Magnificent Years

Chapter 112: Take it in one fell swoop


Vines emerged from the ground like giant pythons. They were thick and powerful and entangled around the legs of General Sledgehammer, invading all the way upwards.

Seeing that the general was trapped, Ella was ecstatic, and completely ignored the pursuing candidates. She formed a finger seal to summon a huge fireball, aiming at the general and throwing it.

With a handsome throw, a heartbreaking voice shouted from behind: "No!"

"Take back the fire technique quickly!"

"If you want to die, don't take us with you."

"This little monster is so inspiring. He actually wants to kill his master. He has answered those words. A little monster who doesn't want to be a general is not a good little monster."

"Shut up!"

The fireball didn't miss this time and accurately wrapped the general's upper body.

Ella turned around proudly, faced the candidates, and showed off with her arms akimbo: "I told you I wasn't a monster, but it turns out that I'm so good. Qi Yang and I were beaten with a sledgehammer."

In the eyes of the candidates, let alone admiration, they didn't even have basic respect.

The leader squinted at her with disdain and called to his companions: "I'm sure she's not a monster, but her brain is broken. Run quickly, ignore her, stay away from her, lest another monster explodes and we suffer disaster." ”

Lose your mind and explode the monster

The two completely incompatible descriptions confused Meng Ella. Before she could ask any more questions, the candidates dispersed and ran away. And he ran around the corner to avoid her and the monster area.

"People's eye disease is indeed contagious!"

As soon as Ella finished complaining, a boom-explosion sounded!

Instinctively, she held her head to protect the important and weak parts of her body. Pieces of stone and rotten flesh were crackling around her.

But what frightened her most was not that she would be buried at any time, but that hundreds of monsters suddenly appeared in the distance and rushed towards her.

Regarding the issue of survival, even though Ella knew that Li Mo was among the crowd, she still put the image behind her and fled towards the outer edge of the war zone in a rolling and crawling manner.

No matter how much she speeds up, the soul-hunting pursuit behind her is always faster than her, approaching at an extremely fast speed. She even felt that a few monsters were running too fast and stepped over her body. She stopped and turned around to intercept her, intending to surround and suppress her with the monsters behind them.

"Go ahead, the little monster has such a high IQ!" Ella cursed secretly, glanced to both sides, and found a gap on the right.

He crawled over on his hands and feet, and when he was half-dead from exhaustion, he crawled out of the encirclement, and a giant sword struck down with strong wind.

At the same time, Ella's body was violently pulled to the opposite position.

The giant sword chopped off half of her beautiful red hair, and she had no time to feel distressed. She thought that if the noble man had not stopped her, it was her head that might have been chopped off.

He raised his eyes and saw Li Mo's icy face. He shut his mouth obediently and hugged his waist tightly to avoid making his elder brother more upset.

The huge size gave the giant sword general an advantage. Li Mo carried her and ran a long way, but he couldn't stop her from approaching in three steps.

Ella felt that Li Mo was stepping on the line between life and death with every step, and the triceps of his arms were peeled to pieces by the sword energy.

You could clearly see the blood dripping down. Every time Li Mo tightened his grip on her, the blood flow increased.

It was so sweet for Ella to be protected like this by the one she loved, and she hugged Li Mo deeply. Close your eyes and listen to his super fast heartbeat. Time seems to slow down. In a few seconds, you feel as satisfied as having spent a century.

He opened his eyes again and said firmly: "Put me down. My hands and feet are still intact. I'm not lame or crippled. I can escape with you."

"You can't outrun it." Li Mo put aside his conclusion coldly.

Knowing that the other party was right, Ella was still stubborn: "How do you know if you haven't tried it?"

"Your physical strength can't even outrun the monsters."

The shameful fact slapped her face repeatedly, and Ella looked away with her cheeks turning red.

Looking around, I realized how smart the giant sword general was, driving them towards the monster concentration circle.

It was not easy for Li Mo to maintain his speed and escape, so he would certainly not be able to do anything to reverse the situation, such as attacking in the east or west.

"Put me down and leave me alone! You can run away by yourself. If you fail the exam because of me, I will feel guilty to death."

Ella was determined and used all her strength to break free from Li Mo's shackles.

Li Mo said nothing and tightened his embrace again to tell the woman in his arms that he would not let her go.

The blush on Ella's cheeks spread to her neck. She was half ashamed, but mostly happy.

Even though her mind was filled with honey, she knew that the matter could not be delayed, so she put down her cruel words and said: "Sure up, Li Mo, you still have His Highness whom you respect to protect. My scores in the last few exams were okay and I won't repeat the grade. Let me go." Bar."

"You are as important as your highness."

Li Mo jumped up high, trying to jump over the layers of strange circles.

The roaring wind made Ella's face hurt. Maybe it was too painful, or maybe she knew that Li Mo couldn't jump nearly 100 meters, and she couldn't stop tears from flowing out of her eyes.

