Magnificent Years

Chapter 144: All encounters are reunions after a long absence


Gao Qiang's heart suddenly tightened, recalling the time the two of them had spent together, her heart tightened and cramped, making her eyes sore.

He kicked Taomujian away and said in a harsh voice: "Gui doll, this joke is neither funny nor cold. Come here quickly!"

"No, in fact, when the agreed time came on the 30th, I fought for three more days. You always said that this is good and that is good in reality, and I also want to have fun, otherwise it would be a waste of time. I also want to see you get the Taomu Sword at the end. Now you have it, Brother Yin is waiting for me, I can't waste any more time. Say goodbye to the black-hearted woman, I will help you close the gap, I hope we have a chance to meet again."

The farewell that suppressed the cry completely stirred up the sadness in Lu Anru's heart. She could not stay where she was and waited, so she ran towards the source of the sound in large strides, shouting as she ran: "You stay, I will play with you every day!"

Go to the coldest place and call out to the ghost doll. Unfortunately, no matter what attractive points she raised, there was no response.

In the past, she had been unable to avoid the coldness of evil spirits, but now she longed for a sudden cooling down somewhere around her.

However, things are difficult to do as one wishes.

Slowly, the temperature in the coldest land returned to normal.

Lu An walked toward the Cui family yard like a wandering spirit, stopped in front of the Cui family door, and put his hand on the closed door. The memory flashes back to the time when the peach tree spirit and the little female ghost were in the yard. They disliked each other and regarded each other as the biggest trouble.

However, unknowingly, she became accustomed to having the little female ghost accompanying her every night. Things that cannot be discussed with others during the day can be told to it without restraint.

It cursed loudly that it was annoying, and listened to the whole sentence without missing a word.

His hands dropped weakly, Lu Anru squatted on the familiar steps, but finally did not have the courage to push open the door. She admitted that she was a coward, a coward who was afraid of facing the consequences of separation.

Force yourself to wake up from the dream immediately. Without the obstacles created by the little female ghost, it is easy to escape from the dream.

I stood up and saw Xiaoqiao next to me, sleeping soundly and snoring lightly.

When she saw Pohou's hand firmly grasping her wrist, she felt even more uncomfortable. The monkey refused to change his nature and tried to enter her dream through the old method.

The result is obvious, it was unsuccessful, which also proves that the ghost doll is really gone.

I raised my hand and wiped my eyes hard. It felt like small grains of sand had entered my eyes, which made me cry in pain.

Pulling hard to wake up the monkey, Xiaoqiao sat up and looked at Lu Anru, murmuring with fear in her eyes: "Sister, I dreamed about a ghost doll, and you weren't with it. It's still scaring me. Let me listen more in the future." If you don’t, you’ll eat me in your dreams every day.”

"Yeah." Lu Anru turned his head and responded solemnly, got out of bed and put on his slippers.

Xiaoqiao took a wet wipe from the tissue box on the bedside table to wipe her sweat. She raised her head and asked Lu Anru who was leaving: "Sister, what are you going to do? Is lunch ready?"

"It's just past ten o'clock, where's the lunch? All I ask of you is to listen to your mother more in the future to avoid nightmares."

Lu Anru was in a bad mood. After speaking without mercy, he opened the door and ran to the first floor, rummaging through the boxes and cabinets to find something he had missed.

Grandma and grandma were sitting by the window drinking tea and chatting. When they noticed her unusual behavior, the two old people came over supporting each other.

Grandma patted her back with her hand, and when she turned around, she ducked to the other side of her grandma, making her mistakenly think it was grandma patting her.

Grandma is six years younger than grandma. Except for acting like an elder in front of her son-in-law, she treats her family like an old child.

Grandma asked her kindly without explaining much, "What is little Anru looking for?"

"Book, Volume 2 of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, have you seen it?"

Lu Anru remained polite and answered facing the old man. He continued to look through the cabinet with one hand and kept glancing at every paper book he had turned over.

Grandma noticed that she was absent-minded in chatting, so she tried to think back and help her granddaughter solve her problems.

"A blue-covered book?"

"No, yellow, a book as big as ordinary 4K paper." Lu Anru gestured.

Grandma thought for a moment and said softly: "Maybe it's not on the first floor. I didn't see it. Xiao Anru, go look for it on the second floor."

"Okay." Lu Anru agreed in frustration.

She stood up and was pulled by the old naughty grandma. Her ancestral home is the northeastern region of Xia State. She spoke Northeastern Mandarin and asked her: "I'm so worried. Grandma asked you, is the book so thick?"

Grandma used her fingernail as a thickness gauge, and Lu Anru's impression was that it was slightly thinner than the thickness of her thumb.

Taking into account the difference in personal visual inspection, I responded: "Absolutely."

"I remembered where it was."

