Magnificent Years

Chapter 124: Attack up and down


After walking up a few more steps, he stopped again and looked back at the three men outside the crowd.

Ella's long-cherished revenge plan was interrupted twice. She was a little anxious and pulled Lu Anru's arm.

"Let's go, let's talk about it when we come back."

He turned sideways and prepared to say hello to his best friend, asking him not to disturb his best friend's mood. Looking back, he saw the ice cube face of his partner and the noble prince beside him.

He immediately changed his pulling action to cover his mouth, and apologized with a naive smile: "Excuse me, let's chat, just remember to go a little, a little faster." It's too late, I'm afraid Zhu Miao's grandson will run too fast, and they won't end up chasing him in the wrong direction. What a bargain.

Lu Anru raised three fingers and received a nod from Ning Guang. He turned around and picked up the red-haired girl who was looking at her partner and walked upstairs.

On the fourth floor, he let go of the girl and warned: "If the enemy doesn't move, you won't move. Don't expose yourself."

"Be confident and take care of me." Ella patted her proud chest and agreed.

After taking the remaining three people to the window on the fifth floor, Lu Anru pulled April behind him and stood behind the dark gray curtain on the right side of the window.

Make a gesture to Gu Tianzhi, and Gu Tianzhi is clearly hidden in the same position on the right.

The three of them breathed lightly and listened quietly to the movement outside the window.

After waiting for about twenty minutes to half an hour, an electronic flying claw was thrown from below to the edge of the window.

With two clicks, it penetrated into the cracks of the bricks and was fixed, and the sound of conversation could be heard.

A rather unscrupulous eunuch said in a sharp voice: "Prince Haining, please be careful. I will help you up later."

The deeper male voice arranged: "Scarhead, you go first and make sure it's safe when you land."

Scar Tou replied: "There's no need to worry, you're too cautious. They have to pass this window to go upstairs and they won't get there before us."

The deep man yelled and cursed: "You talk a lot of nonsense, go up and do what you should do."

"I know, Lao Meng, you are getting more and more nagging."

The rope trembled and became taut.

Gu Tianzhi looked at the rope and made a cutting gesture towards Lu Anru.

Lu Anru shook his head. There was no point in killing the small shrimps if the big fish didn't take the bait. He asked the short man beside him in April in a low voice: "Do you remember?"

Panic flashed through April's eyes, and she whispered, "Remember, I'm afraid,"

Before he finished speaking about his worries, Lu Anru pressed his shoulder and encouraged him with trust: "Don't be afraid, you can finish it."

"Okay." April agreed.

After waiting for a few more minutes, a man's head popped out of the window. There was a thick and long scar on his forehead, which must have been the nickname.

Lu Anru slid his hand forward slightly and pressed down. Gu Tianzhi nodded slightly.

Feeling April starting to tremble behind her, she wrapped her cold little hands with both hands and whispered in her ear: "Don't be afraid, I will always protect you. Remember momentum is key."

April bit her lower lip hard and responded by holding Lu Anru's hand behind her back to show that she understood.

As soon as Scar's head and feet hit the ground, Gu Tianzhi stepped out from behind the curtain, chopped at his neck with his hand, and then targeted the artery and pressed and twisted it, causing Scar's head to faint.

Lu Anru and April witnessed the classic moves from old martial arts movies of the last century and defeated the enemy with one move.

April was surprised, and Lu Anru also admired Gu Tianzhi's skills. Teacher Gao from the theory class used old martial arts films as an example. He admitted that there was a certain degree of artistic exaggeration in the film’s performance.

It is very difficult to achieve. If the force is light, the opponent will not be unconscious, but if it is strong, it may directly kill the opponent.

Gu Tianzhi dragged Scar Tou to a dark place behind the curtain where no moonlight could be seen, hid him well, and stood back behind the curtain.

The rope shook violently, and Lu Anru knew that the other party was trying to set up a code, so he gently squeezed April's hand.

April licked her dry lips three times in a row, and replied in a rough voice: "It's safe up there. Come up, and leave the ground a little slippery. Grandma, I almost tripped."

The Wenzong Shushu School has a compulsory course of learning various timbres to disguise oneself, and April's grades in this course have always been among the best. She always remembers the key point of this course. To imitate other people's timbre is not only to have the same voice, but also to restore the temperament.

The excellent answer dispelled the concerns of the people below. The second person who came up was Lu Anru, whom they were familiar with, Monlouk.

He was quite cautious. He stepped over the window sill and glanced at the survey instrument. Through the signal light, he found that there were too many life forms in the room.

"Watch out, ah!"

Just as he exclaimed, Gu Tianzhi and Lu Anru took action to deal with it.

Lu An ducked under the window, grabbed his thigh and pulled his whole body into the room. Gu Tianzhi used his same tricks to solve his problem of yelling.

