Magnificent Years

Chapter 114: Iron prison


After the complaint about empathy was over, Lu Anru looked at the rusty iron roof and sighed.

Ning Guang gently poked her bulging cheek and teased her: "No matter how depressed you are, your face will be bigger than an octopus."

The little man hurriedly waved his hands and said with himself as an example: "It's too bad to be depressed and resentful. I don't want it. Just go away. As a human being, that's not right. No matter what kind of creature you are, you must first be happy."

Suddenly, the iron house shook violently. Lu Anru clasped his hands and swung his hands together, piously admitting his mistake: "I said nonsense. I have the consciousness of being a food, so I shouldn't make rash comments."


The weird laughter echoed into the iron room, and through the water pressure, it was somewhat similar to the vicissitudes of an old man.

People's fears often come from imagining things that have not happened, and the fear of the unknown is the scariest. If there is psychological construction, fear will be relatively acceptable.

Lu Anru is a perfect example. When she realized that the laughter came from a mutated octopus, her fear became nothing more.

He still had time to punch Ning Guang and scolded him: "I think he is awake."

It is recorded in the book that when an octopus sleeps, two tentacles will move around vigilantly. If there is any slight disturbance, it can detect it through the turbulence of water waves.

The giant sword general teleported them here, and Ning Guang fell on the octopus tentacles. Unless Shuangwen novel had a golden finger that defied the heavens, it would be possible to violate the biological nature and meet an old monster who was blind, deaf, and demented.

"Well, the girl is right, I was wrong." Ning Guangrou responded with a smile, but the strength of her hands was completely opposite to the gentle look on her face, and she forcefully pulled Lu Anru behind her.

As a person who never loses anything, Lu Anru would not pretend to be a hero by pushing and shoving him. He would hide under the protection of a man with peace of mind and stick his head out to look out the window.

The big white head turned to their side of the window. The octopus's eyes without concentrated light gave people the illusion that it was looking at itself from any angle.

Ning Guang protected Lu Anru with one hand behind him, and placed the M460XVR revolver on his waist with one hand, ready to draw it out at any time.

Lu Anru increased the oxygen intake with each breath. Once a fight started, he would inevitably fight in the water.

Knowing that we are at a disadvantage, we naturally have to prepare in advance.

"I'm here to challenge the hidden mission, please give me the next steps." Ning Guang said with courtesy first and then attack.

It's just that he was talking about me, not us.

"You come to challenge, ha! I have lived here for six years, and this is the first time I have seen such an arrogant person who dares to challenge me alone."

The mutated octopus put one tentacle in front of its mouth and made a gesture similar to a human yawn, showing its contempt.

Ning Guang reiterated without changing his expression: "Please give me instructions."

"Young man, do you want to complete the mission? Or do you want to protect the girl behind you and escape unscathed?"

When the multiple-choice question was presented, Ning Guang looked sideways at Lu Anru deeply.

Seeing that the determination in his eyes turned to hesitation, Lu Anru responded quickly: "He is wrong. We will challenge as a team of two. Please give us your advice without hesitation."

As he spoke, he made a 90° bow toward the window.

What she did had nothing to do with justice. She discovered a hard truth: if Ning Guang was given the choice, he would choose to settle the matter.

At this point, if we go straight back to the lake without fighting, all our previous efforts will be in vain.

"Okay, two yellow-haired kids who don't know the heights of the world, only if they beat me can I be qualified to receive follow-up mission instructions."

Lu Anru took out Yincang, but he wanted to roar as powerfully as the heroes: "Whatever you do, the monster will die." '

The problem conditions were not allowed. The mutated octopus withdrew its two tentacles with lightning speed, and the smelly lake water immediately poured into the breach.

The feeling of space squeezing was even more severe. Lu Anru used the few seconds left to pat Ning Guang, then pointed to himself and then to the water that was up to his waist.

Taking a deep breath, he sank into the water, felt his feet being patted, and made sure that Ning Guang was following, and swam forward out of the iron room.

Fortunately, I was able to stay calm in the first few battles and did not use goggles. I ensured that I could fully use them here and clearly see the situation in the lake.

There is a breath-holding training in the physical training of the fighting club. Someone in the same club can hold his breath for about 15 minutes. Her best record is 9 minutes, and Ning Guang seems to be 11 minutes.

Fighting in the water consumes oxygen faster than simply holding it in. Lu Anru estimated that she and Ning Guang could survive for 6-8 minutes. She had 6 minutes and Ning Guang had 8 minutes. A quick decision was imperative.

Swimming to avoid tentacles that were thicker than her body, she thought about possible battle plans in her mind.

If I had known that Ning Guang had to come, I would have brought Liao Lang along with him.

Guns and cannons will turn into disposable weapons in the water. You can fire the first shot after loading the chamber. After firing, the breech will be filled with water. If you want to fire the second shot, the gun will be scrapped.

