Magic Notes

Chapter 386: Doubtful (57)


Missy stared at me curiously for a long time. I didn't say too much, but when I said it, I asked her a question I was not ready for, "Does God exist?"

The angel was very happy that someone asked her any questions, and she enthusiastically replied, "Of course God exists! But not the old bearded man you expect. In fact, the God we trust has no physical form, and no one is real."

"So, what is he?"

"He or she... is mysterious! This question is more important than all of us, Daniel, maybe your confused brain can't understand it now! Over time, the situation will improve."

"Please," I insisted, "I want to know everything, even if I can't grasp it."

Missy nodded, began to think about this ultimate question, and then gave me her simplest explanation, "How can I describe it? Imagine a cloud, Daniel, a huge, crackling nebula, you can see ?"

I closed my eyes and concentrated, "I think so, of course."

"Now, imagine that this nebula has every planet, every star, every galaxy, every dimension, and every atom in every possible universe. Everything! God is the cloud!"

"A cloud?" I muttered, "Honestly?"

"It’s more like a cosmic consciousness," she explained, "I think it’s the spark of creation. We can’t understand the will of this kind of mind, we can’t explain why it wants something to happen in a certain way, we can’t explain how it is. Shaping destiny cannot explain why; but we will not stop trying. The secrets and ultimate truths of the universe are there waiting for us to discover, and we will all discover them together."

I hurriedly avoided her wings, "So..." I said, "Don't you know?"

"We are in the light," she corrected. "God is the science researched by our greatest minds. We are all angels in nature. Everyone has different levels and responsibilities, but we all have a common goal: Understand God and his meaning to life. This is a very satisfying existence!"

Missy flapped her wings. She was pleasing to the eye. I couldn't help but put my hands on my shoulders, hoping to find my own pair of wings.

"One day," I touched my back and she said with a grin.

"So, what's your official title, miss?"

"I told you," she said angrily, "I am a life-sustaining thing! This job requires me to make you behave, advise you, Jǐng tell you, support you to live. For any angel, sustain Life is the most frustrating task, but it is undoubtedly the most valuable. We are encouragers, Daniel, who gave the subconscious the impulse to write classic novels, create operas, sculpt David or paint the Mona Lisa. Of course. , I can’t inspire your artistic level, but I gave you my best chance! I secretly hope that when you wake up, you can remember my influence on you. Some people can indeed immediately recall their life support system and experience To this particular connection. It's unusual, but it does happen."

"I remember your name, don't I?"

Missy sighed, and I could only hold back her disappointment.

"This must be a rather boring job, like talking to a wall. My life is not that exciting, I haven't done anything special, and I haven't done much, that's for sure."

"Every life is an epic," she replied casually, "some people conquered Mount Everest, some people raised good children, both are great achievements, will you test me? Oh, test me Bar!"

She asked this question with infectious enthusiasm. I was amused. She nodded and agreed to continue asking.

"Take a deep breath, miss!" she said, breathing in the fresh air, "from your birth at 8:45 in the morning in January 197 to your death in the same province at 0:09 in the evening on November 9, 2001... 4 minutes Before!" She paused briefly to admire my mysterious expression.

"I was there when you had your first tooth! The first day of school! Watched them remove your tonsils, and then later that afternoon, when you lay down in the vagina, the thick chocolate ice cream came from in front of you. Flow down—you are the cutest! When you were six years old, on the kitchen table, you shaved off the dog’s back and repainted it with jam."

"I still keep that picture," I muttered to myself, overwhelmed by forgotten memories.

Missy lowered her body to my right ear, but found nothing but earwax. She continued to search, "Ah, your stubborn mind still wants you to wake up from this at any time! Fortunately, I Having been trained in combat, this should convince you that this is not the case!" She gasped and said, "Your aunt Audrey? I advised you to visit her that morning. You also called an ambulance in time. Before you An hour before the car hit the tree in Colorado, I told you to wear a seat belt."

Because of that particular accident, when Misie assigned my bangs to the side she liked, I nursed the lump in my hair, "Daniel, you are the only child, and your father is a hardworking Scot from Glasgow. ;Your mother is from Bordeaux and you speak French fluently. They form a very good team together. Haven't they devoted a lot of love to you as a little guy?"

