Magic Notes

Chapter 372: Doubtful (43)


"What can I do? Let me do it," Toyuo said.

"This can only be determined by you. Are you not the great Baku, devourer of nightmares and demons? Resourceful and scheming?" Yang asked in a mocking tone. "Or is your evening coming?"

"You should choose to do something," he added. "It must be done before she loses this life. If her seed can be picked, it can be done before she can pass it on to the next one."

After speaking these last words, the master and his wife left the living room. Next, Toyoda walked around the room, looking at the items they had collected over the centuries. The works of great painters a century ago hung on the wall. The carpet was spread out on the floor. Everything is placed so carefully. Akio Toyoda noticed a clear lack of items of this century.

He picked up a hand-blown glass vase. jīng and light, it feels like holding air. Its fragility made him sad. Humans are equally vulnerable. Full of hopes and dreams, as light as air, just as fragile. If the vase is broken, it will become a million pieces, and it will never be the same as before. He gently put down the glass vase.

He walked out of the living room and walked into the hall. All kinds of people are wandering around, waiting to enter the auditorium when the meeting begins.

"Mingfu!" Arthur shouted from the other side of the room. He beckoned Mingfu over.

Arthur was talking to a young man wearing an armored kilt that looked like a matching armor breastplate. The armor gleamed like gold. His hair is also shining, it is golden, but it is more like golden silk.

"Minfu, have you met Theo?" Arthur said he wanted to introduce Minfu to the golden boy.

"No," Akio said. "nice to meet you."

"And me, you," Theo said. "Baku! I don't know you are still alive." The boy's face was surprised and happy.

"That's what I said," Arthur said.

Toyoda said nothing.

"Can the Zhao couple help you solve the problem?"

"I wish I could say they did it," Toyuo said.

"Theo, he came because of your Abby."

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Theo is Abigail's guardian angel."

"It's not right, Arthur," Theo said. "Abby's angel is with her. I am here to replace her angel, responding to the request of "I am me, I am". This is really a sad and difficult question."

"Has something similar happened before?" Ming Fu asked.

"Not before, and not in the future," Theo said. ""Never. This situation will not happen at all. "

"I heard that too. Do you know how I can help her?"

"Human soul and ZìYóu will," Theo's voice was bright, but darkness enveloped his clear blue eyes. "I am the greatest gift I have given to his pet. My brothers and sisters and I had to declare our loyalty and dedication at the moment of our birth; however, human beings have to choose and choose again every day. I am what I am right. They are very generous-some might say it was a mistake. In this sad situation, the best gift becomes the greatest curse. This woman has won her eternal reward, but, alas, our hands are tied So, we can’t interfere, neither can anything in the sky. Evelyn, her angel, has been with her from the beginning, she became so tired that she wept for her. And Abby is Evelyn’s Curse. Haha, poor, poor, Evelyn. Theo watched Arthur raise his eyebrows, and continued in a low, conspiring tone, "I often wonder what Evelyn did, and it’s going to happen. To such a treatment. ". We are all guessing, but no one knows. I'm sure, no matter what it is, it will soon be expelled."

Arthur smiled.

Enid, the dog, snorted.

Arthur stopped smiling.

"I'm sorry," he said, looking down at Enid.

Mingfu looked at Enid again, more carefully than before. She also looked at him. Her eyes were wide open, gentle and ancient.

"Are you staying for the meeting?" Arthur asked Minfu.

"No. I'm leaving. I have to find a way to help. I can't stand by. It's not my god." Akio smiled happily, and Theo nodded sympathetically, as if saying that we are all natural. slave. The smile on Qiufu's face disappeared, "I'm afraid I don't have time."

"Time-speaking of curses," Theo smiled happily. "If I have to choose between ZìYóu's will and eternity, ZìYóu's will will be lost every time. Of course, if I am allowed to choose."

Arthur nodded sympathetically.

"What is your plan, Baku?" Theo asked. He took a big sip from a glass.

A butler who circulates with food and drink trays. They look like cats, walk on two legs, and are small and exquisite.

"I have no plan," Toyuo said, shaking his head, and refused a drink from a cat butler. Theo took another one, a holy grail in each hand.

