Magic Notes

Chapter 388: Doubtful (59)


Misie's fear made me uneasy. Shouldn't my guardian, my life support system know everything

"Go on," I urged, "What kind of task? Tell me, okay?"

The little girl clasped my arm tightly and put all the weight of my body on the elbow, while Isaac Newton’s tired voice appeared sharper and more acute. "There is a soul," he said, "a Trapped, tortured, and lost soul by us. God asks you to liberate it. "Newton finally paused, letting Missy and I remember his message.

"Liberation?" I asked, "What's the matter? Where is it?"

"It's not the earth," he said, with a wrinkle on his forehead, "under the unique earth there is a notorious field, a huge and dangerous place..."

"Damn it," Missy swallowed again, looking sickly.

Newton’s subtle blink confirmed this. "To describe it in one word," he said, "Hell is not a mythical place in Dante or the Bible, but a real one. Heaven is a place full of learning, creativity and foresight. The cultural realm of thinking, and hell is an abyss of no thoughts, a distorted, eternal stagnation pit. Only the worst will go there, and they do it to rot. Your journey will be its main prison, the first Nine Fortress. There, someone is captured, and you have to take that deep and savage road. Retrieve the soul from the castle and return to the waiting plain. This is your mission... "

Misie was trembling next to me, her wings stopped, and she touched the floor hard.

"The Ninth Fortress," she whimpered, "you can't send him there. This kind of thing has never been tried, not once! Never! It will crush him! It will crush him!"

Isaac Newton immediately stood in his marble resting place. "Our God has asked him to do this," he said tactfully. "There is an unconcealable stain on Daniel's soul, miss. It's on you. Daniel is branded on his body, and he will never be hugged into our door wearing it."

Missy cried, "You have never looked at his ledger, have you? How can you do this? I know everything about this man, I tell you, he is upright, humble, and more than worthy! What did he do such a terrible thing? So unforgivable?"

"Didn't he kill people?" Newton asked. "Danny bought this gun and slowly loaded each bullet. Of course it was his intention to kill! Do you think this behavior can be forgiven, angel?"

Newton's argument made my life support system speechless. She could not deny this, and I could not defend it, but now I would rather not think about the stain on my position, but the only benefit I created. My daughter’s strength is still on me, I jumped off the rock, facing Isaac Newton, and covering Misie with my back, "I’m here, whatever you want!"

The feeling of my life support suddenly penetrated me, and for the first time I felt the special connection between us. Although this little angel has a history of more than a century, she is as prone to love emotions as other people. Her pain weighed heavily on my chest, and I could almost hear her heartbroken next thought in my mind, and the question left my lips: "Tell me more about the Ninth Fortress?"

Isaac Newton's words are meaningless. Of course, I understand the seriousness of this situation, but the scale of this task and its consequences did not affect me until a long, long time later.

My desire did not please my life support system. Whenever I expected Missy to lose her temper, the stoic scientist raised a thoughtful hand, and the little girl restrained her impulse. The old man admitted that I had the courage to ask questions, so he asked Missy to sit next to me.

"Listen to me," he started his words with a stern look, "The Ninth Fortress... is a crooked tooth rotted from the gums of hell. You must see the building a hundred miles away. Thousands of miles away, you will hear the wailing of its imprisonment."

He continued down this blood vessel until the hostile brilliance of this facility emerged in my mind. Lightning can't break the rock, and the thunder and lightning will always shake the earth below, as if this building cannot bear the weight of evil. I saw crows pecking the prisoner’s eyes, looking for the rare light; I saw the corpse jumping from the tallest spire, cut into pieces from the rugged hillside; I heard the screams of sinners burning in the private stove, and Dozens of people drowned in the boiling moat. Newton did not leave any terrible details.

"Each cell punishes its prisoners uniquely," he added. "The greater a person's crimes, the more unbearable his existence will be. In addition, there is a warden, a malicious man. He was notorious in his time, and it is untouchable in our time. He has a swordsman made of bronze to protect him. You will proceed first..."

