Magnificent Years

Chapter 140: An ordinary father


My father brought my aunt’s family of three, grandma, and grandpa to celebrate the New Year. Grandma likes the excitement, so she naturally welcomed them.

Auntie and Xiaoqiao carried a lot of things in their hands, including chicken, duck, fish, and local snacks. Xiao Luan was quite familiar with her hometown and helped them put things in the refrigerator.

"Don't close the door, there are still us!"

A greasy voice came from far away. Lu Anru frowned, held the door with his arms, leaving a gap, and looked at Liao Lang doubtfully.

"Why did you come to my house during the Chinese New Year?"

Liao Lang's father and Hong Fei's father were cousins. Hong Fei's father once served as General Liao Yuan and had high prestige. During New Year's Day, he was implicated by his daughter and sentenced to death. The specific real reason became an unspeakable secret.

After the death of General Liao Yuan, even though Liao Lang's father was a colonel of the personal guard appointed by Emperor Xuantian, his status and prestige were far less than before. A position that no one dared to covet in the past, now has many people impeaching him and preparing to join forces to unseat him.

In such a disturbing situation, Liao Lang should stay at home with his father. Even if he has no ability to help solve problems, at least he should fulfill his filial piety from now on.

Liao Lang chuckled and pushed back his bangs, realizing that his habit of acting cool only made Lu Anru more disgusted. He slumped a few steps aside to let the charming woman behind him make a grand introduction.

"It's Chinese New Year. Of course I want to accompany my beloved back to my parents' home."

Cat Girl grabbed the hem of her skirt with both hands and greeted shyly: "Happy Chinese New Year, Miss."

She wears a cute woolen hat on her head to cover her unhidden cat ears. Her evolution process is different from normal evolution. Last year, she was injected with an evolution accelerator by the big bad Nanke, which allowed her to break through the genetic sequence at a super speed. She has skin as delicate as snow, a face that never ages, and cat ears that cater to the needs of bad taste.

Lu Anru saw Kitten Girl at an illegal auction in Jupiter last year. She was being sold as a commodity to please men.

At that time, the young leader of the wolf tribe, Chong, followed Lu Anru, and Chong and Kitten Girl had known each other for a long time. He was determined to save Kitten Girl and threw himself into a hail of bullets without permission. Lu Anru and the others were in a dilemma and couldn't give up.

After a life-threatening battle, he saved Chong and Cat Girl.

"Where are Chong and Brother Mo?" Seeing Kitten Girl, Lu Anru's thoughts about them were brought up.

"They had something to do and said they would come over as soon as possible after finishing their work."

Kitten Girl said delicately, tapping her fingers in front of her pouty red lips. A random movement showed pure desire vividly, and Liao Lang's eyes widened when he saw it.

"Okay, come in." Lu Anru opened the door, and Cat Girl walked in with her enchanting figure.

He let one person go, put his hand on the door frame again, and looked up and down at Fan Liao Lang.

Liao Lang wisely took out a red envelope from his bag and handed it out. Lu Anru felt the thickness, accepted it and let it go.

Liao Lang was very lustful, and after meeting Kitty Girl, he was even more fascinated and turned his head. But after all, he grew up in a family with a red background.

Father Liao didn't have much fondness for Kitten Girl. He treated her purely as his son's playmate. His purpose of allowing his son to accompany his playmate to someone else's house for the Chinese New Year was definitely not simple.

It is not difficult to guess that he chose his son to go to a family with the surname Sheng. Emperor Xuantian wanted to scare the monkeys. He had to establish relationships with powerful people as early as possible to avoid being completely passive.

Father Liao's thoughts were easy to guess, but Lu Anru didn't see what Father Sheng was thinking. My father likes to be straightforward in dealing with things, and he doesn't make any mistakes, but approaching with ulterior motives is easy to detect, and there are many advisers around his father.

Her father agreed and brought them here, which proved that he had his own plans and there was no need for her to be embarrassed.

After closing the door and turning around, a huge chrysanthemum appeared in front of my eyes.

Her aunt's child's hair was dyed gradually yellow, and was fixed with hairspray until it exploded, looking like a weird chrysanthemum.

The chrysanthemum monster pointed to the Xbox next to the TV and asked excitedly: "Sister, are there any Horcrux games in it?"

"Yes." Lu Anru admitted honestly and asked the key point: "Did you bring a game controller?"


Xiaoqiao curled her lips and squinted at her own mother, who was chatting with Lu's mother, and said depressedly: "I failed the exam and failed two subjects. My tigress mother and my soft-eared father have agreed that I will not be allowed to play games if there is no new year's money this year. , the policy remains unchanged during the Chinese New Year, you will attend cram school every day.”

Lu Anru expressed deep sympathy: "It's tragic enough."

"That's right," Xiaoqiao held Lu Anru's hand and lowered her voice to pull her accomplice: "Sister, I'm counting on you during the holidays these days. You have to take care of me."

Lu Anru made an OK gesture and gave Xiaoqiao a 'pay attention' look.

