Magnificent Years

Chapter 135: wreath


I ran to the first floor and saw my mother and grandmother sitting outside in the yard basking in the sun. Cucumber and several puppies were lying beside them. Xiao Luan was sitting in the living room watching TV carefully.

The only person I was looking for was missing, Aunt Cui.

Lu Anru called out: "Grandma."

The old man followed the call and waved to her happily: "An Ru is awake. You like to eat this creamy melon seeds. Your mother and I have nothing to do and helped you knock out half a bowl. You can come and eat."

"Thank you grandma."

Lu Anru walked towards the yard and looked around. She was so preoccupied with finding someone that she didn't pay attention to her steps, and kicked a wooden stool, causing her to jump in pain.

Lu's mother put down the work of helping her grandma wash the vegetables, quickly ran to Lu Anru, held her arm, and asked worriedly: "Did you hurt your foot?"

"Mom, I'm fine."

Lu Anru rubbed the two toes he touched, made sure the bones were fine, stepped back to the ground, and took two steps under Lu's mother's concerned gaze.

Only then did Lu's mother let go of her hand, and said more words of encouragement: "Walking and watching the road."


Lu Anru rushed to the yard and looked around, but still couldn't see Aunt Cui.

"Anru, come sit down and tell grandma what you want to eat for lunch, and grandma will cook it for you."

The old man took the absent-minded girl by the hand and stuffed her with an apple.

Lu Anru put the apple into his pocket, squatted down and asked the old man: "Grandma, where is Aunt Cui?"

"Her little granddaughter just caught a cold, and blisters appeared on her body, which made Xiao Cui worried. In the morning, she received a call from her son, saying that she and her daughter-in-law had taken too many days off recently, and the boss had a big objection, and he hoped that she and her husband would come and help take care of her. Have a baby."

Grandma saw the anxiety in Lu Anru's eyes and mistakenly thought that she was thinking about asking for leave. She explained: "I'm almost recovered from my illness, so I don't need Xiao Cui to take care of me all the time. Besides, you and your mother come over, we have three grandchildren." Being intimate makes it awkward when outsiders are around.”

"Grandma, do you know Aunt Cui's phone number?" Lu Anru touched his body, but found neither the powder bag belt nor the computer, which were all left on the bedside table.

Grandma put on her reading glasses, took out the senior phone her mother bought, flipped through the phone book and asked, "What do you want to see her for?"

"It's a very important thing, please wait for me."

Lu Anru rushed back to the house in three steps and two steps, put her powder bag and computer on her back, rushed downstairs and ran back to the yard.

"Can you please transfer the number to my computer?"

Lu Anru put the computer in her grandmother's hand, closed her eyes and gasped for air. The intense exercise made her heart beat faster and her brain swell.

"I'll do it, your grandma won't mess with this."

The mother worked with both hands, poured out the information in a few seconds, and handed the computer back to her: "Okay, take a look."

Lu Anru took the microcomputer and dialed the number displayed on the page. The beeps kept repeating and no one answered for a long time.

I called four times but got no answer. I felt bad. Could it be that Xiaobai also took action against Aunt Cui and Uncle Cui

If Aunt Cui and his wife were really tricked, Lu Anru would be a little happy to see it happen if he stayed out of it. According to Xiaobai's past methods, at most two people would be sick and frightened, so he should teach them a lesson.

The key is that she was in the middle of the matter, so she agreed to the peach tree spirit and secretly said: "Trouble."

She turned around and put on her cute, good-natured look and asked her grandma, "I can't get through. Do you have her son's phone number?"

It doesn’t make much difference who you tell someone something outrageous. It’s just a waste of time to think of a way to do it. The key is to contact the person first.

"Yes, little Anru, don't worry, wait for me to look for it." Grandma held on to her reading glasses.

Her pretty little face suddenly collapsed. Of course she was anxious. She was so anxious that she stabbed herself in her dream.

Mother Lu noticed the change in her expression carefully, took her grandmother's mobile phone, and said softly: "Mom, let me find it. What name do you have?"

"It seems to be Cui'er."

Lu's mother found the call and dialed it directly. She handed the old man's phone to Lu Anru, "Let's talk about it this way."


Lu Anru took the phone from the old man, smiled at his mother and grandma, made a gesture to leave the house, and said, "There is no shelter in the yard to bask in the sun. I will go to the door to do it. There is a grape trellis there."

"Get some sunshine in early spring to replenish calcium."

Grandma's kind persuasion was stopped by Lu's mother. Lu's mother raised her chin towards her and said, "Go and fight. Remember what mother told you, choice is important."

"I know." Lu Anru responded casually, not listening carefully to what his mother said when a man's voice came from the phone.

"Hello, Auntie, I'm Xiao Cui. Hello? Auntie, can you hear me?"

"Yes, please wait a few seconds. I have something to tell you."

