Magnificent Years

Chapter 131: Life and death matter


When Aunt Cui said this, she rubbed her face with her dark hands and wiped away the sad tears from the corners of her eyes.

"The old man and I may have offended the peach tree spirit. We watered and fertilized her every day, and prayed that she would let the little granddaughter go. But it has been many days, and the little granddaughter's condition has not improved."

Mother Lu took out wet wipes from her bag, handed one to Aunt Cui, and advised: "The flu has been raging recently. Look, my mother has also been infected. Don't think too much. You will get better in a while."

"No, my little granddaughter and my elder sister are in different situations. My little granddaughter looks out the window of her house every night and talks to herself, and she even calls out to the air about Sister Hua."

"Then he might be really possessed." After Lu Anru said this, Lu's mother looked at her lightly. She knew she had made a mistake and kept her mouth shut silently.

She had heard that many things could ward off disasters for their owners if they stayed with them for a long time.

This peach tree spirit repaid his kindness once and was abandoned, so he must retaliate

How strange that for revenge, he would choose the distant granddaughter instead of the two old men.

"Aunt Cui, things are not that complicated. Children and the elderly have weak resistance. If you take more good care of them, they will get better gradually." The mother's gentle voice was like the spring breeze, blowing away some of the worries accumulated by Aunt Cui for many days.

Aunt Cui stared at her mother with doubtful eyes for a moment, her wavering mood was shaken by the firmness in her beautiful almond eyes, and she said convincingly: "Okay, I'm too anxious to just think about it here, and it will waste your and Xiao Anru's time."

The aunt's guilty look made Lu's mother, who had probably guessed the truth, feel unbearable. She held Lu Anru's hand and said softly: "After dinner, I will accompany Anru to your house to find out if the reason is related to the peach tree." ā€

"Okay, thank you, mother and daughter." Aunt Cui clapped her thighs excitedly and racked her brains to praise Lu Anru: "I heard that Anru and Xiaoming study in a very powerful school. They must deal with such strange things. The master can catch him."

Lu Anru twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled dryly. Yuexiang's popularity was not low in the hearts of rural aunts, but it seemed that his positioning was a bit biased.

After thinking about it, her situation was settled, at least she wasn't arranged to go on a blind date. My aunt's child is small, has no outstanding talents and failed the college entrance examination, so she spent money to buy a three-year college.

The only request her aunt made to her was to get married early and have children early. She always kept saying that if you don't rush into studying, at least rush into your marriage life.

I met Xiaoqiao during the holiday last year. Xiaoqiao secretly complained to Lu Anru that she had learned online media, and her relatives back home thought she was engaging in online pyramid schemes. In particular, she persuaded her relatives to download a new useful APP, but they all avoided her, believing that she was setting up a trap to defraud money.

Alas, there is an unbridgeable generation gap.

Aunt Cui's loud voice woke up grandma. The old man put on a big cotton-padded jacket and walked out of the bedroom. When he saw Mother Lu, he happily called: "Xiao Bing, An Ru."

Lu Anru has missed her grandma very much since her dream yesterday, and now she can't control herself when she sees her grandma. Pushing away Aunt Cui's flattering hand, she stood up and ran towards the old man.

The old man opened his arms halfway, dropped his hands, turned his back to Lu Anru, and rejected the affection in a hoarse voice: "Grandma has a cold. Stay away from grandma, so as not to infect you."

"It's okay, I have strong resistance."

Lu Anru hugged the old man from behind, and the warm heat came from the little girl, and the old man softened his heart. He turned around and hugged Lu Anru, kissed her little face, then pushed her away and backed away to keep her distance.

No matter how his pretty face put on a pitiful expression, the old man stuck to his principle and even said: "If Xiao Anru comes near me again, I will go back and put on the mask."

Originally, the old man's throat was so uncomfortable that he could no longer be allowed to wear a mask at home. Lu Anru had no choice but to keep his distance from the old man.

In the afternoon, I told the old man interesting things about school at the top of my lungs and told stories about the girls in the same dormitory. I was full of energy and not sleepy at all.

Grandma drank her mother's white fungus and snow pear porridge and listened to Lu Anru's campus life with a smile in her eyes.

When he heard about Yun Fengmeng's incident, he smiled and solemnly declared his principle: "An Ru is not allowed to imitate her. Girls must know how to respect themselves."

The older generation's thoughts came to light, and Lu Anru said obediently: "Well, Anru knows."

The old man's words came to him, but she did not object to getting along with Yun Fengmeng. Everyone has their own three views. Yun Fengmeng has never hurt anyone, and never interferes in other people's feelings. Instead, he is mostly in the position of a giver, but his views on feelings are a little unique. There is no need to exclude such friends.

Aunt Cui glanced at the watch and the window from time to time, hoping that the night would fall soon. She started cooking dinner at around four o'clock, and as a token of gratitude, she asked her old man to catch a chicken that had grown up eating grasshoppers from home and bring it to her.

