Magic Notes

Chapter 389: There are many doubts (60)


I reluctantly took a delicate step towards my guide, his breath sucking in the breath of my advancement. When I faced him, Kate was still stiff, determined, unfeeling, motionless.

"Hello, my name is Daniel."

There was no response, and I anxiously looked for my angels.

"Stand up, Kate," the scientist commanded respectfully.

Kate reacted, staring straight at Isaac Newton, he wouldn't be intimidated. Then Kate turned his scornful gaze, and I trembling, moistening my chapped lips, repeating: "My name is..."

Suddenly, the samurai staggered from his seat, his armor and bones creaking like an unoiled hell machine. The samurai looked at me with cold curiosity, as if I were a little frog that would only be trampled to death. It was too strong for me, I couldn't control his vicious eyes, it was a weakness he noticed with disgust. I focused on my sweaty palms and reached out to hold his hands. Kate looked at it mockingly, then turned and left.

I felt embarrassed and wanted to scold him behind his back. Who is he, this short, angry man, why do I need him

Anxious to express these emotions, Newton suddenly put his gentle hand on my arm, "Don't go to your heart," he whispered. "Kate is not the kind of sociable person, few great men can do this."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked, "Does this person named Kate speak English?"

"Not a word," he said with a smirk. "There is no language barrier here. Kate speaks Rì, you will hear English, and vice versa. However, the conversation with this person should be limited, after all, it is his The sword is talking. For better or worse, you and Kate’s fate have collided and you must stick to it. His arrogance requires a lot of patience, but we have to trust him as we trust you."

I nodded and watched the soldier continue his actions as he pleased, never looking back, "He won't even wait for me!"

"Kate is just waiting for God," Missy said, "you better act quickly."

When Newton put a belt on my hand, I didn't have time to understand this, I was ready to act. A bag and dagger were attached to the belt. "Thank you," I said, playing with the dagger absently. On my way to hell, I was given a butter knife to protect myself.

"Me too," Missy said. "This is a butter knife."

"Can you stop?" I said, "It's weird!"

Misie tilted her head innocently and wrapped her hair around her fingers.

"This is not an ordinary dagger," Newton explained. "It requires its users to take a huge responsibility. Listen carefully, Daniel: One cannot destroy a soul, but this dagger can. The power of God is now In your hands."

I immediately picked up the weapon cautiously, as if it were nitroglycerin in my hand. Misie stretched her neck over my shoulder, hoping to see the magical brilliance and hint of divine power, unfortunately, only the wood of the handle and the dark gray of the blade.

"How does it work?" I asked awkwardly, "I mean..."

"Like other daggers," Newton replied, "This is a gift from God, but I solemnly emphasize that it can only be used once. Use this knife to pierce any soul, and that person will disappear and never Will be back!"

When Newton came to the conclusion, Missy shared a curious face with me, "This knife is unique. Use it when you have no choice. That's what I'm going to say, a good journey."

That's it, with the help of his Faraday force and Maxwell's twisted waves, Isaac Newton has disappeared.

I was anxious to catch up with Kate, carefully put the dagger back into the bag, and tied the belt around my waist. Then I took a short deep breath, bent over and bid farewell to my life support equipment, "Happy to be born at the age of 189."

Her tears never left, "My birth was last week, what if you don't come back? What should I do then?"

"This is not the end," I whispered, "Remember?"

"I tell you to go!" she cried, pressing herself on my chest, "I can't stand it anymore, and I will never forgive you for letting me go through this! Go now! Hurry up!"

She walked away, and I watched her float like a disappearing dream, her sad face getting smaller and smaller.

"You will see me again!" I cried, "I will be back, miss! I will succeed! I will be back! Wait and see!"

As Missy fared to become part of the waiting plain, I was on the edge of hell again. Soon, I caught up with the samurai in the sky.

It is called the unique earth, and the more steps I take towards it, the more this new world reveals itself. I can see the formation of clouds in the sky, and see the distorted shadows gradually turning into trunks and trees. I was very excited to hear the chirping of the birds and the rustling of the grass. I want to go further, but I dare not surpass this man, this samurai named Kate.