She continued to tell her facts, but I temporarily forgot my parents. Fortunate to have them, I am their-and Missy-the most precious possession.

"At the age of thirty-six," she continued, almost finished, "you became the chief detective of the Ontario Jǐng Investigation Bureau. That was the happiest son of your life. Daniel, today is my happiest day. . This is a very rich experience, it is definitely a pleasure to be such a person..."

"Shut up!" I was shocked by her words, and asked, "All this... how is it possible?"

"Why not?" She returned gently, "Tell me why not?"

I thought about it for a while and wanted an explanation. My mind went blank. I still answered gently, "How can an invisible angel surround me all night? How can there be such an unreasonable place? , There are neither walls nor windows? How is this possible?"

Frustrated, Missy tried again, "What makes the heart beat? How does the sun nourish the earth, and how does the moon attract the ocean? Humans are surrounded by miracles: bees and butterflies, roses and rainbows, not to mention the profound power of the brain. The universe is connected by thousands of small miracles, Daniel, everywhere. Soon one day, this new world will appear so ancient and reasonable to you, just like all miracles. It will be taken for granted. At this moment, trust your eyes and intuition, trust me, believe that I have always been there, with your best interests in my heart, this is definitely an emotional roller coaster, we ride the roller coaster together ."

The girl is quiet now, so I have time to understand all this. No, I wouldn't wake up after getting drunk on a stranger's sofa, I'm not going anywhere, Missy finally pierced her skeptic shield.

"Dead," I whispered, thinking of those steps in my head, how did I die

The memory recovers faster than I thought. It is not just a vague segment hidden deep in my mind, it is also a moment captured in crystal clear and transparent, a moment I can experience again. Everything started to spin, adrenaline surged, my lips trembled, my teeth trembled, and suddenly I found myself on top of a ferris wheel, and the god of death looked back at me. However, before I experienced the ending for the second time, my brain shut down like a book, and I returned to the world of white sè. I vomited from the side of the stone, and Misie rushed to me and propped up my head.

"No more pain!" She hissed, "It's over! Open your eyes and take a deep breath! Inhale, exhale, exhale..."

I now understand how a person loses his mind in such a place, and where he loses his mind. I calmed down, wiped my mouth clean with my sleeve, and the disgusting spin and the hallucinations of death temporarily disappeared. For the next few minutes, only the hum of the refrigerator can be heard. Tears gleamed in my eyes, and when I cleaned them up, I was moved by the unconditional written on the face of this young girl.

"Is this heaven, miss?"

"Of course not!" she said, feeling insulted. "Do you think this looks like a sacred building?"

"So how does this usually work?" I asked, but I was afraid of getting an answer. "You know I never donate money to charities, and I never spend time on religion. This will bring me Trouble?"

"Only religion can cause trouble," she replied, which confused me even more. "Daniel, there is no church, no mosque or synagogue here. Religion is an invention of division. It fills the gaps in some people's hearts and makes others less afraid of darkness. You will understand that wisdom is all virtue. The highest of all, not devotion to ancient superstitions. Daniel, believe in God, not religion, come with me." Misie hurried forward gracefully, pulling me with her wrist, her wings blowing the cold air towards me s face.

"Where are we going?" I asked, struggling to move my legs.

"We have a date," she replied, "At this moment, an angel of the highest rank will sort out your accounts. But no one has yet told me who it may be. This kind of confidentiality is the most unusual, life support system. Will know everything about them personally. This is compulsory!"

"Ledger?" I panted, "You mean, like an account?"

"Understood! Your ledger has 41 pages, and each page records information for a year. The pages show life through your eyes, and the details you see during this time—no matter how trivial—will be recorded on the ledger. ."

"What if I'm blind?" I asked, and she smiled like a child.

"Daniel, this account book is more than just showing pictures, it also allows readers to experience you! Put on your shoes, feel your thoughts, and listen to your words! This is a biography of the conclusion xìng!"

