Magnificent Years

Chapter 128: Nightmare


The scary lyrics paired with the ghost doll's ferocious tone made Lu Anru feel a little chilly.

She dared to fight the ghost doll in the examination room because she had someone by her side, and most importantly, there was a tempting reward.

The scene in the dream reappeared, with neither companions nor rewards. She admitted that she was timid under the concept that there was no need to take risks.

I turned around and walked towards the opposite staircase, ran down for two or three minutes, and heard the familiar song again. It was unpleasant and harsh, just like living in a house with poor sound insulation, and someone upstairs was scratching the ground endlessly with a sharp instrument. Repeatedly challenging the limits of what people can endure until they drive them crazy.

When she was trapped in the loop for the fifth time, she gave up on escaping and drew her sword without hesitation and walked towards the source of the singing.

When the door was opened, there was no white smoke-shaped ghost doll in the depths of the room.

The memory automatically jumps to the scene of the movie. There is no doubt that he must be hanging from the ceiling and stabbing upward with a sword.

"Hey, little sister, I stabbed it in the wrong place. I'm here."

The calf felt cold, and the provocative voice of the ghost doll came.

Lu Anru didn't take a serious look, he cut a slit in his sleeve with Yincang, tore off a section and covered his eyes.

Calmly feel the temperature changes all over your body, and follow the cold spots with the sword to thrust out.

"Hey, little sister, your accuracy is so bad."

"It's stuck crookedly again, so stupid."

"Come on, it's a little bit closer this time."

All five stabs are in the air. It is more difficult to stab small spots from a wide range.

Lu Anru was not impatient and slowed down his attack. While feeling the temperature changes, he added additional listening positions and listened patiently to the ghost doll's taunting words.

Just when a cool breeze blew from the right side and the ghost doll scolded her as "so stupid", she turned around and slashed with her sword.

"Ah!" After screaming, the coldness weakened.

Taking off the blindfold, I saw the white smoke-like ghost doll gradually becoming transparent.

But before it disappeared completely, Lu Anru heard a whispering voice in his ear: "Young lady, don't even think about getting rid of me, I will accompany you in all your future dreams."

Layers of cold sweat soaked through Lu An like pure cotton pajamas. She frowned, clenched her fist and slammed it on the bed.

She woke up Xiao Luan who was sleeping next to her pillow. He called her several times but failed to wake her up. He pecked her arm with his small mouth, but she was slapped away.

There was no other way, so he changed back to his human form, held Lu Anru's arm and shook it: "You have a nightmare, wake up quickly."

The slight shaking still did not wake up Lu Anru's consciousness. He could only help Lu Anru up, increase his strength and shake it a few times, and finally saw his sleepy eyes open.

Xiao Luan used her hands to wipe away the fine sweat on Lu Anru's forehead, wiped a few more hands on it, and muttered hesitantly: "There seems to be a black air."

Lu Anru pursed her lips and said tiredly: "It's so sad. It seems that the ghost doll has left behind resentment."

Her throat felt dry and painful as if it had been roasted by fire. She pointed to the water dispenser in the distance and said, "Please give me a cup of warm water."

Xiao Luan always kept the hat's instructions in mind, and acted out the old nanny's attitude that was inconsistent with her appearance: "It's not good to drink Yin and Yang water. Let me pour you a cup of hot water and help you blow on it more. It will get cold in a while."

Lu Anru grabbed his neck with one hand and lowered his voice miserably, making it sound hoarse.

"My throat hurts so much. Let's take care of my throat first. Drinking some water won't make me sick." I was afraid that I would not be able to turn my head around, so I added: "If you are really worried, give me a glass of room-temperature mineral water."

Xiao Luan thought for a moment, walked to the water dispenser, and placed Lu Anru's starry sky mug in the normal temperature water position. After filling more than half a cup, move it to the hot water position and add less than half a cup of hot water.

Maybe in her philosophy, this is relatively healthy.

Lu Anru held the cup with both hands and drank the entire glass of water, the heat slowly returning to his body.

Feeling a little more comfortable, I felt like I needed another glass of hot water to get rid of the cold.

He handed the cup to Xiao Luan and reversed the brainwashing process: "This time, use more scalding water and less room temperature water. We need to balance the balance."

Xiao Luan nodded thoughtfully, obviously being fooled.

While Xiao Luan went to get the water, Lu Anru took out a black brocade box from his bag and opened it upwards. A warm jade Buddha lay in the yellow cloth.

Be superstitious, take out the jade Buddha and put it on.

Putting the powder pack back into the box, I accidentally saw the blue tears of the ghost doll. As she watched, a ghostly light flashed through her tears.

The charming smile of the little ghost girl came to mind, and she shook her head vigorously to get rid of the memory that was engraved in her heart.

Maybe she should listen to Ella's advice. As the saying goes, if you think about it every day and dream about it at night, you should forget about the movie completely.