Moreover, the resistance in the water is high, and the power of the first bullet will be weakened too much. In this comparison, Liao Lang's heavy artillery is much more effective.

At this point, there is no point in longing for anything. After careful consideration, let go of exaggerated and beautiful ideas and make a decision.

He gestured to Ning Guang, who was swimming beside him, and said: You will be the bait to attract its attention, and I will find a way to attack it. "

Ning Guang nodded, Jiaduo swayed in front of the octopus monster.

The octopus monster was unmoved, and its tentacles chased after Lu Anru. She suspected that this ancient creature had evolved and had a frighteningly high IQ, and could see through her and Ning Guang's intentions.

As swimming speed increases, oxygen consumption increases.

It only takes more than three minutes for the lungs to go from normal to tight.

If he continued to waste it, he would be doomed to defeat. Lu Anru tightened his grip on Yincang, twisted around and swam towards the octopus's head through the two crisscrossing tentacles.

During the swimming process, she deliberately misled the tentacles in the direction of knotting, but unfortunately her plan failed every time.

The octopus monster has a good brain and silky tentacles, and can basically withdraw the tentacles that are about to get entangled in time. Even if it is not pulled back, it will be automatically untied by turning it at another angle.

The careful routine is like a circus bear's sideshow in front of the octopus monster. It's better to be in the ultimate state. You can defeat the opponent with speed and strength.

Regret flashed past, and Lu Anru swam in front of the octopus monster. As she gradually approached, the octopus monster hardly created any obstacles and waited leisurely for the delicious food to be delivered to her mouth.

Eyes bigger than her head stared at her steadily, and two very strange words appeared in her mind: "The new owner of Yincang, if the previous owner had not died, he should be as old as me. I am very interested in trying the legendary legend. Can the evil weapon that can kill all souls end my life?"

These two sentences brought a lot of new doubts to Lu Anru, but a little bit of information was enlightening and made her alert.

The hidden mission requires her to resolve the resentment of her enemies, but does not require her to kill them. Furthermore, killing the enemy would result in the loss of the opportunity to understand the whole story, making it even more impossible to resolve.

She gave up her plan of rushing into the opponent's mouth and slashing him. God had destined that she didn't need to take the road of risking death and surviving.

Chao Ningguang made an OK gesture and then drew a square with both hands. After getting a nod, she rushed in front of Ning Guang and swam towards the broken iron house.

While Ning Guang was stunned, Lu Anru had already swam into it.

There is only one crack in the iron house. Entering it is tantamount to asking for death. He will agree to any arrangement solely because he is used as a bait.

Lu Anru changed the division of labor without permission, and the feeling of not being trusted aroused annoyance. It was too late to be angry at the other party for making arbitrary decisions, and his heart was filled with worry.

Reason told him that cooperation comes first and settling accounts comes later.

Punch your fists hard in the water and swim with the pretty figure.

The octopus chased after him, whipping him with its tentacles. Fortunately, the resistance in the water not only caused trouble for them, but also weakened the octopus's offensive.

Ning Guang swam out of the attack range of the octopus monster before the suction cup exerted its force, and followed the random girl into the iron room.

The octopus squeezes two tentacles into it and draws them towards the people hiding inside.

"It's a pity that Yincang's new owner is as timid as a mouse. He doesn't have Zi Lei's stunning appearance, nor does he have Zi Lei's fearless courage."

Lu Anru ignored the new ridicule in his mind and hid in the dark, concentrating on cutting the octopus monster's tentacles.

Cut off two strands of each other and stick out two new strands. She continued to cut and it continued to stretch out. From the frequency of whipping to crazy, and the fact that the iron room was about to be whipped to pieces, it can be seen that she succeeded in irritating the octopus monster.

When the five tentacles were left, Lu An crawled out of the hole in the iron room.

The octopus chased him with inertia, and half of his body was stuck in the iron room. He yelled: "It's unreasonable to trap me in this way."

Lu Anru deliberately moved his limbs, stopped in front of the half-faced octopus, stuck out his tongue at it, made a face, and swam away.

At the same time, Ning Guang, who had escaped long ago, cocked his pistol, and a bullet hit the iron sheet directly opposite the breach, and one side of the iron sheet bounced away.

There were only four sides left of the six-sided iron house. The inertia of the water pushed the octopus monster forward, and its whole body got stuck in it.

Two tentacles were crowded in the dilapidated house, and the remaining three were like souls without owners, unable to use them at all.

Lu Anru and Ning Guang fist bumped each other and cheered for victory.

The air in his lungs was almost exhausted and about to explode. Lu Anru made a gesture to breathe and swam towards the lake.

My limbs were numb and stiff from swimming, and I finally emerged from the water. Taking a big breath, I saw the bright lights and shadows on the shore in the distance. There was a bright red hair that stood out, gesticulating in the crowd.