Grandma raised her arm and pointed to the guest room on the first floor and said: "She threw all the small books I thought were in that room. You can go look for them in the rags in her room. I woke up in the morning and saw your aunt throwing them in there casually. , and also criticized Sang and Huai, saying that it was useless. Because of this, I gave your aunt a good lecture. Xiaoqiao was exactly the same as she was when she was a child. Your aunt was so annoying when she was a child. Only when you become a mother can you understand the hard work of the elderly.”

"Okay, thank you." Lu Anru ran to the guest room, thinking about important things in his heart, and would go back to intercede with his aunt.

I have to say that grandma’s description was rough and direct. If she only talked about the guest room, she would definitely waste time on the desk.

She turned to the second volume of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" from the sundry basket and stuffed the toys left over from her childhood in the sundry basket into her bag.

Quickly ran back to the second floor, stopped in front of his room, turned around and walked towards Sheng Ming's room.

There is a small time bomb, so she should avoid it.

After knocking on the door twice, no one answered, Lu Anru opened the door with the familiar birthday password.

He took the sleeping pill made by Shengmina and lay on the bed.

Just after the vacation, she complained about nightmares and insomnia in the dormitory group. Sheng Mina mailed her two bottles of sleeping pills with advice: "It's a medicine with three parts poison. It's best if you can fall asleep on your own. Use it as a last resort." drug."

With the help of medicine, Lu Anru fell into a dream for about half a minute.

After your eyes adjust to the surrounding light, pick up the small wooden stick on the ground, draw a circle to leave an exit where the ghost doll left, and write down the attribution: the ghost doll who burned the book for me.

Pour the small toys and dolls in the bag into the circle and light them.

Then I took out the second volume of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" and quickly wrote a line of message with a ballpoint pen, then placed it flatly on top of most of the puppets that turned to ashes.

He put his hands together and prayed sincerely: "Please be sure to send it to all the gods."

Grandma Lu’s backyard is surrounded by a dense grove of trees.

Even though the sun is shining brightly at noon, the sun still cannot penetrate through the layers of intertwined branches.

Three men stood under the old banyan tree, both of them looked grave, and only the silver-haired man smiled brightly.

He leaned over and pinched a cloud of white smoke beside him, and joked: "My baby has fallen in love with little Anru."

White smoke flashed out from the man's hand. He turned his back to the man and said angrily: "No, I don't like such a black-hearted woman. Brother Yin, don't pinch my face. The last time a black-hearted woman said my face was like a pie, it was still... That ugly white cake without any ingredients.”

"You talk about Xiao Anru all the time, and you say you don't like it?"

"Senior Yin Yi, I'll take you back." Sheng Ming interrupted the meaningless chat and took out the key to the hover car.

Yin Yi put his hands around the back of his head, whistled, and sighed: "Junior is so cruel, he has the heart to set a trap for his beloved sister, making Xiao Anru work so hard in her dreams every day. To do this to your own sister, They are also very ruthless towards us. They will abandon them immediately after using them and will not let us rest during the Chinese New Year. They will force us to go to other provinces.”

As he spoke, as if the grief was unbearable, he raised his head and wiped the ends of his eyes with the pads of his index fingers, sighing: "Hey, it's Chinese New Year! You don't even invite us in for a hot meal! Lao Huang, what do you think we have to do?" Is this junior student our greatest sorrow during our time in Yuexiang?"

Huang Qite patted the hand that casually rested on his arm and said sternly: "I warned you, don't interfere with the students of my fighting club."

The hand that had just been slapped off was like a fallen leaf, fluttering and stroking two of Huang Qite's stiff biceps.

Locating the opponent's explosive point and getting out of the way in time, Yin Yi raised his eyebrows pretending to be worried, and reminded him thoughtfully: "I remember it seems that Lao Huang and the junior have not yet decided on the strength of the two societies, why is the air coming out of one nostril?"

"It's annoying when someone thinks he's just making decisions." Huang Qite walked towards Sheng Ming's parking lot with his arms crossed, his eyes full of disgust and he didn't bother to hide it.

Yin Yi seemed not to notice the other party's attitude, and kept making platitudes, which made Huang Qite speed up his pace.

Pulling away slightly, Yin Yi turned to look at Sheng Ming, with a more serious look on her face, and said in a deep voice: "With your brain, you have already guessed the suggestion I gave to Xiao Anru. She has been reluctant to agree because of you. . I suggest you don’t hesitate and get the benefits early.”

Sheng Ming said "hmm" in confusion and asked, "What's your suggestion?"

Yi Yin laughed and praised: "You siblings are better at pretending to be stupid than the other."

"Senior, I highly praise it. I respect An Ru's decision." Sheng Ming took out Blue Tears from his pocket and handed it over with both hands, "Thank you, senior, for keeping your word and completing the bet. You and I are settled."

Yin Yi pinched the blue tears with two fingers, turned around and placed it in front of the ghost doll, inviting: "Doll, come in."

