Magic Notes

Chapter 382: Doubtful (53)


Marcy's gaze shifted from Bruce to Minfu, and then to her car. She is arguing whether she can escape.

"You can choose, Marcy," Bruce continued. "Either you turn around and go back to the building and provide us with the expertise you urgently need, and the contents of your bag are yours. Don’t ask any questions, or I’ll call 911 and tell them that I caught someone breaking into me. Employee of the building. Is this your choice?"

Tears flowed down Marcy's cheeks, her hands trembling, and she turned back to the surgery center.

"This is not the you I imagined," she said. Her voice sounded plain and tasteless, just let it go. "You should be a good person, a hero. Justice. Better than the rest of us."

"I have tarnished your affection for me, Marcy," Bruce followed her into the room. Akio Toyoda is at the bottom. "The sad truth is that you are exactly the same as I imagined, and your opinion of me is irrelevant."

Nick's car accelerated into the parking lot, as if someone was chasing him. He turned sharply to a parking spot, leaving a space between his car and the Danman van. He saw a scrawny child pulling Abby out of the carriage.

Abby wore two sweatshirts and shaved his head.

"Oh no, Abby," he said.

His heartbeat started to speed up, and fear froze his hands on the steering wheel. He conquered fear. He needs something useful, and if he makes himself afraid, he cannot be useful to Abby. This is real. He grabbed a paper bag on the back seat. He jogged towards Abby and the child.

"Nick," Abby said. Her voice sounded very weak, but when she saw him, her face became brighter.

Brian looked at Nick, "I should help her get into the surgery center," he shrugged uncertainly.

"Here you are," Nick handed him a bag. Then he took Abi into his arms and crossed the parking lot with her to the entrance of the building. Bryan hugged the sack and followed closely. They were about to go in when Ming Fu came out.

"I got something," Nick called.

"Good job," Toyuo said. He lifted a heavy piece of equipment out from the back of the Danman van.

"I'm glad you are here," Abby said to Nick's neck. "I am very happy to see you for the last time."

"Hold your arm tight, Abby," Nick said. She felt that she was more relaxed than he thought. She rested her head on his shoulder, and the rest was lame. Her forehead was coldly glued to his skin.

"I can't," she murmured. "My arm can't move."

Nick and the kid exchanged anxious expressions, as if to imply that they both picked up speed. Once in the center, they rushed down the dark corridor to the only room with lights on. Bruce Denman and Marcy are busy in the room, making preparations.

"Take her through the corridor and shave her hair with a razor. The hair cut is not enough. Marcy helps them," he said. "Bring her back when she's done."

"She said she couldn't move her arms," Nick said.

Bruce said. ""Tell her to wait. If she lets us go, all this will be in vain. "

Marcy hurried out of the room, her face serious, her eyes dry, clear and firm. Her intern costume is dotted with chewing gum. She opened the door of the room before the operation and turned on a light gently. She found shaving cream and a razor and put them on the table. She said nothing.

Nick puts Abby on a club.

"Hold on, Neely," he said to her.

Abby smiled slightly.

"If you see a tunnel and a beam of light, stay away," Brian said.

"Okay," she said.

"You know, did you see a tunnel?" Brian demanded to satisfy his curiosity. He couldn't control himself.

Nick applied soap foam on Abby's head and shaved it off. His heart touched his throat. Every time he swiped, he became more and more unsure of what they were doing. Abby needs medical care, very real medical care, not this-whatever it is. With sweat on his forehead, he paused for a while and wiped it with the tail of his shirt.

"No, I didn't see the tunnel," she said.

Nick shaved her hair. As Bruce Deman asked, she is now bald.

"How do I look?" she said.

"Pretty," Nick said.

Danman walked into the room.

"Let's go," he said.

Nick picked up Abby again and followed Bruce through the hallway. He gently placed her on the lying operating chair, arranging her arms and legs as much as possible. Marcy pushed and shoved next to Nick, fixing Abby’s body so that Abby would not tip over, and her head was firmly fixed on the chair.

"I need a drill bit and a screwdriver," Bruce said to Marcy as he was preparing.

"Drilling?" Nick asked. He put his palms in his closed eyes. He has changed his mind. He had the third and fourth ideas. He didn't know if they would let him take her away, or if he would fight Bruce and Minfu at the same time. He would do it. If necessary, he will fight any of them. If necessary, take all of them. He shook his heels backwards.

