Magic Notes

Chapter 376: Doubtful (47)


"Here you are," the nurse Evelyn handed the doll to Sybil.

Sybil's eyes were full of tears, "She is not mine."

"Of course she is not," Nurse Evelyn said. "She is mine, but I hope you can have her. Can you take good care of her?"

"Yes," Sybil nodded in a low voice.

The nurse Evelyn put the little doll in Sipper's hands. "Very good," she said. "I'm counting on this. Now that you two have become friends, I will ask your sister to do me a little favor, okay?"

Sepel didn't answer. She kissed the little doll on her cheek and smoothed her long hair.

"Come with me, Claire," the nurse Evelyn said. "I need your help." She pointed to the empty clothes and suitcase. She picked them up and took Claire through the corridor to a room that looked exactly like the room they had just left. But this room is empty and the bed is not made up. Folded sheets waited at the foot of each bed.

"We don't have time, Claire. You look too conspicuous in this dress. Change to this." She handed Claire a decent adult woman's dress.

"What?" Claire said.

"Hurry up," Nurse Evelyn said. "The young Doctor Black is on his way to pick you up. Be lively. There is no time to be humble."

"I do not understand."

"You don't have to understand. All you have to do is take off the tattered clothes of those institutions. Put on this dress. We will pull your hair back. From now on, you are no longer a fifteen-year-old girl. You are an eighteen-year-old woman. I have money for food and train tickets." She put Claire's work clothes on her head. Claire stood dumbfounded in her basement, nothing else.

""And you? Do you want me to escape?"

"Yes, the sooner the better."


"Claire, you are a smart girl. Now, move your smart arm and put on this dress."

"But what about Sybil?"

"Seppo will be fine, I swear to you," Nurse Evelyn put her cold hands on both sides of Claire's face. Her hands are like ice. "I swear to you. You will come back to save her, but now you must save yourself." Her bright blue eyes stared directly at Claire's face.


The nurse Evelyn sighed helplessly, and hurriedly pulled her skirt onto Claire. She tucked Claire's arm into her sleeve and began to button the back. She untied Claire's braids and combed her hair with her fingers, not caring whether she was tangling or pulling. She pulled the hair on the back of Claire's neck tightly and neatly into a bun.

She turned Claire around. She buckled a hat down on her head.

"Where did you get these clothes?"

"Don't worry, no one will doubt you."

"You stole it?"

""Because no one will claim these clothes anymore. The owner of the clothes is dead and they don't need them anymore. I want to say, no. No, I didn't steal it. "

Claire looked down at the simple burgundy dress. The clothes of the dead.

"Claire," nurse Evelyn said in a clear and calm tone. "You are smart, but you must be the smartest today. Helping you will cause me a lot of trouble. I may be unemployed. Such interference is forbidden, but I can no longer just sit idly by. You must believe me . Trust me. Run far and fast, far away from Neil Black. Forever."

She grabbed Claire's hand. In the other hand he held the small brown suitcase. She ran out of Saibao's room and took Claire behind her through the corridor.

"I didn't expect him to come back so soon," nurse Evelyn apologized in a low voice.

They ran, their hard leather shoes slapped on the floor. No one seemed to notice them. Until they came to a back door, only the hospital staff kept it. Evelyn walked through the door and Claire only walked halfway

"Nurse Gray, what are you doing?" Neil Black ran over at full speed. "I order you two to stop immediately!"

Evelyn jerked Claire out of the door, then closed the door behind them. She pressed her back against the door and pushed back with all her strength. Through the glass window on the door, Claire saw Neil's suspicious face over the shoulder of nurse Evelyn.

"Let me out!" he growled. "If you don't let me out now, I will push the door open and knock you down."

Evelyn continued to support his body with his legs, and put his back on the door with all his strength. Neil pushed the door hard. He couldn't make it move in the first few attempts. The nurse Evelyn was stronger than her skinny body.

"Claire, run! You must run!" Nurse Evelyn ordered through gritted teeth. Her previous calm and beautiful face was wild and desperate. "Let's go! I can't hold the door. Run!"

Claire stood motionless. There is a small glass window on the door through which Claire can see Neil's face, and she sees his anger and his fear.

