Magnificent Years

Chapter 104: I miss my friends


Mentality can include love, calmness, tolerance, learning, optimism, etc., but if you just write about love, you cannot include other mentalities.

It seems that the pattern has been instantly upgraded to N levels, the inspiration is in place, and Lu Anru answers the questions fluently.

After writing the three major categories, click the Count Word Count button. The total number of answers to the questions in the entire paper is at the end, which is 8,798 words, which is 20 times more than the minimum required limit of 500 words.

The tip of the pen crossed the word "submit" and crossed to the beginning of the examination paper, writing each word "school team". Correct all typos and incorrect sentences and submit them to the proctoring robot perfectly.

Yes, she must perform well, prove her efforts with strength, cover up the history of speculation, and be worthy of the strong men who stand up for her.

In particular, the words of an elder brother named Gu Tianzhi who helped reply to Li Yilan touched Lu Anru's grateful heart.

[Thinking about my previous indifferent attitude towards Lu Anru, I feel deeply ashamed. Although I didn't help Bastard Li intercept or bully Lu Anru, there is a saying in the literary and comprehensive society that isolating a person with cold violence is equivalent to acting as an accomplice. A man should be a little bit like a man, so I decided to pamper the only three girls in the fighting club from now on.]

The first person to submit the test paper at 10 o'clock attracted the attention of the older brothers who were still answering the questions, but this time their eyes were obviously more kind, with pride, envy, and even the tenderness of appreciation in a few rough facial features.

Lu Anru smiled sweetly and made a cheering gesture with his fists. Most of the strong men nodded and left the examination room.

Standing in front of the elevator, he took out his computer, switched it to normal mode, and sent a message to Ella asking: After the exam, how about a good meal at noon? Treat yourself as a treat.

The system replies within seconds: the message has been saved as unread.

It seems that Ella hasn't finished answering yet, and the computer is in exam mode.

Looking back at the empty corridor, Lu Anru felt a sense of loneliness unique to a master.

The beeping sound interrupted her pretending to be desolate, and she got on the elevator and thought about what to do next.

The elevator arrived at the lobby on the first floor without stopping. Judging from this, there were not many people who had answered the questions in advance.

Lu Anru was a little reluctant to go back to the dormitory. He had to find someone to talk to about this empty sense of accomplishment.

My fingers slid repeatedly on the contact interface, and I saw someone who seemed to be able to brag to each other, Yun Fengmeng, she was also likely to finish the answer in advance.

As usual, for reasons of confidentiality and security, it was not suitable for Lu Anru to send messages to contact the other party immediately after the exam.

Maybe it was God's will that she found Ella first and then Yun Fengmeng, which was more natural.

Forwarded the message sent to Ella to Yun Fengmeng and received the same system reply.

With a long sigh, humming "Invincible, So Lonely", I left the examination building and went back to the dormitory to sleep.

Pushing open the door to the room, Xiao Luan happily came forward and asked considerately: "You have finished the exam. Do you need Xiao Luan to help you prepare lunch at noon?"

Sister Wenwan took care of her every day, which made Lu Anru happily forget a lot of troublesome things, such as her love of bragging and taking advantage of her.

But at this moment, that mean, fat face automatically popped into her mind, and her memory flashed back uncontrollably to the scene when she finished the exam two years ago.

She didn't live on campus when she was in junior high school. When she returned home, Hat's plump body arched back and forth in front of her eyes, as excited as a teddy in heat.

Of course, the hat was not interested in a little girl like her, but was very interested in her test scores.

Blinking her little mung bean eyes, she waited for the next half-year laugh, "It seems like you can't get an A in the exam. Are your grades average or bad?"

"I'm hungry. I want to eat mung bean cake and white fungus and snow pear porridge." Lu Anru threw the bag to the desk and lay flat on the bed, more decadent than salted fish.

Hat jumped on the bed, pushed her arm with his flexible fat paws, and kept asking: "Tell me, tell me. After I finish speaking, I will go and notify Chef Li. When he is ready, I will bring it to you."

Lu Anru turned over and ignored it, and the annoying questions in his ears were filled into his head one after another.

Finally, layers of accumulation finally broke the constraint line.

He raised his hand and slapped the source of the noise away, venting his anger and shouting: "It's terrible, it's terrible, it's very bad. I have to retake the course next year!"

The hat flew far away, and when it landed, it rolled a few somersaults before steadying itself, rubbing its head and buttocks.

After he realized that the pain was even worse after rubbing it, he angrily asked the little girl who didn't know the seriousness of the matter: "Have you been shot?"

"Yes, that's right. Now that you know I failed in the exam, you can laugh out loud and stay away from me."

Lu Anru threw out the pillow puppet and landed on the hat accurately.

Hat crawled out from under the oversized bear and cursed: "Crazy! A little girl who can't afford to play!"

