Magic Notes

Chapter 374: Doubtful (45)


"I came here for two reasons. The first is to extend my sincerest apologies to you. My apology has been offered and accepted. Thank you. Second, I need your help."

Danman snorted, "Now you overestimate me."

"I don't overestimate you. You are the only one who can save Abby GaleNeely's life. For that matter, you can save her soul forever."

"Her soul? Eternity? I appreciate this kind of forced sales, but this drama is a bit too much."

"I hope it is, but that is not the case. I believe you have guessed that Abby GaleNeely has her own soul and part of the soul of others, which is equivalent to a huge cosmic failure."

Danman sat up in **. ""So is it true? I know that is her soul. I knew it. Toro would not admit this. "

"Yes, you did it. You found it. Congratulations." Qiu Fu patted his shoulder.

"I know that the soul is not just a vague blend of self-consciousness and self-consciousness," Bruce said more to himself than to Minfu.

Consciousness-soul. It is actually two words for the same thing. The soul is the seed of life, the seed of consciousness, and the body grows from the surrounding like an acorn. Humans are like oak trees.

"Why don't you tell me where to find it? You know I'm looking for it," Bruce asked.

"I'm not in science, Bruce. I have magic. That was the first time I saw a human brain, a human being at least alive. I don't know where it is. Although I do know it can be discovered," Toyuo said. "However, I have to excuse you. You work for bad guys. You are depraved. As long as you know this, you can commit great crimes."

"But you know why I need to know. You know how important this information is to me. I've been looking for it all my life. I don't even know it can be found, you can at least tell me. I won't and can't use it. Come and do evil."

"A beautiful violin was made by the genius of Antonio Stradivari. He himself cannot control the melody played on the piano. It is just a tool."

"Nonsense," Bruce said. "If I'm so evil, so FǔBài, why do you think I will help you settle Abby?"

"I hope you can help. That's it. I didn't assume it. Treat it as a small chance of redemption. I'm playing a piece for you. Would you not allow it?"

Claire was sitting in a folding metal chair outside a ward.

She was exhausted. The night was long and I couldn't sleep. She spends most of her time in a quiet room, pretending that the crack in the concrete floor is the road to a better place. After everyone else had eaten, she finally returned to her daughters' ward late at night, and she found Sybil lying in her pussy. Sybil's little arms were taut, hugging her belly tightly. She lay down and groaned in pain, sweating all over her body, and a high fever.

"Sybil? What's the matter?" Claire whispered to her.

Sybil opened a large piece of cornbread hidden in her skirt. "My stomach hurts. I saved the bread. For you."

"Poor boy," Claire said, leaning over and kissing Sybil on his forehead. When she felt how hot Sybil's skin was against her lips, her stomach panicked. Some things are so wrong.

She got up from the low body and ran towards the nurse's duty room. She ran into Nurse Flanagan, who was walking down the corridor to the duty room in her dressing gown and robe. She just took a bite of a chocolate chip cookie, never expecting to be beaten to teeth by Claire.

Claire. What's the hurry, child?"

Nurse Flanagan looked at her biscuit uneasily, then carefully stuffed it into the pocket of her robe.

"There is something wrong with Saibao. She has a fever."

"Let's take a look. Come with me."

The nurse Flanagan put her arms around Claire's shoulders and took her back to her daughters' ward. The ward was packed with rows of little girls, one by one, neatly, like a checkerboard. The nurse Flanagan sat beside Sybil's bed and touched Sybil's head with her hand.

"Sybil, lie down and tell me where it hurts," nurse Flanagan demanded.

Sybil rolled over. She was panting, her eyes were blurred, and it was difficult to concentrate. Nurse Flanagan moved Sybil's arm and pressed her abdomen, where your arm was covered. Sybil cried.

"Bless your heart," the nurse said. "It's okay, dear. We will help you."

The nurse Flanagan looked up at Claire. She couldn't hide the worry on her face.

"Stay with her," she ordered. "I'm going to find someone to help."

A few minutes later, nurse Flanagan came back, her robe and dressing gown were covered with a gray wool coat, which didn't fit. Her hair was quickly rolled into a bun, and her hat was crooked on top of her head. "The ambulance is already downstairs. The ambulance should be ready when we take her there. Go get your coat. Nurse Cross looks after the ward."

Claire stood up and wanted to rush out of the room, but nurse Flanagan grabbed her arm.

"They allow me to take you with me," she said. "Please don't make me regret it. The inescapable art. Can I rely on you, Claire?"

"Yes, ma'am," Claire said.

Nurse Flanagan has not let go of Claire's arm. "I hope so. I will lose my position here. I guarantee you."