"Yes. I had to drill a screw in her skull to make a mark." Bruce said.

""what? Wait," Nick said, removing his hand from his face. "Maybe it's not a good idea. "

"A better way is to let her die?" Bruce asked. "Because in my opinion, these are the only two options."

Nick fidgeted, "This is a mess."

"Did you bring what I told you to bring?"

"Yes," Nick said, pointing to the paper bag Brian was still holding.

"What about the tape?"

"Yes," Nick said.

"Marcy, fix their hands and feet with tape and lock them somewhere," Bruce said.

"It's not necessary," Nick angrily rushed.

"We lack time," Bruce said. "Do you know how we know when there is no time? She will die."

"This is for everyone," Toyoda said. He walked into the room behind Nick with a low voice, until he spoke, Nick didn't realize he was there. "This way you will not be seen as an accomplice by law enforcement officers."

"Ben is dead. Isn't it?" Abby said.

Everyone in the room stopped, except Marcy. She continued to be busy, unusually longing for someone to force her against her will. Bruce was holding a syringe filled with anesthetic in mid-air.

It seemed that no one answered for a long time, until at last Toyuo said: "Yes. Just before we came to pick you up, his life support system was removed, but he has not completely died. A part of him is very small. Part of it lives in your body," Toyuo said. "His soul is working hard. Part of his soul will continue to move on you. You can't live unless we remove it. It will take you with you."

I watched Nick tie himself up, and poor Brian was frightened and gave up any excuses to hide. poor child. He shouldn't be here. Marcy wrapped silver tape tightly around their wrists, then led them out of the room and disappeared from people's sight. Nick looked back at me for the last time. I have never seen a face so contradictory, so obedient, so angry, so guilty, all of this happened at the same time in my life. His eyes tell me that he will never forgive himself, it is a burden that he will be with him for the rest of his life.

I gave him a smile, but he didn't accept it. He shook his head, looked at the floor, and followed Marcy and Brian, not knowing where they were locked, or how long they were going to be locked up.

He didn't look back.

"Are you going to take out a part of my brain?" I asked more accurately, I am vague. I do not know what to say.

"To be precise, the part we want to remove doesn't really belong to you," Bruce said.

"But it's in my head," I said.

Akio squatted down in front of me. His yellow-green eyes are painful, but sincere. "This is the only way," he said. He held my hand, but I couldn't feel it. "The only way known to mankind, unfortunately, we have no choice. I swear to you, I will protect you and keep you safe. I will do what I say. If it can be done, Bruce can do it too. . He may be the only one who can do this."

"How does he know which part to remove?"

I can hear the sound of electric screwdrivers and screws digging into my skull, but I can't feel it. I can't feel anything. I started to cry.

Marcy took my hand from Mingfu and inserted the intravenous injection. Once completed, she injects a white sè** into an intravenous injection. She patted me on the shoulder. I can't feel anything else, but I can feel a light tap on my shoulder.

"Thank you friend, Nick. He managed to protect some of Ben’s personal belongings. Only the things that Ben will know. We have yours. Only you will know. His soul will recognize his life, yours. The soul will also recognize your life. So that we can know the difference. At least Bruce told me that," Toyoda said.

Bruce murmured, "When I say this, it sounds more scientific and credible. All I have to do is to free the part of your brain that is responsible for identifying objects in your life."

I began to feel the effect of what Marcy had put into my arm.

"This is your choice, Abby," Toyoda said. His voice sounded farther than before, but when I looked at him, he was still in the same place. "You have ZìYóu will, so you must choose. Do we continue or stop? This will not happen to you, you must choose it."

I can see Marcy standing behind a little bit. Her eyes are so blue and so clear. I don't know if it is because of her eyes, her expression, or the way she tilts her head, I think she looks familiar.

"Do I know you?" I said some words wrong, but I still said them all.

"You can't," she said.

"What would you choose?" Ming Fu asked.

I feel a kind of strong sex deep in my head. Without anesthesia, I would definitely be more painful than I could bear. For a while, I thought Bruce Deman had already started to cut my brain, and I screamed.

