Magnificent Years

Chapter 1: Provocations abound


Ella, a girl who just celebrated her eighteenth birthday, left the birthday party her mother had prepared for her and came to Lu Anru's home.

Oh no, in the year 2038 AD, a 16-year-old becomes an adult, and an 18-year-old should be called a woman long ago.

As for why she still couldn't calm down on her birthday and was forced to go to her best friend's house, it was all because of too much pressure.

He put his hands on his waist angrily, locking his best friend with a death gaze, hoping to return the injustice and resentment he had suffered to the culprit.

As for the girl blocked by her sight, there was no trace of anxiety on her pretty and lovely face, let alone guilt.

His green-white fingers slowly picked up the small hammer in the crab-eating tool and gently tapped it on the crab shell.

Knock five times, no more, no less, to separate the crab shell from the crab meat. Then pick up the scissors and cut off the crab legs and two large pincers.

The set of moves was extremely professional, and paired with the white porcelain bowl placed next to it, which was full of crab meat and crab roe, it almost frightened Ella.

Originally, such things could be left to family companion robots. Even if the family companion robot is not left to the family companion robot, given that her best friend Lu Anru has a wealthy family, she has a private star chef to help operate it.

But from how seriously and carefully she did it herself, Ella had the illusion that her best friend, the little witch, had begun to cultivate herself. Changed career to minor in cooking? So you turned a blind eye to the frequent provocations in the past month

I am afraid of thinking about anything. As soon as I think about it, my thoughts will automatically complete the excuses.

I just planned to defend Lu Anru from the verbal exchanges for a while, rejecting the challengers who had lost their momentum and wanted to decide the winner.

It's a pity that the newly arising understanding did not last for three seconds, just like Lu Anru's pretentious professionalism.

When Lu Anru cut the crab shell from the middle, he opened the crab shell very artistically with his hands, so that there was no stain on it, and then handed the crab to the waiting chef, who was as clean as an angel. smile.

"Master Li, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Chef Li took it with both hands and dealt with the aftermath of the crab that had stuck to its roe due to improper handling.

There was no emotion on his face, and he said respectfully: "No trouble, thank you for your hard work, ma'am."

Ella almost fell asleep on the spot, but then she thought about the little witch's temperament, and felt it was extremely reasonable. Doing superficial things has always been one of Lu Anru's hobbies.

It must be Lu Anru's favorite brother Sheng Meditation who was eating crab roe noodles. She deliberately "worked hard" to disembowel the crabs and then turned into a supervisor.

After a while, the rice was served in a flash, and she could show off her hard work and corruption in front of her brother.

Ella used all her patience and waited for Chef Li to finish peeling the last five crabs and leave. Then she hurriedly sat down next to Lu Anru and took out a computer that was wider than the palm of her hand.

While choosing the chat projection, he grabbed Lu Anru's thin arm to prevent the other party from evading the question.

"An Ru, since you entered the fighting club, our group has received as many as 1,256 personal challenge letters from you. It has seriously affected the good atmosphere of the group. Is your conscience okay? Don't you plan to make any statement?"

Lu Anru shook his head calmly and shouted to Chef Li who was walking away: "Master Li, put more crab vinegar in Xiao Ming's bowl, he likes it."

"Okay." Chef Li stopped, waited for a few seconds after answering, and continued walking to the kitchen when there was no follow-up arrangement.

After just five steps, I was told to come again.

"Master Li, put a little mustard on my portion. I like it."

Chef Li stopped again and nodded with a smile.

In fact, Lu Anru didn't need to emphasize these things. He had been working here for five years and was already familiar with them, but he still pretended to listen carefully. He knew that every time Lu Anru stopped him, it was definitely not because he had lost trust in him, but maybe he simply didn't want to respond to the red-haired woman's questions.

After the Third World War, a new era entered. Many artificial intelligences break through calculation formulas and have life and emotions. Compared with servants who need to eat and sleep, artificial intelligence can complete the work better and better.

It is rare to find an employer who insists on using old skills, so Chef Li cherishes it very much.

After deliberately waiting for a while, Lu Anru and Ella were silent at the same time, seeming to be thinking about something.

Judging from the expressions of the two of them, Chef Li felt that Lu Anru would not use him to block the gun again, so he turned around silently.

Just turned around and called to come again.

Use your strength to support your patience, adjust your facial expressions, and prepare to turn around with a spring breeze. The moment you hear the roar of excess firepower.

"Lu Anru!!! You're almost done! Please, please be a little more conscious."

Chef Li glanced over with the corner of his eye and made sure that Ella was too distracted by the eldest lady to give any more instructions, so he quickly returned to the kitchen and gave the two of them a space suitable for conversation.

