Magnificent Years

Chapter 147: Make up homework


Ever since Sheng Ming came to her hometown and cultivated peach branches, she completely forgot about her daily training.

He quickly took out his computer from his powder bag and entered the club training interface to check his personal completion records. Seeing the two digits starting with 2, Lu Anru slowly remembered that before Sheng Ming came to her hometown, she was also in the same state of fishing for three days and drying nets for two days.

I really want to have a time machine and send her back to the first day of vacation. She will definitely finish training on time every day.

Report back to school next Friday, 23 days of training arrears, full training, 6 days left to work hard.

Suddenly I remembered something my mother mentioned. During their school days, some students liked to leave most of their homework until the day before school started. They aptly describe it as, a pen, a night, a miracle.

I really envy the miracle worker. What she needs to make up for is not writing homework, but physical training. Even if it were divided into six days, she would find it difficult. If it were accumulated into one day, it would exhaust her to death.

Including tonight, she had to complete two extra days of training. If it continued, it would be like a snowball, and it would only get out of control.

I resigned myself to finishing the second round of training, which took two hours, and it was 9:40 in the evening.

Lu Anru sat on the steps and gasped for breath. President Huang set a rule that a maximum of four days' quota should be completed every day, and excess would not be counted. She had no time and no opportunity to delay any longer. She had to finish the remaining group before 12 o'clock, so that she could complete four groups within the maximum limit of the rules for the next five days.

To encourage myself, I got up and finished 15 squats. My legs couldn't help but feel weak and trembling.

The basic movement is the squat, and the more difficult movements later consume more energy. Lu Anru sat down weakly on the steps, his thoughts moving closer to opportunism.

It’s been a long time since I’ve used my limit state. Why don’t I use it to complete the next move

On second thought, I felt that it was unreliable. It wasn't that the extreme state she relied on every time to save the day was unreliable. The main thing was the intensive training. Even the members with the best scores in the club took more than an hour to complete.

Lu Anru took more than ten minutes to finish, which could easily arouse the suspicion of the inspection teacher or President Huang.

It was painful to stand up again and make movements with difficulty.

"An Ru, go to bed early. If you have anything to do, leave it tomorrow."

Sheng Ming's voice made Lu Anru burst into tears, so he forced himself to answer: "Xiao Ming, you go to sleep first. Gao Ying and I are newly learning Tai Chi training methods. We need to absorb the essence of the moonlight at the end of Haishi."

The reason is ridiculous, but some things sound mysterious, which can easily increase the credibility.

"Senior Huang never mentioned this method?" Sheng Ming questioned.

Lu Anru kept punching with his hands, thought for a moment, and replied: "I just told the students who know Tai Chi about the latest breakthrough point discovered this morning."

If Sheng Ming asked Huang Qite during the day, Lu Anru could blame Gao Ying and say that he was spreading rumors. When it's time to go to school, just treat the tall guy to a meal.

He glanced at Sheng Ming from the corner of his eyes and saw a slight change in his suspicious expression.

From doubting her to a little self-doubt, Lu Anru struck while the iron was hot and introduced: "Look, how slow I am to move. The main effect of this move is to absorb the essence without consuming physical energy."

With solid proof, Sheng Ming believed her nonsense and agreed: "Go to bed early and have a good night."

"Okay, good night."

Lu Anru watched Sheng Ming go upstairs and moved faster. I barely managed to complete two sets of movements and returned to a very slow speed, with insufficient energy and energy.

"Sister, can I help you?" Xiaoqiao came over from the backyard, and before Lu Anru could refuse, she lowered her voice and said, "You don't have to pretend in front of me. I overheard the voice conversation between you and Sister Ella. You still have some homework left. There’s a lot, I’ll help you with your homework.”

Lu Anru had a stern face and refused: "No need to help, I don't have any homework."

If you accept a little kindness from a monkey, you have to pay it back several times, and the proportion of gains and losses is seriously unequal. Moreover, the monkey eavesdropped on her chatting with her best friend, which was so annoying.

Xiaoqiao thought that Lu Anru had the same high self-esteem as herself, so she changed her words and said, "I'm sorry, sister, I made a mistake. I know you got all A's in the exam, and you don't have any homework. It's daily training. I'll help you complete a few sets. Don't be polite to me. I heard what you and Sister Ella said, others can help."

Ella's name was mentioned repeatedly, like a thorn stuck in the most unsightly place.

Lu Anru said the rules politely: "If others help, they need to do three times the share."

The rules set by the college teachers are just like this, with a little bit of humanity hidden in the harshness. The rules for training and homework are the same. You can ask others to help, but the premise is that the person who helps needs to do three times the share.

The advantage of hats and highly evolved life forms helping to write is that they can imitate her without knowing it, saving three times the punishment. She thought about asking Xiao Luan to train together, but considering Xiao Luan's body, she was afraid that her best friend would fall down from exhaustion before her.