Xiaoqiao didn't have time to react. The back of her head was pulled by her mother and shouted: "You should let your sister give you more advice. Your sister got all A's in the exam this time. Look, you only just passed the line in one subject. You are so bad in the exam." At the bottom, you don’t dress like a human being, and your partner is nowhere to be found, I will worry you to death!”

"What does it mean to be inhumane?" Xiaoqiao used her hands to gather up the messy yellow hair that her mother had patted, and said with pride on her face: "I am the protagonist of the latest popular anime "Ghost Blade". I am so awesome. Mom, don't you think so?" Understand."

Xiaoqiao's mother calmed down and advised herself not to hit her child blindly, and patiently asked Lu Anru: "Who is the protagonist? What is his name?"

"The male protagonist, Kamejiro."

As soon as the answer came out, Xiaoqiao's mother gave up her goal of being a good mother, grabbed Xiaoqiao by the back of her neck, and carried her into an empty guest room.

He pushed her to the table and gave her an order ruthlessly: "Give her three hours in the morning to finish reading, otherwise you won't be able to have lunch."

"okay, got it."

Xiaoqiao pinned her last hope on Lu Anru, took out her computer, entered the online class interface, and while her mother was distracted, she risked her life to send a distress message: Sister, save me.

I counted the seconds in my mind until I was almost desperate and heard a knock on the door.

The supervisor's mother walked over and opened the door. Lu An appeared like an angel and said an invitation like a holy grace: "Auntie, there is a noise on the first floor. Let Xiaoqiao go to my room on the second floor. I live in the same room and I will give her tutoring."

Xiaoqiao clasped her hands together, and when her mother turned around, she made a mad bow to Lu An.

Because the movement was too large and the pace was too fast, it created a breeze, causing Xiaoqiao's mother to turn around and glare. Fortunately, this time Xiaoqiao noticed Lu Anru's hint in time, retracted her action a second ago, and turned around to look like she was listening to the online class attentively.

"Okay, An Ru, be good and help aunt keep an eye on her. Aunt will go talk to your parents about some serious matters."

As soon as the reply came out, Lu Anru nodded obediently: "Okay, aunt."

"Meng Qiao, I warn you not to cheat. I will check the online class listening status regularly."

Xiaoqiao, whose ears were grabbed, nodded repeatedly and said in resignation: "I know, Mom, I don't dare to do anything wrong."

As soon as Xiaoqiao's mother let go, her daughter ran down to Lu Anru and followed the angel to the second floor.

After the door was closed, Xiaoqiao jumped up and cheered: "Happy, I'm finally free from the surveillance of the tigress."

"Keep your voice down, rural houses have poor sound insulation."

"Meng Qiao, if you dare, say it again, or I won't beat you to death!"

Lu Anru's reminders and scoldings sounded at the same time, one from beside him and the other from downstairs.

"Mom, I know I was wrong. I'll take my cram school lessons." Xiaoqiao pulled Lu Anru and said sadly, "Let's go in. The tigress is so scary and hard to guard against."

The two sat on the bed, and Xiaoqiao took out something similar to a selfie stick from her bag.

Prop it on the ground, insert the computer into the card slot and turn it to the bedside table. Then she placed the mirror facing herself, slightly adjusted the angles of the two things back and forth, and the microcomputer camera reflected her face through the mirror.

"Having them here every day ensures that the online class rate is guaranteed." After showing off in a low voice, Xiaoqiao asked Lu Anru generously: "Do you want it? Can I get one for you too?"

"No." Lu Anru waved her hand and declined, expressing her sister's concerns: "I won't move the Xbox in the near future, as it will easily arouse my aunt's suspicion. I will move it up after the second grade of junior high school, please bear with me."

"Okay." Xiaoqiao readily agreed: "I will play "Ghost Blade" twice in the next two days. Oh, my life is so miserable. I really envy you and Brother Sheng Ming. No matter how good or bad your grades are, you will not be punished."

"Actually, my aunt loves you very much. Please be more talkative. I have never treated you badly in my life."

As soon as Lu Anru said the first sentence, Xiaoqiao covered her ears and begged for mercy: "Sister, please don't read it, my ears are almost ringing. I know that my parents are very tolerant of me in big things, mainly because they are very tolerant every day." Torture. Two early watchers join forces and it’s like an endless loop of loudspeakers.”

"Okay, I'll give you a suggestion to get out of the sea of suffering." Lu Anru said mysteriously.

Xiaoqiao's interest was immediately attracted, and the big chrysanthemum head came close to Lu Anru, asking eagerly: "What?"

In excitement, I accidentally kicked the bracket with my foot, and there were three "clang" sounds. The bracket tilted on the cabinet, the card slot came loose, and the computer fell to the ground. Questions mixed with the sound of electricity came from inside.

"Meng Qiao, what are you doing?"

Xiaoqiao quickly held up the stand and explained: "Teacher, I'm sorry, the cat bit the charging cable."

Lu Anru cooperated and learned two cat meows, but unfortunately their every move was exposed early. When the support fell down and was lifted up, the tutor could clearly see the layout of the room, including the small cheating tools.

With a straight face, he said with utmost responsibility: "I told your mother about the matter."

