Magic Notes

Chapter 402: Doubtful (73)


The title of this book is: Predators of the Underground Kingdom. The book is full of information about monsters on the earth and the hell below the earth. Written with charcoal pen, there is no obvious author and many missing pages, but among the 100 books I have read, this is my favorite. There are about fifty chapters, and each chapter describes a creature from the darkest place in people's imagination and its Achilles heel. For example, did you know that if you whistle at a Sbarri barracks (or a fluffy green fish to me), it instantly becomes a pool of phantom slime? Did you also know that if you clap your hands five times, no more, no less, then for the Caracas Beetle Killer, it will shrink to the size of an edible peanut

The black angels in Chapter 5 aroused my interest. These ghostly messengers drag the condemned souls from the waiting plain to their intended destination. These transshipment angels do not discriminate, they just deliver.

In Chapter 17, it describes a dinosaur race called the Fearless Knot. It includes sketches of this creature—mostly strange shapes and doodles, similar to cards held up by a psychologist to ask you what's in your mind. However, below this vague picture is a creepy but clearly recognizable quote—"Half darkness, half day—an inescapable nightmare..."

The immortal chapter attracted me to an unprecedented realm. There are some rare indestructible creatures in the underground kingdom-invincible carnivores. Among them is a carnivore called Scurge, and a group of flying feeding animals that can control the weather itself; the most interesting thing is that the immortal chapter does not include a stick, not even the wizard Scarfel. They are not invincible, but very old and tired.

This is the first time I feel safe here; it's not relaxing, just... safe. None of the horror events described in this book touched my mind; the occasional sound of crashing upstairs against the wall convinced me of this. Now I only need to worry about one horrible thing-what I call my master.

Regarding Bregen, Kate was right, the king demanded too much of my mind and body; he was not satisfied, and his mood was getting worse every day. As if he had never been used to my face, seeing my face always surprised him.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

My stomach jumped, and this reaction made me very annoyed; after all, "Bangzi" kept looking at me. When he walked out of the darkness, I took a peek from the book. "I'm reading, sir. Today's sixth place."

The stick continued to move forward, scratching his nails on the wooden table. "Reading at the dining table?" he asked. "I have a library for reading and a restaurant for eating. This is a restaurant!"

He was obviously drunk while still nursing a bleeding lump on his forehead. "What happened, Master? You are bleeding!"

"So what?" he complained. "How about it?"

I shook my head, holding the page tightly, hoping that he could leave. Bühler really held a golden goblet full of wine in his right hand, the wine soaked his beard. "Why do you look at my work?" he hissed. "I said you can touch that book with your greasy fingers? That book?"

"It was planned, Master. Did you write this? It's really... amazing!"

I'm not kidding, but Brejon doesn't care at all. He opened his mouth and gave a long, full hiccup. The owner is looking for opportunities to fight, so I became very cautious. Every sentence and every expression of mine will be considered, I will not be fooled by him, nor will I add fuel to the fire. Discipline Danny! discipline!

"You let me read," I said embarrassedly, "The library is open to me... cooking, cleaning, and running laps. This is the only opportunity for me to read in a day."

An unusual thing suddenly caught my eye-the master no longer held his spear. His firm support no longer exists. "Master... Where's your weapon?"

This simple question caused a strong reaction. The stick threw his golden goblet at me, I watched it spin in flight, and then threw my head off with a bang. Lost, I gently pressed the new wound above my left eyebrow with my fingers.

"You knocked over my wine!" Buhler really called. "Do you think it's fun to spill someone else's drink? Will this bring you happiness, kid? Well, answer me!"

I wiped my face with a canvas coat and found that the patience, discipline and restraint for several weeks and months were insufficient. I returned the goblet step by step, and it hit my master's chin severely.

For a while, the stick leaned to one side dizzyly, but still fell on all fours. He looked at these crooked things with great confusion, and when his brain finally told him what these things were, he roared like an animal and dropped a crystal snowflake on our heads. Then, like a gorilla, he beat his chest with his fist and rushed towards me. Ignoring the stones that penetrated my bare feet and the arms tearing the walls, I moved fast, fast, and the purest survival drove me from pursuing monsters.