He wiped his eyes heavily with the back of his hand, showed a smile that was as beautiful as a flower, and said in a deep voice the words of love that had been buried in his heart for a long time.

"I can't live with you, but I can die with you. It's worth it."

The big hand holding her waist relaxed at this moment, and in a low voice he made a poor promise: "Even if I die, I will not let you and Your Highness die."

But Ella doesn’t understand why she should let her go despite the unforgettable promise

She doesn't think living alone is romantic, not at all.

She seemed to have fallen into a pile of corpses, and something pierced her back. The pain was far less painful than the man's decisive figure gouging out her heart.

The hand that tried to pull the lover failed, and dropped heavily. He looked up to the sky with a broken heart and shouted: "Li Mo, I don't want you to die!"

The sound of FnScar shooting exploded all around. Ella covered her colic heart and made a decision. If Li Mo dies, she will activate the advanced fire skill and unleash hellfire.

It was worth it to bury him with his own magic.

"Prepare the water method, follow my instructions, release!"

When he was immersed in sadness, an inappropriate remark came out, and did it come from Lu Anru's voice

Confused, he looked away and found that he had been taken out of the monster circle by something hard underneath him.

Lu An stood in the middle of a group of candidates like a general, majestic.

More than twenty candidates for the water system of the Dharma Society formed dharma seals with their fingers and shot water jets towards the monster circle.

In an instant, all the monsters were soaked in water.

Judging from the array Lu Anru set up, she wanted more than just teaching a lesson, she wanted all the monsters to be annihilated.

There are layers of vines on the outside of the monster circle, stacked more than three meters high to prevent monsters from escaping.

The monsters refused to be captured without restraint, and chopped and beat them on the vines. The inner layer was slightly broken, and a wood-type candidate immediately made up for it in time.

As she admired the situation gradually stabilizing, small talk broke into her ears.

"Qian Ella is so affectionate, I was moved when I saw her."

"Did she really not find out about Team Leader Lu's plan?" After someone wondered, they sighed in a low voice: "I admit that it is really affectionate that I didn't find out about it. If she found out, then she must be so scheming."

"I don't think I noticed it. She couldn't see the layout from her perspective."

Ella is simple-minded and is annoyed by meaningless speculation. Jumped out of the vines that had brought back many trapped candidates, and rushed to Lu Anru menacingly.

He grabbed her shoulders and shook her hard, yelling: "An Ruru, we have made an appointment, let's cooperate well in the field!"

Doubts flashed through his deer-like eyes, and he asked in surprise: "We are working hard to cooperate. You go and lure the monsters to a fixed place. After that, we will counterattack."

"Huh?" Ella was more confused than Lu Anru.

Why didn't she remember that Lu Anruduo would talk about this arrangement? It seemed like she and Dai Qiyang were just asking two generals to fly kites.

Lu Anru stood on tiptoe and took a picture of his best friend who was almost 20 centimeters taller than him. He advised earnestly: "Guard Li is a man. He has strong skills and of course he has to take on more responsibilities. In the future, you must believe in the organization. We can definitely protect you." comprehensive."

Monk Zhang Er, Aila, looked at Li Mo who had returned. He was reporting something to His Highness Xuanguang.

Clearly aware of her gaze, he still stood in a military posture. His Highness Xuan Guang was still warm, and he smiled at her and nodded.

"Smelly man."

He muttered, and the next second he heard his best friend whispering a reminder: "In the future, if you are asked to pull monsters and wait for our support, just do as you are told. Don't mess around."

There was a bit of annoyance in the tone of the gnashing of teeth. Ella understood immediately and imitated Li Mo, standing at attention and saluting a military salute: "Yes Madam."

Walk around in the large adjustment group, listen to a few words here and a few words there, and get a comprehensive understanding of the situation here.

Emotional generals are like dynamite bags stuffed with small bombs. They can be flooded and assassinated, but they cannot be burned.

Lu Anru noticed that she was messing around and adjusted a new strategy in time. Li Mo just happened to recognize her red hair and rushed forward to rescue her.

Lu Anru took advantage of the situation to find Ning Guang, and after negotiating with him, the core forces on both sides had strong incitement, and everyone worked together to take down the monsters in one fell swoop.

The little troublemaker who almost caused trouble rushed back to Lu Anru, sat down and flattered with a smile: "An Ruru is far-sighted. Every time I follow you, I feel very powerful."

Lu Anru raised her pretty eyebrows and asked Charlie on the other side: "What are you talking about with her?"

Charlie made a big cross gesture towards Ella and said disgustedly: "She uses random idioms to rain on me, don't rely on me, I am much more particular about the words I speak now."

Ella seriously corrected: "It has nothing to do with me, it's not rain and I have no melons."

Charlie raised his head and fought back proudly: "Don't find fault with me, you just used it wrong yourself. You should say that you are deeply honored, not that you feel powerful!"