Unsurprisingly, Missy’s anger could not be controlled, "If he can get to prison! The unique earth has its own danger, like a journey through hell! The ocean of fire, the desert of plague, alien life forms, evil 'S agents are everywhere! This is impossible!"

"Please!" I pleaded, squeezing my pounding forehead, "You're unhelpful!"

"This prisoner must be very important!" She also yelled back, "Tell me, who is it?"

Newton remained calm and composed, "Dear lady, your feelings are completely understandable. After all, your love for this person is unconditional. You are very worried about him, and you should be worried too."

Stuttering and tears in her eyes, my life support system left us, hiding these emotions behind her hands.

"I can only tell you this number," Newton said, hoping to see this little angel's face again, "number 00. Unfortunately, his or her identity must remain mysterious for the time being. Let Daniel know at this point. More is very dangerous."

The waiting plain is now colder, and the burrs on my arm stand upright. Is it really because of the cold? I was walking on the plain between Newton and Missy, patting my cheek, thinking about something. Unique earth-hell-ninth fortress-bronze swordsman and evil agent.

"It's not because of the cold," Misie sighed. "That's fear, Daniel. You finally got a little sane."

"Something confused me," I said, turning a blind eye to the stuff in my stomach. "If I die now, how can I die again?"

This gentle-faced Englishman seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and took the topic away from the Ninth Fortress, if only to avoid further annoying Misie, "Daniel, the soul can't die, but ** can. Die in the kingdom of the next life. Here, your light will leave your body and take any form of shelter nearby, whether it's a dust or a broken rat. This is the so-called second death. This is a random and unenviable process. I am the most The good advice is to take care of your body. It is the only thing you have left. Do you understand

I nodded. "Understood, I am grateful for your concern, miss, but this is something I must do. Sir Isaac!" I said to him, "I will do what God tells me to do."

Missy suddenly swooped in front of me, "You fool! You think you can challenge the whole world, don't you? You are really blind! So stupid and ignorant! The logic you just said was completely reversed the moment you left me Now! You know nothing about the dangers waiting for you, absolutely nothing. Do you know what I mean?"

"Calm down!" Newton pleaded, "This is no good, angel, no good at all. Misie, this is Daniel's decision. What he needs is the advice of supporters, not preaching."

The girl's anger disappeared and she wept on my chest. I was shocked to see her so passionate about me, and I stroked the fluffy feathers attached to her back.

"Missi is right," Newton said. "You still have a lot to learn. However, this task is not impossible to complete. Indeed, you may never come back here, so this is not something that can be done easily. Decision. Please consider your options. If you accept and bring prisoner 00 to me, then you can rest in peace with your daughter. If not, then your case will be handled through normal channels."

I choked for a moment, "Why me?" I pleaded bitterly, "Why am I lucky enough to meet you and have such a chance? I'm an ordinary person, and there is nothing special here. I didn't save anyone's life, or even do it. Do many things by myself! I am as greedy, selfish, and weak as everyone else! Why me?"

Missy separated herself from my chest and wiped away the tears. It is obvious to her what is special about my soul, but she wants others to see it.

Isaac Newton approached us both with a confident smile.

"Why not you?" He said, "If this idea sounds absurd at first, then there is no hope. No matter what you think, Danny, no matter how crazy this opportunity looks today, the bright light will shine tomorrow. Brighten up the madness on the surface of God. All of us are standing on the shoulders of a giant. I feel like a decision has been made?"

He is right. This is not a choice, this is my opportunity. I can wait here and receive a full trial in due course, but will the final judgment proceed as I wish? I can't take risks, nor can I wait.

"I talked to Casey," Newton added, "just before coming here. You have a smart girl-very smart indeed. "His wise blue eyes make me feel the same sadness and joy," she Hope," he added cautiously, "you have forgiven her. Daniel, do you know what this means?"

My head suddenly became heavy, and my brain was disturbed by the unexpected wishes of a deceased daughter. "I know what that means," I murmured in reply. "She wants me to forgive the man who killed her."

"How about you?" Newton asked curiously.

At the thought of this, my face twisted like vomit at the corner of my mouth.