It's not that he doesn't protect his master, it's just that he knows how strong the relationship between the two is. He staying here has no effect except to delay. If you miss the best time to process ingredients, you risk losing your job.

In the living room, Ella didn't stop her violence until Lu Anru was shaken until her eyes were dizzy.

Seeing Lu Anru slowly come to his senses, with an attitude of reluctance to fight to death again on his face, Ella felt a chill in her heart.

It's not possible to be tough, so you can only use soft moves.

Bring the fruit plate closer to the table, act as a butler, peel the crystal clear sunshine grapes, and bring them to Lu Anru's mouth thoughtfully.

Lu Anru was filled with happiness after a sweet and fierce feeding. Her little deer eyes were a little sleepy and narrowed, and Ella brought up the old things at the right time.

"An Ru, you see that the people are so angry that you can at least give us a response. I know that Yuexiang Academy advocates freedom and pioneering and will not punish those who refuse to challenge, but after all, you are the first study group of our C-level Team leader, you must set an example in some things. If you try to avoid it, you will be scolded for being too cowardly. "The most important thing is that these team members are very innocent. People point their noses at them all day long and say that they are wimps and follow the Ninja Turtles." .

Ella deliberately raised the tone of the word 'too cowardly', hoping to arouse Lu Anru's anger. Of course, I’ll keep the last sentence, for fear that things will turn upside down if they go to extremes.

Lu Anru slightly opened his upper and lower eyelids, which were fighting, and looked at the projection screen.

The data in it seemed to wake him up, and he asked in disbelief: "How many challenge letters are there in a thousand?"

"Yes, 1,256 copies.

Ella wiped her hands with a tissue, unlocked the computer and entered the group PK application interface. She pointed at the projection to show the seriousness: "We really can't delay it any longer!"

Lu Anru lowered his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly at them. He said, "There are more than a thousand people. It's hard for me to fight against all the fists with my bare hands."

Ella's urge to curse suddenly came to her lips, but considering the overall situation, she swallowed it hard, clasping her fists and sighing.

"You are so good at pretending to be stupid. In the junior high school entrance examination we just took at the beginning of the year, a total of 300 people entered the intermediate level, and they also entered the fourth club. Thousands of challenge letters were sent out by more than a dozen people non-stop. You only need to give them Just respond.”

As the highest academic institution in the new era, Yuexiang is the dream place for all those who pursue becoming stronger. Yuexiang is different from ordinary schools in that it focuses on stimulating the potential of each student.

Students should not only learn general basic cultural courses and other knowledge in school, but also choose four major clubs according to their own potential, namely, magic club, fighting club, literary club, and healing club.

Graduating from the junior level in Yuexiang is enough for major ordinary schools and social companies to grab the lead. There are very few people who can advance from the junior level to the intermediate level.

Students have a deep-rooted respect for true strength, and their persistent spirit of not admitting defeat will target everyone who wants to challenge.

In particular, the fighting club has carried this spirit to the extreme. Compared with the simulated PK that other clubs like to promote, the fighting club is keen on actual combat and must beat the opponent into submission. Saying it sounds good means being positive, and saying it sounds bad means being brave and ruthless.

As for why Lu Anru can arouse so many people's dissatisfaction, he may be too modest.

You heard it right, it's the word 'modest'.

During the first monthly exam when he entered the club, Lu Anru beat his male opponent to the ground so hard. It wasn't surprising at first, but many people present exclaimed that the other person was several heads taller than her.

After she got off the field, she learned that the other person was actually a senior from Middle B. At the end of last semester, she felt that her physical fitness was not up to the desired standard, so she spontaneously applied to repeat the grade to Middle C.

An academy that respects the strong deserves respect no matter how it pursues becoming stronger.

In the same way, the competition emphasizes fair duel, and those who achieve cross-level victory through their own abilities will also be recognized by everyone and convinced by their opponents.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ran's words about seeking death came out of Xiao Ran's environment. Lu Anru looked at Gao Ying who was congratulating him and complained slightly angrily.

"You told me earlier. If you had told me earlier, I would have pretended to lose."

Gao Ying almost choked with anger when she heard this. One sentence revealed two things. Lu Anru didn't treat the other party as a dish at all. Secondly, it was revealed that Lu Anru did not regard most people as colleagues and did not remember who was who. Two points are laid out, and it has truly offended many people.

The president of the fighting club, Huang Qite, has a resolute, stubborn and hateful character. The next day he omitted the reward environment and mercilessly criticized Lu Anru in public for his bureaucratic behavior. This is a great tragedy for the fighting club.

(End of chapter)

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