Magnificent Years

Chapter 10: Don't insult the word integrity


Silver light spots of different sizes floated from the button, and gradually the light spots condensed into the shape of three cards.

When the manifestation was completed, Lu Anru took it into his arms and exchanged a cooperative smile with the white horse.

Unexpectedly, the next second there was a heavy sound of 'Clang! ', the white horse fell to the ground with a crash. His face widened ferociously, his pupils trembling like an earthquake, and he didn't even have time to ask, 'Why? ’, he lost all his luster, and the hand covering his bleeding heart fell to his side.

Lu Anru pulled out the Yincang sword that had pierced Baima's body, wiped it on his clean European dress, wiped away the blood, and put the sword back on his waist.

"You! Didn't you promise not to kill him?"

Lu Anru moved her feet wearing pink round-toed leather shoes, lowered her eyes and looked down at the 'dead' Bai Xue, with indifference and sarcasm.

"Oh, as expected, the things he took away can be cleared once he violates the rules and dies once, and you can recover your spiritual consciousness. I don't expect you to thank me, but what do you mean by asking? Do you have any objections?"

Bai Xue snorted coldly and scolded: "I don't dare, I'm already used to human beings not keeping their word."

After saying that, he looked away, as if looking at Lu Anru more would make his eyes dirty.

"Don't insult the word integrity. Integrity has to be used by people with credibility. That's called honesty. It's called being honest by using it with people who are full of lies. Has he lied to you enough? He controls you time and time again and makes you cooperate with his actions. , He just keeps getting good things. If you die a few more times, he will only be able to complete the mission."

Lu Anru sneered back, returned to the battlefield, rummaged through the broken pieces of wood, and muttered after looking for a while: "Waste, waste, there is really no food left."

The sound of scratching on the door kept coming one after another, which increasingly challenged people's endurance.

Lu Anru couldn't stand the noise. I heard that in her mother's time, teachers liked to use chalk to write on the blackboard. When I was a child, I and Sheng Ming were lucky enough to listen to Chalk on the Blackboard several times, and I felt as if there were thousands of ants scratching my heart and lungs at the same time, and I wanted to beat them all to death.


Scratching the top of his head painfully, he came to the door, pushed open the door that had been empty for a long time, and seven rabbits jumped in, surrounding Bai Xue.

One licked her face and wiped her tears, while the other six sat in front of Bai Xue like humans, wiping their red eyes with their forelimbs, as if they were crying too.

The sensational scene made Lu Anru's scalp numb again. He turned back and picked out a wooden stool that was still intact from the ground, and put it under his buttocks, urging him in annoyance.

"It's almost done. Stop crying and moaning. Let it go. Do you think it's okay to strangle it like this? And how long do you plan to lie down?"

The flower rabbits turned around in unison and stared at her with their red eyes without blinking. You can imagine how weird the picture is, but the supernatural scene is nothing more than that.

Lu Anru took a breath, stood up calmly, and drove away the rabbits with his feet. The two arms straightened Bai Xue's body, which she was carrying emotionally, and forcefully pulled out the flower rabbit that took the blow for her from Bai Xue's arms, and spread it flat on the ground.

Through the black fur at first glance, it can be determined that it is the one that took the lead in biting twice. It's just that the rabbit at this moment was seriously injured, his breathing was weak, and he was no longer as bold and brave as before.

Knocking off Bai Xue's hands that tried to fight for it several times, he swung his sword to pull out a long strip of cloth from Baima's clothes, and bandaged Rabbit's bleeding thigh.

"Change the chokehold. Even if it doesn't bleed to death, it still has to be choked by you."

Lu Anru jammed Huatu's neck and copied it perfectly, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out of Huatu's mouth. It is not known whether the two of them pinched too hard one after another, or whether they were so angry that the blood accumulated and vomited out.

Lu Anru turned a blind eye, then took off a triangular piece of cloth from Baima's clothes, picked it up for Bai Xue, and continued the bandaging work in his hands.

"Give it a wipe. It managed to sneak into the house after you and saved you at the critical moment."

Bai Xue blinked blankly, suddenly realizing that Lu Anru was bandaging Huatu. But the disgusting tone seemed to accuse her of not being grateful.

I couldn't help but pick up the cloth, wipe it with Huatu, and sit quietly next to it, looking at Lu Anru's relatively professional skills, he hesitated to speak several times.

"Okay." Lu Anru finished treating the wound and tied a bow on the cloth strip at the end.

After admiring it with satisfaction for a few seconds, he grabbed the only clean cuff on Hakuba's clothes and wiped his hands.

"Thank you, I can't tell whether you are a good person or a bad person." Bai Xue carefully hugged Huatu back to his arms.

"It doesn't matter whether you are a good guy or a bad guy. Don't use verbal praise. Why don't you come up with something practical and give me some of your appreciation cards. When I, an outsider, leave, you will slowly feel sad."

Lu Anru smiled brightly, rubbed his hands together, and took out a special gesture for collecting money.

The reason why she was willing to accept failure in the mission was that she annoyed others from taking advantage of her in the name of doing her best. Baima, on the other hand, doesn't care about playing with his wife's feelings, and treats her as a fool, hoping to win her over with a few compliments.

Secondly, because Huatu accidentally revealed the clues about the appreciation card, she was able to analyze the original situation, find the line to straighten out the KLP, and successfully embezzled the white card. Huatu and the others should be the first to do so.

In the forest, she found the mark of punishment on Huatu's back, and pressing it caused Huatu to react and bite her to bleed.

The weak book spirit that appears on its own initiative must have a purpose, either to tempt her to make a mistake, or to lead the way as necessary. But if it can reach the point where the purpose is forgotten due to stress, it means that it has been punished too many times, and the flower rabbit is about to lose the superior evolution point of the book spirit. , is about to return to the story itself.

After chasing him, he found the hut, and determined through testing that Bai Xue's situation was the same as that of Huatu.

Before she entered, the rabbits who had recovered slightly tried to prevent her from entering, indicating that they were afraid of the tragedy happening again.

Based on all this, the White Horse's conspiracy can be deduced.

Lu Anru waited patiently for several minutes, but received no reply.

"You don't even have a compliment card, do you?" I asked doubts, but in fact I already came to a conclusion.

Thinking about how hard Huatu and Bai Xue were squeezed, it would be strange to have them.

Bai Xue pursed her lips shyly, then licked the cracks on it with her tongue, and discussed: "Not now, but now that we have recovered our spiritual consciousness, we can give you a good review together when you go back."

"That's okay. Nine good reviews can accumulate points. You can exchange them later. It's better than getting nothing." Lu Anru agreed happily, with a depressed look as if he was invisibly accusing Bai Xue and the others of being too poor and stupid.

Bai Xue's self-esteem was slightly frustrated, and she was kind enough not to reveal that she had just captured three pieces from Baima.

"I'm going to punish you for failing the mission." Lu Anru stood up, patted Bai Xue on the shoulder, and left a sincere message: "I hope that next time I see you, you won't become an NPC who only completes the punishment mechanism."

Bai Xue nodded heavily: Self-esteem is frustrated +2.

Lu Anru suddenly thought of something when he walked out of the wooden house, ran back quickly, pointed at the rabbits frantically, and asked: "I remember that book spirits in animal form can't give good reviews, right?"

Bai Xue lowered her voice and answered truthfully: "Yes."

"Are you deceiving an honest person!?" Lu Anru asked angrily.

Bai Xue really wanted to correct Lu Anru's definition of the word "honest person". After being a scholar for so many years, it was the first time he saw an "honest person" who could fight against evil and kill white horses.

(End of chapter)