Magic Notes

Chapter 393: Doubtful (64)


The women glanced at me gracefully, and I responded with a smile, but Kate didn't.

"We hope you enjoyed the meal," concluded b, "and our partners, gentlemen." The beaten old woman agreed, waved her hand, and allowed her to enjoy the food.

We did not wait for prayers or other rituals before the like · a person. I took a chicken leg from that plate, scooped a large portion of potatoes from the other plate, and ate it.

After chewing hungry for a while, I realized something unusual. This food is a delicious meal for the eyes, but not for the sense of taste. Every bite tastes the same ー mashed potatoes made of sandy wood. From bread to soup, it poisoned everything about me. I coughed out the slimy back of my mouth and heard further chuckles from the women around me.

"I'm not used to it yet, Kate," I said across the table. "I really am not!"

Kate didn't care about me at all, and eventually the hunger in my stomach offset the bitter taste on my tongue. I ate everything I could. Although it was ugly, it at least gave me the satisfaction of energy and fullness. That beautiful blond woman, Mrs. L, never looked at me once during the meal. Whenever I saw her eyes, she would put it on the table or plate, except for me.

Kate's manners, or lack of manners, made me very happy throughout the dinner. The man was rude, grabbed a large amount of food, gobbled it, groaned, hiccuped, chewed with his mouth open, then poured the wine glass on the ground and finished it in one breath. The unfortunate woman sitting next to him was obviously I hope I am not.

When most people finished their meal, I drank wine while the women chatted together, chatting about the weather, the harvest, and other things that I didn’t like. What I care about is my curiosity. Now that my hunger is satisfied, I might as well go and see another one. "I saw the White House just now," I started clutching my chin. ""I want to know who lives there? anyone there?"

"New house, sir," answered Ms. b, "we hope that every woman here can have one, and they deserve it."

I nodded and realized that she did not answer my question: Who lives there

"Tell me," I added casually, "Are you all named after letters?"? It's kind of weird, don't you think? I mean there are only so many letters in the alphabet. "I saw some people agree, but most people expressed anxiety." Is there Mrs. A?" I went on to say that this question made a girl suddenly choked up. The woman sitting next to her immediately took a few shots of the girl. Back. After a while, she spit out a piece of dough from her throat, and we all breathed again.

"Tonight's bread is a bit unpalatable," said Ms. B, calmly showing my curiosity. "Mrs. A is gone, Mr. Fox. The second death, I believe you have realized it."

"What happened?"

"Poor fellow," b replied. "She is too old to protect those women, and too weak to protect herself."

"Too old to protect women, right?" I said, trying to be smart. "Or maybe too old to have children?"

My comment even stopped Kate from chewing, and everyone on the table stared at me with expressions of surprise and fear. Within a few seconds, the atmosphere that was otherwise pleasant had now turned into a grumpy and disturbing silence. Mrs. B's smile disappeared, and her disguise and patience disappeared. "Gentlemen, when are you leaving?" she asked.

I waited for Kate to answer, because only he knew. "In the morning," he murmured. "For the macro."

"So fast?" a girl added. "shameful."

That artificial tone disturbed me. To make matters worse, I saw everyone wearing the same mask.

"This will be a daunting climb," said Ms. B. "Not many people will climb the slope of Macro. Those who climbed...will never come back."

The danger came, and Kate grinned while holding a handful of stale bread.

"What are you doing up there?" L asked, immediately arousing the glaring of other villagers. This question is irrelevant, but I hurriedly withdrew it, watching her touch the eyelashes under her clothes, I wince.

"What's the matter?" I asked her. "Is everything all right?"

She pulled away the tangled hair in front of her eyes and smiled faintly. "All right, sir. All right, sir."

"She is healthy, Mr. Fox," Ms. B added, "Now, you have asked about our situation, you have accepted our hospitality, and you are full. Tell us about yourself. We women want to hear more. Much. Have you climbed the mountain before? This is a good start!"

"I have never climbed a mountain," I replied, thinking that it would be better not to put more attention on l. "In my day, I would drive to steeper mountains."

"Car?" Prying open a dark-haired woman who looks confused.

