Magnificent Years

Chapter 155: Find the spell caster


Twenty minutes goes by very quickly for a healthy person, just watch short videos and watch funny jokes. It is no exaggeration to say that it seems to happen in the blink of an eye.

But for those who truly feel their body is deteriorating, it goes by so slowly that it seems longer than a century.

Gao Ying turned on her computer every few seconds to check the time.

Sheng Mina sat next to her. Unable to resist the constant reminder, she pressed Gao Ying's hand with her arm and whispered: "Lianhua will come out naturally after rescuing Fengmeng."

Gao Ying took out her hand, rolled her eyes at Mina, and said, "Come out and call me."

He strode back to the house, closed the door, and then heard the sound of banging things coming from the house.

The noise was far louder than the slamming door she always used to vent her emotions. Ella looked at Sheng Mina sympathetically.

Sheng Mina grinned in embarrassment and wanted to laugh, but the slight tingling in her hands depressed her mood and made her unable to laugh. But having Ella stare at her with innocent eyes made her feel uncomfortable.

He pursed his lips and explained consolingly: "Everyone is familiar with Gao Ying. She has a bit of a bad temper, but she is not evil-minded. She is more miserable than us, and the money she saved for black boxing is in vain."

"No matter how uncomfortable you are, you shouldn't vent it to irrelevant people, and it's not the first time." Ella muttered in a low voice, "You have such a good temper, and you have always been tolerant of her."

For Ella, who values the harmony in the dormitory, to say this, it proves that Gao Ying's similar actions have already aroused everyone's disgust.

Sheng Mina picked at her fingers, picked up the water glass and took a sip. She opened her lips slightly and tried to continue to find some excuses for Gao Ying, but Lu Anru raised her hand to stop her.

"Don't worry about her affairs. Go check online to see if anyone who has bought the card has experienced a similar situation." Lu Anru needed to make sure that this matter was only aimed at them, or it was time for a collective backlash.

"Okay." Sheng Mina took out the computer from her bag.

After searching for a while, he replied: "No one said this on the college forum, but there are five girls in our study group who have the same symptoms. Three are unconscious, two have vomiting and diarrhea, and are dehydrated. All of them were sent to the school hospital."

"Is there any follow-up report?" Lu Anru raised his eyes solemnly.

Sheng Mina patiently replied: "You may not have heard clearly, but the news was not released by the reporter on campus, but was discussed in the group."

"Ask for the follow-up results of the five people's medical treatment."

As soon as Lu Anru arranged it, Sheng Mina's eyes lit up and she happily agreed: "Okay."

Ella then reacted and echoed: "Yes, if there is a powerful doctor on duty in the emergency room, he can handle this spell. Don't just wait around. Go to the campus hospital."

Sheng Mina chose the sleeping partner of the victim, and after chatting privately to learn about the situation, she said excitedly: "We are still recovering from severe coma and severe cases. The conditions of the two people with vomiting and diarrhea are under control. This mild symptom like ours should be easy to deal with. "

"Okay, let's go to the school hospital."

Lu Anru stood up and looked at the room where Gao Ying was, and asked Mina to smooth things over and said, "I'll call her, you go first."

"Okay, I'll accompany An Ruru." Ella jumped to Lu Anru's side.

Lu Anru pulled a chair between the two of them and said, "You stay, wait for Lianhua to handle it, and tell me her conclusion in time."

"I know." Ella sat back on the sofa boredly.

Lu Anru and Rosa nodded to each other and left the dormitory.

On the way to the school hospital, she kept thinking about a question in her mind, where did she smell the fragrance

Even though her sense of smell was wrong, her memory would not be wrong. She clearly remembered smelling this unique smell.

When she walked to the door of the campus hospital, she received no reply, and the exaggerated scene in front of her gave her no time to think about it any more.

Sheng Mina said there were five cases, but in fact there were hundreds of people from all grades recruited, and the queues stretched to the outside of the campus hospital garden.

Lu Anru joined the queue and learned through questioning that most people encountered the same situation as them and had no intention of touching the cards.

"There is no artifact in the world that can easily grant wishes. The best girl in our dormitory has a brain problem. I told her countless times to be less gullible, but she refused to listen. This time, we are all in trouble together."

There was a new student who wrapped his aging face in gauze and complained angrily.

The expression of vomiting bitterness is contagious very quickly, and the next second, people who are nearby join in one after another.

The people they cursed have the same characteristics and are not worthy of having a name. They all become that immoral person, that idiot or something like that.

As she listened, Lu Anru heard a familiar voice, Gao Ying: "Other people's dormitories only infected one person, but our dormitory infected three. It's all because she was greedy and bought too much."

"Stop talking, she's lying in bed and can't get up. She's much worse off than us. Besides, she's not the one behind this." Sheng Mina tugged on Gao Ying's sleeves with her hands.