The two men hummed in disdain in unison, folding their arms and facing away from each other.

Lu Anru clicked on her phone and looked at the time, PM9:12.

There were only about ten minutes left for the appointment with Chen Zejin, and I felt a little uneasy, so I whispered my backup preparation: "Charlie, go pick up your brother."

Charlie moved his sore hands and shook his head in refusal: "You left someone to protect him, so you can just sit back and wait here." He was so tired from just blowing the vines using the wind technique that he didn't want to move at all.

Lu Anru ignored the two wrong idioms and said to her best friend: "Ella, go pick it up."

Ella turned her head and saw Charlie's shameless face, and she rushed to her lips in angrily.

Seeing the anxiety in Lu Anru's eyes, he had no choice but to put aside his personal conflicts and agreed: "Okay."

He stood up, grabbed Charlie by the collar, and pulled him towards the opposite direction of the battlefield.

The young lady Charlie fought hard with punches and kicks, and shouted: "Qian Ella, let go, don't treat me like a KT cat if you don't show off your power."

"Your brother almost broke his leg trying to save you. Why do you have the nerve to sit here and wait?" Ella scolded the naughty kid harshly.

After all, brothers are connected. Charlie stopped kicking and warned in a low voice: "If you dare to lie to me, I will beat you flat."

Ella retorted: "If I hadn't lied to you, I would have beaten you flat."

The two of them yelled out of the crowd, but little did they know that there was a big man with an ice face following behind, silently protecting them.


A familiar call came and the faint scent of fir approached. Lu Anru knew who was coming without even looking up.

Holding the empty space on the right with his hand, he politely apologized: "I'm sorry, there is someone here."

"Tsk, tsk, you are heartless. How cute the little girl was when she entrusted us with help."

The sigh revealed Liao Lang's exclusive greasy feeling, and the gray handkerchief fell on the empty space on her left. By the time she realized it was too late, Ning Guang sat on the handkerchief contentedly.

There was a man with heavy artillery standing guard beside Ning Guang. The man's hair was slicked back with hairspray. Even if you have just experienced a fierce battle, to fully demonstrate that sentence, the head can be cut off and the blood can be shed, and the hair cannot be messed up.

Lu Anru added a few more sentences in his mind, pretending to be the best.

Ning Guang was conspicuous enough, but Liao Lang was there again, and the atmosphere around her immediately deteriorated. The exams that the four clubs took together were not as clean as those in the fighting club. The goodwill of the girls that she had just accumulated gradually turned into something to be disliked. She did not want to be the target of public criticism.

He rolled his eyes, not used to the other party's provocation: "Your Highness, I believe in a famous saying today."

Upon hearing the stereotypical honorific, Ning Guang guessed that Lu Anru had evil intentions and asked tolerantly: "What famous quote?"

"Skills have specializations. You see, Liao Lang's protection of you is not as professional as that of Guard Chief Li."

Lu Anru took out the disinfectant wipes from the powder bag, made virtual gestures on Ning Guang's injured hand, and said exaggeratedly: "Oh, look at it, it's swollen and blue. As long as Guard Li is here, he will never allow his respect. Your Highness was slightly injured."

With the preparations in place, he handed out the wet wipes to Liao Lang and scolded: "You have no expression. Hurry up and give your highness a cold compress!"

Liao Lang read the disgust in her eyes, closed one eye and winked at her full of arrogance.

Making a "please" gesture, Shi Xiang said: "I'm a big man with big hands, so it's better for you to do it."

After fighting back, Liao Lang left leisurely with his hands behind his back.

An army was defeated instead? Lu Anru blinked twice blankly, then turned around and tried hard to sow discord with Ning Guang.

"Liao Lang likes my kitten demon. He misses school for three days a week and sneaks out to play with the kitten demon. For a person like him who is not doing his job properly, can you rest assured that he will take over the military power in the future?"

Ning Guang took the wet wipe from Lu Anru's hand, held her right hand, and gently tried it on the bruised Hao wrist.

He carefully brushed away the small particles of dust and asked softly: "Does it hurt?"

"It's a small injury, it doesn't hurt." Lu Anru pulled his hand away, fearing that he would be eaten alive by the women's cannibalistic looks.

After two twitches, Ning Guang held her hand stubbornly, took out a liquid band-aid, squeezed it on her wound, and spread it evenly.

"You only know how to worry about others and don't realize that you are hurt, stupid girl."

Hearing a little angry, Lu Anru lowered his voice and said please: "If it's really good for you and me, let go quickly."

"I don't care what others think of me. I only care whether the girl's wounds are treated in time."

Ning Guangfeng's eyes curled up, and the affection contained in them seemed to be far greater than the teasing look.

Lu Anru felt as if he was being sucked into a bottomless ocean, which contained the feelings that he had given fruitlessly time and time again, making him psychedelic, drowning, and confused.

(End of chapter)