Magnificent Years

Chapter 109: A turtle in a urn


Ella was originally very curious, but suddenly she looked down upon her. She only felt more curious, wondering why something could be so difficult to explain.

Looking at Lu Anru, he lip-synced and said, "Brother, I'm really tired from running. I'm so emotional."

Lu Anru replied: Calm down.

"It's okay, just find a simple way to tell me." Yun Fengmeng gave encouragement.

Thoughtful words can always give people the warmest courage. Wu Hao confessed: "Look at the wind speed, which is the air flow rate detection version, the frequency of the house where the candidates are hiding in front is more than elsewhere, which proves that there are monsters surrounding it. When it comes to the thermal monitoring version, there’s nothing unusual outside the house.”

The explanation that he thought was very easy to understand came out, but it was extremely quiet around him. Wu Hao was not sure if the women understood, so he glanced to find out.

By chance, the eyes of Yun Fengmeng, who was listening attentively, came into contact, and Yun Fengmeng raised the corners of her mouth generously.

Maybe he talked too much, and his throat felt a little dry.

Licking his lower lip, he said the result solemnly: "Based on the overall judgment, my map seems to be malfunctioning. It can detect candidates and monster generals, but it is inaccurate in detecting mobs."

"I know." Lu Anru said calmly.

Ella was surprised and asked: "That's why you are extra careful and observe while walking."

After getting a nod from her best friend, Ella felt sorry for her for a few seconds, and mocked Wu Hao outright: "You have nothing to do to repair the necessary tools. It will be troublesome if it fails at the critical moment."

"It has nothing to do with his instrument." Lu Anru objected.

Ella blinked her beautiful eyes blankly and asked in confusion: "What?"

Wu Hao raised his head in surprise, stared at Lu Anru with a fiery gaze as if he had found a confidant, and asked, "Do you understand?"

Lu Anru shook his head and said softly: "Some monsters have no life form. I discovered it when I fought with them."

A green-faced and fanged junior monster immediately appeared in Ella's mind. She leaned close to Yunfengmeng to keep warm, and asked timidly: "Apiao?" It's a spiritual monster, and it's rare to encounter one.

Lu Anru continued to shake his head and answered uncertainly: "It doesn't look like it either."

"what is that?"

Ella entered the blind spot of knowledge and transformed into a living version of One Hundred Thousand Whys. The main thing is to determine the type of creature so that it is easy to deal with it.

The word creature emerges like a ship seeing a lighthouse at night.

She suddenly found something unreasonable and said: "That's not right. Even spiritual bodies can detect magnetic fields. The candidates were transported to a newly built scene in the quantum space. The monsters in it were also built, and they have the same principles as the space itself. "

When it comes to areas where Yun Fengmeng has some knowledge, Kankan answered: "The primary exam protects newcomers and uses virtual monsters. Students who are promoted to the intermediate level, especially those who are about to participate in real tasks, all take real monsters in the exam."

A few years ago, Queen Yunfengmeng told her that the monster in the junior exam was fake. When you reach the intermediate level, you don't have to do it yourself when selecting articles. You can use your brain to take the enemy's life from thousands of miles away. It's cool, okay

She was lured here with half-truths and half-falsehoods, and she got on the pirate ship but couldn't get off.

Ella covered her mouth and sighed in a low voice: "Oh my god, what a real monster!"

"Well, Dean Huo has reached an agreement with Li Ying, the manager of Hades. Monsters who perform well in Hades have a chance to get a reduced sentence, but some monsters with life sentences have no hope of seeing the light of day again no matter how good their performance is. Dean Huo will fight for them. Opportunity. A monster who survives three tests can change the outcome of his life sentence."

After listening to Lu Anru's narration, Ella felt like she had become a bad guy, and said sadly: "Then don't we destroy their last hope for survival? Next time we encounter monsters, fight them off and don't kill them."

The halo of the Virgin enveloped the red-haired girl, completely forgetting the tragic scene of being almost sent away by the monster just now.

Lu Anru couldn't bear to destroy the child's kind nature, so he returned his attention to the map, clicked on the green switch button, and carefully looked for differences.

Yun Fengmeng looked at Ella and looked at her like she was acting. She might really do the feat of cutting meat to feed eagles, and told the actual situation in a charming voice.

"The death penalty in Hades is the second level of torture. The first level is life imprisonment and endless mental torture. Therefore, many monsters strive to end their lives happily."

"Okay." Ella felt even more uncomfortable after hearing this, but in an era of jungle, it was impossible to tell who was right and who was wrong.

Continuing to think about it will only lead to a dead end, forcing the mind to turn to the current exam, asking: "What is the monster?"

Lu Anru replied thoughtfully: "It seems real and fake and can cause real harm, which is very tricky. When we get to the lake, I will test one thing. After testing many mysteries, I can solve them."

