Magnificent Years

Chapter 156: Witch


The amount of information was so overwhelming that Lu Anru forgot to pretend, and his voice became louder.

"Senior Anru, are you okay?" April was surprised.

Lu Anru closed his eyes depressedly, pretending to be weak and said: "No, it was so bizarre that I forgot about the pain."

April is so innocent that she chooses to trust her sister who respects her senior, and tells a heart-wrenching story.

"Yes, I had insomnia yesterday and heard Siqi yelling in pain in the toilet. I was very worried, so I got up and wanted to ask her what trouble she was in. When I walked to the toilet, before I could ask, I heard Siqi yelling in pain. She yelled not to move April, and then thick black smoke rose from her body. There was a woman's face in the smoke, and it rushed towards me. I was so scared that I sat on the ground and felt the smoke pass through my body. Just before I lost consciousness, I heard Siqi begging the bad spirit to let me go and saying that she would be obedient."

"No wonder."

Lu Anru sighed in a deep voice, no wonder there was a collective outburst today.

With a sharp look in his eyes, he picked out the key points: "The spirit body is in the shape of black smoke, not white smoke, right? The face inside is that of a woman, not a child, right?"

"Well, I'm sure it's the black smoke and the woman's face. Siqi was completely controlled by the evil spirit in order to save me." April was filled with guilt, and she gently touched the moist ends of her eyes with her hands, and asked in a hoarse voice: "What did senior sister just say?" No wonder?"

Lu Anru's eyes flashed with relief. He half-closed his eyes and groaned in pain. He leaned over and rubbed his legs, "I said my legs are numb, but I mean my legs are numb again."

"I heard wrong." April looked up uneasily, staring at the changes in the elevator floors.

When the number jumps to the 1st floor, silently cheer yourself up and get out of the elevator.

Lu Anru winked at Ella, and followed suit, holding Rosa's arm and walking slowly.

Ella strode after April and asked, "Are you far away?"

"Three places, it's a bit far." April said through the glass door, looking at the neatly parked small trams, "I can take one person with me on my bike."

"Just in time, I summoned the streamer motorcycle, I will take An Ruru, and in April, you take Rosa."

Ella took out the pink kitten helmet from her bag and threw it to her best friend. When he turned around and saw that his best friend was still working hard and pretending to be sick, he could only help her put it on with gentle movements.

After they got into the car, Ella turned the accelerator and said to April: "You lead the way from the front."

"Okay." April started the off-white tram and drove southeast.

After winding their way to the back of the lake next to the library, April stopped the car.

He raised his hand and pointed to the Jiuqu Pavilion and said softly: "At night, Siqi likes to make spells in the pavilion in the middle of the lake."

Lu Anru glanced at Xiaohong, who put her head into Rosa's arms with interest.

"There's no need to go and look for it, just go to the next place." Lu Anru said weakly.

April was confused: "Senior, did you see no one in the pavilion?" She couldn't hear the sound from the center of the lake even with the secondary headphones.

Lu Anru lay tiredly on his best friend's back and took the opportunity to touch Ella's waist.

Ella came up with an excuse knowingly: "The pathfinder dog raised by Rosa has a good nose, and there is no Tinaski smell nearby."

April turned around, looked at the puppy in Rosa's arms again, and praised: "It's amazing."

Rosa Yuan said: "Despite its ugly appearance, it is quite good at finding people to explore the way."

Xiaohong raised her head proudly and barked twice.

"Well, let's go to the next point, thank you for your hard work, little dog."

April drove due south. Halfway through the drive, Xiaohong suddenly barked non-stop.

April stopped the car, looked at the dense poplar trees around him, and said suspiciously, "I have never been here with Siqi."

"Did you hear it wrong?" Lu Anru asked Xiaohong.

Xiao Hong sniffed hard and screamed louder deep into the gravel road in the poplar forest.

Rosa acted as a translator and said: "Xiaohong smelled Siqi's scent and firmly believed that she was inside the gravel road."

"I remembered. Siqi told me that she and her ex-boyfriend liked to date in the poplar forest, but it was a poplar forest outside the school. Let's park the car and go in to look for it."

On April 1st, Ella recalled the fiery red motorcycle.

April and Rosa walked in front. Ella supported Lu Anru and asked her best friend with her eyes: "Are you still pretending?" '

Lu Anru raised his chin towards April and signaled: "Don't pay attention to me, talk more." '

Ella rolled her eyes at her playful best friend and asked softly with a caring attitude: "Did Naschi's ex fall in love?"

It is highly possible that love can lead to hatred, leading to revenge.

"No," April paused, and faintly recounted the past: "Her ex died in a car accident, and she has always had regrets. She was admitted to school hoping to find a way to resurrect her boyfriend, but she learned the cruel fact. Death is like a lamp that goes out and cannot be resurrected, and she also missed the best time to transfer her ex's spirit body to the medium. Her ex disappeared and she lost the chance to be with him for the last three years, so she became obsessed with studying the spell to fulfill her wish. ”

Ella's sympathy soared and she lamented: "Life and death are so vast, I can't forget them without thinking."