Lu Anru responded and quickened his pace.

A man asked in a bad tone on the phone: "Who are you? How did you get someone else's phone number?"

"If you pick it up accidentally, return it to someone as soon as possible. This computer can't be sold for much money, but the old man is using it."

"Hello? You talk!"

After walking out of the yard, Lu Anru leaned against the outer brick wall and replied in a low voice: "I am the granddaughter of the owner of this old machine. My name is Lu Anru. I just came to visit my grandma a few days ago. If you don't believe me, you can ask Aunt Cui."

Revealing her identity once and for all saves time on pointless interrogations. Judging from the man's persuasion to return the phone, it seems that the other party is quite fair-minded.

There was an inquiring conversation on the other end of the phone. The mother and son confirmed the details and time. Perhaps Aunt Cui was still not very reassured and asked her son to turn on the speakerphone.

"Is something wrong with your grandma? My mother is next to me. Please tell me if you have anything."

Lu Anru took two deep breaths, lowered his voice, and said in a deep voice: "You may find it incredible what I'm going to tell you next, or you may think I'm crazy. However, I'm just a messenger. It's up to you to decide whether you want to hear it or not. "

First, give the other party a show of strength. The so-called "nothing to do with them" creates a feeling from the beginning that she is impatient and that they need to bear the consequences of their next words and decisions.

Lu Anru was betting that because of her grandmother's supreme status in Aunt Cui's heart, Aunt Cui knew that she was studying in Yuexiang.

A full minute passed before the man responded slowly: "Just tell me."

"Well, there is an old peach tree in the yard of your mother's house. She is the patron saint of several miles around. Only by virtue of your ancestors can you keep her in the yard, but you have been disrespectful to her time and time again, which made her very angry. She asked me Help convey a word."

The old couple of the Cui family were scared and scared of the peach tree spirit deep down in their hearts, and there was no need for her to overturn this. Main fear is far more effective than sympathy and makes people choose to obey from the bottom of their hearts.

"A tree is a patron saint?" the man asked in shock.

The next second, before Lu Anru could answer, a crisp slap came from the other end of the phone, and Aunt Cui and her wife scolded her at the same time.

"Be careful what you say."

"Concentrate on driving and stop talking."

Even over the phone, Lu Anru could tell that the slap hurt wherever it hit.

The man pressed the car horn to express his depression. Aunt Cui took away his computer and said in a coaxing tone: "An Ru, I am Aunt Cui. What did the peach tree spirit tell you?"

Lu Anru reminded coldly: "Watch your words."

Aunt Cui asked the little girl to stop, her face was slightly ugly, and she looked at her husband, who made a 'let's talk after asking' gesture.

Aunt Cui nodded, and then thought about how Lu Anru had a normal attitude towards her these days, but when he spoke, he sounded like a little girl, which was completely different from the deep voice at the moment.

Even if he is disguising his voice, his aura is really depressing. The aura does not look like a disguise, but more like being possessed by something.

Peach tree spirit? Derived from the point, his thoughts opened up, and he said respectfully with a correct attitude: "May I ask what the patron saint wants you to convey?"

You almost blurted it out, fearing to offend the peach tree spirit and cause more disasters.

"You are no longer worthy of the protection of the patron saint. When you return home, remove all the potted plants and give them to good people. In the past six months, you are not allowed to open the windows for more than half an hour every day. If the patron saint discovers that you have violated her punishment, you and your children will be Our descendants will never be able to escape the pain.”

Lu Anru finished speaking in a transcendent and ethereal voice and hung up the phone. Not giving Mrs. Cui time to ask questions is tantamount to giving an irresistible death order.

She didn't turn off her grandma's elderly phone because Aunt Cui didn't have the guts to call back and question her.

However, to be on the safe side and avoid disturbing her grandma, Lu Anru went back and sat next to her grandma, eating melon seeds, chatting with the old man, and keeping an eye on the elderly machine.

The chatting time flew by quickly, and it was noon before I knew it.

After eating lunch full of dishes she ordered, she helped Xiao Luan to finish washing the dishes.

I put my training to the back in the afternoon and went straight back to the bedroom to lie down on the bed and sleep.

Entering the dreamland, the ghost doll's thoughts were focused on the peach tree spirit and had no interest in scaring her. The scene remained the same, still the Cui family yard.

Looking into the courtyard from the entrance, a ghost doll floats at the door of the master bedroom, looking sadly at something underneath it. It seems that her words had a profound impact on the little female ghost. The little female ghost did not dare to approach the peach tree for fear of freezing her favorite sister Peach Tree.

Lu Anru walked up to the ghost doll and asked bluntly: "Isn't the peach tree spirit out yet?"

"A few minutes after she came out, she left the wreath for me and went back to the tree. She even apologized to me, saying that she only had enough strength to weave a wreath, and she had broken her promise."

