Magic Notes

Chapter 403: Doubtful (74)


Then he left me there crying, screaming and hitting the dissolving steam, "I am not a machine, you hear me! I am not a machine!"

In a year's time, my schedule has never been slackened. I cook two meals a day, and I have never been thanked for trouble, and I have never been praised for the improvement of a certain skill. I ran through Buhler's real smoke traps, over his barbed wire, and around his runway—I became good at using swords, and I used a secret boxing method that Buhler really liked, and became effective in self-defense. I can't imagine any other soul that can kick your groin like Brekin. "Kick their balls!" He would cry. "Then kill them because the nuts shrank in their shorts!"

I hate the Centaur, and I work hard every day to restrain it. Now, my thoughts often turn to murder. I often see the host fainting at the dining table, and there are millipedes in his hair at the party. Then I will be immersed in all kinds of scenes-how do I pierce his throat with a butter knife, or hit his skull with a big stone; how do I hit and smash his face until Only blood and bone glue are left between my fingers.

In the struggle to control discipline, patience and reason, I am no longer alone. I have a companion in the battle.

One night, in my frozen cave, with a head hidden under my arm, I heard a faint voice. It can't be a stick, because he stopped knocking on the door thirty minutes ago. Maybe it's my own madness, but my instinct tells me it's not like this. No, this is another matter, a voice that I have to concentrate on to hear. The more I focus on this voice, the clearer she becomes.

"You have always been strong, Daniel," Missy said. "You have always been strong."

As long as I have patience and practice, I can drive as long as I want. My life support, my talented angel and soul mate are with me, in his sad cell, I can understand and love her. My God, I discovered all Missy’s past. Her childhood worked in a cotton field in Virginia, where she died of the flu at the age of nine. I heard that she was confused when she woke up on the plain for the first time, and then heard that she couldn't believe her life support system—an old woman who didn't love Missy the way she loved me. I have heard of her early experience in heaven, about the rules and structure of this place, about the field of creativity and thinking. Here, wisdom is the highest of all virtues. In the long learning process, the wings of wisdom are nothing but The badge of honor until a person is no longer a human or an alien, but the structure of the eternal universe.

Our longest conversation was after I was beaten up badly. I was lying in a bloody ball, crying to provide me with life support. "I told Newton not to do this! He doesn't even look at me, Daniel! He seems to be busy hiring lately."

"Why?" I trembling, and asked sickly.

"I didn't intend to say anything, but everything is not all right here, Daniel, this is related to your mission to the Ninth Fortress. This is an era of constant change—a disturbing era. You have noticed yourself. Now, important people are waiting for the results of your exploration, I don’t know why!"

Missy was as confused, as depressed, and as helpless as I was. "I'm glad you are with me," I said. "I really don't know what to do without you."

"I can't stand it for so long, Daniel, neither can you! Your current state is really terrible! What a mess!"

"What can I do? How can I get out of here? Tell me what to do and I will do it!"

"You go and do what the stick wants you to do!" she emphasized. "Close your mouth and please the beast! If a test, then you pass it, my love. Pass the ball with all your xìng grids! At the same time, I will try, try, try to go Look at Isaac Newton. I ask you to end this!"

"Do you think... will he see you?"

"I hope so," she said. "Please stay strong. You must..."

I am strong, and I remain strong. Missy is always by my side when I need her—my rock—even though she still talks to me about that old-fashioned nonsense, she will never let me forget that mission: the ninth mission, The prisoner of 00, of course, also has the ultimate goal of reuniting with Casey. Her face has now disappeared without a trace in my memory.

I lived here for 22 months, 5 days, and 3 hours, and Buhler really did something extraordinary. He did not gobble up food at the table, nor spit out alcoholic beverages, nor did he push to fight-instead he chewed the food carefully with a fork and a napkin. He sipped his wine carefully and even offered to share it with me, which surprised me. No greedy swallows and hiccups, no crawling bugs and hanging insects. He was polite and polite from beginning to end. But I was not deceived at all. Another trick, another trap, another thing. No, I have not been fooled.

Throughout the dinner, I have been waiting for the end of this disgusting joke. Anything unusual always means something terrible will follow, and I can't wait to look forward to it. It will come and I will be ready: another spear throwing, another rushing to avoid, another lesson to learn... But still, there are still only two men politely chewing at dinner.

The stick picked up the napkin and gently wiped the corners of his mouth. Then he broke the silence, which made me even more annoyed; because the centaur spoke; instead of shouting or screaming, he talked in a normal and calm tone, "Why should I train you, fox?"

I spent a lot of time answering this question and gave me a lot of time. "Don't you know, sir?" I asked, lowering my head. I was so uncertain about this situation that my legs shook involuntarily under the table. Blakein took a deep breath, and finally brought on the impatient expression I was familiar with. His attack came...

"I think..." he replied, exhaling that, "you come and tell me."

""I tell you what I know, master. If this satisfies you?"

"It will..." He nodded. "I like it very much."

Stick to let me participate in the conversation? Is this today's challenge? Talk politely with someone I despise? No matter what sneaky test it is, I will pass it.

My stomach ordered me to eat, so I ate, making full use of the wine that Bregen had previously provided. If this conversation is about to end suddenly, then at least I get a drink from it. I took a sip of the wine and thought it tasted very good, homemade, rich in aroma, and sweet.

"How is it?" Blackin said with interest. ""Tell me what you know, boy. Tell me everything. "

I had another drink. To be honest, he may be playing a game, but I will tell him directly.

"I must go to hell. There is a prison called the Ninth Fort..."

"So," he asked without pause, "why did you come to such a terrible place?"

I have not forgotten the word "terrible place". "I'm going to rescue a prisoner: Prisoner 00. I don't know who this person is, but the task is to bring him back to the waiting plain. I know so much...Master."

"Rescue mission?" He replied, combing his hairy beard with his fingers. "Well. Go to see scientist Newton, and then all the way to me... to me! All for an elemental rescue mission?"

"That's what they told me."

"It's strange," he whispered. "It's weird."

""Can you tell me something? Why are you drinking with me?"

"I like you," he replied, serious and sincere. "I tell you."

I waited for his plate to fly over the table, or the cutlery, or the table itself. I am waiting...

"You are very strong now," he added, "you are very strong both physically and spiritually. Are you ready to go to the ninth fortress? I can't say, but you are ready for my final practice. "

I was stunned, my trembling legs were frozen and I am grateful to be able to sit down now. At the same time, the stick continued to walk down this blood vessel, still showing no signs of that notorious temper. "Of all the people I train, you are unique in two ways. First, you never tried to murder me."

I hid my eyes behind a hand. Many nights, I thought, only fear stopped me.

"What about the second one?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Second, you are magnanimous. All warriors are selfish creatures; the goal of glory is like a poison in the blood-at all costs, to be the best of the best! This is why these people are great, That’s why they were cursed. That’s why the samurai Kat became a legend! Can a person be a great warrior while putting the safety of others first? I didn’t think so before—until I met you ,child."

"What are you talking about, master?"

After the stick drank his last sip, his eyes showed unmistakable pride. "I mean, you are no longer a child... I believe this belongs to you."

My dagger and belt slid down the table into my hand. I took the blunt knife out of its bag, I can use it now, the weapon is very comfortable in my palm. I now feel that I have the ability to control this kind of power, and can even exercise this kind of power impartially.

Completely at a loss, I can't believe that the end of the world is coming. I threw all the things the centaur threw at me to the other side; maybe the worse I dressed, but I was still alive. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)