Magnificent Years

Chapter 136: Two duplicitous fools


In a daze, she vaguely saw a man dressed in white and skinny. The man's face was covered in a dense layer of white spots, making it impossible to see clearly.

"Who told you to mind your own business!?"

With a deafening scolding, she was sent out of the dreamland by a powerful energy.

Opening your eyes, you put your hand on your forehead to wipe away the sweat.

Little Luan was so anxious that he flew around above her eyes, chirping and singing a calming tune.

The tinnitus is buzzing and the head is dizzy. I press my hands on my ears and rub them hard. After a while, I finally overcame the adverse reaction caused by the energy.

He took the wet wipe from Xiao Luan and wiped his face, sighing: "The peach tree spirit looks soft and weak, but she has offended a powerful character with her muffled voice."

"Yes, Xiao Luan was affected by the energy outside your dream. It flew very far. You have to be careful." Xiao Luan used her little wings to help Lu Anru fan the wind.

Lu Anru said "Hmm" casually. Anyway, she was entrusted with the duty of being loyal and had done what she had to do. The rest of the troubles had nothing to do with her.

Seeing her recovery, Xiao Luan timidly asked, "Can I watch some TV?"

"Go." Lu Anru readily agreed. Watching the cyan bird fly out of the bedroom, he suddenly remembered something and warned: "You can change back to human form and watch."

Imagine that the TV is on in the middle of the night, and a bird stands under the TV with its head raised and watching carefully. What kind of weird scene would that be

Grandma knows about Xiao Luan's situation and knows that the Sheng family will help some highly evolved entities to escape, but outsiders don't know. It's okay to scare outsiders, but I'm just worried about attracting the attention of bad people with evil intentions.

Thinking about this, I kept nagging: "From now on, you are forbidden to talk to anyone in the form of a bird, including me."

"Okay, thank you for worrying about me." Xiao Luan looked a little happy despite her shyness.

After saying thank you, he flew into the bathroom, and a few seconds later the gentle and braided sister walked out.

Lu Anru was very interested in Xiao Luan's transformation process and wanted to follow him many times.

Xiao Luan was completely obedient to her on other matters, but she was not allowed to see this matter, which aroused her strong curiosity even more.

After being rejected a lot, she silently figured out the answer. It might be similar to the beautiful girl cartoons she watched as a child, where she would take off all her clothes when she transformed. Birds are shyer than people and are embarrassed to be watched, even if they are of the same sex.

Thinking about trivial things can be boring, and soon you will feel sleepy.

Entering the dreamland again, the scene changed. It was not Cui's yard, but grandma's yard.

Lu Anru's heart sank when she saw neither the ghost doll nor the peach tree spirit. According to their current relationship, the little female ghost should not hide and scare her anymore.

I searched back and forth from the yard to the house, but still found no tree spirits or evil spirits.

Climb to the rooftop and shout loudly below: "Ghost doll, where are you?"

I shouted in all directions, but there was deathly silence and no response.

Lu Anru's first feeling was that something had happened! Force yourself to calm down and smooth things over first.

The thin man breaks into the door, signaling an intruder.

Perhaps the ghost doll manages the little breach in her dream-creating nerves, allowing the harmless peach spirit to enter. There is no need to guess what happened next. After listening to the story of the Peach Tree Spirit, the little female ghost became a crazy fan and allowed the Peach Tree Spirit to stay.

The thin man barged in without the ghost doll's consent. After all, the ghost doll actually protected her nerve break

The result was too ridiculous, and Lu Anru couldn't accept it. One thing is enough to prove that she has the protection spell of Sheng Ming, and the spirits and spirits cannot hurt her, so they pop her out of the dream.

So, the thin man took away the ghost doll

She should have applauded and celebrated, but inexplicable worries couldn't help but surge in her heart, and she walked to the door of Aunt Cui's house.

Pushing the handle with one hand to lock the door, it didn't open. The door was unlocked, but there was an energy inside that turned into an invisible obstacle.

I tried it several times with both hands, but it still didn’t work. The familiar abilities are still there, proving that the thin man has not left and is still torturing the ghost doll and the peach tree spirit inside.

The peach tree spirit is very weak, and this is a good opportunity to devour her soul.

Lu Anru no longer hesitated, pulled out the Yincang horizontal bar and cut off half of the door. A wave of heat hit her face and bounced two meters away.

The man yelled angrily and resounded in all directions: "I can only end the Peach Tree Spirit today, you all should go away!"

The ghost doll looked at the rescuers with joy, but the next second his expression turned angry, and he roared: "Come back and save Sister Taoshu with me."

Lu Anru stood up with his arms raised, turned around and ran in the other direction, with constant curses behind him: "You black-hearted woman is so unjust!"

"How dare you run away now, you black-hearted bastard?"

"Don't run away. Come back and save Sister Taoshu. I promise not to scare you again, okay?"

"Please come back quickly."