"My suggestion -" Theo said, "- is to use mortals as chess pieces. I am forbidden to influence people's thinking in any way, but some people can and can. My fallen brothers and sisters often do this, so it's not that difficult , If you know what I mean." He took another gulp, the cup he was holding in his right hand.

"Enid wishes you success," Arthur said.

"I hope to be officially introduced to Enid," Qiufu lowered his head.

"My mistress Seymour, the great dragon guardian of the tree of life, the soul guardian, please get to know Akio of Baku, the devourer of dreams and demons," Arthur said officially.

Akio bowed deeply. Enid blinked.

"When we travel, she wants to keep this form, like Enid's dog. I am her channel, I speak for her."

"I am honored and humble," Toyuo said before looking up.

These two huge trees-the tree of life, the tree of knowledge and the tree of wisdom-can be found deep in the heart of the Garden of Eden (the 008 movie). The tree of life connects heaven, earth and hell. The souls of living people hang heavily on the branches. From ancient times to the present, Seymour has been guarding this tree and standing under it to protect its fruit. If anyone is determined to pull out Abigail's soul, it is she who will complete the task.

"She wants me to communicate to you and let you remember that humans are stronger than they seem. Their will to survive is strong and worthy of admiration. They will fight for their souls until the most painful ending."

"They should do this. Thank you for your wise advice," Toyuo said to Enid.

Just when the other attendees were called into the auditorium by Bingham's loud voice, Toyoda left the seat and walked out.

He slowly walked down the three porch steps, strode across the large lawn of the house, and finally turned into the fluffy grass in the park.

He saw a woman pushing a little boy on a swing. She looked up at him, smiling. She looked tired, with dark circles under her eyes, but very happy. She laughed when the little boy with blond hair giggled every time he had sex on the swing.

Qiu Fujun suddenly appeared in the park, and a squirrel reprimanded him loudly from a branch above him, accusing him of not being cautious.

"No one asked you," Toyuo said to Squirrel. Squirrel is too rude, let alone rude. They always think they know a better way and are not ashamed to share their opinions.

Qiufu ran hard through the park, and the squirrel called loudly.

There are chess pieces to move, and souls to be saved. He hoped that Shizumaru and his brothers had cleared up his mess.

He walked towards the hospital.

Nick and I were sitting in a small restaurant between Portland and Salem. The morning is cool and the air is fresh.

I can't convince myself that this is the morning I am going to die. I never thought about what it would be like on the day I die, but it's here. I feel the truth of the facts, weighing heavily on my bones, but I can't - won't - elaborate on it. I am not dead yet, and I will not die easily or quietly. It’s a shame that I have only lived half of my life in the past seven years. Never leave with regrets. Today, my last day in the world, I am full of regrets. Half-dead life is a very sad thing. I am ready to live forever, and I have no time.

The restaurant is small and clean, especially for an advertised place. Breakfast includes Hash Brown, sausage and eggs. It costs only $.99 before 9 o'clock in the morning, as well as lottery tickets, lottery tickets, and lottery tickets.

I'm eating my second $.99 sausage and egg breakfast. When I asked the waitress for another glass, Nick raised his eyebrows and looked at me.

"What?" I said. "I'm hungry."

He smiled. "Eat three."

"I will, Nicole. It's not 9 o'clock yet. I got ten dollars."

When I called his nickname, he smiled. When I was in Hawaii with him, I heard his family call him that. This suits him well.

My second breakfast was served in an artificial cast iron frying pan, and the potato cakes were placed on the bottom of the sausage, followed by two fried eggs and two fried eggs. The eggs look like big eyes. We stared at each other for a while. Then I ate them.

Nick leaned back in his seat. He is drinking the third cup of coffee. He hasn't finished his breakfast yet. He pushed a small piece of crispy potato pancake with a fork, and finally pushed it away from him.

"Abby, I want to talk to you," he sighed.

I looked up from the frying pan, my mouth was full of food.

"No." I said.

My hair hangs down on my face, and I poke it away with my hands.

Nick closed his eyes, his expression serious. "In any case, we have to talk. I have something to say."

I covered my ears, the fork was still in my hand. I couldn't cover the other ear with a plaster hand, so I shrugged. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)