Without an accurate answer, Ella worried about her partner on the battlefield and urged: "Okay, since the discussion can't produce any results, let's leave quickly."

"Wait a minute, important things haven't been said yet."

Wu Hao called the women to stop.

Ella's head was as big as a bucket, and she nicknamed Wu Hao "hate crows" in her mind, and asked impatiently: "You haven't said it yet?"

If the bad thing you just heard is not important, you can't imagine how terrible the really important thing is.

Wu Hao nodded solemnly and said solemnly: "The mapper's detection range is limited. I tried it with a sound detector at the lake. There were candidates on the other side of the lake shouting for help. It seemed that they wanted to escape."

Shout loudly and run away!

The women looked at each other and couldn't figure out what these people were calling for help. Teleport to a great location and just reach the top of a tall building to pass your exam, what's not to like

Unless, the situation in the high-rise building is worse than here in the bungalow!

"Let's take it one step at a time and recruit helpful helpers first so that we can reach the lake smoothly."

Lu Anru gave an order, and the four of them set off again.

I didn't deliberately avoid the weird house that Wu Hao said. There were many guesses that needed to be confirmed.

Lurk in the bushes outside the house and observe the situation inside.

There was a monster general more than three meters tall, swinging a giant ax and chopping down the door. The door was full of horrible holes and was in such tatters that it could turn into waste wood at any time.

The danger doesn't stop there, as insects swarm in through the breach, and anxious shouts can be vaguely heard inside the house.

"Quickly flush them out with water."

"No, the water method needs to completely submerge them to completely remove them, which will destroy the structure of the house. No house can resist monster attacks, and we are all done."

"If you ask me, it will be over sooner or later, so just give it a try."

The familiar voice attracted the attention of Lu Anru and Ella, Blunt!

There are acquaintances here, and rescue must be carried out.

"Bring out the insect repellent powder."

Before leaving, Lu Anru asked Yun Fengmeng to put the insect repellent powder back into the bottle.

Yun Fengmeng took out the glass sealed bottle and handed it over. Lu Anru didn't accept it, pointed to the window on the back of the house and said: "In a while, Aila and I will lure away the monsters and generals, and you can sneak over. Open the window and let the candidates evacuate. Sprinkle insect repellent powder around the house and keep yourself and the candidates safe. Remember not to sprinkle insect repellent powder at the door. "

"Are we hiding in the house?" Yun Fengmeng asked according to common sense.

Wu Hao saw the evil smile in Lu Anru's eyes, pulled Yun Fengmeng away, and explained to her in a low voice: "Let's go, Xiao Lu is trying to catch a turtle in a jar." The small words were emphasized, in return for Lu Anru calling her Xiao Wu just now.

Lu Anru whispered a few words to Ella, and received a confident OK gesture from Ella.

Quietly waiting for Wen and Zong to reach the designated place, Lu Anru rushed out of the grass, jumped behind the general, and stabbed its rotten calf with a sword.

Without the blessing of the ultimate state, the movement of her attack would undoubtedly expose her. The general had already raised his big feet and was ready to crush her.

Coincidentally, it was as if the two parties had discussed it in advance. Lu An thrust his sword, the general raised his foot, she hid, and the general settled down. The coordination was flawless.

The next few moves were very funny. Lu Anru was completely acting like a monkey playing a giant, ducking and hiding, all he could do was shout: "You can't hit me, you can't hit me, I'll make you mad." '

The shame of being teased filled the general's heart, and he struck the ground with his axe. The strong force opened a crack more than ten meters deep in the ground.

Lu Anru, who triggered his ultimate move, almost fell into it. He wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead with his sleeves and ran forward with all his strength.

The general chased after him, his big green feet stamping out two rows of large holes in the ground.

Ella crouched in the grass and was anxious. Lu Anru had already arrived at the agreed place, but he still didn't give the attack signal.

It can be seen that Lu Anru had a hard time hiding. Several times he happened to be at the monster's feet, allowing the shock to bounce away.

His life was almost hanging by a thread, and he was still running around.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yun Fengmeng coming with a group of people, squatting in the grass, and asked worriedly: "Can I help?"

The rescued people responded positively: "I am from the Healing Society and can help her add a layer of shield."

"Beauty, I'm a water type. If you need help, just shout."

"I suggest you stop waiting and see, and take action quickly. If you wait a little longer, you won't have a chance."

Ella hesitated and asked the people around her for their opinions: "How about we come together?"

Within a few seconds of the discussion, Lu Anru was kicked away by the general and fell heavily to the ground, seemingly unconscious.

Ella no longer hesitated, and made a gesture of aggression, but the command that came to her mouth was held down.

Blunt squeezed through the three people and came to her side. He looked at Lu Anru who was not far away and said, "Look, Miss Lu is pressing her hand towards you. Don't act rashly."

How could Ella remain calm as usual, the monster was about to step on Lu Anru.