The local chicken is more delicious than the broiler chicken raised in the city supermarket. Lu Anru tore off two braised chicken legs and ate them all without any meat left, and emptied two bowls of multigrain rice with refreshing pickled vegetables.

I'm full and ready to work in the evening.

"Auntie, please go home and wait for us. An Ru and I will pack our things and go over."

Seeing that Aunt Cui was reluctant to leave, Mother Lu gave Lu Anru a wink, and Lu Anru said smartly: "I have to look through the book to find some countermeasures."

Aunt Cui said "uh" and left with surprise.

From that simple face, it is easy to see that the aunt is a little depressed, and her confidence in the girl who needs to read a book temporarily has been greatly reduced.

Lu's mother pulled Lu Anru into her room and warned: "No matter what you see or hear at night, don't mention the peach tree spirit."

Lu Anru rolled his eyes and agreed obediently: "Mom, I understand."

If she asked about the specific situation immediately, her mother would most likely let her stay at home. Go to the scene first and observe many things in person.

He took Yincang out of the powder bag and was pushed back into the bag by his mother.

Lu Anru looked at his mother in confusion and met her mother's indifferent eyes. Her mother said softly: "It is easy to draw a sword to end a life, but it is difficult for us to make the right choice."

With a half-understood 'hmm' sound, he followed his mother out.

Walking through the country road, we came to Aunt Cui's house.

The peach tree that bothers the aunt and uncle is nearly ten meters high, with thick branches extending from the inside of the courtyard to the outside. You can imagine what it was like here on a day when the peach blossoms were in full bloom.

It must be true that the grass is green and dyed in the rain, and the peach blossoms beside the house are red.

"What a shame it would be to remove."

On the way, we passed by the house of Old Zhao, the instigator of strange things. His house was magnificently decorated with yellow bricks and tiles, and two words were displayed from top to bottom: local tycoon.

No wonder they are willing to spend a lot of money to buy trees, but the rich are rich, and the soil is really soil.

If you move this peach tree over, to put it inappropriately, it would be comparable to forcing a young lady to marry into a local village hegemon's family, or a lady who is seriously ill.

There was also pity in the mother's eyes. She took Lu Anru's little hand and walked to the large iron door against theft, knocking three times.

Aunt Cui's wife opened the door and welcomed the two of them in with a smile.

Old man Cui led the mother and daughter to stop under the peach tree. He seemed to raise his hand and point to the peach tree to introduce something, but his expression suddenly changed.

The hands that were raised in the air were replaced by a clasping movement, and he prayed devoutly, saying: "Don't blame me for being rude."

Lu Anru believes that every living thing has its own magnetic field, taking the ten-thousand-year-old tool baby and the little female ghost as an example. Wherever it is, the temperature is at least ten degrees lower than elsewhere, and people who approach it will unconsciously feel fearful.

Standing around the old peach tree, Lu Anru felt no fear. On the contrary, he only felt a great sense of desolation.

My hand accidentally touched the tree trunk, and a sobbing voice appeared in my mind: "Please help her."

Who is it? Lu Anru was at a loss.

There was no chance to listen any more, so Old Man Cui forced his hand away from the tree trunk.

With a big mouth full of yellow teeth, he yelled at her: "You stinky kid, don't touch it. It will disturb the Peach Tree Spirit. Can you take the responsibility?"

The old man was breathing heavily, and his unpleasant words were suppressed by Aunt Cui's wink.

The old man didn't move, he grabbed Lu Anru's hand and dragged her to bow to the peach tree.

Lu Anru withdrew his hand, pressed his swollen temples, squinted at the fussy old man, stood back behind Lu's mother, and laughed loudly in his heart: If he had been kinder to the peach tree, there would have been no more trouble. He was only interested in profit.

Aunt Cui saw Lu Anru's displeasure, pushed Old Man Cui back to the sleeping room, and locked the door to prevent him from coming out to cause trouble.

He led Lu's mother and Lu Anru to the big guest room, invited them to sit on the artificial leather sofa that supported the front of the house, poured tea and put it in their hands.

Then he pushed the candy box filled with foreign chocolates next to Lu Anru's tea cup and said enthusiastically: "My little granddaughter especially loves this candy-centered chocolate, Anru, try it."

Aunt Cui adheres to the concept that children have similar tastes and promotes food.

Lu Anru was very vindictive, and he glanced quickly with disgust in his eyes, and refused with a sweet mouth: "Thank you, ma'am, I don't like sweet snacks."

It's hard to express your emotions too directly when your mother is here.

Aunt Cui didn't notice Lu Anru's evil intentions. She really thought she hated sweets and quickly took away the candy box.

He opened the lid of the fruit plate, placed the oranges in front of her cup, and introduced them enthusiastically: "Try the sugar oranges we grew ourselves. They have just the right sour, sweet and sour taste."