Lu Anru placed his finger on the ghost doll's drooping forehead and warned sternly: "Don't cry. The peach tree spirit uses its soul to enter dreams. If you hurt her again, you know what the consequences will be."

"Well, I won't cry." The ghost doll pursed his lips, trying his best to suppress the desire to cry.

Kuang Gai suppressed the discomfort in his heart, looked at the wreath on the ground, and made a poor request: "Please help me put it on, only you can touch me."

"Garland and you are not the same material. Just because I can touch you doesn't mean I can transform Garland into a spiritual state. Don't get your hopes too high."

Lu Anru leaned over to pick up the wreath and put it on the ghost doll's head. The wreath passed through the smoke-shaped body and fell straight to the ground, knocking off two pink peach blossoms.

The ghost doll looked at the second gift he had received since his birth, a gift that still could not be kept properly. All kinds of sorrow and sadness came to my heart. I closed my eyes and tightened my mouth. I couldn't do anything except try to stop the urge to cry again.

"By the way, I have an idea. What is your full name?" Lu Anruguang knew the ghost doll's nickname.

"I don't have my full name. My mother died young. She left when I was a baby."

The little female ghost turned her back, wanting to imitate humans and put her head against the wall, seeking temporary support, but her head passed through the wall, and her little desire failed.


After Lu Anru finished answering each word, he found a wooden stick and drew a circle on the ground, leaving an exit in the direction of the ghost doll, and wrote in the circle: The ghost doll around me.

The ghost doll felt very uncomfortable and was not in the mood to see what Lu Anru was doing, but the smell of burning things entered his nose.

Turning around and seeing a shocking scene, Lu Anru threw the garland into the fire.

"You vicious bad woman!"

The ghost doll roared and rushed towards the fire, trying to put out the fire with its body.

However, the wind brought by its rapid movement only increased the intensity of the fire, and by the time it arrived, not much of the garland was left burned.

Watching the last bit of pink in the peach blossom turn into ashes, he turned to Lu Anru angrily and shouted: "I'm going to kill you!"

"Calm down." Lu Anru squatted on the spot without any rush or dodge, raised his finger and pointed upward, and said softly: "Touch the top of your head."

"I won't be deceived by you again!" The ghost doll grew bigger and opened its bloody mouth towards Lu Anru.

While wandering, two things fell to the ground, a garland and a book.

The ghost doll stood still in disbelief. Was the garland not burned out? Is it Lu Anru's blinding trick

He hesitated to touch it with his hand, but he didn't see the expected hand passing through the garland. The touch of the delicate and soft petals spread from his fingertips to his brain, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "I can touch it, it's so magical."

"Not only can you touch it, but you can also wear it. Try it on yourself." Lu Anru breathed a sigh of relief, quietly took back the Yincang, and removed the pretense of indifference on his face.

"Wow, just like Sister Taoshu said, I look equally beautiful wearing a garland." The ghost doll floated in front of the master bedroom window, looking at itself through the glass refraction.

Lu Anru sighed in his heart: Oh my god, even ghosts love beauty.

He stood up and walked to the thing left by the ghost doll, pretending to be difficult and asked: "You don't want the book anymore, do you? I took it back."


The ghost doll scurried to Lu Anru's feet, picked up "The Art of War by Sun Tzu" and hugged it carefully, and politely said to Lu Anru for the first time: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, just play by yourself at the door of the house. I'll go have a few words with the Peach Tree Spirit."

After Lu Anru finished explaining, he walked to the peach tree, touched the trunk with his palms, closed his eyes and said loudly: "I conveyed your instructions to Aunt Cui, they will take it seriously, you can rest assured and cultivate."

If you want to ask why she has to speak at the top of her voice in a place where there is only one person, one spirit, and one spirit, she is afraid that the peach tree spirit is too weak to hear.

The warm breeze floated up, and after receiving mutual acquiescence, Lu Anru entered the side house and lay down on the bed to prepare for a formal rest.

Just a few seconds after closing his eyes, the temperature around him dropped sharply, and he didn't need to open his eyes to know who was coming.

"What are you doing?" Lu Anru asked with a tone colder than a ghost doll. He had no free time every day.

"Why is there only the first volume of the book? Where's the second volume?" There was a bit of disappointment and grievance in the ghost doll's voice.

Lu Anru didn't even close his eyelids, and answered as he should: "I've been busy with the Peach Tree Spirit these two days, so I forgot to pretend. I promise that I will burn it to you before you close the small hole in my brain."

The ghost doll heard that Lu Anru was making a request in disguise, a complicated look flashed across his pale face, and he whispered: "You have to remember."


Without thinking too much about the unusual talkativeness of the ghost doll, Lu Anru cleared his mind and welcomed his own rest time.

However, not long after the peace, a thin man broke in through the door.

(End of chapter)