Magnificent Years

Chapter 151: school starts


After celebrating her grandma’s birthday, Lu Anru’s holiday ended successfully.

After packing her things and preparing to go home, she entered the house and saw Xiao Luan still sleeping. Mother Lu cleaned up the sheets, picked up Xiao Luan and put it into the powder bag.

Late at night, the two families stayed until grandma went to rest, and then drove home.

As soon as she got home, Lu Anru ran back to the house first and took out the medicated bath pills Sheng Mina gave her.

Fill the washbasin with warm water and throw in the medicated bath pills. He took out Xiao Luan from the bag and carefully cleaned her feathers. After half an hour, the little black bird was restored into a little blue bird.

Spread soft woolen felt on the bay window, place Xiao Luan on it, and cover her with a small blanket. The moonlight can help highly evolved life forms regain their strength.

After finishing everything, Lu Anru took a shower and went to bed.

In the morning, a familiar call woke her up.

"Sister, the message is here."

When she opened her eyes and saw the gentle woman with braids, she couldn't help but smile.

Xiao Luan was infected by the sincere smile and felt deeply moved. She woke up two hours ago expecting to be in a trash can or something. I heard from my companions that they once served humans and if they accidentally did something wrong, humans would abandon them mercilessly. Some of the companions were beaten and abused before being abandoned.

Later, people discovered their value and no longer discarded them. They immediately sold them to the underground black research institute if they were no longer used.

On the other hand, Lu Anru didn't blame her for anything and even took care of her personally.

Lord Gouchen is right, the eldest lady is a person worth following.

"I've packed your weekly change of clothes. Do you have anything else to bring to school?"

Xiao Luan grabbed the arms of the blue and white school skirt and helped Lu Anru put it on.

Lu Anru put on the school badge and said casually: "If you decorate the snacks more, it will be more troublesome to buy them when you go in."

"The young master sent three big bags this morning. I packed them all for you." Xiao Luan emphasized the word 'young master'.

Lu Anru nodded happily, "Well, just put it in your bag and I'll take you to school."


Xiao Luan followed the same routine, walked into the bathroom, and flew in and out of the bag.

Lu Anru zipped up her powder bag, slung it across her shoulders, and went downstairs to have breakfast. Butler He sent her to Yuexiang.

The housekeeper told her that Sheng Ming left at around 5 o'clock in the morning. The student representative's speech at the opening ceremony was temporarily changed and he needed to recite it again.

Based on Lu Anru's understanding of Sheng Ming, Sheng Ming's plenary meeting will decide how much to say based on practicality, regardless of whether to change it or not. Official promotional content is basically within the scope of omission.

The Propaganda Department of the college dared not speak out against Sheng Ming, because after all, it was difficult to find outstanding representatives. Looking at the presidents of the four societies, they all have their own merits, and their advantages and disadvantages are equally obvious.

Mou Xinyue leads the Healing Society and develops steadily, but not brilliantly.

As for Huang Qite, his requirements for the strong men in the fighting club are simple: they can pass the exam and their performance must not be lower than that of other clubs. The children of the world are like this, and such people are acceptable as generals, but not as handsome men.

Yin Yi seems to be a relatively normal person on the surface, but his mind is weird and unpredictable. In addition, the Literary and Comprehensive Society has just emerged in recent years, and its status is far lower than that of the Legal Society.

Therefore, even if Sheng Ming does what he wants and likes to send blessings to the new students with plain truth, the Minister of Publicity and Development can still only rely on him.

Lu Anru sat in the car and squinted for half an hour while Xiao Luan played the alarm clock with Sheng Ming's voice dutifully.

Arriving underground, fans walked into the academy, walked through the entrance hall, and took the elevator.

There is no need to go by floor. There is only one activity on the morning of the first day of school, the opening ceremony.

He retreated to the corner of the elevator and yawned.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I rubbed my groggy eyes and looked over, seeing several smiling faces.

There are Ella, Sheng Mina, Gao Ying, Meng Meng and many others.

"What a coincidence. Happy new semester everyone." Lu Anru waved to everyone and said hello.

Everyone returned the greetings, and after chatting for a while, Gao Ying said frankly: "What a coincidence, we are sitting in the sofa area waiting for you. Everyone was bored and made bets on what time you would come. Most people guessed that you would hit the spot. With Aila and Zhou Sheng, they firmly believe that you will arrive early.”

"Oh," Lu Anru said in a long voice, looking at Fan Gaoying with deep meaning, and made a conclusion: "Are you in the losing camp?"

"Yes, who knew you would be punctual in your life after celebrating the Spring Festival?"

Gao Ying's subsequent complaints were suppressed by Sheng Mina and she smoothed things over: "Don't get ahead of yourself if you lose a small amount of money. It's a good thing to be punctual."

When the elevator arrived at the auditorium floor, Gao Ying glanced at Heshi Lao with disdain, hummed, "Cheh", and left.