"It's like a horse-drawn carriage," I explained, forgetting that before the invention of the car, some of these women, if not all of them, died long ago. "It has four wheels and an engine to drive it."

"Sounds complicated!" Mrs. B continued to snicker.

"I think there are more difficult things in life. A friend once told me that the world is made up of tiny miracles. Now, you distribute the whole village, and all pregnant women, which is a lot of miracles. You don’t Do you think?"

"We are blessed!" Ms. B said: "The mysterious fate brought us women together to give birth to children. We are here, safe and happy. Mr. Fox, do you have children of your own?"

Suddenly, myself and I were both pulled out of this dark village on jīng god. Migraine does not recur and causes dizziness. This is a deeper problem, just like a disease in the blood. I was stunned by a question that I couldn't remember. While these women were waiting for my answer, I could only stare at the empty dinner plate under my nose.

"Mr. Fox, how are you? Mr. Fox?"

I blinked, thought about what Casey looked like for a few seconds, and then pulled my thoughts out of the unmarked well. "Very good," I replied, expressionless. "I'm fine. Thank you for the dinner." My fork fell to the floor with a clam, and the dinner was over. The two women took my plate, and while they were waiting for Kate to finish eating, I tried to restore my jīng state, and then a strange moment rushed me into the abyss of amnesia.

Seeing Ms. b bending down and whispering in l's ear, her head immediately returned to my shoulder. Someone said something short and to the point, words that the delicate and stupid girl would never want to hear.

"Mrs. b?" I complained. "This village is the safest place on the unique earth. Why? I don't see anyone who can avoid trouble. Or am I too xìng not to discriminate?"

"You are amazing!" blurted out.

"Your attitude is prehistoric," Mrs. B said calmly. "We women are fully capable of handling any kind of trouble. Men allow emotions to dominate them; their presence here will only break the balance. My job is to maintain this continuity, and we don’t need people to maintain this continuity."

"So what?" I asked, restraining my laughter. "How did you get pregnant?"

Just like playing tennis, all eyes followed the ball back to Ms. b, but before she had time to return the ball to me, I spoke. "Sorry, ladies, please forgive me. I am grateful for your hospitality. I don't mean you need men, but I see fragile pregnant women here. There are no obvious fences or defenses around their villages. Of course, in such a country. Here, is it wise to be prepared for danger? At least for your children, keep Jǐng vigilant, right?"

Kate remained indifferent and continued to stuff his mouth with food. Maybe he already knows these answers.

"No one dares to hurt us!" aroused the enthusiasm of the red hair. "They dare not!"

"Why not?" I clicked. "What is special about you?"

The lady's mask was gone, only an ugly frown remained. "You may not see our defenses," she yelled, "but they do exist! We are a peaceful community, Mr. Fox; we do not cause trouble or seek trouble. Most people wander aimlessly* *On a unique earth, but here, everyone has a purpose, everyone is safe!"

"Safe?" I laughed at him. "You beat up these women and said they are safe? If a wizard enters your village, swamp pig, Asuka, or God knows what else!"

"You have said enough!" Mrs. B exclaimed angrily. "We never want to be with you anymore! It is wise to go back to ** and lock yourself up until dawn... That is the wise way."

I rudely knocked all the nearby goblets and plates aside. "I have been threatened in front of a lady, and I sound the same with or without icing! What the hell is going on? Stop pretending, because it makes me sick, or is this meal just stuffed into my stomach? "

The air was filled with disgust of consent, and all the women, including L, hurriedly left the table. "How about being honest?" I yelled behind them. "What are you lunatics hiding?"

When I approached Kit, there was only one angry-faced Mrs. B on a table of dirty dishes. "Samurai, there seems to be a rope missing from the supply shed. In fact, it was sometime today. Have you found it while roaming?"

Kate shook her head at her question or accusation. Mrs. B wished him a nice evening, but he was alone. When the meal was finally finished, the samurai moved an empty plate aside and walked towards me sadly.

"What?" I shrugged. "Can't I get a direct answer?"

"Can't you just shut up?" (to be continued) (end of this chapter)