Magnificent Years

Chapter 120: There is an ambush


The third Hakka man slipped from the wall, grabbed the rope with one hand, hit the glass hard with his body, and shouted in horror: "Be careful, be careful! There is an ambush above."

Ella's mind followed the plot that Lu Anru told, and she hurriedly hugged Li Mo's arm, hoping that what the bad best friend said was true and Yang Qi could protect her.

Wu Hao was relatively calm. He pushed aside everyone and rushed to the window, grabbing the dangling feet of the third Hakka boy.

The big man weighed more than 200 kilograms, and there seemed to be gravity pulling him upward. He tried hard to pull him down, but he felt that he was not strong enough. He yelled at the people around him: "Don't be stupid, save people!"

Only a few nearby people reacted and hurriedly stepped forward to help pull him back.

As soon as the third Hakka boy was dragged into the window, a figure emerged from the crowd, grabbed the window as a point of strength, and climbed to the second floor along the rope.

He was agile and extremely fast. When the red-haired girl next to him reacted, she had already disappeared after chasing him forward.

Ella learned the target's movements and jumped onto the window sill. Her feet slid down, but her hands stubbornly grabbed the rope to climb up.

As soon as I got out, due to my lack of skills, I almost fell under the window full of poisonous plants.

Fortunately, Lu Anru had quick eyesight and quick hands. He grabbed her arm and, with Ning Guang's help, dragged her back to the toilet.

Aila didn't care about the respect she should have for the royal family. She grabbed Ning Guang's arm in a hurry and asked for help in a mute voice: "Call Li Mo back. Why did he rush out if there was danger?"

"Don't cry and don't be anxious," Ning Guang wiped away Ella's uncontrollable tears, turned to face the panicking crowd, and said loudly: "If you call him Guard Captain Li, by default he only protects me."

The voice as clear and clear as the moon paused suddenly, his phoenix eyes full of inviolable awe, and said loudly: "Actually, you are mistaken. What he needs to protect is the safety of every resident of Xia Kingdom."

There was thunderous applause, Ning Guang lifted up Ella who was lying limply on the ground with both hands, looked at Lu Anru, and said extremely cruel words in a voice that only the three of them could hear.

"Don't choose a man because of a momentary emotion or a hot head. Consider carefully everything about this man and whether you are mentally prepared to accept it, including shortcomings. Especially choose Li Mo. If it's just for fun, you can do whatever you want. If you want to be long-term, you can Ask yourself first whether you can accept him putting the country first."

After that, he winked at Lu Anru.

Lu Anru understood and took Ella out of the toilet, keeping a little distance from the crowd, and advised: "Although Ning Guang usually likes to pretend to be a decent prince, he rarely says such hurtful words. But I think this kind of sober words in the world are made by He told you that it's the best, just think about it. For people like Li Mo, it's okay for you to love vigorously, but it can make up for the lack of love. If you want it to last, I advise you to be cautious. "

Ella had long since stopped crying due to her impatience, looked deeply at Lu Anru, and expressed her long-decided thoughts.

"An Ru, I know that you and His Highness Xuanguang are all considering me and doing it for my own good, but the things I have decided will not change. I like Li Mo. This kind of love means that I am willing to bear the worries he brings, not just enjoy For what he gave me.”

"You are saying that you are willing to share the joys and sorrows. This seems to be love, not like." Lu Anru remembers that love means being willing to bear everything, and like is the desire to keep the heartbeat of the moment forever, so she can't stand the challenges of life. Come the accumulation of petty troubles and disappointments.

This was the rule her mother told her, but as soon as her thoughts were finished, she regretted it when she saw Ella happily nodding her head to admit it. It seemed to have helped Li Mo deepen Ella's feelings for him, pushing some things that were destined to be difficult and difficult to a decisive stage.

"Think about your mother's life. Are you sure you want to follow her old path?" Lu Anru could only try to enlighten her.

Ella answered without thinking: "Now I can understand my parents' feelings. Why should I wait for an impossible person in an empty house? Because the other person brings you too many unique feelings. Others cannot replace it, and it cannot be washed away." "

"Hey," Lu Anru sighed, and his expression turned into a smile: "Then I can only hope that Li Mo understands your intentions, and don't let down my silly girl."

After Ella said 'thank you', she rubbed her arms and whispered, "An Ruru, can you stop smiling like that tonight? It's so scary."

"Oh, okay," Lu Anru agreed, raising her lips normally, and explained: "When I was watching "Ghost Doll" before, my dad always paused it to let my mother finish it, and my mother was very timid. So I finished the pause. , I went back and watched it again, which made me watch it three times, each scene at least ten times. Xiao Ming and I imitated the smiles of the ghost dolls in it, and deliberately made my dad angry. "

"That's it." Ella had an epiphany. No wonder she always felt that Lu Anru's smile was sinister.

