it. Toyoda turned around, ran across the street, and came to the neighboring train station. He speeded up and ran the rest of the distance. He heard the sound of the Jǐng flute coming closer and closer behind him, but it didn't make him worry. However.

Akio was sure it was here, but all he could see was the tree. The parking lot looked like a well-maintained park, but he was sure it was here. He walked back and forth in front of the parking lot with firm eyes, but what he saw was still trees, far away in the back corner—playing equipment.

this is not right. He felt it from the bottom of his bones. Some things he didn't see. Why are you hiding from him? Of course, unless this is the wrong place.

There was no one in the park. It's too early to play on the cāo court now. The dew clings to the grass. Although the grass in other parts of the city has become yellow and withered in the sun, the grass in the park is still lush. It feels soft under Toyoda Akio's feet. He ran ten miles hard. He crossed the park diagonally opposite, ignoring the paved path, enjoying the cool grass.

He was sitting on a bench in the park, next to the sports field equipment. He leaned back and sighed. He decided to sit for a few minutes, and then continue looking.

He closed his eyes. Even before he could smell him, he could feel the person walking up to him. They walked towards the park in the same way as Akio Toyoda, but they chose to walk along the asphalted path-slowly and windingly. When the man sat next to him, Akio Toyoda felt the stool sagging a little.

"Arthur, what are you doing here?" Ming Fu's eyes were still closed. He inhaled the smell of Arthur and the dog.

"This is where I should wait," Arthur said.

"Waiting for what?"

"I think it's for him."

Akio looked at the direction Arthur was pointing. He didn't notice or smell another person walking through the park. He sat upright, ready to jump up.

The man is wearing a pair of sports shorts and a tight sweatshirt. He jogged along the path. Akio could see that he had a disgusting noble face and wrinkles on his nose. Although he runs fast, his arms and legs are very thin, and he doesn't look like a runner at all. He slowed down as he approached.

"Good morning, Enid and Arthur," the man said. "You are not on the list, Baku. Let's go."

"What list?"

"Please follow me, Arthur. Can you?" The runner stretched out his hand, and Arthur gave him the belt. Enid said respectfully and lowered his head.

"What list?"

"He knows that girl," Arthur said to the runner.

"Why am I not surprised at all? No matter what you eat today, Baku people will find themselves in a soup pot."

"I'm glad to meet you too, Bingham. What's the list?"

"You are not on board," Bingham repeated.

Enid walked to Minfu and put her big head on his lap.

"Oh, good, I can tell when I'm outnumbered, but don't expect the master and mistress to be happy to meet you."

"I don't expect anything," Toyuo said. He stood up, followed Bingham, and led them back to his way.

The diverse staff-Aggio, Arthur, Enid-led by Bingham, they walked down the path, not winding back to the sidewalk, but walking towards a huge house, the house Surrounded by finely carved bushes, higher than the bushes where Qiu Nan was standing.

right here. He felt it from his bones, and that was exactly where he thought it should be, but he couldn't see it. The green fence surrounds the house like an arm, like a protective hug. There is a huge iron gate where the arm can be buckled.

"The door is new," Toyuo said.

"Yes, this is to prevent the bandits from coming in," Bingham replied while looking straight at Akira.

When Bingham approached the gate, the gate opened, as if commanding, smoothly. They don’t even need to slow down.

The house is very beautiful. Huge and elegant. It shone like dawn on the creeping grass. The air was full of cool fragrance. When they passed through the gate, they were greeted with a sense of calm, quiet, and justice.

"I can imagine the anger you will encounter, Baku. The master is in a state of tension, because your presence here is uninvited, and it is likely to knock him down all the way."

"What about the mistress?" Mingfu asked.

"She has turned her gentle attention to the matter at hand, and I believe she will not give you any hints-if any."

"Bingham, give me a proper report. Please be kind to me and tell the host and hostess that if I think it is not important, I will not come."

If possible, Bingham would wrinkle his nose even more. It is no exaggeration to say that he feels that it is an offensive idea to bring any information of Ming Fu to his master and mistress.

Bingham said, "Please wait in the garden. I will escort the guests in."

Mingfu nodded and watched Bingham climb up the lawn with the boy and dog, to the porch, through the huge front door. He walked around to the side yard where he could find the garden. Whether in the sky or on the ground, the garden is the most beautiful place in the world.

Beautiful and bright flowers dripped from the bushes. In the center of the garden is a Zen sand garden with a rake.

Acchio picked up the rake and began to draw patterns slowly and carefully on the sand. He emptied his mind and forgot the time. He found simple movements and complex and beautiful patterns, the calm that appeared from his fingers.

Bingham appeared again, but Mingfu didn't notice it. Bingham was able to act in this way, completely unexpected, which made him very annoyed.

"Baku," Bingham said.

Akio was taken aback.

Bingham sniffed smugly.

"The host and the hostess want to see you now. Due to the quality of the meeting and the diversity of the attendees, all guests are required to maintain their social form-no matter how frustrating they are." Bingham glanced dissatisfiedly. Mingfu's long sweatpants, too tight t-shirts, and bare feet. "These rules are as follows-no matter whether it is clerical, behavior or words, weapons are not allowed. The rules for entertaining guests apply to every guest; during this time, all present and past dissatisfaction will be abandoned. You understand and accept Are these rules?"

"Yes," Akio said.

Bingham lowered his head and said, "Please follow me, Agio of Baku."

Bingham led Akio Toyoda down a sidewalk paved with jewel-like shining stones, the stones gleaming in the morning sun. Men, women, and animals wandered here and there, some were in social groups, and others looked into the distance and meditated on their own. Arthur was sitting on the ground with his back leaning against a tree. Enid's head was close to Arthur's legs, and she lay on her side to rest.

Qiufu strode up three steps to the large porch that extended to the front of the house, and followed Bingham through the large double door that marked the entrance.

Bingham brought Akio Toyoda to a formal living room. The master and his wife stood side by side, their silhouettes set against the huge front window. When Bingham walked into the room, they turned around unanimously.

"Sir, ma'am, I will introduce you to the people of Baku." Bingham turned his face and bowed deeply, and then left.

Similarly, Akio lowered his head and eyes, waiting to receive the reprimand. Being unwelcome and not invited should be condemned, but if he thinks it is not important, he will not come. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)