Thinking carefully about her daunting message, I felt completely exposed and naked. My life, my most intimate thoughts and feelings are now open to strangers, for them to read at some supernatural expo

"It's completely natural!" she said, tossing in my head. "Although the truth is revealed, the ledger is the only way to the truth. This is how things develop. Don't worry, Daniel, the angels who look at your ledger will swear that their findings are sacred and inviolable. So, try to relax. .Every living person, every pharaoh, every president, every king and queen has gone through this process. If you still feel embarrassed, then think about this: you still have an account book for the afterlife, a noble pursuit A new beginning, and today is the headline."

Despite what she said, I think this idea will never make me or anyone else comfortable. However, I think some things in life and death are inevitable.

Misie waved her wings steadily in front. At this time, I have adapted to my own revival, to the pure white world of complete disappointment. This is certainly not heaven, but it's not a place either. It lacks life, care and color, and it is these elements that make the planet I left special.

"Am I going to stand trial here?" I asked, this speed and tension made my heart beat faster, "This boring place?"

"This dull space," Missy turned her head back and told me again, "Actually, it's called the Waiting Plain, on the other side of the space. There is nothing to be afraid of."

"I'm not afraid. This is the weirdness of all this. "The Waiting Plain"?"

"Here, the first thing people encounter is a life support system, just like you. People are also waiting for their cases to be heard, and you will do the same."

I was confused by the idea of law and order in the sky, but I was still very interested, "Is this the waiting room? Where is the magazine?"

"We are doing different readings here," she said, happy to satisfy my curiosity, "the soul needs time to be heard. Nevertheless, the life ledger contains all the facts, and each one must be taken into consideration. For example. A child may be brainwashed by narrow-minded parents and enter a belief system, but with the development of education, this ignorance will gradually disappear. A person may commit a small crime in the previous year and use charity in the next year Atonement to counteract it. You see, Daniel, the qualifications of heaven do not come from solemn prayer or blind devotion, but from moral fibers, the makeup of the hearts and souls of all life. Once all of this is taken into consideration, the verdict is It will be returned and justice will be done. Death is really a great balancer."

"How long will I have to wait, miss?"

"I'll be there for you soon! As I said, this is the most unusual. Speed up now... It's unacceptable to be late!"

After walking on the road for a while, Misie talked about her favorite topic-me. Her enthusiasm made it impossible for this girl to hate, but I soon discovered that just hearing others say about herself can become very boring. Her knowledge seems to be endless; the most private and mediocre details in my life are all she has to sift--good habits and bad, long-term friends and short-term acquaintances. She knows what I like to eat and what makes me unlucky; she knows that my body needs an ideal sleep time-obviously seven hours-and she seems strangely jealous of the women who prevent me from sleeping. She knows how much money I made, how much money I spent on buying garbage, how many years I have been doing Jǐng inspection, and the pride of wearing a Jǐng emblem. My dreams and nightmares are also hers, angel eyes have nowhere to hide.

"Does she know when to shut up?" I once thought about it.

The phosphorescence of this blank world quickly caused migraines, and I began to question whether we actually moved because the smooth surface seemed to flow backwards, while the feet continued to move forward, as if trapped in a huge, nowhere Go on the conveyor belt.

"It's just your imagination," she replied, "headaches are also common and will pass."

Thinking of Misie's extraordinary ability to hear my thoughts, I focused them on the forefront questions of my thinking, waiting for her telepathic answer. I tried to concentrate, but Missy didn't answer or comment, so I went on. I yelled this question in my head several times in frustration, but still did not answer. Finally, I grabbed her elbow and braked with my heel.

"What?" She complained, shaking back, "Why did you stop us?"

"Don't you know?" I said without apology, "or are you just avoiding this question? I have someone to see Missy, you know."

With a look of expectation on her face, sadness slipped from her bright face, "Let's move on, Daniel. Let's?"

"What's wrong? Tell me."

"Nothing! Now we're almost there, so..." She pulled my wrist, but my foot got stuck.

"I want to meet someone," I insisted, "Don't ignore me. You have told me all about my life, but nothing is about her. You didn't even mention her name, did you? Where? I won't go any further, unless you... "(To be continued) (End of this chapter)