Magnificent Years

Chapter 119: Find new paths


When everyone entered the building, the door automatically closed heavily, shaking up the dust on the ground and old objects.

Maybe people's nerves have paralyzed the girls who like to yell, and the girls have a set of reasonable explanations summed up by Zhou Sheng. Faced with this supernatural event, no one is frightened. Quan calmly covered his nose and waited for the ashes to fall.

Candidates of the Water Element cast mist on the ground to give it a little humidity to prevent people from turning into dirty little clay figures when they walked to the transfer cup.

Ten minutes later, the first few people who explored the path returned in distress and told them that they had encountered the ecstasy formation.

The leader is more particular about his words, but he wants to use easy-to-understand names to defeat the enemy. However, considering that it is rare for girls to cooperate effectively, I replaced words that might scare them.

The four captains gave up on the wasteful individual reconnaissance, and after discussion, decided to divide the areas into southeast, northwest and northwest to collectively search for useful information and survey the terrain.

Lu Anru took the initiative to take the direction that Zhou Sheng said had problems, Xi.

Most of the team members are themselves, and the rest are of average relationship type, but with Zhu Lan here, there is no need to worry.

When crossing the bridge, Zhu Lan signaled that he would act as a personal guard and followed Lu Anru carefully for protection.

She leaned slightly and was immediately helped upright by Zhu Lan.

A legal society can react faster than fighting, and you can imagine how well-intentioned it is.

Recognized by the team for his careful and comprehensive protection, Zhu Lan will not give up his good position to others easily. I heard a lot of valuable things behind Lu Anru, such as the name of the building, Ah Piao in the toilet, etc.

When Zhou Sheng reported the situation to Lu Anru, he also overheard a strange A Piao behind the curtain.

He uses water, and water belongs to yin. Not only will it not help, it will also easily increase the resentment of evil spirits.

Several new members in the interest zone avoided sensitive areas and moved to insignificant positions, leaving space for Lu Anru and the others to carry out secret activities.

On the other side, Lu Anru kept a distance of two meters, looked at the red curtain, and asked Zhou Sheng and Wu Hao: "Is it here?"

Wu Hao once had the experience of almost being deafened by loud noises, so he learned a lesson, turned off the sound of the survey instrument, and stretched forward.

Zhou Sheng put down his glasses, pointed to the right side of the curtain, and said softly: "There."

Half of the windows where pointed were open, and the curtains seemed to be fluttering slightly in the wind, but this was not the case. They were affected by the magnetic field of the spirit monster.

After making a conclusion, the old problem of lack of confidence returned. I respectfully asked Wu Hao for confirmation: "What do you think?"

"Yes, that's right there." Wu Hao confirmed.

Lu An said 'hmm' and arranged: "Zhou Sheng, please take Meng Meng and Gao Ying and stand at the ten o'clock position. The twin brothers will follow Xiaosheng to the six o'clock position, and Ella, Wu Hao, I and I will stand at the two o'clock position. ”

Everyone took the order, and Zhou Sheng took out the wordless yellow talismans from his bag and sent them out one after another to prevent the strange spirits from messing up their bodies in advance. People packed up carefully and tiptoed closer to the curtains.

Ella followed Lu Anru, taking small steps and guessing wildly: "I guess A Piao will escape from the twin position."

We had made an appointment in advance. The purpose of this time was not to arrest, but to scare the kid and lead him to the correct path to the second floor.


Lu Anru answered casually and raised the curtains with the Yincang sword. Her goggles were damaged during the battle with the octopus monster and she could not see the specific situation.

Shan Guessed the direction of the dark wind and asked urgently: "Zhou Sheng, have they run away from you?"

Zhou Sheng opened his mouth wide and was stunned for a moment. After hearing the question for the second time, he answered: "They escaped through the window."

"Window! That shouldn't be the case. The spirit monster that can cause trouble here should be the Earthbound Spirit, which cannot leave the room."

Lu Anru strode to Zhou Sheng, took off his glasses, put them on and looked out the window, hoping to see any clues left behind.

Just take one look, take off your glasses, and the scene where everything turns into a mosaic is absolutely unforgettable.

I kind of admire people with very high myopia. Their ability to draw and stitch pictures independently is comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Zhou Sheng is right, they escaped."

Wu Hao stretched his instrument out of the window, observed several red lights flashing, and added: "Escaped to the southwest corner of the second floor."

Lu Anru put one hand on the edge of the window, trying to see if the wall-walking skill of a gecko was feasible, and gave up halfway after he got out.

The wall outside is covered with yellow flowers, which look similar to Polygonum multiflorum, but have completely opposite characteristics to Polygonum multiflorum. Polygonum multiflorum is a great tonic, Huang alone is poisonous.

