Magic Notes

Chapter 94: Pluto (2)


"Oh, now you have done it." Markey smiled, full of mockery.

The body of this poorly built rabbit glowed almost instantaneously, accompanied by thick white smoke. From inside the clouds, Markey gave a disrespectful and nasty smile.

"Thank you for releasing the limiter." The little animal cried. "The hostess put it on me because she was worried that I would steal some fun from her, not that I would steal her things." I don't think so. If this means that he will be punished for it, he will do whatever it takes. "But now I'm hit, I can go all out to deal with you!"

There was a deafening sound that vibrated the air, a deafening sound like thunder, and a loud sound rang in my ears. The white cloud covering Maji exploded from behind and disappeared from all sides, leaving no trace of anything that had ever existed. A gust of wind suddenly rushed in the opposite direction of the explosion, blowing the ground toward Pluto in a straight line. Pluto mysteriously lost his balance, and then the air returned to its previous tense state.

I don't know what happened just now. My eyes are too fuzzy and too heavy. In fact, I can’t recognize anything except the general shape. I can’t lift my muscles. Thanks to all the blood leaving my body. And most importantly, I’m usually sharp. It feels out of control. I mean, they must be right? Markey can't really break the speed of light, right? More importantly, can Pluto protect himself at this speed? This kind of blood loss really makes me uncomfortable, not to mention it makes me have all kinds of hallucinations.

A few more tears appeared on the ground, all pointing towards Pluto, accompanied by deafening prosperity. In a burst of sparks, Pluto’s guard was broken several times, but he quickly recovered from every instance, and quickly recovered from anything that happened to him afterwards, until suddenly, from his shoulders. Four thin blood lines emerged from the four red stripes that appeared above. The goalkeeper did not shout or sway when he was hit, but continued to move as before.

"It's been a long time since I bleed. This is a good reminder of my death and the reason why I will not be killed by someone like you." Pluto said emotionally, slamming him His spear pierced the ground, pushing his palm toward a new crack in the ground. "go to hell."

At that moment, I closed my eyes and tried to stay awake and overburdened me, but I could hear the slight sound of broken bones, the wet splash of a body banging into something, and the sound from Macky. There was a deep cry of pain. Since then, there has been no more thunder. I guess this means that Markey has fallen. I know he was just talking, but he only persisted for a few minutes!

"Two corpses, three remaining." Pluto said, and I heard his footsteps walking towards the forest. Wait a moment? Did he mean three? Why is he..., no, it doesn't matter now.

Isn't this fun? I lay on my deathbed, where I always wanted, but I couldn't control some of my hopes. Having said so much about becoming a martyr, now it is such a tragic performance. I can't control myself! My instinct now is to betray my beliefs and tell me not to die, but hasn't it always been like this? This is why I can never commit suicide. Not because I am looking for the best person for me, but because I am not entirely sure that I will become a martyr. These words, just like what Pluto said to his former disciples, I just can't forget these words. The way he spoke as if he was just telling a simple fact. But why should my lord lie to me? Do not! Now these are not important! I just know that I can't die here.

"What?!" Pluto cried suddenly in panic, which was completely different from his performance so far. "Do not!"

His roar was full of fear and anger, a tone that screamed despair. I heard his feet move quickly to the distance, towards the forest, until I could no longer hear his voice, at this time a new voice came from a distance, but in other respects it was like daytime Clear.

"KiKikekeke" giggled in a sharp and terrifying voice. From the direction of its origin, let alone how arrogant and disgusting it is, it may belong to only one person, but it sounds a bit old, just like someone in their eighties. I now have more important things to worry about.

I exhausted my last strength and once again prayed for the power of Lord Knicks. I have only heard stories of overuse, but I don’t have many choices now. I think I want to take a gamble.

I feel this power flowing through my body again, more intoxicating than ever. I can feel that my consciousness is disappearing, not because I am dying.

At that moment I realized that I had made a big mistake.

Oh? What is this place? The air is full of energy! How wonderful, but not a good way. This energy, it feels so full of love, understanding, pleasure, all these terrible and sweet emotions! How dirty! It makes me want to be sick! However, there is a darker emotion that flickers there, and when given the right push, this emotion will lead someone down a very dark path. That feeling is sadness.

I am very sure. It may be overwhelmed by other feelings, but the feeling of sadness is obvious, painfully jumping out of all other feelings. This is not all, I can feel it drag me into the distance, to wherever these feelings originate. There is a source, I know, and mine! What a powerful resource this is! This is the kind of power that a person (I) hopes to have.

I sat up and made a huge and painful effort. My eyes are heavy and they will not open them for me, but I have no opinion on them. No content, just okay. My strength will recover over time, especially this mysterious force flowing in the air, rejuvenating my muscles and joints. No matter where this comes from, I have to know. In fact, my own strength level is quite low and frustrating, in fact, it may be because I had to clear all the other souls I have collected so far. Fortunately, I can still feel the soul somewhere, even though it is very fragile. It needs some fuel, what is this? I think I can hear the movements of people close to me! I want to know if Renn is with them? I know that as the soul of ZìYóu, he will come in handy sooner or later.

"Hey!" a silly voice murmured. I swear I have heard this before. "Is she still conscious?"

"She should be like this." The tired and ruthless female doll's voice replied. "If she can sit up like that, she should be conscious."

Who do they call "her"? Don't they respect the powerful crimson lily? enough! It's time to greet these clowns and express my gratitude to them.

When I opened my eyes, the two hapless fools looked back at me. The girl was wearing an ordinary black dress with a ribbon around her neck, and showed me a doll's emotionless face, while the boy smiled at an incomprehensible speed.

"You..." an unfamiliar voice hissed, and I squeezed my hands and grasped a paw, and forced the stupid thief onto his hands and knees. I quickly realized that I had so little power, but even such a trivial amount was enough to overwhelm the power of this poor thief.

"Stop it!" The poor worm was panting, struggling to breathe.

"Why would I do this?" Here comes it again! An unfamiliar low voice of an old witch! But how does this old woman know what I want to say

Suddenly, the ordinary face of that ordinary girl consumed my eyesight and approached me disturbingly. If I were a savage woman, I would bite her nose clean within this range, but I have more taste than that. Instead, I inhaled some air, pursed my lips, and blew out a sharp, strong wind that has the power to move my hair slightly. I am disappointed with the result. My goal was to blow her head off her shoulders completely, but all I could do was pierce a particle-sized hole in the throat of the average girl, and the reaction I got was even more plain. Not a drop of blood oozes from the wound in her throat, this is not the worst part! This ordinary girl didn't seem to notice the injury on her neck at all! She knew she was just fatally wounded, right? Maybe she didn't.

"You were born an idiot. It's not your fault, but I don't have time to play with the dead little girl." The old woman murmured, and I became more and more excited. "Don't stand in the way, fool! "I do business with the thief"

A wrinkled and withered old hand stretched out from my body and pushed the ordinary girl's face away from my sight. Strangely, this required more strength and effort. In fact, those trivial efforts have exhausted me, and the struggle to stand up makes me even more exhausted! When I finally stood on two swaying legs, my back refused to straighten, threatening me with severe pain every time I tried to straighten my body. I couldn't do anything but stood there hunched over, staring at the frustrating, decadent hand, which pushed the ordinary girl to the ground in a strange posture. Then I realized a shocking thing, something that destroyed xìng, made me stunned.

Panic attacked my heart, a very strange feeling, if I were completely honest, to such a serious degree, I had to look at my other hand immediately, feeling the same panic and despair. I let out a low cry of shock and withered hands—my withered hands, clasped angrily. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)