Magic Notes

Chapter 99: Fear is coming (5)


I used my impact to dig out the earth, leaving a long crater. The impact made my body very disturbed, and it took me a few seconds to sit up again in pain, when I was shocked by a familiar painful burning sensation and screamed in pain.

I didn't expect things to become like this, but at least my backup plan is in place. That little girl shouldn't be too far away, because of that scream, I just made a sound, she should be able to collect my general position.

I lay down and looked up at the stars. In my day, everything was so simple. All I had to do was burn down a few villages, kill hundreds of soldiers, and everything went well. I am scared, invincible, at the top of the food chain, where I should be. When did everything get so bad? When did these monsters start to pop up around me? First of all, that damn Chimera destroyed my soul! My soul! Then I met that little girl, her soul cannot be consumed, I was forced to run away! Not only was I forced to run away like a coward, but after a while, I was subdued by other people's magic! When did things get so bad

You know, when I was still mature, trying to find my place in this world, I used to look up at the stars like this. Whenever I feel frustrated or depressed, I will—oh, my dear, that boy is here again. Can't I have a little time for self-reflection before these lunatics come to me

The boy swooped down from the sky, one fist was covered with black flames, and the other hand was covered with a faint white mist. There is no doubt that this is more of what I have seen, but it is not important. In fact, we are all screaming together, which means he will never be able to show anything he has stored.

The boy fell from the air and landed beside me, his body shaking sporadically, as if he had been electrocuted. How sad did I look when I used that energy for the first time? It doesn't matter, this kind of thing will not disappoint him for a long time, but I have experienced it many times, and I have stood up again.

"I'm sorry to do this to you, but I have to go." I laughed, and soon came out of this nightmare.

I walked less than five steps, an invisible force hit my chest violently, and then I returned to the original point, lying on the ground, panting in pain. The boy slowly sat up, put his hands down, and turned to a distance where I could feel the huge energy steadily approaching.

"Is this your plan?" he asked in that wonderful voice. "Let her do the dirty work for you?"

"Well, I thought about this question."

"For many years, I have been her only guard, I can't count. For so long, she has always been unable to control her talent." The boy said in a soft voice, this tone is really not suitable for this cruel little boy. monster. He stood up and looked into my line of sight, probably to see who was making a slight rustle behind the tree. I tried to shake my head, but I was hit by another powerful wave. The boy did not seem to be affected.

"Gift? After so long, you still call it that." Another wave of energy made me scream because the girl's voice was soft and cute. "Felix, you, all of you, still refuse to see this as a curse?"

"Of course. Thanks to your gift, my family can live as comfortably as them."

"But did you forget?" The girl began to cry. "Because of this curse, your cherished person died that night!"

The boy immediately walked past my body and walked to the place where the girl was sobbing quietly. I turned around weakly, exhausting the energy I had just recovered, keeping my eyes fixed on the disgusting hug.

"It's not your fault, Catherine, I knew it a long time ago. It was your father who refused to send an army to help us. You can't continue to blame yourself for things beyond your control."

what! This is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard.

"Catherine, it's okay. Even if you will never forgive yourself, the souls of my family and I will forgive you. You are the smartest and most caring person I have ever met. I know very well that you are for all farmers and villagers. I felt sad for his death. That night, when I saw you, I looked at the moon full of tears, and then I knew you were not the one I was going to kill."

I corrected my mistake! This is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard. Well, I have had enough of this dirty reunion, and now my grand plan has disappointed me, so it's time to leave this place. But now, all I can do is wait for the moment, and wait for the best time to come.

"Felix, my love, your gentle words can always ease my pain, even a little bit, but I must never forget the pain caused by this curse. Doing so will be for all those who have lost their lives. insult."

When the boy tried to calm the girl down, they burst into tears again. OMG, luckily I haven't consumed any souls recently, I may have lost them again! Speaking of this, I know that Chimera's soul is still somewhere in me, so why am I still so weak?!

"Catherine, my dear Catherine. You are carrying the weight of thousands of worlds, which is unnecessary. You suffer far more pain than anyone should bear." The boy said softly, putting the girl's hand down. On his lips, he kissed them lightly. "The next time you wake up, you and I will get rid of our hateful life, but now I want to eliminate the pests that breed in your beloved garden."

They stared deeply into each other's eyes, and after a while, the girl nodded slowly with a lovely smile. Then the boy let go of his lover's hand and turned to me, his face turned into the strong killer I had just fought with. Suddenly, everything started to slow down.

The moment the treetops rustle fiercely, it begins. I watched helplessly (even if I could help, I would not help), the boy slowly turned his angry eyes to the sky, and the armored barbarian ran forward streaking forward, with the tip of his collapsed spear pointing straight. At that girl. Her reaction was the slowest of all of us. Only when her lover stood in front of her did she notice what happened. The red water droplets splashed on her face and skirt.

"Felix!" she screamed and started to move forward.

"Stand back!" the boy shouted, making his love stiff in fear.

""Oh? This is impressive. "The barbarian murmured." If you didn't raise your arm, you would be torn in half. I have high expectations for people like you. "

"What's the matter?" The boy smiled painfully. "Because I killed all your crazy dogs?"

Well, I thought there was something wrong with that beast. After hearing what he said, I felt that my suspicion was correct. I mean, such a strike is simply impossible for Yu. He may look like a skilled warrior, but he is not that kind of person.

The two were locked together, and neither of them was willing to give in. I must say that it is impressive that the boy still has so much power after the rain's spear pierced his hands, through his chest and back. Is this what they call determination? I suspect this is just a simple tenacity, so it must be a kind of godly thing that refuses to let him give up.

They stayed in this state until the rain suddenly kicked the boy off the spear, because his power would make all the trees around us cut down by him. Ren's movements were much faster than usual, much more true, as evidenced by the fact that his department staff moved almost at the same time. At the end of one of the blades, he swings the whole thing with a wide arc, and the other blade is flying across the girl's neck in the air. However, the boy managed to use his flexibility and motivation to twist his body so that he could gently pick up the girl and lift her out of his reach. He stood up heavily, put the girl back, and fell to his knees almost immediately, trying to cover the wound on his chest with his bloody hands.

"Felix!" The girl cried again, dropped to his level, and leaned on his back.

"It's okay, Catherine, it's just a bruise," he replied, but it was difficult.

Ryan was unwilling to let them get the rest they desperately needed, and immediately came to them, savagely brandishing his blade, piercing his blade with extraordinary skill. The boy’s body became weaker and weaker within a second, because the girl behind had no room to move or retreat, so he focused his attention on doing everything possible to stop and divert every powerful attacking force. This is a Admirable performance until he hit one of them in the stomach.

The spear pointed out the boy's back. He coughed roughly, coughing the ground into red. With a gentle pull, he was dragged into the air forcefully, and another spearhead was waiting to be pierced. The girl screamed something incomprehensible, accompanied by another wave of pain, because her lover was dragged away without any resistance. I can't be completely sure what happened next, this is all thanks to my immobile state, but when the boy suddenly regained his former vitality, a fist square was opened in Yu's face. The sudden attack caused the rain to lose its balance and gave the boy the necessary time to reduce the time for the blade to pierce his stomach.

The boy stood tall, only a few meters away from the rain, and his fatal wound healed surprisingly fast. I turned my eyes to the girl, who was staring at her lover nervously, her eyes full of focus and determination. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)