Although the thing would have to be accidentally eaten or inhaled to be poisonous, during the climb, you need to hold on to the points that you can hold on to and walk upwards. It is very likely that the leaves will be crushed and the juice will be stained.

Results reports from the other three teams came from afar. Apart from the discovery of messy footprints, there was no valuable information.

The footprints were scattered all over the house, and if they were gathered in one place, it would be easier to find a way out.

The four captains led the team back to the center of the room, staring at each other for a few seconds.

The captain of the third team, Ye Lu, was thinking out of the blue and suggested a strange move: "There is no road at the eye level. We might as well try it lying down and then jump up and try it again. We can finally find some clues."

The members of the four teams are like their team serial numbers. There are four people in total. They are the extra candidates after the three groups are full.

There are many tortoises in Shui Qian, all of them are big brothers, vying to send contemptuous taunts to Ye Lu: "What are you talking about in your sleep?"

"The light is just nonsense. The ground is full of mud. If the members of your team don't mind getting dirty, let them do it."

"We give moral support."

"come on!"

Lu Anru disliked the commotion, interrupted his sarcastic remarks and said, "Let's leave from the outside."

"Peripheral," Ning Guang repeated the suggestion gently, turned to look at where Lu Anru had just stayed, and asked, "Is there a staircase outside the window?"

Lu Anru shook his head, took the three of them to the window, recounted the clues, and concluded: "The room may be a dead end, try climbing the wall."

As a member of the Healing Society, Ye Lu first discovered the fatal obstacle and gave his objection in a low voice: "There are poisonous ivy on the wall, and there are poisonous plants in the ground under the window. Besieged on all sides, no matter whether your hands are slippery or idle, you will get a harvest ending card. ”

"Take protective measures." Lu Anru insisted.

Resisting the urge to complain and crawl on the ground to find a way, he followed the temptation and said: "Let the big brothers from the fighting club open the way. They are strong and it won't be a problem if they accidentally get involved or run into any problems."

Ye Lu reached out and touched the wall, showing the mucus on his fingertips to everyone, and introduced: "Super concentrated enzyme liquid, used for cleaning, not for food, it is extremely corrosive."

When all three of them were as disgusted as he was, Ye Lu shook his hands vigorously. Still feeling uneasy, I took out a disinfectant wipe from my bag and wiped my hands three times.

"Why is there concentrated enzyme liquid here?" Ning Guang asked the key point.

Ye Lu hesitated for a few seconds before he wanted to speak. He carefully looked around, his eyes dimmed a bit, and he said in a deep voice: "It is used to drive away poisonous living plants."

The nominal captain of the fourth team couldn't help but curse: "The candidates in front of us are so immoral! It's convenient for them and they will leave us with trouble in the future."

"That's not necessarily the case," Lu Anru said faintly about the failure: "We have a small number of wood department candidates, so the bridge is used for crossing. If there are more wood department candidates, the water system can be used to wash away the wall, and the wood department candidates can build a new one. road."

"Yes," Ning Guang responded solemnly, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he asked Lu Anru: "Girl just said that the spirit monster floated into the southwest corner of the second floor?"

"Yes." Lu Anru raised his hand and pointed to the specific direction.

Ning Guangrou smiled and said softly: "Just because you can't go upstairs doesn't mean you can't approach the southwest corner."

The sorrow in his smart eyes disappeared, then brightened, and he praised: "Yes, you are so smart. You can walk to the corresponding room on the first floor. I believe everyone can climb a short distance. Even if someone is accidentally poisoned, You can let the Healing Society help you with treatment in time.”

"Okay, let's do it!"

The team leaders hit it off immediately and each gave orders to their team members to head towards the house in the southwest corner.

For safety reasons, Lu Anru asked the captain of each group to arrange for the Wenzong Forecasting Department within the group to take out the evil-proofing items in stock and distribute them to the members of the group. But the quantity is limited, so we have to share one portion with a few people nearby.

The four people in the fourth group did not have a literary and comprehensive society, so the eldest brothers decided to be shameless and went to Lu Anru to hint at their difficulties.

Lu Anru's left ear went in and his right ear went out, so he didn't take it seriously, but told Zhou Sheng that he was soft-hearted.

In this way, the four of them got a yellow piece of Zhou Sheng's special characteristics. The yellow paper seems to have magical powers that can enhance personal charm. There are many members of other groups surrounding the four of them, and their enthusiasm is similar to theirs.

The four of them were tugging at each other to death, and they would reply depending on their mood, which would soon wear out the patience of those who had other agendas. They have a profound realization that instead of currying favor with second-hand dealers, it is better to go to the source.

Zhou Sheng opened the bag repeatedly and explained repeatedly to convince people that he had no more stock. A few people turned away disappointed and continued to hang around the four groups, no doubt being treated with an even more arrogant attitude.