"Hush, be quiet, in front." Xiaohong shouted in panic.

April opened her eyes wide, pointed at Xiaohong and stammered: "Dog, dog, did the dog talk?"

Lu Anru immediately imitated Xiao Hong's voice and explained in a low voice: "I said it."

"Yesterday I let you off the hook, but today I'm here to seek death myself." Leng Ao Rushuang's voice came from directly in front of the four of them.

In the blink of an eye, the surroundings were filled with black fog, and visibility was less than half a meter. Lu Anru could barely see Ella beside him clearly, and as for Rosa and April, who reached out to hold them, their backs could only be seen vaguely.

What frightened her the most was not her opponent's domineering attack, but her opponent's voice.

Listening to the defender, Lu Anru suddenly remembered where she had smelled the fragrance on the card.

The punishment room, on the body of Snow White's stepmother, the witch!

The evil book spirit can emerge from the punishment room...

Shock flashed through him, and he handed the hand he held to Ella, took out Yincang, and asked loudly: "Did Nasiqi agree to be your host?"

"The stinky girl who destroyed my magic mirror is here too, which is interesting. Ha, your IQ is not as good as it used to be."

As the sneer approached, Lu Anru dodged sideways, dodged the finger blade piercing his ear, drew his sword and stabbed it to the right.

The garbled murmur proved that she had hit, but not the vital part. Of course she knew that she was asking nonsense. The book spirit and the evil spirit all signed a contract with Dean Huo, and they could regain their freedom only by meeting the agreed requirements.

Nonsense also has its uses. Asking will lead the witch to attack first.

Lu Anru picked up his sword and chased into the depths of the thick black fog, shouting to Ella as he ran: "The character possessing Tina Siqi is very powerful, you guys get out."

In response to her, the surrounding area became brighter, and there was a red-haired girl holding a ball of fire beside her, grinning at her: "I asked April to take Rosa back, and Xiaohong should be able to lead them to a safe place. I will stay with you, I have already said that best friends will advance and retreat together."

"Well," Lu Anru smiled back and made arrangements: "You throw the fireball to the right."

With the fog set by the witch as a shield, the college poplar forest will not be accidentally lit.

"Okay." Ella agreed.

The fireball was steadily thrown forward, smashing a hole in the black mist.

The two best friends clapped their hands in a tacit understanding, got into the gap, and came to the palace that Lu Anru was familiar with.

Rubbing the ground with the toe of his shoe, it felt soft, proving that this place was also an illusion created by the witch.

"Fireballs are falling in all directions, don't leave my side."

Lu Anru grasped the hilt of Yincang's eagle-headed sword, and Ella stood back to back with her.

"Watch out!"

Countless threads came from all directions, turning them into living targets.

Lu Anru swung his sword to clear the front of him, then turned around to help Ella cut off the thread that had wrapped around her body.

Ella had a few more strangulation marks on her wrists and arms. If she had been a second later, Ella would have died at any time.

In other words, the witch showed mercy and seemed to enjoy the process of slowly torturing them to death.

The speed of the stabbing line was just enough to leave blood marks on their bodies, and it happened to leave a few seconds for them to resist.

The two of them didn't dare to delay, and kept attacking. I said it wrong and kept resisting until my death.

It was better for her. As long as she could keep up with the speed of swinging the sword, the thread would at most cut her sleeve and hurt her arm. Ella's situation is not optimistic, her long-range attacks are quite passive, and she has several scratches on her neck.

The shallow scratches gathered more and were equally shocking.

After Lu Anru solved himself, he still had to help Ella out of trouble, and he gradually became unable to do what he wanted.

As she swung her sword, she looked around the palace with her peripheral vision and noticed something strange. The magic mirror she had cut off in half was standing intact next to the throne.

Zhou, the chief teacher of the fighting club, talked about the two major elements of illusions that confuse people, which is to completely restore real scenes and appear familiar characters.

These two points are feasible for people who have not yet discovered that they are in an illusion, and Lu An is in the opposite situation, proving that the angle of approach also requires reverse thinking.

They all knew the truth, but the key point was that the witch didn't leave them too much time to think. Lu Anru took Ella's hand and ran towards the mirror.

Since there is no way to break through, it is better to take the initiative to approach the traps set by the enemy and look for opportunities to survive.

An important discovery was made when getting close to the mirror. Many lines were refracted and copied by the mirror.

How strange. Could it be that the mirror is not a trap but a reminder

Lu Anru didn't think too much, he did what he had done again, and slashed at the mirror with his sword.

However, Yincang did not fall as smoothly as last time, and was caught by the witch with one hand. In her other hand, there was a hostage, Ella, who was tied up with a thread.