"What? You said the bad guys who hurt your two brothers were not spirit monsters, but our candidates?" A question rang out in the corridor.

Lu Anru and Ella exchanged glances and returned to the women's restroom together.

The third Hakka boy extended his injured arm to the two girls from the healing club and allowed them to manipulate him. He was very manly and did not frown.

But a pair of triangular eyes were full of hatred, and he reprimanded: "I can see it absolutely, my two brothers have been attacked by him and his accomplices. If you still don't believe it, you can take a look at my gunshot wounds. Can a body monster cause gunshot wounds?”

The girls from the Healing Society always take good care of the more cooperative wounded, picking up bullets and dropping them to high places where people focus their attention.

The third Hakka boy spoke too hastily, coughing wildly and spitting out a mouthful of blood. The girl from the Fuling sect of the Healing Society saw the problem. The big man must have been fisted and kicked in addition to the gunshot wound, and she gently massaged the corresponding acupuncture points.

The third child of the Hakka family was a little better and said angrily: "A few turtle grandsons also deliberately caught the spirit monsters and controlled the spirit monsters to attack. Don't let me, grandpa, encounter them again. If I encounter them again, I will kill them with a thousand cuts." No."

Ella took a picture of Lu Anru, leaned into her ear and said: "No wonder the data of the spirit monster is abnormal. There are probably a few who are unruly and want to break free from control. I said these people are so dark and want to kill us all. Get the super high reward for the first team to pass.”

It looked like the redhead was discussing with her best friend, but her voice was loud enough for everyone to hear.

There is a reward rule for the exam. If there is only one passing team and it is the first to pass, it can get an excellent + result. If there is a candidate among the defeated candidates who has completed the hidden task, they can inherit the opponent's reward.

Most teachers in the college like to encourage candidates to be united and friendly, but some teachers like to play the opposite tune, such as Zhou, the chief teacher of the fighting club. He was very disdainful of the teaching of kindness and tolerance. He believed that in this era, the weak would be eliminated at least, or lose their lives or dignity at worst. At this point, he demanded that he must join the election of superiors and inferiors.

This perverted rule came from him. The dean and several chief teachers acquiesced to the existence of this rule. Perhaps they also hoped to use this rule to remind students that there are more than just good people in the world. There is no place dedicated to cultivating good people, so you must always pay attention to those around you.

The evidence is conclusive and people have no doubts. But at the same time, people understand that the most difficult thing to face is the calculation between people.

At this moment, two people broke in through the window, their actions were quite indecent, and one of them was carrying a short and thin boy in his hand.

After it landed, it was thrown to the ground by the boy. The boy rolled around twice and finally managed to regain his stability. He stretched his arms to stand up, but the man who caught him stepped back to the ground.

The boy noticed the strange looks around him, raised his head and cursed: "Li Mo, you lackey, do you know whose friend I am? I am a friend of Prince Zhu Miao of Haining! We are brothers, you are nothing more than a guard, how dare you treat me Disrespectful!”

As soon as everyone heard this sentence, anger appeared on their faces. You don't need to ask to know that this person is one of the team members who wants to harm them.

It's just that Zhu Miao is friends with this kind of person, how shameless!

Strange eyes turned from the man lying on the ground shouting to Zhu Miao. Zhu Miao felt uncomfortable staring at him. The most important thing is that when beating a dog, it depends on the owner.

There is no shame in winning by strength. In other words, if Li Mo is lying on the ground and being stepped on by a boy, then Zhu Miao will definitely walk out with her head held high and her chest raised, showing her courage and letting the boy save face and let Li Mo go.

After losing the key point, he still dared to shout at the Xia royal family in public. He was just tired of living.

Zhu Miao took a peek at Ning Guang and found that there was a faint layer of frost on the other person's elegant face.

Without saying much, he stepped forward and kicked the boy hard on the face, scolding: "What are you talking about, you idiot? Who has a good relationship with you?"

In order to show that he is close to the people, Ning Guang regards himself as me. No matter how grand Zhu Miao is in private, he will definitely not dare to call himself this prince in front of Ning Guang.

When the boy heard the familiar voice, he hurriedly wiped his face with his hands, raised his head and said respectfully: "Your Highness Haining, it's me, Meng Fei, Monlouk's younger brother."

Monlouk, one of the top three masters of the Wenzong Prediction School, relied on his outstanding Qimen Dunjia technique to discover the secret passage mechanism in the junior high school entrance examination, and led Zhu Miao to be the first to reach the final teleportation cup.

If Lu Anru hadn't completed all the special tasks and helped many candidates with important tips, he would never have been able to take away the honor of the best candidate from Zhu Miao.