He turned around and left, turned back halfway, and punched and kicked the big bear who hit him.

While beating him, he pointed at Sang and cursed Huai fiercely: "You bully me too, you think I'm easy to bully."

"Don't think that just because you are big, I am afraid of you."

"I don't know the heart of a good person. I wanted to help you with some homework! But you actually attacked me and hit me with something."

"Humph, I won't write anymore. I love someone. It's not like I can't pass the exam."

Sister-in-law Xianglin's scolding continued for half an hour.

"You're still wearing earplugs and don't want to listen to me. It's too much. Your mother is so kind, how could she give birth to such a selfish and heartless daughter like you!" One of the earplugs was removed by the hat, and complaints rushed into Lu Anru's ears.

Lu Anru rubbed his red eyes, sat up, and asked in confusion: "What are you angry about?"

"I'm born!" Before Mao finished his words, he heard Lu Anru's low self-mockery: "You didn't fail in the exam, you don't have to do three times the homework, you don't have to be looked down upon by your classmates, and you don't have to be embarrassed in front of your parents and friends during the New Year."

"Okay, stop talking. I can't stand girls anymore, so I'll do half of your homework for you." Hat took over the trouble impatiently.

"Thank you." Lu Anru hugged the hat and rubbed his fat face hard.

"Lu Xiaohei, let go, hurry up! You just pretended to be uncomfortable to win my sympathy, right?"

A gleam of cunning flashed through his deer-like eyes, and he said with a sly smile: "It's hard to catch up with a hat."

"What's wrong with you?"

Xiao Luan waved her hand in front of Lu Anru's slightly sad eyes.

Lu Anru came back to his senses and said in a calm tone, "It's okay, I think of a friend."

"Oh, they must be very close friends."

"Huh? Don't be ridiculous," Lu Anru laughed and shook his head in denial: "Our relationship was very bad. We used to quarrel every day and looked down upon each other."

Xiao Luan looked at Lu Anru in surprise, seeing some concern hidden under the disgust, and smiled softly in understanding.

He poured the water for Lu Anru, put it in her hand, and said sweetly: "I have a friend, and my relationship with him is similar to what you described. Every time he sees me, he wants to keep a distance of more than ten meters. But once I am in danger, he Will be the first to rush to save me."

Lu Anru heard the pink ambiguity in the description and made an awkward 'uh' sound, and explained: "My situation is different from yours. He and I have no romantic ties between men and women."

Faced with Xiao Luan's puzzled gaze, he found a suitable metaphor: "As he said, he is a friend of my parents. In my eyes, he is a friend who is disrespected by his parents. In his eyes, I am a troublesome troublemaker. Damn it, junior."

"Oh, you're talking about Mr. Hat."

Xiao Luan addressed the number and said seriously: "You are not a troublemaker. Mr. Hat likes you very much. He always told us that you are a good girl with a hard mouth and a soft heart. Before he left, he specifically told me to take good care of you. "

Lu Anru's heart felt warm, and he pointed his fingertips on his nose and gestured forward, "Lying will make your nose grow longer."

"I'm not lying to you. I will know all your preferences, and they are all just gossip." Xiao Luancang covered his mouth in panic and changed his words: "No, Master Hat told me."

"Well, I miss him a little bit." Lu Anru admitted softly, took out his computer and found the hat chat box.

The two of them chatted at the end of last week, and Hat told her: Suzaku and I have arrived at our destination, and we will devote ourselves to the plan to save my brother. I may not have time to chat with you.

Lu Anru responded with three words "ambitious": Not rare.

The hat is still as mean as ever: if you feel wronged, you can leave me a message and I will laugh very loudly.

Lu Anru hummed, locked the screen of his computer, and stared blankly into the distance outside the window, with thoughts in his head confused and intertwined. I was debating whether to put my ambition aside for a while and send a message to Hat to ask him how he was doing.

"You should have done well in the exam today. Let me make you seafood porridge."

Xiao Luan asked for instructions, and her words as gentle as water interrupted Lu Anru's entanglement.

Lu Anru asked in confusion: "How do you know I did well in the exam?"

Xiao Luan's delicate cheeks turned red, and she said slowly: "Master Hat told me that if you come back early and happily, it means you have performed well. I can make you some delicious meals if you are in the mood to taste them. If you are depressed Come back and lie down on the bed and refuse to talk. It proves that you failed in the exam and I can cook you some very spicy food. If you want to save face, you can use spicy crying as an excuse to cry."

Lu Anru rubbed his sore eyes, no longer hesitated, and dialed the microcomputer number prepared by his mother for the hat.

What's weird, everyone who took the initiative to contact me today received similar responses from the system.

[The number you dialed has been turned off, please call again later.]

How can we easily calm down if we are worried about each other

Looking sideways at Xiao Luan, he asked hoarsely: "Can you contact him?"