Dragging him and throwing him onto Scarhead, the two returned to their original positions, but a lot of movement clearly alerted Zhu Miao.

Without asking, Lu Anru spent a few seconds quietly, tapping his feet on the ground, then kicked the window sill and gave April a wink.

April imitated Monlouk's voice and yelled 'ouch', and said depressedly: "The ground here is too slippery, there is a layer of corpse oil on it, be careful when you land."

The explanations of 'ouch' and 'the ground is too slippery' revealed problems and were inconsistent with Monlouk's character. April added the word "corpse oil" to Lu Anru's mouth shape prompts.

It is impossible for a cautious man to land rashly and fall.

Unless, he wanted to reach out to check the ground, but his feet slipped.

The reason is still far-fetched, but it is better than his own fall. It depends on whether he can deceive Zhu Miao.

Without any reply, April asked Lu Anru guiltily: Will they find a new way

If there is no enchantment array in the building, if the opponent finds a new way, it will be troublesome to flank them from behind.

Lu Anru patted the back of April's hand, signaling An Xin not to panic.

How could April April be as calm as Lu Anru, forcing herself to calm down, listen carefully to what was going on below, and take action at any time.

She admires senior Sheng Ming very much, and now it seems that the senior's sister is also very powerful. It would be better to learn more from them in the future, and not to mess up like this time, missing Gu Tianzhi's opportunity to save her, and almost putting Lu Anru and her in danger.

"Ask them if they are looking for a new road."

When the new order came, April adjusted her tone and asked in a slightly puzzled tone: "Eh? Where are you people, have you found a new way?"

With Monlouk's character, he would not be too surprised by something, and would analyze it first when encountering strange things.

"Yes, His Highness Haining was worried that our landing would be unstable, so he took me to find another way."

Lu Anru mouthed the answer to April, and April said in Monlouk's voice: "We have searched before, have you found anything new this time?"

After April finished answering, she forgot about the difference in identity and stared at Lu Anru with curious eyes. She remembered that the ghost doll promised Lu Anru to cancel the enchantment formation.

Even if he goes back on his word, he should cause trouble for them, and should not bring bad luck to Zhu Miao who obeyed it.

Lu Anru smiled mischievously and mouthed a name in a simple and meaningful way: Blunt.

The answer is simple. Before the storytelling session, she told Blount something to use light and shadow on the third and fourth floors to create an effect similar to a trance formation.

Prevent the nuisance of the spirit mobs, and secondly, beware of Zhu Miao being suspicious.

"No, please help me up there. Prince Haining and I are coming up." The dog-legged man shouted.

April Ying: "Okay."

Zhu Miao grabbed the rope and finally climbed to the fifth floor window. He stepped on the window sill with one foot, wiped his sweat when he had time, and looked up to see Gu Tianzhi's hateful gaze.

For a moment, fear appeared in his eyes, and the next second it was replaced by ridicule. He asked with a sneer: "You are very lucky, haven't you died yet?"

"Yes, I will save my life and come to settle the score with you." Gu Tianzhi clenched his fist and waved it forward.

Zhu Miao grabbed the rope and swung it, dangerously dodging the blow. The mockery on his face worsened, and he lowered his head and shouted: "Ma Yu, throw the fireball into the window and light the ground with corpse oil."

Ma Yu's orthodox boss was Monlouk, and he hesitated: "Your Highness Haining, isn't this bad? Brother Meng is up there."

"I guess Gu Tianzhi has been sent out a long time ago. Use the fire method quickly, don't put the two of us in a passive situation." After urging, Zhu Miao slid down half a distance, leaving a range for the fireball to be thrown into.

Leaving a pair of eyes to look into the house, waiting for Gu Tianzhi's tragic exit.

However, he saw Gu Tianzhi's expression twisted and ferocious.

A few seconds later, the little girl's mischievous look changed, Gu Tianzhi's lips moved, and the voice of the ghost doll floated around.

"Hehe, you little brother with no ambition, here I come again. You are so brave, you dare to hit me."

When Zhu Miao got closer, he could tell that the sound did not come from Gu Tianzhi's mouth at all, but floated out from behind the curtains.

But he wanted to use the long-range magic system to burn the short-range combat, and calculated it for himself.

The fear that I didn't want to remember again filled my whole body, and my hand slipped a lot without being able to hold it firmly.

An equally anxious shout rang out from below: "Your Highness Haining, please climb up, don't go down. That bitch Ella is at the window on the fourth floor, and my trouser legs were set on fire!"

Zhu Miao yelled a curse word that was seriously inconsistent with his status as a prince: "You don't have eyes! If I can go up, why should I slide down?"

"It's burning me to death. Just do it, okay? There's a possessed person above, so you just have to get over it. Are you afraid that it will become hairy?"

Ma Yu grabbed the rope with one hand and patted his pants wildly with the other hand, eager to put out the flames. He had not yet reached the level of immunity to his own practice spells.