Zhu Miao's expression changed, he added two more legs to Meng Fei's shoulders, and shouted angrily: "Don't think that because your brother is outstanding in liberal arts, people must know you. He belongs to him, and you belong to you. If you want to be famous all over the world, Let’s be as good as your brother first!”

Zhu Miao exerted great force, and Meng Fei screamed in pain.

People found that Zhu Miao's most cruel point was not in these kicks, but in severing family ties.

It can be heard from Zhu Miao's description that he and Monlouk know each other. In fact, he must admit this, after all, many people have seen them cooperate. Although Zhu Miao's study group has a small number of members, Monlouk and his younger brother are all among them.

Zhu Miao rejected Meng Fei's approach with a few words. The implication was that he belonged to his brother and should not be confused.

Meng Fei had recovered from the pain and understood Zhu Miao's position. At this moment, he was not willing to fall out with anyone present.

He didn't have the palace of his brother and was humiliated in public. He couldn't give up. He immediately asked Zhu Miao: "Prince Haining, have you forgotten the promise you made to our brothers? As long as you are in the moonlight for one day, we can follow you sideways for a day." "If others disrespect us, they are disrespecting you."

Throwing naked words in Zhu Miao's face, didn't he want to keep his face in this place? But he didn't want to let him get what he wanted!

Zhu Miao's face was livid, he took the pistol from Li Mo's waist and aimed it at Meng Fei's head.

Meng Fei glanced at the people present and went all out to offend the two princes in one night. Is there anything else he wouldn't dare to do? No!

He kept laughing wildly, moved forward, put his head close to Zhu Miao's hand, and said provocatively: "Come on, hit here. Hit the temples, I'm afraid you are a Cure Society's marksman."

Zhu Miao can take away Li Mo's gun, which means that Li Mo has loosened his control on Meng Fei. Taking Ning Guang's hint, he prepared to watch the tiger fight from a distance.

Zhu Miao pulled the trigger, but at the critical moment, he was kicked away by a pair of white round-toed leather shoes.

Lu Anru glanced sideways at Zhu Miao, who was trying to maintain his momentum, and chuckled softly, "That's almost it. It hurts your feelings after the drama. If I were you, I would at least leave a thin thread so that I can continue to win people's hearts in the future."

"do not understand what you're saying."

Zhu Miao sneered and left with a roll of her sleeves.

Perhaps only relatively innocent girls would be frightened by superficial angry departures. Most people were still clear-headed and booed Zhu Miao to send him away.

Lu Anru squatted down, picked up the gun and gave it to Li Mo, and said considerately: "Don't dirty your hands. Your hands are used to protect your highness. I will take care of it."

Meng Fei licked the broken corner of his mouth with the tip of his tongue, made a hooligan-like ouch, and said sarcastically: "Come on, little girl, I've heard a lot of scandals about you."

He glanced at Zhu Miao specifically, indicating that all the gestures came from Zhu Miao's mouth.

Zhu Miao pretended to walk away, but stopped at the door and gave him a sharp glance.

Lu Anru didn't know whether Mengfei had received the warning, but she saw it clearly.

"Let's make an exchange. I know you won't be able to let me go. Please give me a good time. I'll be a favor to you and tell you a scandalous story later."

Meng Fei whispered tempting conditions.

Lu Anru's smart eyes turned, and he put his hands in front of his ears, like an old lady with a hearing loss, and asked: "What, you are begging me to let you go. Be louder, be more honest, at least beg for help!"

"You bitch," Meng Fei was shot to death before he could finish the sentence.

Lu Anru waved his hand at the body that slowly turned into a light spot, and said goodbye with a sweet smile: "Slow down, I keep my word. You begged me, I must satisfy your needs."

Ella and Zhu Lan were worried about fraud and followed Lu Anru to witness the whole process. Zhu Lan could calm down, but Ella couldn't.

After two fights, there were very few poisonous ivy left, and we could safely pass through quickly.

After a bloody lesson, people carefully selected the aggressive wind-type candidates to use wind sand as a protective shield. Each batch of six people from the Ge, Zhi, and Fa Clubs were sent to the second floor.

When people returned to normal traffic speed, Ella asked her doubts in a low voice: "An Ruru, are you trying to please Zhu Miao?"

The main reason why she couldn't hold her breath was because of this. Based on her understanding of Lu Anru, she felt that it was impossible. There was no other explanation for the problem other than to please.

"No, Zhu Miao can't be of the same mind as us. Sooner or later, he will get on the line with Monlouk and rebel. Monlouk's ambition will cater to his appetite."

Lu Anru opened the powder bag, rummaged through it and closed it in frustration, and asked the red-haired girl next to her: "Did you bring any scented powder?"

An epidemic broke out here tonight, and I was called to do nucleic acid tests tonight. I’ll check back in an hour!

(End of chapter)