When Xiaoqiao heard the harsh rules, hesitation flashed across her face, and she responded the next second: "Sister, if I help you complete a set of training exercises every day, can you forgive me? Let's return to the sisterly relationship we had before?"

Lu Anru pretended that Xiaoqiao was heartless and focused on making herself happy every day. She didn't notice her change in attitude, and her romantic partners found out.

When others help complete one training quota, it is equal to three. For ordinary people, without the foundation of fighting club training, it is tantamount to consuming all their energy and time every day.

Is the monkey willing to make such a sacrifice

Lu Anru's limbs moved slowly and he asked suspiciously: "Sisters, please speak more directly. Do you care so much about what I think of you?"

When she thought of this, she was actually a little touched.

Xiaoqiao coyly said, "Ah," and asked, "Are you really telling the truth?"

Lu Anru twisted around and kicked out the sweeper's leg, but accidentally stretched his tendons. He gritted his teeth and frowned in pain, and uttered one word impatiently: "Say!"

"Oh well."

Xiaoqiao made some room to the side. The cousin who was full of strength in the evening was not scary, but the cousin at this moment was scary. Lu Anru was full of rage, as if he might push her to the ground and beat her at any time.

Then he took two steps back and said softly: "The truth is that I fell in love with Xiaobai at first sight. I believe it is fate and I will never forget him. I want to join Yuexiang. Therefore, I need your help and I must have a good relationship with you."

Sensing the murderous look in Lu Anru's eyes, he quickly added: "The most important thing is that I care about you very much. I always remember how good you are to me. I hope we can be good sisters for life."

After speaking, she made a sincere prayer in her heart, hoping that Lu Anru would be as easily moved as her mother.

Lu An was like a girl who squinted and said nice things, and the first thing she saw at first glance was her asshole head.

"Where are you doing your own homework?" Lu Anru didn't believe that Xiaoqiao didn't have any homework during the holiday.

Even in third-rate universities, teachers will at least pretend to show it to parents, creating an illusion that their money is worth their money.

Xiaoqiao straightened her back and said proudly: "I finished writing before the Spring Festival. I made up my classes in the morning and the teacher helped me with my homework in the afternoon. Sister, please let me help with something."

Hearing this description of his condition as that of a primary school student, Lu Anru couldn't understand the pride of Xiao Qiao's fans, and readily agreed: "Okay, starting tomorrow, you will help me complete a set of training every day. If you can persist until I start school, I will take time to help you in the middle of the year. Complementary Yuexiang introductory questions.”

I have no intention to expose Xiaoqiao's hypocritical flattery. There is a saying that goes well, people teach others but they cannot teach, things teach people deeply. She didn't want to waste any more words on the stubborn monkey who would not change his ways. She would let the monkey get tired for a few days before talking.

"Okay, let me help you make something now." Xiaoqiao actively fought for it.

Lu Anru didn't look back at him, and said calmly: "Go to sleep, recharge your batteries, and help me wholeheartedly. I advise you to start cooking after dinner tomorrow, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to finish."

"Okay, thank you sister for taking care of me." Xiaoqiao jumped away.

Ella, who was always connected to the voice call, became anxious and asked: "If you let her go, what will you do?" She felt that her best friend might lose strength at any time.

"I can finish it." Lu Anru made plans, and the system was already timing her training. She pretended to wait until ten minutes before the end, activate the extreme state, and make up for the owed share.

This seems normal. At the worst, I can tell Xiao Ming about this tomorrow and ask him to help cover it up.

"Okay, I have nothing to do anyway. I'll read a novel to accompany you." After Ella said righteously, she asked thoughtfully: "Do you want me to play some exciting background music for you?"

"Okay." Lu Anru agreed.

Immediately afterwards, the top five battle songs of the Internet search were played in a loop for one hour.

I stuck to the time and completed the third round of training at 0:00 in the morning, dragging my sore body to the guest room on the third floor.

After the afternoon incident, her parents insisted that she and Xiaoqiao sleep in separate rooms.

She had long lost her patience with the aggressive monkeys and agreed to her parents' arrangement without thinking.

After a simple wash, I lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep as soon as I closed my eyes. If you are so tired that you have no dreams all night, you may forget what you dreamed about. From closing his eyes to opening them, Lu Anru only remembered that he forgot to turn off the voice before going to bed.

I took the computer from the bedside and found that it was still connected. I asked several times, but there was no response. Ella was not awake yet.

Hang up and reply with a big emoticon to your bestie: Good morning, I wish we all have a good mood today.

After taking a hot shower to regain some energy, I went downstairs to have breakfast and came to the yard to see Xiaoqiao waiting.