Lu Anru let go of the two people's pull, because as long as he pulled Ella back a little bit with a little force, Ella would immediately be smashed into strips by the thread.

The witch proudly pushed Yin Cang away and raised her hand to attract a new wave of dense thin lines.

Lu Anru swung his sword sideways in time and chopped them all off with a few clicks.

"If you still dare to resist, don't forget that you entered my illusion in your true form."

The witch squeezed her fingers tightly, and wrapped the thin threads around Ella's cheek, cutting bloody marks.

Ella was so painful that she burst into tears, but she never said a word from beginning to end. She only blinked at Lu An, sending the same message: run quickly.

Lu Anru secretly cursed "silly girl" and said calmly: "If I don't resist, don't torture her."

"I've always liked a saying among you humans. Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its own owner. It's natural for you to repay the debt. Don't bargain with me."

The witch's cold words were like a boulder, making Lu Anru give up thinking.

He quickly threw Yincang away before the thread tightened for the second time, raised his hands, and shouted: "Come on, settle the score with me."

Resigned to his fate, he let the thread wrap around his body. His legs had just been wrapped in two layers, and the pain of cutting out the flesh shot straight to his head, heartbreaking. It hurt so much that she wanted to call her mother and hide under her mother's protection. She admired Ella's strength.

But when I saw the witch stop tightening the thread that bound Ella, I felt at least a little better.

The relief didn't last for a few seconds, as the thread wrapped up to his chest, strangling him so hard that even if his breathing sped up several times, he still felt lack of oxygen.

For the first time, I felt that death was approaching, but there was so much reluctance to leave, Xiao Ming, dad, mom, grandma, grandpa, grandma, hat...

The witch in front of her slowly became blurry, and a strange voice appeared in her mind: "Mirror, mirror, I can only hold you back for ten seconds."

The will to survive forced her to believe unconditionally, and she regained all her energy. She opened her eyes and saw the witch with a ferocious expression.

Quickly kicking Yincang down with two feet, the mummy-like man lost weight and fell forward. When he fell, he struggled to hold the sword that slid to the mirror and stabbed it into the frame.

The thread on her body disappeared together with the main hall. Lu Anru supported Ella and lowered his head to find a woman lying on the ground. Her golden hair was covered in muddy water mixed with blood.

The person who can appear here, you know who it is without asking, Tina Siqi.

Lu Anru pointed his sword at her neck, carefully put down Ella with one hand, and leaned his best friend against the tree.

"What deal did you make with the witch?" Lu Anru asked sharply.

Tina Siqi covered her face with her muddy hands and kept mumbling: "Kill me. I have hurt many people. Although it was unintentional, I deserved it."

Looking at her unconscious best friend with deer-like eyes, the red-haired girl's clothes were already soaked with blood. She couldn't imagine how miserable the skin and flesh under the torn clothes was.

The sword thrust forward and he agreed coldly: "Okay."

"Sister Lu, no! The first priority is to send Ella to the hospital as soon as possible. The college will deal with Siqi fairly and will never let the real mastermind go unpunished." Lu Anru's grief-stricken scream brought Lu Anru to reason.

The sword deflected two points to the side and stabbed into Tina Siqi's shoulder. He pulled out the sword with an expressionless face, returned to Ella, and used the computer to call an ambulance.

Five minutes later, the ambulance arrived.

Sitting in the car, I took out my mother's full school medical card and handed it to the first responder, and gave a serious instruction: "Give her a quick full-body repair."

Lu Anru applied for help, and Bai Jie drove out in person.

After finishing the basic treatment for Ella, he took the card and advised: "You also have a lot of wounds on your body. I suggest that you and her each use half of the money in the card. I have checked her injuries and found that her internal organs were not damaged, so it does not count. Extremely serious.”

"Aunt Bai, according to what I said." Lu Anru insisted firmly, unable to hold back the discomfort, tears flowed out of his eyes.

Bai Jie took off her medical gloves, took out a tissue and handed it to Lu Anru, comforting her: "Your mother left me a sum of money as a reserve last time. Don't worry about the expenses. Enjoy the treatment with your friends."

"Yeah." Lu Anru wiped his face with paper and buried his head heavily in his knees.

After half an hour of rapid repair, Lu Anru sat on the rest bench in the corridor and waited for Ella. There are many small wounds on Ella's body, which need more time to be treated.

April and Rosa rushed to the hospital and found her out of breath.

April Yi's face was full of guilt and she kept apologizing: "Senior Lu, I'm sorry, it was me who dragged you down."

Lu Anru waved his hand in annoyance, "Don't talk to me."

"Tina Siqi is in Ward 5. If you have anything to ask her, this will be the most convenient. After 20 minutes, the hospital will finish treating her injuries and the college police department will take over." Rosa reminded boldly.

(End of chapter)