"Yes, ma'am," Claire said.

"Claire, I have no choice. This job is all I have. I count on you."

Claire was surprised at how frankly nurse Flanagan spoke to her. Nurse Flanagan is always the best nurse; one can count on her to always act decently. Her words are never excessive, unless necessary, and she treats even the weakest girl very kindly.

Obviously, she regretted vouching for Claire.

"I promise. I won't let you down," Claire hugged her tightly, burying her face in the nurse's collarbone. "Thank you for letting me come."

No, other nurses would even consider allowing Claire to accompany Sybil anywhere. Claire wanted to sit next to Sybil during dinner, which was almost intolerable. Her sister-like attachment to Sybil, most of the staff treated her with contempt. This burden was accepted by their inner kindness, and most of them did not have much kindness in their hearts.

Nurse Flanagan patted Claire on the back. "Quick, quick."

Nurse Flanagan stopped hugging and rushed to Sybil's sex. She picked up the little girl and held her in her arms. She ran down the hall.

Claire grabbed his jacket and hurried after it.

Now Claire is sitting outside the room, and Sybil will be sent to recover once the operation is over. She sat here all night. Her back fell asleep. She was so tired that she stopped shaking her hips back and forth in order to stay awake. She sat numb and tired, terrified for her little sister.

Sybil suffers from appendicitis and needs to have his appendix removed immediately. The doctor praised nurse Flanagan for quick thinking. Apparently Sybil rushed to the hospital in time.

Claire felt relieved when she saw the white gurney in the hospital being pushed down the hall by two nurses in white uniforms. Nurse Flanagan walked beside it, her funny hat still on her head, still crooked.

They pushed the gurney past Claire into the room. Sepel, as small as a pill worm, fell asleep, covered with a white cloth.

"The operation was a success," nurse Flanagan said to Claire. "everything is fine."

"Thank God," Claire said. "Can I go in and see her?"

"Yes, she has to sleep a little longer. I'm glad she did," Nurse Flanagan smiled under her tired eyes. "For the past week, I have always had an ominous premonition that someone is going to die. Oh!" She covered her mouth and said. "I'm more tired than I thought--I shouldn't say these stupid things out loud. The important thing is that everything is fine. Go in now, and hope she can wake up before I take you back."

Nanny Flanagan unbuttoned his coat, reached into the pocket of his robe, and took out a bite of the bitten chocolate chip cookie.

"You look hungry," she said. She handed the biscuits to Claire.

"Thank you, ma'am," Claire said and picked up the cookies.

"I have arranged with the hospital. I will be back."

Nurse Flanagan was pacing in the hallway, her white dressing gown was in her arms, above the hem of her coat and lace-up black boots.

Claire took a peek from the door. Little Sybil's cheeks were flushed and she slept like an angel. Claire burst into tears. What would she do if she lost Siper? Sybil is the only one she has in this world.

She immediately returned to the bed. She combed back the hair on Sybil's forehead. The room was filled with huge metal cribs, which looked more like torture instruments or cages than beds. Something designed to arouse fear rather than comfort and rest. The edges of the crib all turned up. If Claire really worked hard, she might be able to grab the handrail. There are only four cribs and two ordinary beds in the room, covered with white, crisp linens.

Sappel lay on a normal ***. The rest are empty, only one is left. A little boy less than two years old was in the depths of a metal cradle. His eyes were open, big, marbled hazel and green, and he looked at Claire without blinking. He did not sit up, nor did he make a sound. Claire felt guilty about eating cookies in front of him, but she still ate them. He may not be able to eat it anyway. She turned her back out of politeness and soon finished her words.

Sebel appeared so small in Da**. Claire gently pushed her aside, then went in and hugged her. She lay on her side, holding Sybil's weak hands until she fell asleep.

"Good morning, sleepy bug, or should I say good afternoon?"

Claire woke up.

A sweet-faced nurse approached her. She wore a traditional white nurse hat, a washed white long-sleeved uniform, a washed collar, and a white apron. Claire had never seen her before.

"I brought you something to eat," she smiled sweetly, with a dimple on each cheek. She pushed a tray table to the bed where Claire was sleeping. There was a meal on the table, more than any meal Claire had eaten in her life.

"For me?" Claire asked.

Claire looked at Sybil who was still sleeping, and then walked around the room. The little boy fell asleep too. The only other person in the room is a nurse.

Claire felt the afternoon sun shine through the window, and realized it was so late, she sat up in a hurry. She was sure that she shouldn't be here. Why didn't nurse Flanagan wake her up? How many hours did she sleep? (To be continued) (End of this chapter)