Magic Notes

Chapter 394: Doubtful (65)


In the early hours of the morning, heavy fog fell from the mountain. His stomach was full, and a snoring Kate was curled up in the corner of our cabin, his right hand hung on his katana like a burden.

Mrs. B explained that Zhi’s approach was to lock herself here until dawn. I thought about it, I knew I could leave this village and forget their pregnant belly and their weird behavior. This is not my problem. Unfortunately, curiosity flows in the blood of every detective. I am most interested in the White House, which is where I started my investigation.

I got up from the mattress and woke Kate thoughtfully, but the thought disappeared as soon as it arrived. This person only cares about himself, I can already imagine what he would say: "Stay where you are! Don't defy me!" or something like that. In this way, every step I took was cautious and spent a lot of time. I left the cabin, leaving behind a sleeping samurai.

Outside, the crystalline frost reminded me of Ontario's winter.

The torch burned out, and I moved quickly, rubbing my arms, and shrank and walked through the dark hut, wondering if anyone was looking at me from those dark windows. I walked to the empty dining table. There were no goblets, cutlery and plates on the table, only a little bit left for the mice to eat. I had to erase the memory of that meal, food and companions. Why should I open my damn mouth

Slowly walking towards the White House, I couldn't stop my teeth from shaking, looking for the women who were looking forward to me in my footsteps. Safety? Of course, but are you happy

Shrouded in fog, I leaned back against the wall of the house and watched the village shimmer in the ghostly water vapor. A window obscured the bright orange behind my shoulders, so I shuffled towards it nervously. I wanted to put my hand on the hot glass to heat it up, but the sound of the red curtains pulled me away from it. Then came long, painful groans and desperate gasps, followed by terrible, sharp wailing.

"Push! Hard!"

I stood on my tiptoe, reached out to the window sill and looked inside, squinting at the curtains, I saw a broad woman's back bent over the bed. "Strong!" She cried again. "It's time to work hard, dear!"

My courage, or maybe someone xìng, told me to forget the spy game, pull my butt in, and try my best to help. I followed my instinct, ran up the white porch, opened the door, and the hinge did not creak. This is an open living space, with candles beautifully lit, and the heat waves sting me. The coldness on my face dissipated, and no one saw me at the door. I saw a simple and comfortable piece of furniture placed in front of an ordinary fireplace, with Mrs. B's back and another on the side of the bed, helping a screaming red-haired woman to give birth.

The squeak I made on the floor alarmed Mrs. B. She turned around in a panic, her hands hanging in front of her like dog paws. "Is there anything I can do?" I asked sincerely.

She looked at me there for a long time, as if she didn't know what to do with me. A kind of pale and solidified sex leaked from her fingertips like fat, and other women handed her a towel to dry. "I told you to stay in the shed!" Mrs. B finally said, not so much anger as despair. "Go back now, Mr. Fox. Before it's too late!"

The red-haired moan strengthened to the guttural sound, as if the calf was twisting in her lower abdomen.

"It's coming!" Mrs. B called, putting herself in the girl's **. "One more effort, j! One more! Almost... it's over!"

Madam is the redhead who set the table earlier, and when Kate pushed me towards the stool, she giggled. She let out one last moan of extreme pain, and then tilted her head back exhaustedly. Then came the cry of a newborn baby, she was completely exhausted, and Mrs. b exhaled and sobbed. The three women cried and laughed together. In this overwhelming miracle, I was forgotten at the door.

There was also a tired smile on my face, and I eagerly wanted to see this new kid. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and walked to Mrs. B's back. She hugged the newly wrapped baby in her mother's arms. I took a look at the boy or girl over the shoulder of b, and saw something very unnatural, such a terrible alien, it shocked me back, as if it hit the face completely.

"Sir!" "You will scare the children!"

The baby's bald head was covered with thick mucus, and some fat, purple blood vessels crossed it. There was jelly-like saliva in his small nostrils, his round yellow eyes turned over, his cheeks spouted juice from his neck, and there was still a sip of saliva in his mouth. Mrs. B left her mother and walked towards me angrily, with an improper hunchback on her shoulders. "I told you!" she shouted. "I told you before, didn't I?"