Lu Anru turned a deaf ear and concentrated on running forward, rounding the corner and entering a farmer's house.

There is some benefit in the dream, and there is no need to compensate for destroying anything.

He swung his sword through the door and broke the window to reach the third floor. He stood on the small platform and looked into Aunt Cui's yard next door.

The battle situation inside entered the day-to-day stage. The man's right arm was frostbitten by the ghost doll and formed layers of ice.

The ghost doll wasn't much better either. It blocked the peach tree with its body to prevent the thin man from approaching, and several large holes were stabbed in its head by the man.

The energy that can pierce the spirit body, the man is so ruthless, in order to obtain the peach tree spirit, he is using his own energy as an attack weapon.

According to common sense, the fighting power of the ghost doll is much higher than the actual strength. It is a big boss that can face more than 300 intermediate students, and it will not be tied with the thin man.

Careful observation revealed that it was taking care of Peach Tree Spirit, fearing that it would accidentally injure her by using all its strength, so it only defended but did not attack.

The evil spirits still have good intentions, so after doing this, Lu Anru no longer hesitated, grabbed his sword and jumped down from the third floor towards Cui's yard.

As Lu An expected, she did not fall into the yard, but landed on the energy shield.

He leaned over and looked around to find a place where the light mask was thin, and crawled there using his hands and feet.

The man who made the energy shield felt Lu Anru's presence and looked up at her.

He stared at her fiercely, waved his sleeves and waved the pungent powder upwards.

Lu Anru only inhaled one breath, and felt extremely itchy all over. He stretched out his hand to touch the most itchy place, put some powder on his hand and brought it to his eyes for closer inspection. He found that the white stuff was not powder, but many small white insects.

She crushed a few to death with her fingertips, and the rest were crawling around in her hands! This thin man must be Xiaobai. She finally understands a question that puzzles her heart, how bugs can make human children sick.

In the same way that butterflies pollinate, they can carry viruses and spread them.

But this thing is so disgusting. He cursed the other person secretly and took out the insect repellent Ella left last time from his bag, not caring about the smell anymore. Unscrew the cap and sprinkle all over your body.

The smell almost gave Lu Anru away, so he took out the mask, put it on, and crawled hard.

Fortunately, the ghost doll noticed Xiaobai's abnormal behavior in time and saw Lu Anru. Now she had an additional person to protect, prohibiting Xiaobai from throwing random things at her.

With the help of the ghost doll, Lu Anru crawled faster, reached the weak point, and shouted at the ghost doll: "Catch me."

He raised his sword and pierced it hard into the faint halo, tearing a big hole outward, and his body fell suddenly downwards.

The ghost doll evaded several attacks from Xiao Bai and acted as a meat pad before Lu Anru fell out of the dream.

The Luogui doll was only a little bit colder than falling on hard ground. It was too cold.

Lu Anru stood up tremblingly, not having time to complain, and used his sword to hold the long sickle-shaped energy ball thrust out by Xiaobai.

'Kaka' chopped it into pieces a few times, and softly arranged for the ghost doll: "You hold Xiaobai, I will wake up the peach tree spirit and let her leave the dreamland."

The peach tree spirit leaves the dreamland, and when she wakes up from the dream, the ghost doll can seal the breach and use its special skills of freezing people to death with ease.


The little female ghost was smarter and immediately understood the essence. She expanded her body several times, opened her arms to clamp Xiaobai, and floated out an energy shield from the crack in Lu Anrukan, dragging Xiaobai to fight elsewhere.

The little female ghost completed the protection work brilliantly. Lu Anru successfully walked to the front of the peach tree, put his hands and face on the trunk, and kept muttering: "Xiaobai has brought a dream, please wake up quickly."

The ghost doll uses her body to drag the opponent down, so she needs to be more forceful as a messenger.

The tree trunk was as cold as ice and showed no response.

Lu Anru was not discouraged and concentrated on reciting silently. The surrounding wind gradually turned from normal temperature to cold, and the ghost doll gradually lost its sanity from the temperature.

There are not many evil spirits who can cultivate their thinking. Only one in a million can do so.

Even if you develop the ability to think independently, you will easily be angered when evil spirits attack. If a stronger opponent fights back tenaciously, the evil spirit's mind will be taken over by evil thoughts and turn into a monster that only kills people.

Therefore, the college has added layers of protection to the examination system. If the monster seriously threatens the life of the examinee, the examinee will be teleported out of the examination room.

Lu Anru put aside distracting thoughts and concentrated on silent meditation.

Several more minutes passed, and she was frozen to the point of freezing, and there was only one thought left in her mind: It was over, the peach tree spirit hadn't woken up, and the evil version of the ghost doll was back.

Turning his stiff neck, he saw the scarlet-eyed ghost doll holding the dying Xiaobai and throwing it beside Lu Anru.