Lu Anru blinked his deer-like eyes innocently, opened his mouth slightly, pointed under his tongue, and said pitifully: "I really like to eat sugar oranges, but unfortunately I got angry recently and my mouth ulcers hurt."

Her mouth was half-opened and her speech was slurred. Aunt Cui was deceived by her superb acting skills again.

He pushed Sugar Orange aside, took out a banana from the fruit bowl and handed it over, "Here, eat the banana."

This time Lu Anru took it obediently and said with a grateful voice: "Okay, thank you, auntie, I love bananas."

Just accept it when it's good and don't make it difficult for your mother.

Seeing that she had been dealt with, Aunt Cui asked Mother Lu straight to the point: "Xiao Bing, is my granddaughter's illness related to the peach tree?"


Lu Anru almost choked with her mother's definite answer. Her mother had warned her not to mention peach trees at home. Could it be that some of the words she said through her mouth were not convincing

Also, for a little girl who has just grown up, people's judgment is easily limited by her age, thus questioning her strength.

Aunt Cui glanced around in panic. When she saw the peach tree in the courtyard, her eyes were full of anger and she asked urgently: "What should I do? Cut it down or move it away?"

"No!" Lu Anru objected.

He buried his head under his mother's warning gaze and continued to peel the banana and eat it.

Aunt Cui looked at Lu Anru suspiciously, then at Lu's mother, waiting for Lu's mother to explain.

"Auntie, do you believe in good fortune?" Mother Lu asked in a calm voice.

Aunt Cui's mind worked quickly and she understood the deep meaning of her words. She nodded and said, "I know that the old man and I made a mistake. We should not give away peach trees for small favors or favors. But it is our fault, so what's the blame?" Let's take care of it, don't bother the child."

Lu's mother pointed it out directly: "You see, you use blame to describe this matter, which proves that you have resentment in your heart."

"Yes, my mind is twisted. I swear to God, from now on, the old man and I will treat it sincerely, not out of fear."

After receiving a sincere promise, Mother Lu took out a can of white capsule medicine from her pocket, put it on the table, and said softly: "My mother had a headache and cerebral fever before. After taking the medicine I sent, it will be ready within three days. You Iā€™m always curious about what medicine is so miraculous.ā€

Mother Lu pointed the bottle forward with two fingers, pushed the medicine to Aunt Cui's hand, and introduced: "This is a special medicine developed by my husband's friend. You can give your granddaughter one pill in the morning and one pill every day. I guarantee that the symptoms will clear up within two days." ā€

"Thank you, Xiaobing." Aunt Cui put the medicine bottle in her pocket like a baby and muttered to herself, "I'll call my son tonight and ask him to pick it up."

"Well, let my daughter-in-law find someone to repair the windows at home during the day tomorrow. The constant draft will aggravate the child's condition."

After Mother Lu finished explaining, Aunt Cui opened her mouth wide with disbelief on her face and exclaimed: "Xiao Bing, you and An Ru are really gods. I have never told outsiders about the ventilation in the windows of my son's house. You guys actually Know."

Mother Lu smiled and said nothing.

Aunt Cui made a bold guess and asked Lu Anru: "Did the peach tree spirit tell you?" It was only possible that Lu Anru knew about it because she touched the tree just now.

Lu An just smiled and didn't answer, just like his mother.

To express her gratitude, Aunt Cui put the home-grown eggs into a basket and gave it to Lu Anru, forcing her to carry it.

Lu Anru pushed back pretendingly, said a few polite words, and then lifted the eggs along with the compliment. The medicine her mother was researching was expensive but not commercially available, but she was curious, could this problem be solved by taking medicine

On the way back, she asked her mother, but her mother still used words similar to those she had warned her at home to tell her to stay out of her own business.

He just paused at the corner of the intersection, looked back and took a deep look at the peach tree, and said sadly: "The child's disease can be cured, but the old peach tree may not be saved. Hey, life and death are determined by fate."

Lu Anru knew that whoever her mother saved would not be treated differently based on race. She concluded that there might be nothing she could do to save her, so she hoped that Aunt Cui and Old Man Cui could treat Taoshu kindly in his last days.

After running around all day, I went back to my grandma's house and took a shower. I didn't need to wait for sleep. I lay down on the bed and fell asleep instantly.

In the dream, as soon as the person landed on the ground, a pale face appeared in front of his eyes.

Lu Anru's heart skipped three beats, she closed her eyes helplessly to calm down, opened her eyes and accused, "You have some moral integrity as a ghost, okay? At least the atmosphere is in place before you show up."

The ghost doll put its disembodied little hand on Lu Anru's pocket and made a touching gesture, "Doudou is so flat. Where are the books you promised to bring me?"

"What book?" Lu Anru was confused, not remembering that he had left a promise to the little ghost girl.

When the little female ghost's pale face swelled to the size of her body, and she could open her mouth to swallow her at any time, she suddenly remembered her casual words.

(End of chapter)