Zhu Miao was persuaded by Ma Yu. She closed her eyes and grabbed the rope to climb up. When she climbed back to her original position, she opened her eyes and saw the cold light of Yincang.

Lu Anru held the sword and pushed forward, forcing it to Zhu Miao's neck. He offered a choice with a sweet smile: "Are you going to jump down by yourself? Or should I send you down?"

Zhu Miao looked at April next to Lu Anru and suddenly realized that she had been tricked. She snorted coldly: "Lu Anru, your family doesn't want to cooperate with Marcia in the new year, right!?"

'Really?' I asked with gritted teeth.

Lu Anru raised his eyebrows and answered what he heard from his father and Brother Mo on New Year's Day: "Why don't you go home and ask your imperial grandfather first if he has heard that Russia has two oil wells that plan to supply the Xia Kingdom. What a coincidence. Ah, my father facilitated the domestic supply and sales of these two lines.”

Appreciating the change in Zhu Miao's face from livid to pale, he suggested thoughtfully: "If I were you, I wouldn't have done anything to leave Ning Guang's team just now. What a bad impression of betrayal. Ning Guang would extend an olive branch to you and agree. You joined the team and you don’t cherish it, you’re so stupid.”

"You! You and your whole family are all old foxes! You do one thing openly but another secretly! Your father is a treacherous villain. Now that he has negotiated a new line, why are you pretending to be old friends with my grandpa Huang!"

The denunciation ends when the rope breaks. Lu Anru's principle is very simple. It's okay to scold her, but it's not allowed to scold the people she cares about.

Furthermore, Emperor Xuantian was in a state of uncertainty, and he asked his father to find a new partner. His father went to Marcia not to discuss cooperation or to insult others, but to remind Grandpa Zhu Miao to pay attention.

Of course, his grandfather would not be as impetuous as him and spread the word about his father's good intentions everywhere. If Zhu Miaozui showed off, Lu Anru's father would be in great danger.

Grandpa Zhu Miao holds the position of lord of the Marsian Islands. He is nearly ninety years old and still holds a high position. It's not that he wants to be rich and powerful, but he just doesn't have a suitable heir.

He has eight princesses and one prince, but none of them are interested in taking charge of hundreds of islands. They find it tedious and tiring.

Now it seems that if the grandson Zhu Miao does not undergo a rigorous test and have the self-discipline to polish off his arrogance, arrogance and other shortcomings, the island owner may have to continue to wait.

Hey, then I wish him a long life. At least having such a tolerant and peace-loving island owner like him is a blessing to the people.

Zhu Miao and Ma Yu fell into the poisonous plants, and soon their bodies turned into light spots and disappeared.

Lu Anru sheathed her sword, and noisy shouts came from the stairs from far to near.

"An Ruru!!! I miss you so much!!!"

The red-haired girl rushed over at a sprint speed of 100 meters and threw herself into Lu Anru's arms. The excessive momentum almost sent the two of them out of the window, thanks to April's quick eyes and hands, which pulled them away.

After stabilizing the two of them, Lu Anru slapped Ella's round butt a few times with his hand, and said, "You're not young anymore, you don't have any sense of stability." If they followed Zhu Miao to the ground and appeared in the transfer room one after another, they would probably He was laughed at by Zhu Miao and his younger brother until graduation.

Ella allowed Lu Anru to slap her a few times, her sullen eyebrows remained unchanged, and she showed off: "You see, I cooperated with you this time to fight up and down, right?"

Lu Anru has always been very clear about rewards and punishments. After the training, he praised: "Great, I will continue to endure humiliation and bear the burden on important matters in the future."

Ella grabbed both sides of Lu Anru's cheeks and pulled her, and laughed: "I know, you are so funny like a little adult."

"Team Leader Lu, be careful!"

A quick reminder sounded, Ella jumped on Lu Anru, and the two of them were pushed out of the window by the person behind them.

April grabbed Lu Anru's hand on the edge of the window and tried to pull her back, but her strength was limited and she burst into tears.

Monlouk held the heavy punch from Gu Tianzhi with one hand, stuck his head out of the window, and smiled happily like a child at his hanging best friends.

"Little sister, I promised you to remove the enchantment formation, but I didn't promise you to use the fear I created to harm others."

The ghost doll is possessed by Monlouk!

Before leaving, Yue Yue and Gu Tianzhi obtained the yellow talisman for Zhou Sheng's own use, which prevented the spirit monster from possessing it.

"Brother Gu, please bring Team Leader Lu up first. She has a better chance of winning." April shouted to Gu Tianzhi.

Gu Tianzhi beat Monlouk unilaterally, but the body controlled by the ghost doll could not feel pain.

"You just learned my voice very well."

Monlouk pinched April's neck with one hand, lifted her weak body up, and suggested with a smile: "Keep learning, if you can learn to be exactly the same before you die, I will let you go."

(End of chapter)