Gao Ying pulled it out and vented her anger on Sheng Mina: "It's your business whether you like to be the peacemaker or you like to be angry. I have to say it. Not only do I say it, I will scold her in person when I get back."

"Okay, go ahead and scold her," Lu Anru looked cynical, held Sheng Mina's hand, and said softly: "Come to the front of the line with me."

He walked back to his original position and thanked several people. Originally she didn't want to lead anyone to jump in line, so she planned to go over and stand in the back with Sheng Mina and the others, and walk forward slowly.

But after listening to Gao Ying's words, she changed her mind and couldn't stand her out-of-control emotions.

"Leave her alone, okay?" Sheng Mina said softly.

Lu Anru raised her pretty eyebrows and pointed out the problem: "You let her get used to PUA. As Ella said, you didn't make her angry, so why do you always bear her emotions?"

"That's right." Sheng Mina resisted the thought of looking back.

Lu Anru squeezed her hand and emphasized in a low voice: "Don't worry about her when you go back. She likes to make trouble and let her make trouble. Once she suffers, she will have a long memory."

"I know." Sheng Mina closed her mouth in grievance.

I remembered that Gao Ying was naturally sulky last semester, so she kept herself under the quilt all night, and only came out after hearing her compromise in the morning. She had a headache all day long.

Sheng Mina fell in love twice, and the partner was much more reasonable than the angry Gao Ying. Gao Ying allowed her to experience things that she had never experienced with a man before.

There was another time when Gao Ying scolded her in a particularly unpleasant way. She made up her mind to completely ignore Gao Ying until the other party relented first. But when I saw the two best friends Lu Anru and Ella interacting at night, I was very envious, but couldn't squeeze in. Gao Ying happened to show up at the right time and did some small things to touch her. Over time, she developed the habit of being more tolerant and tolerant.

Half an hour later, the three of them finally lined up in front of the doctor.

The doctor didn't ask them about their conditions in detail. He just looked at the three people's hands, opened a small bottle of medicine each, and asked them to go back and apply it every half hour, and set the alarm clock to apply it until tomorrow morning.

After loading the medicine and walking back, I didn't receive any news from Ella on the way.

Gao Ying kept three meters away from them, deliberately keeping the distance to show that she was emotional. Sheng Mina didn't hold back and ran over to coax people before entering the dormitory building.

Lu Anru was too lazy to wait for them. There was a seriously ill person in the room who deserved more care than an emotional person.

He took the elevator and returned to the dormitory. He saw that Ella had not moved and was still sitting on the sofa.

"The lotus flower never came out?" I felt very strange.

At the same time, Ella asked her urgently: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, how is Fengmeng?" Lu Anru hung up the powder packet, took out the medicine and applied it to his numb hands and arms.

"Half an hour ago, Lianhua came out of the house to circle around and then went back in. Maybe she didn't find you and she wasn't interested in telling me more. But judging from her look, the difficulty was all under her control." Ella chuckled.

"Well, let me go in and ask."

Lu Anru reached out and pinched Silly Man's cheek. She had consulted a doctor. The damage caused by the spell was spread through the card and would not be passed from person to person.

Ella's simple thoughts are so wonderful. She lives a much happier life than Gao Ying.

He knocked on the door twice and announced his name: "I am Lu Anru."

After waiting for a few seconds and no response, she opened the door and walked in. Stopping beside the bed, he looked at Yun Fengmeng.

She thought that with Lotus's superb spell, Yunfengmeng could be restored to normal within an hour, but the result was the same as what she saw when she went out.

Lianhua sat on the ground tiredly, holding Yun Fengmeng's arm with one hand, and two rays of light blended where she held her hand.

A closer look reveals that the purple light and the red light are not blending, but fighting. The vermilion aperture bursts out sharp rays of light from the core, and pierces through the purple aperture's protective film-like outer shell with difficulty.

Once pierced, the light is swallowed up, and the lotus has to cast a new spell to create new light.

Lu Anru understood clearly that just keeping Yunfengmeng's condition from deteriorating was already exhausting Lotus's full strength.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked quietly.

Lotus said in a hoarse voice: "Find the spell caster before the academy investigates."


Lu Anru exchanged glances with Xiao Luan, and Xiao Luan hummed a tune that was both soundproof and calming.

She left the room and locked the door to make up for her angry words just now, to prevent her anger from disturbing Lotus.

Gao Ying and Sheng Mina didn't go upstairs, they probably went to the night market to talk. The time of return is unknown, but to be on the safe side, she cannot let things happen with unpredictable consequences.

Ella trotted over and asked with concern: "Is Feng Meng awake?"

"No, follow me to find Tina Siqi." Lu Anru put the pink bag on her back and pinned it to Yin Cang's waist.

Ella agreed without hesitation: "Okay, let's go to her dormitory."