The red-haired girl wiped off the creepy face of the baby, and a jagged tooth appeared between her black lips.

"Leave this village, sir!" Mrs. B asked, "Forget everything you see! Run, run, and never look back!"

"This is how you buy insurance?" I stumbled to answer. "This is too abnormal, a fucking nightmare!"

A heavy stamp came from the building. "He's awake!" the redhead whispered, her face pale and her voice sounding scared. "Gosh, he's awake!"

Women's short-lived joy turned into fear, and the purest fear made up for their sweat. "He's coming!" b, panting, pretending to be wiping the surface. "This is your last chance, sir! Your last one! I won't be responsible! Stay and wait for death!"

I stopped, standing in my position at a loss, the baby's crying louder and louder, and the sound of pounding footsteps. Bang, bang, bang.

"Go!" B urged, returned to the bed and waved at me, begging me to go out.

I was so scared that I stood between the gate and the outer wall, looking at the stairs leading to the second floor. I want to hurry up, but I have to, I need to see it! When the women were busy sorting out the sheets and their images in the mirror, the stairs made a huge creak.

boom! A huge weight puts its tension on the first descending step. boom! Thick black feet and fat yellow toenails. boom! After taking the last step, the giant stood in front of the anxious woman and newborn.

"Grutas!" Mrs. B said, swallowing. "Your son... was born."

I stumbled on, splashing water, and never looked back once. The fog threatened to lose me, but I didn't care or stop until, there was a bang!

I was dizzy and took out the dagger from Newton's dagger bag, and slashed at the man who knocked me down, and at the man who was pressing on me. She yelled, and I opened my eyes and found that the blond lady l was shrinking from my wound. "Are you all right?" I gasped. "Cāo! Tell me that I didn't cut you? Damn! Tell me that I didn't?"

She carefully checked the cut cloth on her arm and found no blood or scratches. She is fine. Searching behind me for the first time, I only saw a layer of sitting mist, which stirred and obscured the White House.

"I'm sorry!" I said, helping her. "I thought you... ... "

"They call him Grutas!" she whispered hastily. "Mrs. B said he intends to feed me into his swamp tomorrow morning. Fed up with my excuses. Will you help me, sir? I have no one else to ask for help..."

Without hesitation, I grabbed her wrist and rushed to the cabin.

When I rushed into the door, there was a huge collision, smashing the door into thin pieces. I frowned and crawled to wake Kate, but the samurai was already awake. He put the weight of his body on my back and stroked my throat with a blade.

"Don't kill me!" I shouted.

Kate bent down to see my face clearly, then muttered, a little disappointed. I put down the sword in my throat, let him hold my hair tightly, leaned against the **** and stood up. With a sour grimace, Kate looked at the breathless, beautiful l, hovering at the doorless door. "What is this?" he said.

"She needs our help, Kate. We are in danger!"

When l cautiously walked past him and sat in his arms, the samurai whispered.

"Your daughter stay here," he spat, clearing his nose. "This burden will jeopardize our mission."

"The burden is mine," I said. "If she stays, Grutas will kill her."

"No purpose..." the girl whispered.

"Where is the giant?" Kate asked, preparing for a fist fight.

"The White House," I replied. ""I saw him there with my own eyes just now. I think wizards treat these women as some kind of assembly line. They are not humans, but machines classified according to the fucking alphabet. It is Scarfel that protects this village, Scarfel!"

"It's true," L said. "We are prisoners, brought here by wizards for our purposes. All women must give birth to him."

"Look, samurai?" I said, walking to the ** to comfort her. "I don't know why we are allowed to stay here, but if we stay any longer, we will be dead!"

"Let her calm down," he said, squinting through the crack in the shed. Holding l's weak body, I doubt whether she or I are strong enough to climb the hill on foot.

"There is movement outside," Kate whispered. "Let's act now!"

"What about the woman?" asked, sniffing. "Do we collect them too?"

Kate shook his head angrily, his answer was unsympathetic, no doubt "no".

"We can't let them be forced!" I argued in front of him. "this is the truth!"

"Shut up!" He groaned and walked to the door mercilessly.

I grabbed his arm and Kate reacted fiercely. He turned around, grabbed my leg, and threw my body back to the wall. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)