It seems like there is some special connection between the same kind.

Xiao Luan replied sternly: "Yes, but I can't be as powerful as the magic weapon you use. I can only let you talk."

Artifact? Lu Anru was startled and realized that Xiao Luan was talking about the video function of the computer.

"Okay, let's just chat for a few words." Lu Anru gave in.

"Please wait."

Xiao Luan turned back into a cyan bird and flew in front of Lu Anru's eyes. He turned his back to her and shook his tail feathers. He said softly: "You can pull out the root. You can use it to contact Master Hat."

Gengen Lake's blue feathers are as gorgeous as natural unburned gems. The key is that Xiao Luan's tail feathers are very few. I counted 7 in total. Things are rare and valuable, and this is a perfect word to describe her beautiful tail feathers.

Lu Anru hung her fingers above the feathers for a long time without touching them, fearing that if she touched them, they would greedily pluck them out.

His hands fell back to the table, and his fingers were interlocked to restrain each other. He couldn't help but ask: "Is there any way to contact each other without plucking the hair?"

"Yes, it's just," Xiao Luan paused before speaking.

Lu Anru urged: "Finish it, it's just what?"

"I can only have contact with Master Hat. You can't hear or speak." Xiao Luan's voice gradually became quieter, as guilty as a child who had done something wrong.

Lu Anru glanced at the beautiful tail feathers fiercely, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Ask him, ask him if he is feeling well recently, and how soon he will be back. Don't tell me what I asked."


Xiao Luan flew to the window. The body of the bird, which was no bigger than the palm of a hand, was bathed in the sunlight, which made its feathers shine.

She closed her eyes, held her head high and sang loudly.

The light and sweet tunes echoed inside and outside the house, causing the students downstairs to go to bed frequently to raise their eyes. The hope comes, only to be disappointed, seeing nothing.

Lu Anru held his chin up and listened, immersed in the touching graceful voice, and his mind and heart became empty.

The sun shone warmly on my body, and before I knew it, my eyelids fell and I fell asleep.

I seemed to have slept for a long time and dreamed of a scoundrel uncle.

He carried a black gold sword on his shoulder, and his shirt was dyed red with blood, leaving shocking marks.

Many masked warriors stood opposite him, holding weapons that looked like tranquilizer guns. There was a commander in a black coat, hidden at the end of the crowd, warning him that it was best to surrender.

Even though the situation was very unfavorable to him, he showed no fear. He waved his sword wildly and rolled up a hurricane, causing the soldiers in the first two rows to stagger around.

The fierce wind could not hide his unruly temper, "You rats, get away quickly, don't dirty my road."

"Oh, shoot." Commander Xuanyi waved his hand coldly.

Countless masked warriors filled in and fired their weapons.

Lu Anru frowned and shouted, "No!"

"An Ru! An Ru Ru!"

The sound of banging on the door woke up Lu Anru, who was trapped in a nightmare. He opened his eyes, wiped his face weakly with his hands, and adjusted his disordered breathing.

When his heartbeat calms down a little, he replies: "I'm here. I just had a nightmare. Just wait for me."

"I'll wait for you in the living room. Feng Meng invites guests to dinner. Let's go there together." Ella's voice drifted away.


Lu Anru responded and looked towards the window, but saw no blue bird. He was busy looking around for the pretty figure.

"I'm here."

Following the sound, he went to the direction of the empty bed and saw Xiao Luan jumping out from under the bed, explaining: "Just now your friend knocked on the door so hard that I forcibly cut off the communication with Mr. Hat, and I didn't have time to cover up the afterglow left by the spell on my body. I was afraid that she would break in and see something strange, so I hid under the bed.”

"It's okay, is the hat okay?" Lu Anru asked straight to the point. The uncle in the dream had a similar temperament to the hat, and she didn't want to believe that he was incarnate.

Xiao Luan flew up to the table, jumped up to Lu Anru's hand with his two thin legs, and said softly: "It's very good. He asked me to tell you that you should study hard. He will come back next semester and continue to eat from you. Drink yours.”

"Have you told him everything?" Lu Anru was depressed. Then he thought that the hat would be fine, so he forgave Xiao Luan and said disdainfully: "Hey, the shameless old thing is still educating me."

"I didn't say what you asked me to ask. Mr. Hat guessed it himself." Xiao Luan explained nervously and repeated dullly: "Mr. Hat also said, don't be embarrassed, he misses you too, especially that kind of thing."

Lu Anru waved his hand and said he didn't care.

Just as he was about to ask for further details, someone called from outside the door to come back again: "An Ruru, please hurry up, Feng Meng has ordered the food."


Lu Anru replied loudly and extended an invitation to Xiao Luan: "You can become a human and come with me to eat."

Consider it a reward for her help in contacting you.

(End of chapter)