Double happiness, reinforcements have arrived.

Lu Anru swam back to the bottom of the lake and gestured to Ning Guang: You go find reinforcements, I'll watch them.

Ning Guang had almost used up his oxygen when he saw Lu Anru standing on the iron room in high spirits, pointing his sword at the octopus monster's head.

With absolute control in hand, Ning Guang swam up the lake safely.

Everyone gathered firewood and the flames were high. Candidates from the water and wood systems of the Dharma Society came to help, and soon they fished the octopus monster and its iron cage ashore.

"Put it on the shore. At least let it touch some water. Otherwise, if you use the water in the dry mantle cavity, it will dehydrate and die."

Several girls felt sorry for the octopus when they saw the miserable condition of the octopus, but they saw Lu Anru's fierce expression and were afraid of offending her.

With the strength of two people to take down a hidden monster, they didn't dare to provoke him.

Several people in Lu Anru's dormitory looked at him one after another, hoping that they could help and put in a good word.

Sheng Mina is like a human spirit. She cares about His Highness, so she won't talk randomly. As long as she figured out the situation and held Gao Ying back, Gao Ying was too lazy to meddle in her own business.

Yun Fengmeng was more interested in novel things and was watching the shrinking speed of the octopus, looking like he was watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously.

Ella should think more about the mood of the study group members and so on.

Reluctantly, he stepped forward to find Lu Anru and persuaded him: "Teach the octopus monster a lesson. If you really kill it, you won't be able to take the next step."

"Don't be afraid," Lu Anru said indifferently, sitting in front of the bonfire, wiping the water off his clothes: "It can evolve to adapt to the low-salinity lake water, and it will definitely not die of dryness. Keep it sharp, and it will be easy to talk."

"This is so cruel."

Aila took it hard and looked at Lu Anru sideways, pursed her lips, and persuaded from another angle: "I think it has a lot of backbone. You cut off so many tentacles, but it still didn't bow its head. Let's try another way. , I know that vicious monsters don’t deserve sympathy, and the critical exam time is limited.”

Lu Anru's ears were blistered and he stepped aside: "You go find a set of clean clothes and I'll put them on."

"Okay." Ella grabbed hope and ran to the group of women.

After searching all the "good Samaritans", I was satisfied with a whole new set of clothes and returned to Lu Anru in triumph.

He took it out from the storage bag and suggested: "Go to Luweidigou to change it."

"Turn on the roasting technique." Lu Anru took the clothes and followed Ella to the ditch away from the crowd.

After changing my clothes, my body was much warmer and I was in the mood to chat with Thorn Tou.

"Is it fun?" Lu Anru asked Yun Fengmeng who was filming the video.

Yun Fengmeng nodded, covered her mouth and smiled sweetly: "It seems that I raised ocean balls when I was a child, and they can be soaked in water to make them bigger. After the novelty was over, I asked the maid to empty them into the bathroom. Unexpectedly, the entire palace sewer system was paralyzed. Why? This mother has been teaching me for two days.”

There was a faint sweet warmth in the fox eyes, as if he was recalling a very happy childhood experience.

The happiness of being trained…

Lu Anru was at a loss for words, so he simply changed to the topic: "I have a private chat with the octopus monster."

Yun Fengmeng said 'hmm' and gave up her position. If Lu An could pass the hidden mission and benefit the whole team, she would be willing to actively cooperate.

Lu Anru used Yincang to pull the pebbles on the shore, causing layers of water to splash. The water spray hit the octopus monster, slightly restoring its energy.

The damage was caused by the water she could barely sustain her life.

"One of my strengths is that I have poor patience."

Ella hid in the dark and eavesdropped. She was so thunderous when she heard this that she almost hit her head on the ground.

He grabbed the reed pole and stood firm. He glanced at Lu Anru, smiled innocently, and gestured: I'm going to roll away.

"Come here, there is more than one person listening." Lu Anru moved to the right.

Ella sat tangledly between her and Ning Guang, comforting herself in her heart: It's good, good, at least she is sitting, and Li Mo is still standing behind Ning Guang.

"Actually, the benefits of hidden tasks are very ordinary, don't you think?"

Lu Anru asked Ella, and Ella cooperated in the acting: "In the past, high-level hidden tasks could give physical rewards, but this time there are only achievement points, so stingy."

"Yes, so it's best to complete junk tasks. If you can't complete them, you will be defeated." Lu Anru said confidently.

The octopus monster's solid-colored, pupil-less eyes blinked, and its big white head shook clockwise, more leisurely than an old man listening to an opera.

"Riding your own life to do a rubbish mission, the new owner of Yincang is so happy."

The joke came to mind, Lu Anru kept his face as normal to prevent it from revealing his panic.

Try to respond to the octopus monster with your thoughts: "I have a lot of free time and like to challenge difficult things. And please understand, you are the one who is trapped, not me."

(End of chapter)