He took the warm water poured by Xiao Luan, drank it in one go, and put the cup on the bedside table.

His stomach was a little bloated, so he leaned on the upright pillow and unlocked his computer to enter the entertainment chat section of the campus forum.

Select the category of funny short videos and scroll down one by one from the ones with the most likes.

Appreciating the creative display of talented people in literary and general arts, I laughed so much that I fell forward and backward.

Among them was a relatively vulgar but hilarious video, which Lu Anru watched six times.

The video director is Wu Hao, a girl with a relatively strong literary background and Meng Meng participated in the filming.

Meng Meng, who was less than 1.6 meters tall, entered the elevator, followed by the girl, and the elevator door closed.

The girl's strong body blocked Meng Meng, and the perspective switched to shooting from top to bottom, and a very discordant sound was heard: 'Porphyrin~'

Meng Meng covered her nose and scolded with disgust: "It stinks, please show some respect in public."

The girl squinted at Meng Meng fiercely and didn't answer anything.

After a few seconds, Meng Mengdang's smell dissipated and he put down his hand.

As soon as he took a breath of air, he put his hand on his mouth again and asked unbearably: "It stinks so much, what do you eat?"

The stout girl looked at Meng Meng with a accustomed look on her face, raised her thick eyebrows, and asked, "What? You still want the formula after smelling it?"

His stomach ached from laughing so much that Lu Anru's mind was occupied by the funny plot, and he felt that he had almost forgotten the horror movie, so he flattened the pillow again.

Lie back on the bed and cover yourself with the quilt, close your eyes to prepare for sleep, and frantically give yourself hints: Have some interesting dreams.

Drowsily, she felt someone's eyes locked on her. An excited person opened his eyes wide, and the sleepy man who had just gathered everyone ran away.

He glanced sideways at Xiao Luan and said feebly: "You should turn back into a bird and sleep. Don't just stand there in a daze. It's scary."

Xiao Luan answered sternly: "I won't sleep anymore, I'm watching over you. If you have nightmares again, I can wake you up in time."

"Okay," Lu Anru patted the bed on the right side of his body and let the way out: "You sit here and watch, and I will turn to the left side to sleep. Otherwise, if you stare at me, I won't be able to sleep."

"Okay." Xiao Luan agreed happily.

Lu Anru rested his arm on his pillow and thought for a while before feeling sleepy again.

Shen Chen closed her eyes and fell asleep. This time she was in a relatively normal environment in front of the school cafeteria.

Lu Anru walked into the restaurant with his stomach growling a few times.

I want a portion of scrambled eggs with tomatoes and shredded pork with green peppers, and half a portion of rice. Put the plate on the table, mix the vegetables into the rice, and eat it by the spoonful with relish.

After taking five or six bites, I smelled a bit of a bad smell.

Yes, a few strands, coming from all directions.

Lu An subconsciously acted like Meng Meng in the elevator, covering his mouth and complaining: "It's almost enough to eat in the restaurant. There is a toilet on the right turn of the corridor outside. Let's sort it out before eating."

"Hey, let me tell you the recipe, little sister. It's tomato-egg fermented flavor."

The classmates who were eating all around turned to face her, but their faces changed into those of a ghost doll, as pale as paper, and their pupilless eyes stared straight at her.

A mouthful of green pepper stuck in his throat, causing Lu Anru to cough.

The cough lasted for several minutes until her stomach began to ache, and a few mouthfuls of blood spurted out of her mouth. The two pools of blood on the ground clearly showed the approaching faces. The bottom of the dark abyss.

Lu Anru suddenly woke up and raised his hands on top of his head. He felt as if he was struggling to escape from drowning, and his whole body felt extremely uncomfortable.

I turned on the computer to see the time, which was four-thirty in the middle of the night.

No longer sleepy, I stayed up till morning, finished my breakfast like a wandering soul, and used the excuse of being too tired from the exam to hide back in the house.

Turn on all the lights and open the curtains to let the sun shine into the house and onto the bed.

Lu Anru was lying in a sunny position, wanting to sleep but fearing nightmares. After struggling for half an hour, he used his computer to dial the video for his best friend.

Ella wears a pure black paste mask on her face. She is obsessed with the belief that seaweed cannot see the sun and its extract can fully whiten her skin.

Ella took off two eye masks and looked intently at her best friend on the opposite side of the video. She had a pitiful look on her face that lacked love and sleep, and she screamed exaggeratedly.

"Oh my god, I remember you got all A's in the exam. Is it possible that you were scolded for doing so well?"

"Hey, it's worse than being scolded." Lu Anru lamented.

Ella contacted herself and got an excellent +. Her mother praised her for most of the day, and she couldn't help but feel aggrieved for her best friend.

"It's unreasonable. An Ruru doesn't feel uncomfortable."