"I guess she won't stay in the dormitory waiting for us to catch her. You summon the pathfinding dog and let it lead the way."

Take out the broken card wrapped in gloves and let the pathfinder dog smell it.

Ella scratched her head and said sheepishly: "I don't know how to summon a pathfinder spirit dog."

"I heard from Xiao Ming that he taught you last week." Lu Anru blurted out and questioned.

Ella covered her mouth with her hand, but Lu Anru glanced at her coldly. She lowered her hand to cover her mouth and confessed honestly: "I haven't learned yet."

"Haha, what a waste." Xiaohong laughed, and when he saw that no one else was in the house, he wandered out.

Ella raised her hand to knead the secret, summoned a small flame, and smiled softly: "Ha~ let me help you evolve into the ultimate fire fox, right?"

"Hey, don't try to fool me, useless person."

Xiaohong jumped three meters high, over the heads of Lu Anru and Ella, and kicked down the back of Ella's head with her legs in a very insulting manner.

Ella rubbed her head and started to chase her, but Lu Anru reached out to stop her and reminded her in a deep voice: "Stop making trouble, business is more important."

"Oh, okay." Ella was like a child who had done something wrong, standing beside her obediently waiting for orders.

Lu Anru waved his hand to Rosa and called: "Rosa, let's go together."

"Can I?" Rosa's face showed excitement.

"Okay, take Xiaohong with you." Lu Anru opened the door, not noticing that Rosa's excitement was replaced by a little disappointment.

Three people and one fox took the elevator down two floors and arrived in front of Tina Siqi's dormitory.

"Didn't you say she won't wait for someone to catch you?" Ella couldn't see through Lu Anru's intentions.

Lu Anru didn't answer, turned to look at Xiaohong who was being held by Rosa, and said, "Remember the smell, we'll look for it later."

When looking for people, foxes are not as useful as spirit dogs. Foxes need an extremely strong scent to retain their memories, and the dormitory leaves more than the card.

Xiao Hong raised his head to protest, but Rosa whispered in his ear in time: "Please help me, I live in the same dormitory as them. If the matter is not handled, sooner or later it will affect me."

Xiao Hong reluctantly stopped struggling and barked to signify her agreement.

Lu Anru knocked on the door, and a short girl opened the door from the inside and took the initiative to apologize: "I'm sorry, I really don't know where Siqi is."

"April?" Ella helped the little girl's bowed head.

When April saw Lu Anru and others, her dull expression took on a new look. Within a few seconds of being happy, worries appeared in the corners of her eyes and brows: "Are you cursed?"

"We still,"

Before she could utter the good word, Ella was bumped by Lu Anru with her elbow, and she changed the topic and said, "Yes, I just went to the hospital to get prescribed medicine. The effect of the medicine only lasted for about ten minutes, and my hands started to feel numb again, and my legs started to hurt. I He An Ruru thought that the person who tied the bell must untie it, so he came to find Tina Siqi. "

After April listened quietly, she bit her lower lip and looked away.

Ella took the medicine bottle secretly handed over by Lu Anru, placed it where April could see it, and said sadly: "Such a small bottle of medicine, there is not much left after applying it to the hands and legs. I don't know if it can withstand it." Next time. It’s so sad when something like this happens.”

April said weakly: "Yes, it's so sad."

"Since the instigator is not in the dormitory, let's go and rest early in April." Lu Anru said understandingly, making a 'back off' gesture to the red-haired girl who was winking at her crazily.

The three of them took a few steps, and the red-haired girl panicked and shouted: "An Ruru, why are your legs shaking all the time? Is the backlash happening again?"

He shouted, his voice getting more and more anxious, "Here, take the medicine and apply it. Your leg is so serious. If President Sheng Ming sees it, he will be heartbroken."

Hearing the sound of running footsteps, Ella let go of Lu Anru's trouser legs and said distressedly: "After applying it, I will help you walk."

"Sister Lu, wait for me." April chased her to the elevator.

Lu Anru weakly held the elevator wall with his hands and increased his breathing rate.

Ella took advantage of her acting skills and asked, "April, what are you doing here?"

"I know where Siqi might go, I'll take you to find it." April held the elevator close button to cut off her path to regret.

Ella secretly gestured to Lu Anru, expressing gratitude: "Thank you, thank you so much. With your help, An Ruru can be saved."

There is a large area scheduled for April, so Xiaohong can find it faster.

"You're welcome, I have one more thing to trouble you with, please agree." April begged softly.

Ella agreed without hesitation: "Okay, you say."

April said sincerely: "Please don't hurt Siqi. Siqi's original intention of making the wishing card was to help people, but she was controlled by a bad spirit and couldn't help herself with many things."


"What? A bad spirit controlled her?"

Lu Anru and Ella asked in unison.

(End of chapter)