Magic Notes

Chapter 384: Doubtful (55)


"How did you find me?" he asked what was in his mouth.

"I have a source," Toyuo said.

"Maybe it's time for me to leave," Bruce said, drinking beer for a long time before eating his second taco. "It's a pity. I like this place. It's very relaxing."

The barman came over and asked Mingfu what he wanted, and Mingfu asked for a bottle of beer.

"You should try tacos," Bruce said. "marvelous."

"Next time," Toyuo said.

"What brings you here?" Bruce asked. "I have not yet recovered the favor you owe me."

Ming Fu frowned. He reached into his pocket, took out a cut-out newspaper, and patted the newspaper face up on the bar.

Billionaire crazy man Bruce Danman inhumane experiments and brutal murder of girlfriend Amanda

"Amanda" said Akio Toyoda.

"I didn't kill her, if you came here to find out," he wiped his hand, then patted his goatee with a napkin. "But you know."

"Not with your own hands," Toyuo said. "But in any case, you are her accomplice."

"Really, friend?" Bruce sneered. "Are you going to use this to deal with me? When you convinced me to participate in your yīn plot to save the Nelly girl, what do you think will happen to her?"

"I didn't know she was in Toro's hands."

"Don't be silly. Toro owns everyone."

"You should tell me she is in his hands. I could have done something.".

"Of course," Danman said. "You could have saved her, just like you saved me. Oh, wait, you didn't. It's like you saved Sarah. No, it wasn't her. Just like you saved the girl from the Neely house. You Save one, maybe Amanda can save two-maybe, but you and I both know it, it's just a matter of time. The moment she is with me, her fate is doomed."

"No," Akio said. "Her fate has not yet been decided."

"If you think this is true, then you are an idiot. Amanda lives in the borrowed time. To some extent, she was released. Just as we were talking, I am sure she is in Elysium or Valhalla or wherever good people go to play. If you want to hear my opinion, she gets away easily. I am jealous. Not everyone is ZìYóu. Not at all. Would you like to see something?"

Bruce picked up a jar placed on the bar next to him.

"What is that?" Toyoda said.

"Ben. At least part of him. I don't know what his last name is. What's his last name? It's impolite not to know. I keep calling him Ben."

"You didn't!" Akio looked at the jar, stunned. Some gray things floated inside, immersed in a kind of sex. When Akio Toyoda observed it just right, it radiated its own subtle light. When he looked again, the light disappeared.

Akio was defeated.


"Is it alive?"

"It's not only alive, but it's still growing. It was dangerous at first. When I took it out of the girl's mind, it was dead in every sense." Bruce said. "It floats in an advanced Ringer's solution. Ringer's solution is an isotonic solution, full of salt, electrolytes, and some technical ingredients needed to keep the solution alive. My own recipe. I call it The solution for Danman. Impressed? Not what you expected, right?"

Akio felt his body temperature started to rise.

"It shouldn't be like this," he gritted his teeth. "That doesn't belong to you."

Danman grinned slowly.

"Now it belongs to me," he said.

"You must let him go," Toyuo said.

"What are you going to do?" Bruce said. ""only one? Well, just a small part. How much is Toro? In my opinion, I am just a small corner. You have more important things to do. "

Akio quickly walked to the light and grabbed Denman by the throat. The bar fell silent immediately. Several people gasped, and everyone who was eating at the table closest to the door ran out.

"It's like an animal in every way," Danman tweeted. "Meow."

"I want to squeeze your life out," Toyuo said.

"No, you won't," Danman said.

The bartender walked behind the bar and took out a machete.

"No fights," said the bartender in broken English.

Mingfu looked at him, at the men and women who were frightened in the bar. A little girl under three years old cried and hugged her mother.

Akio Toyoda roared in frustration, and several people screamed.

"It's not over yet," he said to Danman, letting go of his hand.

Akio turned around and strode out of the bar. Staring at the bartender, watching everyone passing by who dared to look at him.

Danman giggled and wiped his throat. "No, it's not like that." He called for help as loudly as he could, through his injured trachea. "I will come to ask for that favor soon."

As soon as Toyohio left the house, there was a lot of movement in the bar-people chattered about everything they had just witnessed. Nothing so exciting has ever happened there. will never.

Deman continued to rub his throat and drank another gulp of beer. He gestured for the bartender to come over. The man threw the scimitar beside him, but he did not put it away.

"Do you understand English?" Danman said. The bartender nodded.

Danman pointed to the jar sitting on the bar counter in front of him, to the jar between him and the bartender.

"Do you know what this is?"

The bartender looked at the jar.

"This is a soul. Part. Emma? Spanish? When they come to me, they will find it, you tell them, I put a person's soul in a jar and wander around. You tell them I will show it to you and anyone who wants to see it. Bruce Danman is a lunatic and dangerous. Perigrosso."

The bartender Jǐng timidly nodded, then stepped back and made a cross gesture.

Bruce stood up and drank the wine he hadn't drunk yet.

"You may want to freshen up," he said to the bartender. "Tuck your shirt into your pants. Friends, your fifteen-minute moment of fame will come anytime." He patted his watch. The price of the watch is equivalent to a house.

He picked up the jar. He took one last look at the beautiful picture of Amanda from the newspaper clipping left by Minfu and looked at him with a smile. With a beautiful face and a beautiful smile, he took out a bone handle switch knife from his pocket, activated the knife, just pierced the beautiful smile, and plunged deeply into the wooden pole. He let the knife protrude from the painting.

This emotion satisfied him. Convey the right information in the right way.

Bruce Denman put one hand in his pocket, holding a jar of Benjamin Morrow's portrait in the other, and walked out the door. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)