He raised his hand to stop the monkey from asking a lot of questions, and said the solution he had thought of in the morning: "Turn on the video recording function of your computer and watch me do the training while recording. When I finish the first round, I will think about it by myself. I will go well today." Do the complete set of moves and help me tomorrow."

I was too tired last night and my brain was stuck. I forgot that there are thresholds for intermediate training in the fighting club. Xiaoqiao may not be able to do all the sets, let alone complete three sets every day.

It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on others. I gave up the idea of dividing into a group and just did my aunt a favor and used up the excess energy of the monkey.

Lu Anru did a complete set of things, not leaving any chance for Xiaoqiao to criticize her. The first set of training was done slowly to make it easier for Xiaoqiao to record.

After finishing, he raised his hand and pointed to the vegetable shed for Xiaoqiao and said, "You go there to practice."


Xiaoqiao took out a coffee table from the house, used the stand she used to cheat on, put the computer upright, and followed the playback to follow the actions of a cat and a tiger.

Lu Anru returned to normal speed in the second set of training and was sweating profusely after the workout.

The caring elder sister who was standing aside thoughtfully handed over a towel. She took it and wiped her face and neck. She glanced at Xiaoqiao and saw that the monkey was still thinking about the angle of his first move.

I walked to the hall happily and met my aunt standing at the door.

Auntie took her arm and said sincerely: "Anru, auntie, thank you. Xiaoqiao has never been so serious. Thank you for guiding her to the right path."

The corner of Lu Anru's mouth twitched in embarrassment, then she gave a wry smile, took off the tall hat that her aunt had just put on her, and said kindly: "Auntie, don't be in a hurry to thank me. Let's wait until Xiaoqiao can persevere."

Let the poor aunt live a peaceful life by concealing the real purpose of the monkey's ambition.

"Okay, Xiaoqiao needs to be as humble as you. You sisters, keep moving around more in the future." The aunt held her hand and patted it with great hope.

Lu Anru said a few words, took his close sister back to the house, and simply took a warm shower to wash off the sweat on his body.

After lunch, rest for half an hour and proceed with the remaining two rounds of training.

It took nearly five hours to complete the training. I was so tired that I didn't want to say a word, so I ate half of the cake with vegetables, finished a bowl of porridge, and prepared to go back to the house and fall asleep.

Looking at the yard before going upstairs, the monkey was studying the fourth move.

Lu Anru briefly estimated that at the speed of the monkey, it would take half a month to learn all the movements.

With this bit of good news, I went back to my room and slept very soundly. I dreamed about the high-end restaurant where Yunfeng Meng was treating guests, and I really missed its signature dish, black truffle foie gras.

However, a strange scene happened in the dream. The person Yun Fengmeng brought was not the stand-in brother, but the real owner Wu Hao.

"Sister, the message is here."

Wake up with a specific alarm clock in the morning, wipe the saliva from your mouth, stretch out and get up, and start the old-fashioned training.

Two groups were finished in the morning and had a delicious lunch, and two groups were finished in the afternoon. Looking at Xiaoqiao, there was not much progress in the research speed of the monkey.

After dinner, I went back to the house early to catch up on my sleep.

On the morning of the fourth day of the cycle, the monkey found her with heavy dark circles under his eyes and a computer in his hand. He said proudly: "Sister, I can complete the entire training set."

Lu Anru applauded and expressed his appreciation: "That's great, congratulations."

Sensing her perfunctory behavior, Xiaoqiao said seriously: "I'm not going to lie to you, just watch me do it again."

The aunt stood beside the two of them, her face as proud as a monkey. Lu Anru couldn't refuse directly, and kept silently thinking about excuses.

Just as he was about to use time constraints as an excuse, he heard his aunt plead for Xiaoqiao.

"An Ru, my aunt knows that you have many things to do. Please watch Xiaoqiao do a set of exercises. I watched it last night. The movements and time are almost the same as the template in the video."

Lu Anru looked at Xiaoqiao in surprise. The reason she refused to look was because it would take a long time to complete a complete set of training. A novice like Xiaoqiao could take up her entire morning.

According to the situation described by my aunt, about three hours is enough. Although her demonstration video is slower than normal, it is not exponentially delayed.

The light that lit up in her aunt's eyes was so heart-warming, it was similar to the look her mother used to have when she looked at her.

With the words of rejection lodged in his throat, he was mentally prepared to sacrifice the morning and agreed, "Let's get started."

Xiaoqiao exchanged glances with her mother, then came to Lu Anru in a dignified manner, lying on the ground and stretching up her limbs.

Forty push-ups and forty knee-ups were completed without interruption, only a quarter of an hour slower than Lu Anru, who was not at his limit.

The yawning hand dropped to his side, and Lu Anru watched Xiaoqiao's movements more seriously.

(End of chapter)