Ella got close to Lu Anru and explained the whole story in a low voice: "Gao Ying lost more than 100,000 yuan, which is not a small amount of money. I made 90,000 yuan. I will share it with you later. It is all due to your contribution."

The super large amount drove away the drowsiness in Lu Anru's mind, and he asked in surprise: "The bet is so big, are you crazy?"

"We are not crazy. Gao Ying is crazy. She is saving money to buy the ultimate plus wish card worth 1.2 million yuan. Seeing that the bet is guaranteed to make a profit, the bet is relatively large."

Ella covered her mouth and spoke in a very soft voice, which still did not escape the eavesdropping of Sheng Mina, who was good at observing words and expressions.

Sheng Mina came over and added with a melancholy face: "I tried to persuade her just now, but I couldn't stop her. Gao Ying had a bad temper. Afterwards, Aila told Zhou Sheng and Meng Mengyou to forget it. No need to pay, everyone was happy. Lord, Gao Ying is so angry that he just gave me this."

Lu Anru blinked in confusion and asked, "She is saving money, why don't you?"

I wonder if Mina has become more sensible after the hard work of cleaning toilets during the winter holidays? Give up unrealistic feelings

"His Royal Highness Uzumaki must be wearing an anti-spell talisman. It was made by a senior conjurer of the royal family. I don't think it's worth wasting money on nothing."

As soon as the rational answer came out, Lu Anru gave a thumbs up and praised: "You still have a brain."

"Keep your voice down so Gao Ying can hear that she's getting emotional again." Ella reminded the two of them.

Lu Anru and Sheng Mina covered their mouths together, looked at each other and laughed. Gao Ying is a womanly man and has great self-esteem. If what just happened happened to Lu Anru, she would definitely agree to refund everyone's money without hesitation.

The group of people chatted and entered Area C of the auditorium. Ella was the first to find the corresponding number, patted the location next to her, and called out: "Anru, your location."

Lu Anru walked over and sat down easily, with Lian Hua sitting next to her.

As soon as Lianhua took her seat, a heavily armed man came to sit next to her.

Blunt, the owner of the original seat, stood dumbfounded, poked the short man with his finger, and said coldly: "Classmate, you are sitting on the wrong floor."

The armed man turned around, clasped his hands and bowed to Blount, and said in a low voice: "It's convenient, my seat is in the second row A3, you can sit in my seat, the view is great."

Second row, the president's position! Several people nearby focused their attention on the placeholder and guessed who it was based on the voice.


Lu Anru raised his hand and covered Ella's mouth to block the name she blurted out.

Mou Xinyue gave Lu Anru a grateful wink, and continued to intercede with Blunt, who had already turned into a fanboy: "Please, please, Xinyue has something very important to discuss with Anru."

Being close to the goddess, Blunt was already overcome by the goddess's cuteness and agreed: "Okay."

"Wait a minute." Lu Anru stopped Blount and pointed out the flaw: "Yuexiang School has strict rules. Even if the opening ceremony is a relaxed event, you, a grown man, are supporting Senior Sister Xinyue. It is easy to be discovered, and the impact will always be bad. Find a girl with a similar figure."

"Yes, An Ru is so attentive. Can anyone help me?" Mou Xinyue looked around helplessly.

Blount turned into a guardian knight and took the initiative to help the goddess find a reliable partner, targeting Rosa, who had a similar figure.

Passing Lu Anru and Ella, he walked up to her and asked, "Senior Xinyue has something to tell Anru. Please go to her place. If you need my help later, I am obligated."

Rosa opened her eyes at a loss and asked uncertainly: "Are you talking to me?"

"Yes." Blunt was afraid that Rosa would refuse, so he offered a tempting condition: "Or I can give you three appreciation cards as reward."

It was the first time that so many people were watching her and she had to accept such a big task. Rosa looked like she was down, and she raised her head for a long time without answering.

Seeing that the ceremony was about to begin, Blount became anxious and urged: "Speak, if three cards don't work, let's go with five."

"If she really feels embarrassed, it doesn't matter. I'll go back and sit down." Mou Xinyue left her seat and was about to leave.

Lu Anru grabbed Mou Xinyue and whispered, "Don't worry."

Looking sideways at the anxious man, he suggested: "Take these things and go to the back row to find April. She has the right figure, so be brave."

"Okay." Blount agreed and took the hat, scarf, and mask.

Passing by Mou Xinyue, she put a bottle of Level 3 medicine into Blount's hand and thanked him: "It's a small gift, please be sure to accept it."

The price of the third-level medicine is about four or five appreciation cards, which is just enough to offset Blount's expenses for helping out. But in Blount's view, the medicine was of great significance. The goddess made it herself, and she was not willing to use it at all, so she asked for it.

He carefully put the medicine into his bag, took decisive steps, and walked to the back row.

