Magic Notes

Chapter 392: Doubtful (63)


Kate sighed deeply at the window, like a tired soul leaving his body. "As long as it takes..." he muttered.

"The last thing, Kate, the last thing. Scarfell, he said something about you-the only one who smashed a bloody road from hell. Is this true?"

"Don't have any more wizards!" he yelled, slamming the window with his fist. The light immediately illuminated the cabin, and the dark floor and fresh blood on Kate's knuckles illuminated the cabin. He walked into the village angrily, almost torn the door off the hinge on the road.

I was stunned and didn't keep up. I am no stranger to tantrums, and I don't think it is personal. I am very grateful to have Kate, this is also an honor, I should not pick a man's brain because of trivial details. Although I wore several layers of clothes, it was still a bit frosty. I got up to do exercises to keep warm. At this time, a villager walked into the cabin without knocking on the door, and repaired the door behind her.

"Oh, please sit down, sir!" she said, escorting me back to **. "You are exhausted. This is to be expected. Yes, that's how it is." She was wearing a shabby dress and it was difficult to judge her age. The lines engraved on her face indicate that she is a hardworking worker and is far from an attractive person. "Can't get up and walk around, sir! Here..." She handed me a glass of clear water, like water. "Take a sip and sleep, and you will be healthy again. Drink it."

My mother taught me not to accept anything from strangers, but thirsty taught me not to do it. I drank her water, dried my hard lips, and washed some scum in my throat. "Thank you very much. This is Daniel Fox."

"Nice to meet you, sober Mr. Fox. The samurai caught you when he came last night. Let me tell you that it caused quite a stir among those women. My name is Mrs. B."

I smiled triumphantly. "Mrs. b? Letter b?"


"Unusual," I said, and she smiled faintly.

"It's a pity that you were placed in this shabby hut. We only have so many."

"I don't feel that bad. I'd rather not stay here for too long."

"Very good," she said, inadvertently looking very happy. "We," she stammered to recall herself, "Guest who is not used to here, Mr. Fox. Never been here. Usually we say no, but this request comes from a great person. We can't say no.. . We won't. Not for him."

I guess it's Newton. This scientist is like those horses before, adding many kings and mountains, and supervising every aspect of this mission. I have been well taken care of.

"He is a great man," I agreed, returning the cup to her. "Mrs. B, how long have you lived in this village?"

"It's been a long time," she answered frankly. "I am the longest now. At least we are safe, perhaps the safest on the entire unique planet." Her eyes suddenly crossed, noticing the broken window and bloody glass shards distracting her conversation.

"My companion," I said sorry. "He has a bad temper."

Madame B was immersed in her white dream, picked up a piece of glass and watched Kate's blood drip down the edge of the glass. I studied her trance state until enough time passed to make things uncomfortable. Coughing to attract attention, her tired eyes were pointed sharply at mine. "Mrs. b?" I whispered. "Are you OK?"

"Of course," she replied mechanically, dropping the pieces to the ground. "Everything is fine here."

I lowered my head and approached her cautiously. "Tell me, Mrs. B, how many people are in your village? Do you know?"

"We have twenty-five people. Although your grumpy friend is swimming around ** now, I advise you not to do this, sir. Some people are still worried about your presence here. It is best to wait until dinner time. A good meal A big meal will make you both full, happy, and on the road. Yes, you don’t need to stay after the meal. There is no need at all."

"No," I replied, suppressing my feelings about this smelly ice cellar, this strange village, and her strange behavior.

Madam opened the door, and the bump on her stomach immediately frightened me. I hope this is the effect of light, but when I look at it again, I have no doubts: She is pregnant. I staggered back to **, not knowing what to do.

"Don't panic," she said kindly, stroking her belly. "Be with us next month... my little miracle."

Before I regained some sedation, I endured my dry mouth for a while. "I, I never realized that you can have children in the next life. New life in death? How could something like this... happen?"

She managed to squeeze a smile. "Take a break, Mr. Fox. See you at dinner. See you then."

Mrs. B left me alone, and I lay down. I am not tired anymore. In the day and in the dark, under the frosted walls and rough mattresses, thoughts are like countless sheep jumping on the picket fence. The little miracle Daniel, scattered all over the place.