The ghost doll's pupil-less eyes were fixedly looking at the second floor of the small bungalow, and its hands refused to rest on the tears for a long time.

"I've applied for three more days of leave for you. Don't make it difficult for me, baby." Yin Yi said pitifully.

"Well, Brother Yin, I know."

The small smoke-shaped hand moved slowly, and just before touching the tears, many things floated from the air and landed accurately on the pile of dead leaves in front of the ghost doll.

The dolls are translucent and are unique things that someone burned for them! It seems that the only person who can burn something for it is that black-hearted woman.

I happily pick up each doll and put it into the infinitely extendable pocket, and a book is prominently displayed at the end of the gift.

The ghost doll picked it up carefully and saw five small words next to the title of the book. There was a surprise when he opened it.

My hands were unwilling to open the cover, and I saw the same ugly words: I hope all encounters are reunions after a long separation.

He raised the book in front of his face, covering his red eyes, and couldn't help but ask what he cared about: "Brother Yin, can I see the black-hearted woman and Sister Taoshu again?"

Inexplicably moved, he forgot to take precautions, his cheek was pulled down by Yin Yi, and he replied softly: "Of course, you can, as long as you meet the time limit agreed to by the dean and agree to the dean's request, you will be free again. "

The ghost doll grunted aggrievedly: "The old man named Huo is such a thief. It's easy to meet the time limit, but he also requires me to restrain my resentment at all times. This is very difficult."

"You can't call the dean by his name, baby. There are only two wise men I respect most, and he is the only one. You, Xiao Anru, and Peach Tree Spirit all have to go through a long period of hard work before they can achieve their own success."

Yin Yi put her tears in front of the ghost doll again and said seductively: "Go back, become a good person as soon as possible and come out to play with them as soon as possible."

"All right."

A stream of white smoke drifted into the tears, and then the tears flashed with a faint light.

Yoongi opened the black leather storage bag, slowly put the tears into the bottom of the bag, and gently stroked the tear stone-like surface with his fingers. The gentle movements are full of love, as if caressing her sister's forehead.

After receiving Wei Liang's response, he closed his bag, raised a faint smile on his lips, and persistently asked Sheng Ming: "It is very hard to practice hard with Lao Huang, do you really not consider taking a shortcut for Xiao Anru?"

Sheng Ming called out extremely helplessly: "Senior, please don't let me reject you too many times, it will hurt your feelings."

"Tsk, tsk, senior, I'm very pleased that junior can take the emotional aspect into consideration."

Yin Yi shook off her short silver hair, walked between Sheng Ming and Huang Qite, and said half-jokingly: "How about the three of us continue to make a bet. We will use our own methods to teach Xiao Anru to see whose method is more successful."

Huang Qite was too lazy to answer, and Sheng Ming replied without hesitation: "No need to worry, senior."

The smile on Yin Yi's lips remained unchanged, but her tone became a little sadder: "Hey, Xiao An will accept a mission in the waters of Marsia next semester. Junior brother, can you bear it?"

"I respect her choice because I know she will choose to go, so I want to create a safe training environment for her so that she has the physical and mental qualities to face the nightmare curse of the water prison."

Sheng Ming used the electronic key to open the floating car door and made a gesture of invitation: "Senior, please get in the car."

Yin Yi watched Huang Qite, who was walking at the front, board the car, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he whispered a reminder.

"It's not that the senior is alarmist, but you know that the nightmare curse in the water prison is dangerous. It is a hundred times scarier than the dreams created by dolls. Once you are hit by the curse, you will go crazy at worst, and you will lose your life at worst, and it is just one of the mechanisms of the water prison. The dean hopes that Xiao An will be like this. Go, he will create a coincidence and let Xiao Anru know some reasons why she must go. There is not much time to help Xiao Anru. Please consider my suggestion in the next few days and contact me at any time after considering it. "

Sheng Ming remained calm and said respectfully, "Thank you, senior, for worrying about An Ru. I respect An Ru's choice."

"Oh, junior fellow student, you just have to take care of yourself every step of the way. You have to dare to take risks on key matters. I am more reliable than those monsters in the water prison, right? You still can't trust senior?" Yin Yi acted cunningly and played the emotional card.

"My mother-in-law looks like a woman. You should take a break! You're right if he doesn't trust you. What he wants is a normal sister, not a killing machine!"

Huang Qite impatiently returned to the car door from his seat, grabbed Yin Yi by the collar, and carried him into the car. He asked Sheng Ming coldly: "Give me the activation code, and I will drive back. You can let the car drive itself back tomorrow."

"Old Huang is so cruel."

Yin Yi lightly hammered Huang Qite's chest, causing veins to appear on the hands and temples of the two-meter-tall strong man.

Sheng Ming handed over the key in time, "Senior, just use the key to start the car. Just leave the key in the car. In unmanned mode, the car will automatically lock."

(End of chapter)