I have never seen his face since his previous look made me cringe. I don't want to see it again. Although our awkward silence feels right, I don't know what to say to such a horn. I doubt whether the samurai wants or cares to melt these ice cubes.

The exhausting spell quickly sucked away my enthusiasm, staring at my steps blankly, Kate suddenly stopped in front, my face hit between his shoulder blades.

"What?" I complained, "Why did you stop?"

I wiped my nose and found that the original plain white plain had disappeared without a trace, and we have now reached a unique earth. The first thing I noticed is how normal all this looks, maybe, just maybe it has always been the ancient earth? The sky is a familiar bright blue, with a hot sun on it. The surrounding scenery is lush long grass and rolling hills, except for the two of us, there is no other angel, creature, or soul in sight.

At our feet is a narrow path, winding down the hillside, and then crossing other paths to the green horizon in the distance. The samurai stopped, his eyes squinted, and his hand moved to the katana on his belt. "What's the matter?" I asked, but Kate listened to me and the world motionlessly. There is no obvious danger, but this person will not be urged, and I will take the time to understand this fact.

The samurai took off their fingertips from the hilt, muttered, and knelt on the ground. He collected a handful of stones on the road and analyzed it with the palm of his hand. His dark eyes are staring at the microscope like a scientist, and I can only hold my arms and wait. Is this his routine? Is he always so careful

A few minutes later, the normal illusion of "unique earth" was forever shattered. A rotten smell hit my throat, like a wet dog with a mouthful. I rubbed my tongue gently with two fingers and didn't feel any abnormalities, but when I removed them, the tip of my tongue was covered in soot. This is the kind of dirt you find behind the old cupboard or under the car seat, and I coughed a little in disgust into my hands. "Oh my God, I'm sick! Look at this!"

"It's in the air," he said simply. "harmless."

I stared at the clear blue sky again, thinking that this foul-smelling pollution could not stay there. I took another breath, knowing that mold was spraying out of my nostrils and clogging my nostrils. "Ah!" I was gagged. "I have to get used to... breathe this garbage?"

Kate patted the dirt on his hands like a robot, stood up and said, "You will."

I wiped my hands clean with my jeans and retched. One more thing to get used to, Danny. If there is any difference, it is a timely reminder that this unique earth is just an anti-shè of a planet I am familiar with. Unfortunately, my rìzi in that field is over.

Without rest, I followed Kate up and down the hills and mounds. The more I paid attention to his back, the more I wanted to thank him. This samurai came here just for my happiness, to take a complete stranger to the worst place imaginable, and when there is trouble, he will be the one who answers. My shield and sword, my North Star, my savior-which right-minded person would be happy to take this responsibility? What crime did Kate commit to take on this important task

Finally, I closed my mouth. A samurai is an ordinary person from a different era, and I am afraid that gratitude will only be seen as a sign of weakness.

It took a long time before the woodland appeared in front of us. It was a barb that was caught and cracked, gleaming with black light on the green ground, and every possible route inside was protected by a branch full of thorns. The sky above seemed to die in front of and above these woods. The bright blue sè and the wet gray sè and the marsh brown sè are intertwined, as if the sun cannot shine on it. "Wait!" I said, trying to hide the anxiety when Kate turned around. "Wait a mininute"

"What?" he asked, annoyed by my interruption.

"I'm not going in," I replied, shaking my head firmly. "Those woods are a maze, any idiot can see it. It's so stupid, so crazy, I won't go, did you hear it?"

"That's it," he answered clearly.

"Are you sure? What about these beautiful grasslands growing in all directions? If you want, you can go through that terrible forest, but I want to go around them!"

I put my feet on the grass, firmer than I thought, and Kate pulled me back to the path.

"Never get lost!" he roared, his eyes tense and sharp, "this is a cursed place, the residents are jiān deceitful evil spirits, there is our way in the woods, we must keep close contact."

I shook off his hand and was very angry with him. "What if something happens to you, samurai?"

"I won't fall," he replied, as if absolutely certain.

Then, my leader with a granite face lowered his eyes and watched a group of ants pass through the toe of his boots. I waited for the soldier to press the soles of his shoes on the helpless ant colony, but there was no satisfactory crowd of insects. Instead, the fighter took an unusually big step, and I did the same.