After thinking about it, I realized something was contrary to common sense and asked, "Are you kidding me? Aunt Lu obviously doesn't care about grades. She just wants you and the seniors to have a happy life every day. Tell me, what's bothering you?" ah?"

"I was haunted by the resentment of the ghost doll, and I had two nightmares in a row. The specific things are very outrageous, please listen to me tell you."

After Lu Anru sadly told the nightmare plot, his best friend burst into laughter.

"Haha, the ghost doll is so funny. It combines current events to create dreams for you. Haha, it smells like fermented eggs. Haha, it made me laugh so hard."

Lu Anru slapped the bed twice and scolded her best friend: "I asked you to help me find a solution, not to make fun of me."

"Okay, think of a way, hahaha." Ella laughed so much that she didn't need to take off the mask, it bounced everywhere.

While wiping the bed with a tissue, he suppressed a smile and asked, "Can you control yourself in the dream?"

"Well, yes, can't you?" Lu Anru replied blurtly.

Ella blinked in surprise and also blurted out: "Of course not!"

Lu Anru corrected impatiently for the third time: "Say something useful."

"Oh, I mean, since you can control your dreams, just wake yourself up as soon as you dream about the ghost doll." Ella suggested innocently.

Lu Anru closed his eyes heavily and said in anguish, "Sister, if I have a dream, I wake myself up every time, and I don't have to sleep anymore."

"That's right. What should we do?" Ella bit her finger in confusion and suggested based on the reliable methods she had heard to ward off evil spirits: "Why don't you put a few more bunches of garlic on the bedside? Zhou Sheng and the others said it can ward off evil spirits."

"After the movie has fooled the audience with this idea, let's use it to fool Zhu Miao again. It can't be useful." Lu Anru felt a deep sense of powerlessness and had found the wrong person to discuss with.

Ella saw her best friend's disappointment and actively promoted it: "Maybe it will work. The movie should be shot based on ancient records. If you shoot randomly, you will be criticized."

"You get busy, I'm going to catch up on my sleep." Lu Anru hung up the video and lost his mind to endless nonsense.

Lying on a bed bathed in sunshine, the sun is neither dry nor hot in winter, making you warm and comfortable.

The third time she fell asleep, in her dream she appeared in the house where the ghost doll had left. Exhausted, she gave up the struggle and let the ghost doll torment her, leaning against the wall and staring in confusion.

The dream with constant thrilling plots lasted for four hours, and I woke up at lunch time.

Looking at the bright yellow tomatoes and scrambled eggs on the table, Lu Anru's stomach churned and he ran to the bathroom.

Retching, an extra hand came out of his back and patted her back gently.

Feeling a little more comfortable, he took the paper towel Sheng Ming had drawn, wiped his mouth, and asked for experience: "Xiao Ming, how do you overcome the sequelae of the scary scene exam?"

"Sequelae of the horror scene exam?" Sheng Ming heard this new word for the first time.

Lu Anru nodded seriously: "Yes, how do you deal with nightmares after a scary scene after taking an exam?"

"I haven't encountered it before."

This sentence made Lu Anru speechless, and he sighed: "Hey, it's bad luck."

The next second, the whole person was hugged tightly in a warm embrace. Sheng Ming pressed her cold face against her, and her clear voice floated in her ears.

"In the exam scene, the school system is protecting you and will not endanger your life. When you go on a mission, you will need to face real monsters. They are cruel and murderous. If you don't kill them, they will plunder them. When you experience the real boundary between life and death, you will gradually understand that only when you are fearless can you have the basic elements to defeat death."

The words were like thunder, and Lu Anru said with a heavy 'hmm': "I know, I will find a way to overcome it myself."

"You need to participate in real tasks next semester. You still have a chance to regret it now. Think about it carefully during the winter vacation." Sheng Ming tried to save Lu Anru's face, "Graduating with the first grade in middle C last semester is very good."

"I want to continue reading." Sheng Ming was right. If she couldn't deal with the psychological problems left over from the exam, she wouldn't be able to participate in real tasks in the future.

He made a big cross with his hands and said firmly: "Many alien creatures are eyeing the earth's resources, and countries on the earth are always having internal strife. As you said, there are many dangers around us, and I don't want to be just a worm."

"Don't make a decision in a hurry. Let's go and eat first." Sheng Ming held Lu An Ruhao's wrist.

Sitting back at the dining table, Lu Anru picked up the western red scrambled eggs and put them into his mouth, holding back his nausea and finishing the meal.

In the afternoon, I completed the daily training required by the fighting club in the open space in the backyard, and returned to the room at around four o'clock, covered in sweat.

After rinsing, I lay on the bed, touched the purple-skinned garlic specially placed on the bedside table, and told myself: I won’t have nightmares, and don’t be afraid if I do. Just exercise your courage and fight back to kill the ghost doll.

Under the strong psychological suggestion, Lu Anru could barely sleep five or six times a day intermittently, no more than two hours each time.

(End of chapter)