It sang a familiar song again: "You make fun of me and bully me. Sooner or later I will kill all of you with my own hands. Tear your mouths apart and empty your stomachs."

"Hey, I'm going to empty your stomachs. Let's start with the big bad guy. He just poked several holes in my body."

The ghost doll flashed in front of Xiao Bai, and its sharp fingertips scratched Xiao Bai's scalp, and green blood flowed out of the wound.

Xiaobai did not dodge or dodge, and pressed his body tightly against the peach tree. A light green light glowed on his body and slowly wrapped around the tree trunk.

Lu Anru originally wanted to watch the fire from the other side and borrow the help of the ghost doll to get rid of Xiaobai first, but as he watched, a strange feeling arose in his heart.

How does he look like the master who wants to seize the peach tree spirit? It's clearly more like injecting vitality into the peach tree spirit!

"Stop it, baby. Don't listen to Xiaobai's duplicity. He didn't want to kill me." A weak call floated from the tree trunk.

Lu Anru's thoughts were stuck for a few seconds, and he suddenly saw many things clearly.

Use Yincang to deflect the ghost doll's violence against Xiaobai, and shout to the peach tree spirit: "Take Xiaobai and leave the dreamland, and I will help you buy some time."

"I can't leave."

After the peach tree spirit answered weakly, she said softly to the idiot who had done something stupid: "Xiaobai, let's go. Back then, I saw you being washed away by the rain, and I saved you with flower petals out of an unintentional act of kindness. Please don't do anything for me again." It's wrong. Let Aunt Cui's family go. I have nothing to do with my own destiny of decline. You should also let go of your obsessions. You have a higher understanding than me. If you live a good life, you will definitely be able to achieve greatness in the future. What’s the realm?”

"You talk a lot. I said you can only be bitten to death by my people. I won't allow you to die here!"

Xiaobai roared, and green light spots filled the sky from his body, and the light spots gathered into a brilliant light in the air.

"Don't be stupid, even if you transfer all your energy to me, I won't live long!" The peach tree spirit's cry-like plea ended in a sad cry.

"Be careful..."

She tried her best to move the branches to block the bloody bite of the ghost doll towards Xiao Bai, and the next second Yin Cang accurately penetrated the ghost doll's body.

The peach tree, from its branches to its trunk, solidified into ice and shattered together with the ghost doll.

The green light couldn't find a new host and returned to Xiaobai. It was the first time Lu Anru saw such a gorgeous green. It turns out that there are many kinds of green, including olive green, tea green, scallion green, artichoke green, moss green, grass green, and grass green. , water grass green, dark grass green, gray lake green...

And at this moment, they all gathered into the color of heartbreak. Xiaobai hugged the remaining tree stump of the peach tree spirit and cried silently.

Lu Anru felt blocked and felt very uncomfortable. The cashier put the cashier in her sheath and sat next to Xiao Bai.

I would like to give some advice, but I don’t know what to say. The emotions of all things are too complicated, and the cost of understanding them is too high.

"Next time if you have something to say, say it directly. If you can tell Peach Tree Spirit directly that you like her. If you tell the ghost doll directly that you are here to save Peach Tree Spirit instead of killing her, the ending may be different."

Xiaobai waved his hand and pushed Lu Anru away, pushing her out of the dream.

Lu Anru woke up again, her pillow cover soaked with tears.

The green bird flapped its wings and flew above her, saying urgently: "Why are you crying! Don't cry. If you have any sad things, tell Xiaoluan, and Xiaoluan will help you solve it."

Lu Anru raised his hand to cover his eyes, cleared his throat and reminded: "I told you, speak in human form."

"Okay, I'll turn into a human, don't cry."

Xiao Luan flew to the bathroom to change his appearance and wet the towel with hot water.

Returning to the bedside, she carefully wiped away the tears for Lu Anru and asked softly, "What happened to you?"

"I met a pair of duplicitous fools."

Lu Anru stood up, took out two pieces of paper from the tissue box on the bedside, blew his nose, took the towel and wiped his face, lamenting: "Hey, the hostile race forced them to hide their love deep in their hearts, which eventually led to tragedy."

"What a pity."

Xiao Luan felt the same pain on her face, and her voice became astringent. She and the person she liked had encountered the same situation before. Later, with the help and guidance of Lu Anru's mother, the conflict in their attitudes was resolved. But the person she likes still refuses to have a close relationship with her, hoping that one day he will wake up.

"Yeah, what a pity." Lu Anru agreed. His uncomfortable mood calmed down a little. He looked at Xiao Luan and asked, "Aren't you watching TV downstairs? Why did you come up here?"

"You keep having nightmares. After thinking about it, I decided to stay with you. I can plug in the power and watch the videos in this magical device." Xiao Luan pointed to the computer placed on the bedside table.

Lu Anru was moved and depressed at the same time. She covered her face and shouted in pain: "Sister, please unplug the battery when it is fully charged. Overcharging will explode the battery."

(End of chapter)