Marcy stepped forward. She bypassed Minfu. Her face was only a few inches from mine. Her blue eyes are so clear and almost translucent, and the ocean is on a beautiful sunny day.

"Breathe," she said to me. She put her hands on both sides of my face. "You must breathe."

"Is he cutting my head?" I imagined Bruce Deman standing behind me with a rusty saw. My head was opened and he was laughing with my blood on his body. Once again, I felt my brain was pulled deeply, but this time, it hurts--even under anesthesia--it kept burning and pulling. Tears flowed down my cheeks, and I couldn't help gasping for breath. I desperately tried to calm myself down. I closed my eyes and clenched my chin; my chin trembled from the force. In fact, I was shaking violently all over, and I couldn't control myself. Nothing is under my control. There is nothing I can control.

"No, he hasn't started yet," she said. "He is waiting for you to make a choice. The other tells him that you must make a choice or he will not allow him to continue."

"Then why is it hurt so badly?" I gasped. I have never felt so painful. I never thought that so much pain can exist in one body. I've heard stories about how the body becomes numb in severe pain, whether it is for protection or because the brain cannot handle it. Obviously, I haven't reached that level, or it doesn't exist at all.

"It is Ben's soul who wants to leave," she said.

The pain and tremor began to diminish, and when it was away, I felt light and almost weightless, just like I used to take a shower alone in my apartment. The water is almost close to the edge of the bathtub. I don't want to do anything except my nose and mouth. I used to think how easy it is for me to get in, no one will come to rescue me, how easily the water can support me and gently push me to a high place, but it is possible to take me away at any time. I feel the same now. The same warm comfort jumped me, dangerous and gentle.

Marcy leaned closer and whispered in my ear: "You can do it. You must do it."

No, that's not true, I remember more, but I don't remember seeing through my eyes. I remember a warm white light, I remember standing inside, moving away from the scene, holding someone’s hand, watching Bruce Deman tighten the six screws on my head with a screwdriver, and then connect me to Portable device and two other Danman machines.

"We have GPS readings and they are within acceptable parameters. Next, I want to draw a safe trajectory," I heard him say. "Measure twice and cut once."

He marked my head with a marker, then scrubbed my head, and finally covered my head and shoulders with a plastic sheet.

"Let's get started," he said, taking the scalpel. It gleamed in his hands. He cut open my head, revealing my white head. He used a metal support to further separate the incision.

Akio stood in the corner, arms crossed on his chest. Marcy was busy wearing her rubber surgical gown.

"Nurse, saline," he said, and then picked up the drill.

I never want to watch it again at this time. I turned around

I turned my head to look at the man holding my hand under the light. It's Marcy. Her blue eyes caught my gaze.

"I do know you," I said. "You are Claire's nurse Evelyn Gray, right?"

She is, she is both Marcy and Evelyn. When I look at her, I can see both of them.

"Yes," she said. "I am your guardian angel. I am your witness."

"Am I dead?"

"Not yet, but time will tell," she said. "It will be over soon. All that remains to be done is to wait. Wait and see."

Wait and see, this is exactly what we did.

I opened my eyes.

Even if I keep my eyes open, I can't see anything. But I can hear it. I heard a steady, rhythmic beep and some occasional whirring sounds. I blinked a few times. Each blink makes people feel slow and painful, but with each blink, more and more light begins to enter and the darkness begins to dissipate.

"She is awake. She is awake," I heard a voice say. "Can you see me?"

"No," I said. It hurts to speak.

The hand touched me.

"It's okay," the voice said, patting my arm with both hands.

"Am I dead?" I asked.

"No," said the voice. "You are living well."

Tears. More flickering, more light filtering in, I can see a woman's face swimming in my tears. She smiled at me.

"I can see you!" I cried and laughed.

She also laughed.

"Welcome back to this world, Abigail," she said.

At this time, more and more people walked into the ward and stood around me, and I realized that I was in the hospital ward.

"You have been in a coma," said the woman with the first face.

"This is a miracle," said another face.

I looked around the room, but I didn't recognize a face. not even one.

I looked down at my body. I lay in the hospital's ill, with the blanket covering my armpits. I put my arms on the blanket and lay on my side. There is no more cast.

"How long?" I asked. My voice sounds harsh. It sounds amazing. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)