"Bring me back!" he roared, his face stern, and he couldn't even think of swearing.

I walked to the cell and closed the door with a slam. A gust of wind blew out the endless flashlight lights, so I sealed the door in the dark with a piece of wood stolen from the master’s kitchen. Then, I waited for the wolf to knock on my door.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

His fist or horseshoe is like a sledgehammer.

"Open this door! Open it! Open it! Open it!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I squatted in front of a swaying ball, the stick hitting harder and harder, pressing a rock against my bleeding face.

The hardened muscle replaced the fat on my bones, but the journey to that muscle has paid a price, my face may have been aged for ten years, and my soul was carved one piece at a time. I feel like a walking dead, and when I see my reflection in the puddle, I shrink back.

This morning I tracked Bregen's hoof. This is a new route, but I don't care what miracle may be waiting; now there are only routines, practice and perfect routines.

The centaur got a twisted joy from waking me up with his bucket full of ice-cold water. Sometimes, I really hope that the light doesn't shine in my eyes. "There is dust on your feet! Don't be jealous! Don't yawn! Stand at attention! Be ready to scrap at any time!"

Just like that good student, I can stand up every time, but it is hard to imagine that I will defend a life that I no longer care about.

The noise in this new corridor made me dizzy. I was taken aback by the steam in front of me, and then quickly avoided, because the confined space was filled up by explosions, just like fifty grenades exploded at the same time.

"Get up!" the stick ordered, wrapping my head with knuckles. A wall of evil clouds blocked our way.

"What's over there?" I asked, feeling a smiling devil in the flickering gas. "Is this a test?"

The centaur looked at me silently, should I do something

"Come with me!" he yelled in the sound of sparks, and then suddenly rushed into the clouds without a hurry. The electric steam hugged the king's body, and he was gone.

"Hello?" I cried, squinting. "Owner?!"

There was no answer. Through this sauna, I saw a few lightning bolts. "Stick?!"

The dark clouds seemed to roar again. "Come on!" The master's angry voice came from behind. "Also, you dare to call me a stick! Damn it! Don't think I can't hear you, kid!"

What is this new form of training? Of course it's not just smoking in front of me-I know this. The sound of the stick, safe and sound on the other side, did not lift my mind, only to look back.

The impatience of the king is more severe than steam, so I stepped into the veil of mystery, which quickly smothered me to death. I decided to stretch my arms and fumble to get rid of this ghost. Unfortunately, I did not count the pain I had never experienced before. It was cold at first, it grew into cold teeth, eroding my feet, and then slowly eroding my legs. The heat wave followed, the white heat wave, I was suddenly submerged in a painful pond, an acid bath with no way out. I keep my limbs moving-shuffle-never stop-don't let it in!

Furiously, I bumped my face into a hard rock, and on the ground, the left side of my whole body caught fire. Wearing a coat-like flame, I twisted, because the flesh rolled up from my body, boiling my blood, except for the muscles and bones, everything else disappeared. I stammered like a mad dog, grabbing the skin on the jagged wall like an old sweater on a new barb. I screamed and struggled through the volcano, feeling my rotten left arm snapped at the elbow. Next is my right leg, which was broken, and my kneecap was scorched. I discarded them all and crawled with my stomach until finally I was ZìYóu. When the master bent down, I was smoking a cigarette groggy. "How the hell did you come for so long?"

I covered my face with the remaining right hand. I don't want to see what I have left.

"Poor little dust!" he added. "It's pitiful, pitiful!"

Now I can't feel anything, there is no fire or smoke, I opened my eyes and gasped. No scars, bruises or burns mark me, I am intact.

"This will be your new route for breakfast!" he said. "Mind and body are two DúLì entities. You will find that pain is just a Jǐng complaint to your simple machine... The Jǐng complaint can be ignored by the brain and turned off when needed. Controlling the dust, controlling it is Must! Now is the time to educate you on ignorance-you should excel in your homework!" (to be continued) (end of this chapter)