The principal, Margaret McKinney, told me the news. When I picked up the phone, I could see that she was crying, or trying not to cry for me. The interesting thing is how life can be completely changed in a few minutes, how the earth can open up and swallow you so easily.

"Are you all right, Mrs. McKinney? What..."

"Their bus rushed out of the road," she sneered, apologizing back and forth. "Six people died, Mr. Fox. Two teachers, four...children."

The rest is blurry. Margaret doesn't have to tell me, I already know.

Losing a child is an indescribable feeling. When your heart is torn apart, you no longer feel it.

I woke up, the morning sun was replaced by the strong orange musk that seeped through the cracks in the shed. A young lady was taking care of me by my bed and gently wiped my forehead with a damp cloth. When she was less than eighteen years old, she hid a beautiful face behind a dirty blond hair, and her body looked as beautiful as anyone I had ever seen.

"You are crying, sir," she said, her voice soft and cheerful. "I have never seen a man cry before."

The dry tears on my cheeks confused me. I stood up nonchalantly, and then I cleaned it up with both palms.

"Nightmare?" she asked.

I shook my head-not a nightmare, but a memory.

"It's so smelly here," she said. "It sucks, it sucks. You need to clean up before dinner. Just sit still."

"What's your name?" I said, leaning back in the chair, she was taking care of me.

"Name—" She paused, expressing a brief confusion. "They... call me Mrs. l, you can call me l."

"Me? It's weird, I got b today."

"Have you talked with Mrs. B?" she asked, obviously anxious. "Did she mention me?"

"Oh, no," I said confusedly. "Why would she do this?"

The girl turned around and dipped the cloth in a bowl of dirty water. I grabbed her slender wrist and she let the cloth sink into the dark bowl. "Why did Mrs. B mention you?" I asked again.

"I just thought she would tell you, nothing more. After all, our purpose is her idea. She calls it the solution."

"Our purpose?" I said, letting go of her wrist. "What is it?"

She lowered her forehead to conceal her blush. She is a beauty, with pink skin, plump cheekbones, and two soft lips painted with red paint. At such a moment, I have to forget that I am still a flesh and blood person. "Do you obey Mrs. B's orders?" I asked, regaining some composure. "Is she responsible here?"

"Mrs. B guides us away from evil," she said. "She protects us all."

The girl's voice is sincere, and as far as I know, there is no sign of lies. I even felt her love for her seemingly strenuous leader. This aroused my interest, and I continued to work hard to keep on asking: "Mrs. B, a pregnant woman, how does she protect you?"

The girl didn't tell me her face and her answer.

"Am I making you unhappy?" I asked. "I'm sorry, if I am, this is..."

She kept quiet and tried to satisfy her eyes, and I saw the scratches cut through her arms and shoulders. I felt uneasy and combed her bangs, and found that there was a whip mark on her forehead, and the blood was barely dry. "Who did it?!"

Her chin trembled, her lips drooped, and her tears brightened her emerald eyes, but if this girl wanted to tell me, her mouth was locked in secret.

"I can help you," I said confidently. "I can! Ms. B? Did she do it? Did she hurt you?"

"Everyone has their own use," she murmured. "Answer: ... Purpose"

I took the soaked clothes out of the bowl and removed the dirt on her face. "Please, don't cry. No matter what the problem, there is no excuse for such scores. Look there, really—"

To my surprise, I stained my lips with a rough and simple kiss, and ended up with the sound of pursing my lips. When she took off her tattered shirt to reveal her pear-shaped figure, I was completely shocked by her expression. I opened my mouth to protest, but before I could finish speaking, she threw herself on me and soiled her head with my hands.

"Our goal!" she said, kissing my mouth and hugging her leg tightly to my body. "Give me a child! Give me!"

"What, what?!" I choked up because the girl pressed herself on it. She is not strong, but very determined.

"Mrs. B knows!" She gasped, stroking my groin. ""Don't talk now, sir! If you don't speak, I will like it better!"

I groaned as the busy fingers of this charming creature untied my belt. I want to let this happen, let it happen, but the more I let Shiyù dominate, the louder my feeling inside screams, "Control yourself, bastard!"