"No, Claire!" he pleaded, his face framed by the window.

"Claire, you know me," nurse Evelyn whispered hopelessly. "We talked before. In your mind. I am your witness. You must believe me. You must run. Neil Black is dangerous to you. He will ruin you."

"My witness?"

Nurse Evelyn struggled on the door. ""how do you say? Guardian angel? I have been observing you. Afterlife, afterlife. Run fast. The angels in the sky command you to run. Run fast. "

Every nerve in Claire's body told her to run, but she couldn't move. She stood still like a tree. Trying his best, Neil pushed the door open again, knocking Nurse Evelyn to the ground. He stepped over Evelyn, and she was lying on the ground, face down.

"I want you to do this, woman!" he said.

When he realized that someone might be watching him, he grabbed Claire and hugged her in a hurry, and it was over before it even started. He calmed down and pushed her back. Wearing a doctor's mask, he looked at Claire to see if she had suffered any harm. He took a close look at her grown-up clothes and hair.

"You look like a woman, little Claire. Really grown up. Maybe my father is right," he shook his head, frowning. His mouth is cold and sad.

"What's right?" Claire said.

""It seems that you have not been hurt. Have you been hurt by anything I can't see?"

"What's right?" she asked again.

"We'll talk about it later. I think this will make you happy." He turned around to give Evelyn the head nurse an explanation, but she was gone. I can't see it anywhere.

"She ran away like an ordinary criminal," he said. "I want to talk to the director of the hospital to see if that woman has been fired. Irresponsible. Reckless. It's shameful."

When he dragged Claire back to the hospital director's office, he continued to insult and slander nurse Evelyn's character. He grabbed her upper arm as if someone would deal with a Ren xìng child.

When Neil Black told how the nurse in the children's ward attempted to kidnap one of his criminals, the director was shocked and shocked.

"Nurse Evelyn Grey?" he said angrily. The director of the hospital was a short, fat man, bald and sweaty. He was sitting behind a small wooden table, full of documents, writing boards, notebooks, note cards, and no obvious filing system. "I have never heard of this woman before."

He fumbled around on the desk to find what he was looking for. He squinted at the writing board, and finally took out a pair of glasses from the front pocket of his shirt.

"The nurse on duty in the children's ward is Rachel Moore," he said. "Actually—" He fumbled around his Ling ** desk for a while, then picked up another writing board, "We don't have a nurse named Evelyn Gray in our office."

"Impossible. She is petite, blonde and very beautiful. Who do you think fits this description?"

"You said it's beautiful?" said the director. He scratched his head.

He stood up from behind the small desk. He poked his head out of the door and said, "Please ask Nurse Moore to come to my office immediately."

"Yes, sir," the secretary replied.

Neil Black paced back and forth impatiently. Claire stood there quietly, and the hospital director continued to use his fingers to look up the nurse's name on the roster, looking for someone who matched the description, but could not find it.

Nurse Moore is here. Her black hair was braided into a tight braid and then rolled into a serious bun. She is tall, with a big skeleton, and is indeed an impressive figure. She was almost as tall as Neil Black, and her shoulders were about the same width.

"What's the matter, sir?" she asked the director.

"Is there a nurse Evelyn Grey in the children's ward today?" he asked.

"No, sir." she said. "I didn't know there was a nurse by this name."

"This is Dr. Neil Black, the head of the House of Weakness. He insisted that a nurse by this name was trying to abduct this incompetent boy." He pointed to Claire. "He further described the nurse as petite, blond, and beautiful."

Nurse Moore looked up and down Claire roughly. She shook her head. "I don't know that this hospital has a female staff member by this name. But I know this girl, she is the younger sister of a young appendectomy patient."

"Who was talking to me then?" Neal's voice was full of anger.

"I'm sure I don't know, doctor," Nurse Moore replied, which is true.

"Impersonator?" Neil Black turned to the director. "Will you allow an imposter to deal with your patients?"

The director was angry at this accusation.

"Not in my hospital, doctor," he squinted at Claire. "Perhaps this is just a simple girl's overly active imagination."

"Impossible, I also saw her and talked to her. We discussed the care of patients undergoing appendectomy. How would you explain it?" (to be continued) (end of this chapter)