Without giving Xiaoqiao a chance to save herself, a knock on the door rang out: "Meng Qiao, open the door. Come downstairs with me and I'll watch you and learn."

Lu Anru looked at Xiaoqiao, who sniffed sadly, put the computer dedicated to online classes into his bag, left the computer used for brushing up, and walked to the door alone.

After that, Lu Anru heard a series of scolding words. It was not until the New Year's Eve dinner in the evening that Xiaoqiao was let out for half an hour. After a few bites, she was let back into the house.

Her mother accompanied her throughout the whole process, which made Grandma Lu Anru feel a little bit sad and advised: "It's the holidays, let's give the child a holiday."

Xiaoqiao's father, Meng Wenqing, picked up his wine glass and apologized: "Sorry, I made everyone laugh."

After finishing the glass of wine, he quickly glanced at his mother-in-law and his father-in-law, with bitterness on his face, and said in a deep voice: "I used to spoil my children too much, but now I can't control them at all. It's no wonder that my mother's methods are extreme."

After saying that, he glanced at the two old men again, but couldn't tell whether they were in good or bad mood. He and Xiaoqiao's mother fell in love naturally, but the power gap between the two families was too great. He was always afraid of offending his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and putting his daughter-in-law in the middle.

After waiting for a while, no one answered, and continued to say sadly: "Every time the child's mother hurts the child, she would cry to me for a long time at night, but she is helpless. We don't want to raise our children to be as outstanding as the children of Brother Sheng's family. , at least have basic survival skills. This era is crazy, and mutated monsters will attack humans at any time. She has no way of defending herself. If she doesn’t have the ability to eat well, and she doesn’t have a reliable partner to rely on, I’m afraid we won’t be able to survive. She's going to have a bad time."

Meng Wenqing's first few words were just to make the old man happy, but later he said it with true feelings, and his eyes turned slightly red.

When Lu's mother heard that something was wrong, she gave her husband a wink.

Father Sheng picked up the wine dispenser and filled Meng Wenqing with wine. He held his own wine glass and touched it with him. He promised, "Brother, what you said is exaggerated. An Ru and Sheng Ming like their sister Xiaoqiao very much. They treat them as brothers." , It is natural for a sister to protect her sister.”

"Yeah, don't say unlucky words during the festival and eat more meat." Grandma Lu greeted.

The eldest elder spoke. Grandma and grandpa of the Sheng family couldn't bear to ignore the kindness of their in-laws.

The representative of the Sheng family's grandma said: "Don't think too much. Xiaoqiao is still very cute. Personal marriage problems will be solved sooner or later. Don't bring up worries during the holidays. Have a few more drinks with your brother."

"Okay, Mom, I'd like to give you a drink with brother and everyone."

Meng Wenqing raised her head and drank the wine in the glass. A burning sensation rushed from the tip of her tongue, and her heartbeat became chaotic. However, her worries about her daughter were finally fulfilled.

He does not have the financial resources of the Sheng family, nor the influence of the Lu family. What an ordinary person can do for his daughter is to look down on him, lose his self-esteem, and ask for a promise.

Dumplings were served at midnight on New Year's Eve, and Sheng Ming ate the one with coins.

Lu Anru acted coquettishly and wanted to take away the coins, carefully putting the good luck in the new year into the pink bag.

After setting off the fireworks in the yard with the elders, I went back inside to take a quick shower, then lay on the bed to wish my close friends one by one New Year greetings.

After receiving all the blessing replies, he shouted to his cousin: "Xiaoqiao, I'm asleep, please turn off the light."

"Okay, sister." A more tired promise came to her.

Lu Anru squinted slightly, and after a while he heard an annoyed complaint: "Sister, you see how perverted my mother is. She wasn't like this before. My life is worse than death now, it's so annoying."

Lu Anru responded inarticulately: "They are also very annoyed. If you work harder, the worries of both parties will be reduced."

Xiaoqiao's complaints worsened: "Not everyone is good at studying. I don't have the brains to study. I get a headache when reading and feel dizzy when memorizing. By the way, what are your suggestions to help me get out of my misery?"

"Find a reliable partner and get married as soon as possible."

After saying this, Lu Anru's consciousness completely broke away from reality and entered a dream.

Before the scene in front of me was clear, a cry of surprise rang in my ears: "I'm going! I was still opening my eyes just now, and the scene switched directly! What kind of AR game is this? It's so real. Don't you need to wear AR glasses?"

"Who are you?" The ghost doll's gloomy question was full of xenophobic displeasure.

"WOW, the NPC kid inside is so realistic." Xiaoqiao sighed sincerely.

The temperature around her dropped sharply, and Lu Anru's heart sank, and he responded: "She is my cousin, one of my own."

I kept rubbing my eyes hard until they hurt, and finally I could clearly see a person and a ghost in front of me.

He held her small hands, pulled her aside, and asked in a low voice: "Why did you come in?"

"Can't I come in? Where is this place?" Xiaoqiao looked around excitedly, not like a miserable girl who was tortured to the point of death by studying.

(End of chapter)