"It's too fast," Missy answered for me.

It was so fast, the old man seemed to accept the fact, "She asked me to tell you one more thing," he said, and I looked at him hungrily, "She loves you very much."

I laughed and cried, and once again I felt the heartache of my life support because she lost my ninth fortress.

"When will I leave?" I asked, "Now? Now? I'm ready."

"First of all," Newton said, "you need a guide. This is not a journey that can be done alone. You need an experienced person!"

"Yes," Misie said solemnly. "If he wants to go, then it would be bad if he goes alone. I doubt you can find a more suitable guide than you, Sir Isaac, so I can rest assured."

When he giggled, his black hat giggled, "I am a physicist, Missy, a very old physicist! No, no, I have a more suitable candidate in my mind. A person who is very suitable for this job-a very outstanding person," Isaac Newton pointed a long finger: "Samurai..."

Sitting lazily on another rock is a burly figure himself. In her fifties, her hair is greasy and black with a few strands of lightning-like gray, and there is a knot on the back. His face was full of scars, sour, and a pair of eyebrows covered his eyes, occasionally revealing strange white beads that shone in the dark. He calculated motionlessly, his clenched fist supporting a stubborn chin. He wore a heavy-looking red sè armor with strong vertical plates around his torso. He held two swords: a long samurai sword stuck in his left leg, and a shorter samurai sword-later I It was found to be a samurai sword ---- inserted from the front of the belt. Missy and I looked at this beast in amazement, and its existence eclipsed Newton. He is Caesar, he is Alexander, he is a combination of Samson and Hercules. The samurai knew that he was being watched, but he was still sitting quietly on his stone; he was a granite statue that neither recognized our existence nor cared about us.

"My goodness!" Misie said, "My goodness!"

"Danny!" Newton said excitedly, "I am honored to introduce Kate to everyone." Hearing his name, Kate still did not respond. "A warrior from the sixteenth century," the scientist continued, "It can be said that what you see now is one of the most dangerous people in the entire history of the earth's movement."

Finally, this Kate gave our trio his confused eyes and hoarse voice, "Can you say that?" He sneered.

When I was struggling with the man's anger, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and his eyes stirred up a decaying disease in my internal organs. Kate glanced at us one last time, tilted her head to the side, and muttered swear words in a low voice. This experienced person has no impression of me, Newton, or anyone.

"Kate will take you to hell, the ninth fortress, and then come back." Newton said, "Kate is a master of swordsmanship, stronger than Achilles, and the only soul qualified to participate in this adventure, Daniel," he He whispered, "This person will dedicate everything to your cause. He will perish because of this, and because of you."

This crazy thing continued to curse at itself, like a bomb about to explode. Misie flew to my ear and pulled my hair aside, "Kate has been here for more than 00 years, and there are more than 00 years spent in... elsewhere."

"He has been sitting here for two hundred years?" I replied gruffly, "What is he waiting for?"

"God listener," she hissed, "this attention requires patience, but Kate got it here and waited for its order. No one talked to him, and no one dared to approach him because his name was everywhere. Known and feared everywhere."

"I am happy for your optimism," Newton said.

"Not at all!" She returned. "I still think this is an insult, but if a person can protect my Daniel, then that person is the Hulk. What do you think of him?"

I shrugged, "If you say that..."

"Don't write him off so quickly," said the scientist. "Believe it or not, Danny, you and this warrior have a lot in common. You are trees living on the same root; in your life, you may have been in dreams. See his image, or come out in the mirror. Kate is as important to you as anyone you meet. He will be by your side and be your eyes and ears until the end of the mission. He is yours The shield is your sword, your north star, and your savior from evil. You must obey him, trust him, and in return, he will save your lives."

Newton took a step back, and I felt his nudge bringing me closer to Kate. I glanced back and saw the angel and scientist urging me. When I was eight years old again, my mother forced me to shake hands with my neighbor because he was new and we had the same age and freckles. "I'm Marcel Winterbottom. Shake hands with him, Danny, he will become your new best friend!" (to be continued) (end of this chapter)