The dead wood faintly appeared, it was a stranded ship, let it rot, a building abandoned by nature, or a pile of abandoned vehicles. The roots of the tree were deeply ingrained and indestructible, and the bark was crumpled and dried out. The branches are like slender spider legs, and the wind blows a most moving song from the cracks.

Kate was motionless, looking for my courage, I found something else, a figure on the field to my right. This thing was shot out from the grass: a black scarecrow with arms outstretched like a cross. "What's that?" I squinted. It was not a scarecrow, but a man. Whether it is alive or dead, there is only one way to find the answer. I walked into the bushes, and the bushes stretched to my thighs and wrapped around my legs.

My sluggish movement caused the Jǐng feeling of my protector samurai, and he became very angry. "You! Come here! Never leave me!"

I ignored it and waved at him casually. "I just want to see! You stay here, I won't stay long!"

Wading through the beautiful fields, I quickly reached the corpse. It was a man who was just a teenager. He was tied high to a pillar, his chest and wrists tied with rope. His body is getting weaker and weaker, his clothes are chopped, and the wounds are covered with clotted blood. Muscles fell off and swollen bruises covered his face and arms. I stared blankly at the bloody saliva flowing from his lower lip, his feet like curtains hanging in front of me.

"Don't touch it!" Kate ordered, his voice getting closer.

"do not want!"

I controlled my hand and looked away from the wet red trash. "Kate!" I cried. "You have to come and see this!"

However, the samurai was already behind me, and he put an unbearable pressure on my neck and twisted me to his dizzy gaze on the spot.

"Don't leave my back!" he yelled. "never!"

"Take your fucking hand away!" I screamed while making a face. "Who do you think you are... What's wrong with you? Let go of me! This man needs help! I'm going to kill him! I was chopped off—"When Kate dug his nails deeper, I pointed Screaming, it fell to the ground like a bag of potatoes.

"Reconciliation," he said. "This man is finished."

I tried to control the pain of flushing on my face. I will not let this beast see it satisfactorily. I can bear it-I have experienced worse situations-I want to let this Kate know how strong I am. I resisted his hand hard, regained the strength of my legs, and tried to stand up, but the more I struggled, the harder Kate turned his pliers.


I reluctantly surrendered. A futile exercise, I stopped fighting, Kate gave up. However, our quarrel was immediately forgotten, and to our surprise, the young man stood in his lofty position and spoke, with bleeding blisters in his mouth. "I... ... "

"What!" I panted and stood up hastily. "What are you talking about? Stay with us!" I asked for help, but only a cruel-looking samurai was scratching his neck.

"He," the boy murmured, "Yes..."

"What?" I whispered. "Who?"

His head fainted, and the life in his body disappeared. Thick foam dripped from his nose, and his eyes rolled, leaving behind a pair of sluggish ghosts. This terrible sight did not bother me**; the hole in my memory has not yet been completely filled, and I do not remember whether I have seen similar horrors in the past.

"Skar?" I meditated. "What do you think this means?"

"Stand back," Kate said.

I did this without a doubt, and walked over to Kate, who carefully examined the dead boy. The samurai seemed to be waiting, looking forward to it. I don't know what it is, and he won't tell me, but he is not in a hurry to enter the forest. The samurai can have white dreams as he pleases.

A bitter wind shocked me. It came out from nowhere, stuck to our hair and whipped the grass, but strangely, it was only around the blood-stained pillars. "What's the matter?" I yelled in a strong wind.

The samurai gently pushed the little boy with his elbow, and the inside of the little boy's body emitted a dreamy blue light, which escaped from his eyes, nostrils and every wound on his body. This force is neither hot nor cold to my sex. In fact, it has no effect on my body.

Kate has always remained calm, giving the impression that this phenomenon is hardly a phenomenon. He took a step back calmly, and when the boy's skin began to wither and fall off, he followed to remind me. This person is being erased by nature. In less than a minute, the only thing hanging is his skeleton, and the spectacular light streams spraying from his ribs. The sturdy bone cage quickly burst into a puddle on the grass.

Finally, all the rays of light gathered on the pillar into a fist-sized sphere. This singularity did not fall off like bones and bones, but remained consistent, effortlessly lingering like dust spots in the bedroom. The wind stopped and calm was restored. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)