Without hesitation, he picked up the magic formula, threw the fireball, lit the designated haystack, and forced the insects to escape into the house, unable to wait for the general to approach together.

As soon as the fire started, the big ax general's foot fell heavily on Lu Anru, and Ella exclaimed: "Anru!"

He ran forward with big strides and fired fireballs like crazy at the same time. He felt that no matter how many fireballs he threw, he couldn't relieve the anger in his heart.

When he got closer, he found that General Big Ax was motionless. He was just being attacked and didn't see the specific situation clearly. There was a petite figure running towards him. He held her hand and rushed into the earthen house.

He kicked open the door with his flying kick and led her to jump out of the window, causing the house to collapse.

The loess filled the sky was shaken, and among the brief tinnitus, someone yelled and pierced the hum: "The grass all around has been burned."

Seeing that her best friend was okay, Ella nodded happily and was busy casting spells.

At the other end of the house, muffled complaints continued one after another.

"I'll go, the arson notice sounded, it almost burned my pants."

"The new A-cone shoes I bought, half of them are burnt."

"Choke me to death!"

Yun Fengmeng naturally spoke up for her teammates: "Oh, okay, stop complaining, just let the general be killed."

Wu Hao chimed in: "Yes, why are you so slow to react?"

The instigator was focused on his best friend, so he took out a towel, dusted Lu Anru from top to bottom, and wiped the particularly dirty areas.

Wiping it, he groaned in discomfort: "You scared me to death. I thought you died gloriously."

Holding Ella's back with his soft little hands, Lu Anru closed his eyes and slowly said weakly: "I have to lead it to loosen the foundation of the house, and then hook it into the big hole to ensure that the house can be hit with one hit. Hit it."

I sighed helplessly, I would have finished it long ago if I had reached the limit.

"Yeah, my An Ruru is the best." Ella polished Lu Anru's round leather shoes and threw away the dirty towel.

Lu Anru refused the top hat: "Tell me something useful. Who was rescued?"

I hope there are a few people who can do the job. If I have to rely on her in normal state every time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive until she crosses the river.

"I'll call them over." The situation was urgent just now, so Ella didn't pay much attention.

Use the secret code set by Lu Anru and imitate the cuckoo call.

After receiving the code, Yun Fengmeng led the people over. When they saw the gray-faced girls, they burst into laughter.

Looking through the storage bag, he found the wet wipes and handed them over: "Wipe the two dirty bags quickly."

Lu Anru pointed to the towel on the ground that Ella had just thrown, and raised his hand to refuse: "No, I've wiped it."

Yun Fengmeng opened the makeup mirror and turned to Lu Anru, speaking with facts: "Here, see for yourself."

The little face in the mirror was extremely dirty and uneven, like a little cat.

Lu Anru slowly remembered that Ella wiped a particularly dirty place on her body. He felt distressed when he saw her face, so he quickly raised his hand to wipe it a few times.

Speechlessly, he took the wet wipe and covered his face, wiped it thoroughly, his eyes regained their vigor, and he looked at the people around him.

Blount stood in front of the crowd, grinning widely as he saw the enthusiasm of his relatives.

There were three men and two women standing in the same row with him. The tall man took the initiative to introduce himself and his companions.

"Hello, my name is Zhu Lan, from the water system of the Fa Society. His name is Dai Qiyang, from the wood system of the Fa Society. Her name is Chen Zejin, from the healing medicine sect. The boy next to her is called Wang Erhu, from the fighting mecha sect."

Lu Anru nodded politely one by one, figuring that Blount had three legal societies, one each for healing, literature and martial arts.

She was quite satisfied with the arrangement of the rescued people, especially the Wood Law Club and the Healing Club, all of whom were essential talents for the later stages of this exam.

After a deep chat with the six people, they learned that they were teleported here. They killed two senior generals and were about to hide in the house to discuss countermeasures, but they were intercepted by General Big Ax. A flood of insects enveloped the earthen house, and they could neither retreat nor advance.

Ella got a hint from Lu Anru and secretly handed Blount the team token.

Blount pushed back, approached Ella and whispered: "The situation was urgent before, so I joined their team. I will find a suitable reason to leave the team and join you later."

It’s not that he lacks the spirit of contractual unity, of course he must choose a team with good friends.

Ella made an OK gesture and greeted everyone: "Everyone, let me know when you have adjusted. Let's keep moving forward."

"Okay." People agreed one after another.

Ella noticed that there was a man behind Blount, wearing a dark green jacket, looking out of place sideways and looking into the distance.

He didn’t say anything from beginning to end, including introducing himself.

The light was too dark to see the other person's appearance clearly. In the examination room where the enemy and the enemy were easily confused, Ella poked Lu Anru with her elbow to let her pay attention for safety reasons.

An Ru had discovered this person's presence early and said softly: "It's Zhu Miao, leave him alone."

(End of chapter)