As Lu An expected, Blount explained the matter and compensation to April, and April agreed. He put on his disguise and walked to Mou Xinyue's position.

As soon as they sat down, Huang Qite and Yin Yi looked at Lu Anru and his group.

Huang Qite was mostly annoyed, while Yin Yi had a smile in his eyes waiting for something interesting.

Mou Xinyue hurriedly took out her computer and sent messages to the two of them one after another.

After receiving the reply, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lu Anru, saying in a cooing voice: "Thank you An Ruya."

"Senior, you're welcome." Lu Anru introduced him knowingly: "Lianhua, senior, I have something to ask you."


"Don't you have something to do with An Ruru?"

Lotus and Ella were surprised together.

Mou Xinyue covered her face with her hands and said sheepishly: "It's a little matter. I need to ask classmate Lianhua, who is very good at spells."

A familiar scene reappeared, and Ella suddenly understood what Mou Xinyue was going to do.

I bet that at that time, Sheng Mina also pestered Lotus and asked about the wishing card.

Lotus, a socially resistant person, answered with three words out of friendship: "There is something fishy."

After receiving a professional reply, Sheng Mina waited and waited rationally, but Gao Ying was still having a fever.

When Mou Xinyue came to ask, Ella felt that she was in the same boat. No one could escape, no matter the woman or the goddess.

Lianhua glanced at Lu Anru, received a nod, and asked patiently: "What's going on?"

"Excuse me, do you know Tina Siqi?"

"do not know."

The performance of the topic terminator was as stable as ever. Mou Xinyue was like a little flower that had been ravaged by wind and frost. She suddenly lost her energy and drooped her head.

Lu Anru and Ella suppressed their laughter. Considering the close relationship between Sheng Ming and Mou Xinyue, Lu Anru asked more questions: "Is the wishing card reliable?"

"A powerful spell requires a price. Ask yourself if you can afford it."

Lianhua gave Lu Anru more face, and the number of words in her answer was several times more than last time.

Mou Xinyue's interest returned and asked: "The price of 1.2 million is not low. Does the price refer to money?"

The chat that had just entered into the main topic ended abruptly, and Lianhua concentrated on watching the ceremony program.

Mou Xinyue found the trick, blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at the person on the other side of the lotus, staring at her miserably.

Lu An, like Alexander, acted as a transmitter and repeated the question. She basically knows the temperament of the women in the dormitory, but she can't be sure about the lonely Lotus.

I'm not sure how many times my face can be used. I hope it works this time. I also hope that Mou Xinyue won't ask new questions after asking.

After waiting for a moment, no words were spoken.

Lu Anru was ready to lose face and told Mou Xinyue that he had no idea.

Then he turned around and thankfully heard the answer: "I haven't seen the real thing, so I can't determine the price."

"Okay, thank you. If I have a chance later, I'll find the real thing and ask you to be firm. You're busy."

Mou Xinyue may also feel that it is difficult to chat and end the conversation.

After half an hour, I randomly found some topics and chatted with Lu Anru about interesting things during the winter vacation. He rushed back to his seat before Dean Huo Yu spoke and exchanged with April.

Siyue sat down, patted Lu Anru on the back, and said softly: "Thank you, senior sister."

Lu Anru didn't turn around and responded: "It's okay. You have earned it through hard work. There is no need to thank you."

"Not only because of this matter, but also," April Yi shyly glanced at the seat where she just sat, and whispered her girlish feelings: "I am so honored to be sitting in the same row as Senior Sheng Ming."

Lu Anru said 'hmm', forgetting that April is Sheng Ming's little crush.

With a silent gesture, Dean Huo walked onto the podium.

The gray-haired old man refused the assistant's support and walked slowly to the microphone on a crutch, holding it on the right side of his body.

In the last great battle of the last era, he sacrificed his right leg to save innocent people.

Huo Yu adjusted the prosthesis and remained standing, but his back was still unable to straighten, and the condition of his spinal bones was similar to that of his right leg.

It was the rickety old man in his 60s who chose to sacrifice himself in a cruel war and performed feats that no healthy person could achieve.

Huo Yu couldn't lift his slightly trembling hand. The trembling had nothing to do with fear, but was still caused by an old illness.

The dry old hand stopped shaking when he held the microphone. He said calmly in a hoarse voice: "The new semester starts today. The students of Central C will have their first real-life mission without the company of teachers and senior students. I am very interested in If you don’t have any extra words, I hope you all return safely. There will be an assessment period half a month before the mission, so there is no need to feel ashamed. Death or injury is not the only way to gain supreme honor.”

The audience burst into applause, and most students worshiped their dean from the bottom of their hearts.

Ella leaned close to Lu Anru and chuckled in a low voice: "Hey, in fact, as long as you don't win the S-level mission, there is basically no danger. I don't know which unlucky guy will win."

(End of chapter)