Along the way, the large army eliminated six small monsters that wanted to cause trouble, and arrived at a glimmer of hope.

Looking at the words "women's restroom", the men shut themselves up.

Sheng Mina once had a painful experience of persuading a member of the opposite sex to use the toilet. She became much thicker-skinned, stood out from the crowd, and understood general advice.

"The space in the room is limited. Due to the weird environment here, I suggest that men and women go together. A fighting club and a literary club will clear the way, and then the healing club and the law club will be interspersed in the middle. This way, both the beginning and the end will be considered."

The suggestion was also made in a charming voice. Sheng Mina's words made people feel so comfortable.

With the clear difference, people's attitude towards Zhang Xinxing was once again cold by default.

"We three brothers are willing to take the lead." The Hakka boss raised his hand honestly.

Sheng Mina was recognized by the crowd, so she took up the role of personnel allocation committee and praised: "Okay, you can each pick a suitable girl and go together."

The Hakka boss showed the shy look of a macho man and glanced at Lu Anru. He was interrupted before he could invite him.

"A comprehensive collection of fighting subtitles, brother."

After Liao Lang reminded him, he raised his eyebrows at Ning Guang angrily, claiming credit for retreating and saying, "It's my job to divide the work for His Highness, so you're welcome."

Ning Guang continued smoothly: "Well, my brother thanked me for seeing you."

Liao Lang picked on Brother Thumb, and he discovered that as long as Ning Guang spends time with Lu Anru, he will automatically be infected by the other person's meanness.

"Oh oh oh, okay, I got it." The Hakka boss agreed in frustration, scanning around the girls approaching.

The girls were busy pretending to be very busy, but they were extremely busy. They were either discussing follow-up plans with the people around them or checking the contents of their bags.

The Hakka boss knew that this meant resistance, so he could only look into the distance. He noticed the little girl from Wenzong who was the first to muster up the courage. She was staring at the window normally.

Joy filled her heart, maybe there was something going on, and she tentatively invited: "April, are you willing to go with me?"

Just like issuing a deviant invitation to elope, the voice gets smaller and smaller, and only those nearby can hear the word "end" clearly.

April stood farther away, but she could hear clearly, and her headset function was enhanced to the third level. It was because of its superior sound recording function that she noticed the movement on the roof as soon as she entered the door.

She really wanted to be brave, but she thought about arriving in a strange environment with a strange man. What if I'm unlucky and see something strange again

Forget it, be brave next time.

Imitate the girl in front of me, pretend not to hear, and chat with friends around me. While he was talking boringly, he caught sight of the honest and strong man from the corner of his eye, still waiting for a reply.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and expressed her rejection properly: "I'm sorry, I don't dare to be the vanguard."

"It doesn't matter. You were able to overcome your fear immediately just now. You are already great." The Hakka boss said sincerely.


April replied guiltily, seeing the other party's fiery sincerity, she had a radical attitude to fight.

"That, or me,"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Anru arranged: "Let the Hakka brothers come with us, there will be someone to take care of us."


After receiving reliable instructions, the three Hakka brothers took out their climbing equipment from their storage bags.

A slightly old-fashioned tool appears, but no one laughs at it, and no one ostentatiously provides its own advanced tools.

Everything has to be handy, just like advanced machinery is far inferior to an old-fashioned carving knife.

The Hakka boss took the lead and jumped onto the window sill, got out, fixed the rope and passed it to the second boss.

The second child tied the rope tightly around his body, leaving the third child as long as he needed. The brothers cooperated easily.

Lu Anru and Charlie were in the same group, and Ella had already secretly sent a hint to Sheng Mina, and there was no surprise that Li Mo was in the same group.

And His Highness Uzumaki, who is attracting the most attention, is of course paired with the allocation committee member Mina. The distribution of private goods was obvious, but no one objected. After all, giving birth to Mina was very hard.

This is her cleverness. If she wants to get what she wants with everyone's approval, she must first work twice as hard.

Pay attention to the word "Xian" here, Zhang Xinxing is missing this word.

Waiting in line to pass was boring. Ella chatted with Lu Anru to pass the time: "An Ruru, why have you watched "Ghost Doll" so many times?"

When she handed over the task to Sheng Mina, she explained the scene category issue here.

Not many people had heard of the film's title. Only Zhou Sheng replied: "It's a horror movie from the 1980s. It's a classic. I watched it once when I was practicing my courage. It was so scary that I watched it in four days."

Thinking about it, the reply came.

"Because the story is very funny. There was a scene where the students knew that there was a dead end ahead, but they didn't turn around and hit the ghost doll. As a result, the two of them were scared to death on the spot. It was so stupid."

Lu Anru was obviously smiling, but Ella felt so cold.

It's all my fault for being so lazy, why do you ask

Just as I was regretting it, something hit the window and made a violent sound.

(End of chapter)