I turned her over and sat on her flat stomach, pressing her wrists on the mattress. "I'm flattered," I said blushing. "I really want to go but..."

"You must fuck me!" she pleaded bitterly. "You must do this!"

"I don't have to do anything!"

She once again competed with my weight with wild eyes and kept begging me to have a baby. "Anything will do, sir! Anything you want!"

In the end my strength prevailed, and when the girl finally surrendered, her tears flowed down again, crying pitifully and desperately. "You don't understand, sir! You can't!"

"Let me do it," I said, taking a step back. "Please tell me, okay?"

At this moment, the door of the shack was opened hard, and it shocked me. Kate stood in the doorway, her body gleaming against the orange sunset. When he saw the older man and the half-exposed woman lying in pain, his face became tense with disgust. Before I had time to explain or listen to L’s story, the girl hurriedly ran past her and ran past Kate. Kate arrogantly tried not to notice her beating body.

"Not what you think..." I said, feeling his gaze.

The dusk was replaced by rapid dark cháo water. Atmospheric lights illuminate all places around the village, and the louder and louder sound of construction drew me out of the shed. I am happy to stay away from this trash, but still realize that they are drying on my boots.

This community is closely linked. In this kind of place, privacy does not exist, and your business belongs to others. These houses are only slightly better than the cabins, which are built with disjointed stones and clay as insulation. There are about twenty such dilapidated houses built on the silt. This is a hard life, hard work and heartache, no matter how safe they are, I don't envy any soul who lives here.

In fact, only one of these houses seemed fit for living, suitable for the king. Georgian style, white and flawless, with a welcoming wooden porch, two floors, clean windows, and the red curtains inside emit a pleasing light. I want to point out the characteristics of that beautiful house in this dilapidated village. I need to tell this nonsense to others, anyone, but the only strange thing here is my appearance. I looked at their faces, pointed their fingers, and the door behind was closed tightly.

The three women came to a long table and assembled plates and cutlery for dinner. I observe their work, and they feel that I am observing. No one laughed, and no one gave me the joy on their faces. Kate will be at ease here. "I'm sorry," I said, coming closer. "Can you give me a minute?"

One of the freckled red-haired women suddenly accosted me. "What is this?" She cried, somehow, feeling insulted. "What did I do? What do you want?"

"I'm sorry. It's nothing..." My mind was suddenly confused, not because of her attitude, but because of the bulging belly under her cardigan and the baby growing out of her belly.

"you are pregnant?"

She put a mother's hand on her belly and smiled, just like Mrs. B did. "It's possible at any time."

The other two women put on the last knife and fork, and I noticed that they were also pregnant. I had to rub my face to get myself up. "What can we do for you?" one of them asked, but I was too confused to answer. The young lady repeated her question and finally found me.

""Where are the men? I didn't see anything. Did they hide or what? be lost?"

The redhead smiled and put her hand behind me. "Why, there is only one person!"

I turned around, hope was dashed, and saw Kate walking towards me. "Kate!" I said to him hastily. "Man, we have to talk!"

Kate looked more irritable than ever, and was not interested in anything I said.

"Someone told you to stay in the shack!" He wailed loudly, his cheeks getting fat from the air. "Someone told you!"

"Oh," I protested, "So you can go hiking, can you? I can't stay in that damn pit for a second! There is something wrong here, okay? We are not safe!" I grabbed His arm, but he put it down with a snap.

"Do as I said!" he said, suddenly squeezing my chin with his thumb and fingers. "I won't say it again!"

He pushed back with his palm and pulled my stunned face back. My heel fell off and slid stupidly into the mud, and the samurai had returned in the direction he came.

That night, people and food were all around the table. It was a feast of chicken, pork, fish, bread, water and wine. All obstacles have been pulled out. The sight of various faces and the seductive smell made the stomach gurgling, and the mouth was dry.

Since the last episode, Kate and I have stopped talking, so we dine at both ends of the burning table. Twenty-five villagers, all female, sat down to eat, waiting for Ms. b to speak with her privileged position at the top of the table. When the rude woman finally stood up, her eyes and smile fell on everyone present. "As you know, ladies, we have two guests tonight. Daniel Fox and his samurai need no introduction. We have all been fascinated by your story, Kate." (to be continued) ( (End of this chapter)